Lord Highlander

Chapter 532: 531. Summer Night

The magic note unfolded on the desktop again, and Celia Cooper's figure reappeared.

Suldak said to Celia Cooper: "I thought something happened to you, so I opened the page."

"In fact, I found something that might interest you..."

Celia Cooper waved her hand behind the railing of the pages and said.

After finishing speaking, Celia Cooper turned the book of local elves to the page with the hand-painted double-faced four-armed demon god.

Suldak saw the picture scroll sketched with a pencil at a glance. The pencil drawing has become somewhat blurred, but the statue of the demon god with two faces and four arms stands in the center of the picture scroll. He asked in surprise: "It says What is it?"

He originally thought that this two-faced and four-armed demon god was just an unknown deity believed by the indigenous tribes of the Warsaw plane, but he didn't expect that it was also recorded in the goblin books.

Celia Cooper leaned against the railing in the book, looked at the page very seriously, and said to Suldak:

"According to a goblin scholar who studies the origin of the world and the theory of the gods in this book:

In the era of goblins, countless great inventors of the goblin race created hex technology belonging to the goblins. They even used technology mixed with magic to create titans comparable to ancient giants.

Once in the age of darkness, an archangel named Inarius and a female demon named Lilith fell in love and combined, and created a plane called Saint Huary in a certain corner of the world. In the countless years after that, countless wars broke out in the plane of Saint Huary, until that period of dark civilization was completely destroyed, and even the legendary Saint Huary disappeared into the vast star field.

This double-faced and four-armed demon god was also born after the Dark Years. Although he looks like a demon god statue, he has two names, Anu and Tashamit. The dual identity of the devil has never been accepted by the gods of the kingdom of gods, and later the god who ruled the dark world has become the dark goddess Xilin.

This demon god is worshiped by many small-plane primitive tribes. Many local tribes believe that this demon god created them, but this belief is not accepted by the gods in the kingdom of the gods, just like goblins who firmly believe in technology. The power of God can counter magic and sorcery, these are deviant heresies.

The goblins who created the titans wanted to fight against the gods, but in the end they failed miserably, causing the entire race to disappear in the dust of history.

This book says that it is only the name and origin of the demon god. The goblin scholar uses this to demonstrate the feasibility of fighting against the gods. The goblins believe that there are also great differences among the gods in the kingdom of gods. There are some deities that are not accepted by them, and these are the objects that the goblins need to unite with. "

Celia Cooper is proficient in goblin writing, and after she finished reading this page, she stared at Suldak.

Suldak didn't expect that the two-faced four-armed demon once controlled the darkness, but was driven out of the dark field later.

All along, he only knew that by offering sacrifices to the gods and demons in the sacrificial ceremony, he could obtain six kinds of blessings.

Among them, there are three kinds of blessings of God: the Body of Blessing, the Shield of Blessing, and the Eye of Truth.

The other three magic blessings are seldom used in normal times, they are death withering, whisper of death, and burning of life.

It's just that the latter three blessings are more like black magic, so he has rarely used the blessing of the golem. Now that he knows something about the origin of this demon god, he didn't expect it to be an ancient god with a long history.

"Celia, do you know why the goblins fell?" Suldak sat on a chair and flipped through the book curiously. He didn't know a single letter of the goblin characters on it.

Celia Cooper touched her chin with her hand, and said in the tone of a magic teacher: "The main reason for the demise of the goblins was that they were so powerful that they could threaten the gods of the kingdom of gods at that time, so the created titans possessed The power is even comparable to the weak gods, and many goblins have no faith. They believe that the combination of technology and magic can interpret the power of the world's laws, which accelerated the world at that time from the control of the gods, causing the gods to prophesy the goblins. and curse."

"It's rarely talked about," Suldak said.

Celia Cooper said as a matter of course, "Of course, this topic was considered a big taboo in the past. Few people knew about it, and even those who knew did not dare to say it, because once these things are discussed, the temple will The combat priests will come to the door soon. Don't look at the priests and priests in these temples. They usually look pleasant, but when it comes to their taboos, their methods of dealing with heretics are more cruel than anyone else. , the easiest way to die is to be burned at the stake.”

"Then is it okay for us to discuss here?" Suldak asked in a low voice.

Celia Cooper waved her hand casually and said, "It's nothing now, those temples are about to be abandoned, and the battle priests and priests don't know where to go, who has the time to control these?"

Thinking of those ghost monkeys in the underground ruins, it is hard to believe that their ancestors actually created a civilization.

Suldak sighed: "It's a pity that those goblins have turned into ghost monkeys..."

"Ghost monkeys are just what the locals say. Magicians call these goblins who have fallen and degenerated into wild beasts." Celia Cooper said.

After leaving the security station, Suldak was still thinking about the demon god. Now that he knew it was a god from ancient times, he wanted to try to communicate with this demon god.

Through more than a year of contact, Suldak feels that this god is still very fair, as long as he sacrifices sacrifices, he will be rewarded.

Back home, before Rita had time to ask Suldak why he came back so early today, Suldak shut himself in the room first. In the past, when he lit up the body nodes through meditation, he would also He was locked in his room, and his family members knew that he was cultivating latently. Usually no one would disturb him at this time.

Seeing Suldak come back, he locked himself in the room. Rita and Natasha who came out of the kitchen looked at each other, and then went their separate ways.

Suldak sat on the edge of the bed and sat quietly for a while.

Recently, his body seems to have reached a bottleneck. The sacred breath is filling his upper body, but there seems to be a natural diaphragm on his chest and abdomen, which completely blocks the sacred breath. In his spiritual consciousness, there seem to be countless dark stars in the infinite void of his lower body. Hiding in the darkness, he tried to light up these dark stars, but he never found an effective way.

However, he had a vague feeling that the opportunity for a breakthrough should be hidden in these dark stars.

After thinking about it, a sacrificial ceremony was set up on the floor of the room. As the blue flames in the four pottery bowls were ignited, the double-faced four-armed demon statue appeared in front of Suldak again. Suldak This time, no sacrifice was taken from the magic pocket.

He sat quietly in the center of the altar, closed his eyes and let himself enter the state of meditation. He was placed in the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness. The spiritual power in his body was rippling outward like tides. Here, this demon statue also exists, and it looks much taller than what the eyes can see. Standing in front of him, Suldak is like an ant standing in front of an elephant.

A huge amount of spiritual force impacted Suldak's sea of ​​spiritual consciousness, like a spiritual storm.

Suldak felt that the countless lit stars in the spiritual world he had built had instantly dimmed.

The entire void of the star field was replaced by a face of a god with holes in his eyes. Suldak floated in mid-air, and behind him were countless lit stars.

As the thoughts in Suldak's mind rose...

The Divine Blessing Body, the Blessing Shield, and the magical symbols replaced by the Eye of Reality, wrapped in the flame of mana, appeared in front of Suldak in sequence.

Then a line of magic power rose above the three magic symbols, and after the magic line went up two feet, three novel magic symbols appeared in front of Suldak, and the flames of mana on these three magic symbols became more intense .

Although Suldak couldn't understand the meaning of these three magic symbols, a feeling rose from the bottom of his heart for no reason, which made his mind clear all of a sudden.

Behind the three blessings of the gods are more powerful blessings, and the way to obtain these three powerful blessings is also very simple, that is, Suldak needs to sacrifice more advanced sacrifices.


'Holy Shield'


As soon as Suldak learned the names of these three powerful blessings, he felt dizzy and lost consciousness.


"Dak, Dak... what's wrong with you?"

There was an anxious call in Suldak's ears, and then he felt a pair of cold little hands touching his body, and someone even wanted to hug him.

He barely opened his eyes, the light in the room was a little dim.

After his pupils slowly focused, the first thing he saw was the beams on the roof.

Then came Natasha's delicate face. The sharp chin was now a little baby fat. She stared anxiously at Suldak, her big blue eyes were full of mist, and Suldak stretched out his hand. Pushing her long blond hair loose behind her ears.

"Uh, it's nothing. It seems that my mental strength is a bit overdrawn. My head hurts. Help me!" When Suldak spoke, he felt like he was hungover, his head was spinning, and his headache was about to split.

He couldn't help but want to groan, closed his eyes as if the whole world was spinning, he could only say to Natasha who was trying to hug him upper body, trying to drag him onto the bed: "Natasha , help me with that glass of water."

"...Okay." Natasha took a pillow from the bed and put it under his head, then got up and walked towards the desk.

"Don't worry, this kind of mental overdraft is nothing, and it will get better soon." Suldak said to Natasha.

Natasha had already started calling for Rita at this time, when the sound of the door opening came from the main house next door, Rita ran over first, followed by old Sheila and little Peter.

Everyone was shocked when they saw Suldak lying on the ground like a drunk.

Rita was stronger than Natasha, and the two women held Suldak's arms and lifted him onto the bed.

Suldak saw that it was almost dusk outside the window, so he realized why the room was so dark.

Suldak didn't dare to lie on the bed, as soon as he lay down, he felt that the whole world was spinning, so he could only sit on the edge of the bed, and he recovered a little after drinking some water.

Old Sheila hugged Little Peter and sat on a chair beside her. Seeing Suldak's pale face, she said to him, "You should pay more attention to what you learned in the Knight Academy. Rita, I, and I Natasha doesn't know much about it, and she doesn't know what to do when something happens, so you have to rely on yourself. I don't understand the truth, so I can only tell you, don't rush for success in everything..."

When old Sheila said these words, although she had a straight face, there was still a touch of concern in her tone.

Suldak could only nod his head in agreement.

After saying this, Old Sheila saw that Suldak's situation had stabilized, so she took Little Peter back to the room.

Suldak finished his dinner in bed. In this room, under the arrangement of Natasha, in addition to a wooden bed and wooden table, a row of small cabinets were added to the wall. Along with little Peter's wooden sword and buckler stood Suldak's sword and shield.

There is also a wooden shelf in the room that is specially used to hang the armor, and the 'Earth Shield' magic pattern structure is neatly hung on it.

With Natasha's meticulous care, Suldak found that it is a good thing to be sick occasionally.

Under the candlelight, Natasha held a bowl of porridge and fed the porridge into Suldak's mouth.

Her voice was very low, she patted her full chest with her hands, and said to Suldak: "I was really scared just now..."

Suldak smiled and said nothing, reaching out to touch her delicate and soft waist.

She was a little ticklish, and twisted uneasily, and let him mess around if she couldn't avoid it.

Carefully blowing out the candle, Natasha lay down next to Suldak in a thin nightgown, her body exuding a faint scent of soap.

The moonlight is like water, and the summer breeze is slightly cool.

The moonlight outside the window fell on the floor of the room, reflecting a large square grid.

A handsome face approached Suldak, touched his head with his hand again, and asked in a low voice with concern:

"Do you feel better?"

Suldak couldn't help reaching out to hold her delicate face, kissing her soft lips, and the room became quiet for a while.

After the rapid breathing was infinitely amplified, the wooden bed seemed a little overwhelmed.

cool summer night...

There was the sound of frogs croaking from the stream running through the village.

The trickling stream flows past the wheat fields and the starch rinsing workshop in the village, and a row of large tanks beside the stream are filled with clean water.

The stream flows down the river, passing through the arched waterway of the row houses across the river, and countless streams are smashed into pieces by the iron fence in the middle of the waterway.

Then it condensed into a clear stream again, flowing into the river bend downstream...

Thank you for your rewards. I owe you an update on the rewards. I am going on a business trip recently. There are many things in the company that I have to explain to my colleagues. I am a bit busy, so please allow me to fill in slowly!

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