Lord Highlander

Chapter 534

September in the barren land has survived the hottest summer.

In the barren land, there is a large temperature difference between day and night. During the day, the vicious sun can almost tan a person's skin off. At night, when the mountain wind blows, the coolness will penetrate into the bones. The members of the adventure group go out in the wild at night. When camping, you need to wrap yourself in a blanket to sleep.

Some adventurous group finally crossed the barren land, touched the edge of the pustule mountain, wrapped themselves tightly in linen, and crossed the dead area covered with volcanic ash, and came to the bottom of the pustule mountain where the sky was full of volcanic ash. Seeing the crater with billowing smoke, I prepared to look for sulfur mines along the smoke column.

But no matter how they went around, they couldn't get around the boundary markers made of wood.

On the boundary marker is written 'Boundary Monument of the Barony of Suldak', which seems to be specially designed to enclose the pustule mountain. The adventure group found that these boundary markers actually completely enclose the entire pustule mountain, and wanted to get close to the pustule mountain. It is unavoidable to enter the Barony of Suldak.

It is nothing to the adventure group to pass through the noble territory, but the real purpose of these adventure groups is to discover new sulfur veins, so they must avoid the noble territory, otherwise opening a mine in the noble territory is definitely a robbery Cai, once it is sent to the noble court, in order to safeguard the best interests of the nobles, the party who committed the theft will be punished until he regrets the shameful idea in the first place.

After the adventure group bypassed the pustule mountain and drilled into the Pagolos mountain range, they would find that the boundary marker stopped abruptly between the green mountains.

There are no other volcanoes in the southern section of the Paglos Mountains, but there are some mountain hot springs, and some hot springs in the valleys are also full of strong sulfur smell, but it is very difficult to open a mine here. This place is located at the other end of the barren land, deep into the Pagros Mountains, where there are few people and monsters are rampant.

If you want to get here, you must go through the barren land. Even if there are some sulfur mines in the valley, ordinary miners cannot survive in such a dangerous area. It is not realistic to clean up all the monsters in the mountains , requiring adventure groups or mercenary groups to stay in the mine for a long time, which will further increase the cost of mine operations.

Even in today's market conditions, the market price of sulfur mines has been rising all the way, and the high operating costs that need to be borne to open up a sulfur mine deep in the Pagros Mountains are still unbearable for those businessmen.

But even so, there are still several small-scale sulfur mines in several valleys with hot springs in the Pagros Mountains near Pustule Mountain.

The sulfur mine closest to the Suldak territory even faces the boundary marker north of Pustule Mountain.

Luke guards the sulfur mine on the side of the lava river, and can often see adventure groups walking through the knee-deep volcanic ash. He sent someone to send a message to Suldak, and let people ride horses along the pustule mountain. The barony's boundary markers patrol to ensure that these markers are still erected in their original positions.

In late August, the task of patrolling along the boundary markers was handed over to the indigenous warrior Andrew.

In addition to inspecting the nineteen natural villages in the barren land, the indigenous warrior Andrew also inspected the territory of Suldak by the way. Now the indigenous warrior Andrew is no longer satisfied with fighting wits and courage with the bandits in the desert, and perfectly avoided the danger of the Battle of Wall Village. Andrew's body was burning with raging flames of war, especially after Suldak successfully implanted a magicweave colony on his chest, this desire to fight became even stronger.

Every moment is like an invisible flame burning the body...

Andrew rode the war horse that had already adapted to the barren land, untied the water bag from the saddle, poured the last bit of water in the water bag down his throat, the cool water dripped on his face, and the moist coolness made him feel better .

He wanted to find a shady place before noon to avoid the scorching sun at noon. If he remembered correctly, there were two huge rocks that looked like door frames not far away.

Andrew can find a cool spot under the boulder, sleep there beautifully, and wait until dusk is approaching before continuing to ride.

He has patrolled the Badlands for a summer and has already mastered the survival mode here.

As expected, when I turned around a hill piled up with volcanic ash, I saw a huge boulder not far in front of me.

The war horse under Andrew suddenly became energetic, and it ran to the side of the boulder. Andrew led the horse to a shady place, nailed the water gathering scroll to the stone wall, and droplets of water condensed in front of the water gathering scroll. Ticks fell into the iron pan below, and the horse quickly lowered its head and kept drinking the clear water gathered in the iron pan, occasionally licking the rock wall with its rough tongue.

Andrew sprinkled a little dragon dung powder around the stone wall. This kind of sub-dragon dung is not expensive, but it is a good medicine powder for repelling poisonous insects.

In the barren land, every shady place is a place where poisonous insects, snakes and ants gather, and many gray rock iguanas will also hide in deeper rock crevices. In order not to be disturbed by poisonous insects, Andrew sprinkled some dragon feces, so that Can sleep till sunset.

Here near the edge of the desert...

The last time he met a group of sand robbers near here, he chased a dozen robbers alone on horseback, until those robbers fled into the desert, Andrew stopped the pursuit, and the result was five sand robbers. Pirate's head, and three Saltacha horses.

Now these three horses are already in the team of Wall Village. In just one year, the number of four-wheeled carriages in Wall Village has grown to forty. If it is not limited by the number of coachmen, this number is at least Add a base.

Andrew dug up the dry volcanic ash with a shovel until the rocky ground was exposed under the ash layer, and then spread a wolfskin mattress in the pit. The pit was close to the boulder, just in the shadow of the boulder. Armor lay on the mattress, closing his eyes to maintain his strength.

This is the rule of the guard battalion. If you go out to perform tasks alone, you are not allowed to take off your armor even if you are sleeping.

He hoped to see some adventure groups sneaking into the territory to illegally mine sulfur mines, and then he could justifiably fight a battle.

He raised his right hand, and with a thought, a trace of warmth flowed through his chest, and a flame appeared silently. This flame wrapped his right hand, and his hand couldn't feel the heat of this flame, but just felt it. A mass of warmth wrapped around the right hand.

This is the effect of the magic-weave planting outfit 'Rage Flame'. At present, it has not shown any effect except that it can help him quickly set up a fire in the cold night. It is also extremely difficult to find firewood that can be used to light a fire.

Andrew controlled his emotions, watched the flame in his hand gradually go out, then narrowed his eyes and prepared to sleep for a while.

There was a mess of horse hooves on the rocky ground below him, and Andrew, who was sleeping soundly, opened his eyes. He sat up suddenly from the wolf fur mattress, and quickly pulled the war horse standing by the side licking the rough rock wall into the rock. In the shadows, he crouched on the sand and peeped out in the direction of the sound of horseshoes.

I saw a group of rebel cavalry appearing on the Gobi, and the leader of the rebel army was leading a cavalry squad towards the boulder, a total of six people.

Andrew didn't even think about it. He only saw the posture of those rebels riding on horseback, and he knew that they were a group of tough bones. The posture of riding a horse was as standard as a textbook. The few war horses were not tired at all.

I heard that about three squadrons of the northern rebels sneaked into the city of Hailansa this time, and only one of the cavalry squadrons attacked Wall Village last month, which means that there are at least two cavalry squadrons active in Hailansa. In the region of Sacheng.

Karl is so busy with this matter every day, but he can't even touch the tail of these rebels.

Suppressing the raging flames of war in his heart, Andrew didn't dare to take another look, for fear that after one look, he would change his mind and turn around to fight this group of rebel cavalry in the depths of the barren land. He wasn't worried about anything else. I am only worried that no one will pass on the news of the appearance of rebel cavalry near Pustule Mountain.

Andrew hastily put away the water collecting scroll on the stone wall, poured the clear water from the water tray into the water bag, and drank the remaining clear water in one gulp.

After packing up and saluting, he pulled his horse and turned to the other side of the boulder. It was already three or four o'clock in the afternoon, and the most vicious and hot time of the day had passed.

He rode on his horse and ran south immediately, preparing to escape from the sight of the rebel cavalry before they could react.

But what Andrew didn't expect was that his horse had already run into the slope covered with volcanic ash. The rebel cavalry discovered his existence a little earlier than he expected, and the rebel knights didn't even stop. Meaning to stay, he rode a horse and chased him out directly from under the huge rock.

The six rebel cavalry surrounded Andrew like a giant net.

At this moment, Andrew's heart was also extremely hot. He touched the butcher's ax on his body with some excitement, and wanted to pull the rein several times, then turned around and went back.

On your own territory, there is no reason to be chased by these rebel cavalry and run around.

Andrew was a little excited, he hammered his chest hard twice with his fist.

Walking less than fifteen kilometers to the southwest, you can see the sulfur mine of the Lava River, but Andrew is not going to lead the rebel cavalry there. Although there are 400 kobold slaves there, But facing this kind of well-trained rebel knights, it is obviously useless.

If it fails, it will bring unwarranted disaster to the villagers of Wall Village who supervise the kobold slaves.

So Andrew ran directly to the south, and if he ran further ahead, he would reach the edge of the desert.

This is also the outermost border of Hailansa City. Andrew is going to use his familiarity with the surrounding environment, and use his horses to rest, and their physical strength must be better than those of the rebel cavalry horses, to send these rebel cavalry To pull it apart, it is best to act alone, or act in groups of two or two.

Andrew then took the opportunity to defeat the six rebel cavalry one by one.

He remembered that just at the edge of the desert, there were several large sand dunes connected together, and he initially nailed the battlefield there.

The big sand dune is easy to find. The most eye-catching sign is a stone pillar nearly 30 meters high near the desert. There are traces of stripes, and the entire stone pillar also presents a shuttle shape.

The war horse ran all the way, not only did not shake off the rebel cavalry, but also made the rebel cavalry draw closer.

Those rebels didn't know what kind of training they had received, so in such adversity, their potential to burst out was even stronger than Andrew's.

Andrew was looking forward to running to the dunes as soon as possible. Anyone who came to the dunes for the first time would get lost in the large rings of sand dunes.

Just when Andrew wanted to escape to the big sand dunes, he saw the stone pillar from a distance. Apart from the stone pillar, he also vaguely saw a person fighting on the top of the stone pillar, but the distance was too far , it seems that the figure is just a small black dot.

Andrew couldn't think of anyone who would have the courage to climb the 30-meter-high stone pillar. After a long period of weathering, the stone pillar was already crumbling, and it was even more dangerous to climb it.

He was also worried that there was still a group of rebels hiding there. If he was accidentally flanked by two teams of rebels, it would be the most troublesome.

Thoughts flipped back and forth in Andrew's mind several times.

When he got close to the stone pillar, the figure on the stone pillar gradually became clear.

Just looking at the tight red leather armor and the hood that covered his face, Andrew was completely relieved. Before Suldak could send a signal to Samira, Samira was sitting on a tall stone pillar, already Found Andrew who was fleeing here.

Samira made a familiar gesture to Andrew...

Andrew rushed into the sand dunes, and the rebel cavalry behind rushed in.

At the same time, they lost Andrew's figure in their sight, and several rebel cavalrymen felt a sense of crisis in their hearts.

They stopped outside the big sand dune and hesitated for a while. The leader of the rebel cavalry led one of his men and chased after Andrew in the direction where Andrew disappeared. Prepare to catch Andrew hiding in the sand dunes in one fell swoop.

The leader of the rebel cavalry was holding a spear in his hand. There was a scar on his face across the bridge of his nose. The secret method is to transfer one's physical strength to the war horse. After running such a long distance, not only the war horse is physically exhausted at this time, but even the rebel cavalry is extremely exhausted.

Andrew guessed that these rebel cavalry broke up into pieces and sneaked into the Pagros Mountains and the barren land. They must be looking for some secrets.

The leader of the rebel army was worried that if the news spread, it would attract more peepers, so he clung to Andrew and tried his best to keep him...

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