Lord Highlander

Chapter 535: 534. The Rebel

The setting sun approached the horizon, rendering a large fiery cloud in the sky.

The wind is not too strong, but when it blows over the big sand dunes, it will raise some smoke-like dust. The sand here is very fine and soft. When the horse steps into it, half of the horse's legs will be sunk. Every time he took a step, he had to work very hard to pull the horse's legs out of the fine sand. The leader of the rebel cavalry turned over and got off his horse. The horse didn't need to bear weight, so it was easier to walk in the sand.

The target of pursuit disappeared from sight, and a gloomy cloud appeared in the heart of the leader of the rebel cavalry.

Over the years, he has experienced at least a thousand battles, large and small. Many times he has survived the crisis with a calm mind. Of course, some of them are lucky. In fact, luck is also a part of strength.

His body is covered with all kinds of scars, and each scar records a glorious battle. The most dangerous one is the scar on his face. One inch, I am afraid that if I take it, my head will explode, and that swordsman will be the final winner.

But now he is standing on the sand with his horse intact, besides his strength, he also has some luck.

The hard leather armor he wears is made of five layers of one-horned bison hide. The orcs on the Pai Plateau mastered this unique leather-making skill. In order to buy this batch of hard leather armor, at least dozens of rebel soldiers died. In the mountains at the eastern foot of the Pai Plateau.

The boots were filled with yellow sand, and he didn't want to pour it out.

On this big sand dune, as long as you step on it, your boots will be filled with yellow sand immediately.

The war horse beside him neighed in resistance. In this kind of sandy ground where it is difficult to walk, this well-trained war horse will instinctively repel it.

The rebel cavalry behind him silently followed him. They had a pair of young eyes. His body was strong, and he was able to stride forward in the sand with all kinds of supplies.

He had killed many people in his life, and the sharp spear tip in his hand was stained with blood.

He also killed some kind people, but he never regrets what he did.

But in order to survive, if you don't die, I will die, of course I can't die!

They need a local guide. This barren land is too unfamiliar to them northerners. Searching aimlessly in such a large area of ​​land is far less comfortable than having a guide.

Recently, many adventure groups and mercenary groups have appeared in the barren land. In order to deceive others, these rebel cavalry can only be turned into small groups of scattered teams and scattered on this land like loose sand.

The leader of the rebel cavalry did not expect this knight to be so vigilant. Originally, they wanted to sneak around Shimen and capture him in one fell swoop. The volcanic ash all over the ground almost completely covered the sound of horseshoes, but the opponent still found him early. The first time he chose to bypass Shimen and escape into this large sand dune.

The leader of the rebel cavalry looked at the yellow sand all over the ground, which was full of various shallow pits.

Originally, he thought he could follow the footprints, but now it seemed impossible. He wanted to climb to the highest point of the big sand dune, so that he could see farther by standing on a high place.

The leader of the rebel cavalry turned to the tens of meters high stone pillar hundreds of meters away. The stone pillar that had experienced countless years and wind and sand was covered with nicks. Flammulina velutipes, the tall stone pillar was empty, and he was thinking that if he could climb up a stone pillar, the knight would immediately have nowhere to hide.

The afterglow of the setting sun shone on his face, and he narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Boss, why is that guy missing? Did he play hide and seek with us?" The young rebel behind him said to the leader of the rebel cavalry.

"How many times have I said it, call me captain!" the leader of the rebel cavalry corrected.

Young Rebel is a strong lad.

At the same time, he is also a mountain man whose identity is not recognized.

The reason is that his grandmother was a female orc who joined the rebel army after being rejected by human society.

He's the new blood in the rebel army, good at everything.

Young, vigorous, energetic, obedient and possessing good fighting talents.

But the only thing that doesn't have is the belief in fighting. They are a group of rebels with faith.

When they were a group of rebels, they were established to overthrow the centuries-old dictatorship of the Ellie family in Sloit.

They want the House of Representatives and Parliament of Sluyte Province to have greater authority, so that other lords of Sluyte Province have a certain say.

But this rebellion ended up being messed up, and the North Wind Legion, which had always maintained a neutral attitude, became the biggest hole card of the Aili family at the most critical moment.

All along, the Aili family has controlled the North Wind Legion.

It's just that they cover up too well, or they are really too low-key.

So much so that everyone thinks that the North Wind Legion is an independent force in Sluyte Province. Everyone in the North knows that the duty of the North Wind Legion is to resist the barbarians on the northern ice and snow tundra. They guard the galloping horses. The south bank of the river was turned into a Great Wall of flesh and blood by the Green Empire people, and it was the backbone of all the people in the North.

Now this group of rebels has shown the world the fact that the North Wind Legion has belonged to the Ally family from the beginning to the end, and it has been like this since the first generation of the Duke of the Ally family, Duke Chatton. Change, even if no one in the top management of the North Wind Legion is a member of the Aili family.

This is probably one of the reasons why the Angibald royal family of the Green Empire has never intervened in the affairs of the northern border.

For so many years, the Aili family has never intermarried with members of the Angibald royal family, but the young ladies of the Aili family will be canonized as princesses by His Majesty the Green Empire from the moment they are born. It is not without reason.

It now appears that the Aili family has absolute control over the province of Sloit, but they have been running the northern border in a low-key manner.

Knowing how wrong he was at the beginning, the leader of the rebel cavalry also wanted to understand the old father's advice to him, but it was a pity that he couldn't listen to it when he was young and energetic, and now he has become a rebel who everyone shouts and beats .

Walking under the big sand dune, his heart was a little confused, and he didn't know why he thought of these messy things at this time.

Maybe it was because he had been away from the northern border for too long, and he felt homesick.

While chattering, the young rebel cavalry vigilantly searched for any clues around them.


Andrew was lurking in the fine sand and heard the conversation between the two rebels.

They were leading the horses, and they were not going fast.

Walking over step by step, their accent is somewhat similar to that of Captain Surdak in some places, it seems to be some part of the imperial language...

Step by step approach, twenty steps... fifteen steps... ten steps... five steps... three steps...

Andrew emerged from the dusty yellow sand like a sand man. The yellow sand blocked the sight of the two rebel cavalrymen. An afterimage from the blade of an ax split the yellow sand and cut down towards the head of the rebel cavalry leader.

The leader of the rebel cavalry hastily raised his shield and put his feet in a defensive posture, but he did not retreat a step.

The spear in his hand was like a venomous snake spewing out letters, secretly licking towards the opponent's lower abdomen, which is often the weakest point of the armor.

But before he stabbed the spear in his hand, another ax from Andrew had already struck the tip of the spear, and sparks shot out. The rebel leader was shocked by the blow and his palms were numb. Almost at the same time, the ax above his head Cutting on the knight's shield, the iron sheet on the shield was instantly cut open, and then the hard leather under the iron sheet was cut, and even the iron wood behind it was also opened a hole.

The sharp ax blade cut through the wrist guard on the arm. Although the arm was not cut off, the unparalleled strength instantly made the arm of the rebel leader lose consciousness.

He staggered and was forced to take two steps back. Andrew let out a loud shout, and hurriedly took a step forward. The double axes in his hands slashed at the rebel leader like a mountain.

The rebel leader groaned in his heart.

Knowing that if he couldn't block the first blow of the ax warrior on the other side, he would be in a completely passive situation, and he had tried his best, so he was forced to take a step back.

It is impossible for Andrew to give the rebel leader a chance to breathe. The butcher in his hand can split a shield made of pure iron. This kind of light shield has no defensive power. He cut three axes in a row and smashed the rebel leader's arm. The knight's light shield was smashed to pieces, and the arm of the rebel leader was also broken, hanging down feebly.

Holding a spear in one hand, he rolled awkwardly on the sand, avoiding Andrew's pursuit.

When the young rebel cavalry saw that the captain was beaten helplessly by the opponent, he put his hand into his mouth and let out a loud whistle, then grabbed his spear and charged towards Andrew.

Andrew's body is always able to avoid the vital points of his body at the most critical time, and use his solid full-coverage armor to block the sharp spears in the hands of the young rebels.

But Andrew chased the rebel leader into danger.

The more Andrew refused to fight back, the more anxious the young rebel cavalry became. He even completely forgot the ardent admonition given by the instructor when he was holding a whip during training, and completely gave up all defenses and launched an extreme tactic of attacking Andrew.

At the moment when the young rebel put the spear in his hand on Andrew's shoulder, Andrew turned around with a grim expression.

The young rebel didn't want to lose the spear in his hand, and was thrown away by Andrew.

Then the young rebel saw the terrified gaze of the captain...

With this swing, Andrew had already waited in front of the young rebel with the butcher's ax in his hand, as if the young rebel had thrown himself onto Andrew's axe, and the heavy butcher's ax instantly cut a big hole in the young rebel's chest.

The young rebel looked down at his sunken chest, and let out an angry howl with his face covered in blood. He tried to hug Andrew's ax tightly with both hands, but was kicked down by Andrew on the sand.

Behind the leader of the rebel army, the phantom of the violent earth bear appeared, and the spear in his hand stabbed at Andrew, making a crackling sound.

Andrew pulled out the spear on his shoulder casually, and a pair of huge eyes appeared behind Andrew, staring at the rebel leader coldly. The two axes in his hands overlapped together, blocking the thunderous blow of the rebel leader.

At the same time, a scorching flame emerged from the twin axes, and the rebel leader instinctively ducked back, missing the best time to withdraw the spear.

Andrew took the opportunity to wring the spear with a double axe.

The rebel leader with a broken arm was beheaded by Andrew with an ax before he could draw out the long sword at his waist.

The blood of the two rebels stained the yellow sand under their feet, and Andrew wiped the blood from the ax blade on the rebel leader's body.

To be cautious, Andrew pulled out a skinning knife and cut off the heads of the two men, and then glanced at the two horses standing not far away. He was just about to ride on the horses to search for the other four rebel knights in the big sand dunes. A slender figure appeared on the top of the dune.

She held four heads in her hand and waved to Andrew.

Although he had a hood on his head, Andrew could imagine the victor's smile on that face...how proud it was.


Andrew and Samira brought back six more horses.

For Surdak, this is not a good thing.

It seems that the group of rebels did not give up the secrets in Mount Pagolos. The rebels that Karl had been searching for sneaked into the barren land, and these rebels had seriously affected the law and order of the barren land.

The war horses were tied outside the security post, but those rebels did not attack Wall Village rashly, and they even avoided all the villages.

The succubus Aphrodite glanced at Suldak and said, "Maybe they are looking for the place in the magic crystal image..."

Suldak sat on the chair, looked at Andrew and Samira's dusty appearance, he could only harden his heart and say:

"Now the Badlands and the Pagros Mountains are full of adventure groups and mercenary groups. It is not easy to find out the hidden rebels from these adventure groups. We only need to inform the villages to take precautions and avoid them as much as possible. When you go out alone, when encountering a rebel attack on a village, you should send the news to the outside world as soon as possible, Andrew, you still have to go to the villages and give these magic flares to the village chiefs, although it may not be useful."

As he spoke, he dug out a pack of magic flares from his magic pocket and placed them on the table.

Andrew was sitting by the side drinking water, and when he heard what Suldak said, he nodded in agreement.

Samira stared at Surdak with sharp eyes, and asked him, "Captain, do you want to call up the militia battalion?"

"What do you think those veterans are useful for?" Suldak asked with a look of astonishment.

Then why do you have to form such a useless militia battalion? Samira's big blue eyes blinked at Suldak, and these words were clearly written in her eyes.

Suldak could only explain: "It may not be useful now, but it doesn't mean it won't be useful in the future..."

"What's the use?..." the half-elf archer whispered.

Worried about offending Suldak, Samira only said this and stopped talking.

Suldak ignored her, and only said: "Now the support squadron has begun to conduct a large-scale investigation of the past adventure group and mercenary group at the Pagros Pass, basically blocking the rebels from returning to Hailansa City, but In this way, it is tantamount to forcing these rebels to stay in the barren land, we have to find a way to get rid of them all, otherwise the barren land will never be peaceful before winter..."

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