Lord Highlander

Chapter 536

A road-repelling horse made of oak was erected at the Pagros Pass, and the knights of the guard battalion's support squadron stood guard at the pass.

Under the scorching sun, the armor on the knights was scorching hot. Some knights kept pouring water on the armor. The knights hung their helmets beside the saddles. The adventure group uttered a curse or two from time to time.

It is indeed a mental breakdown to stay on the mountain pass for a temporary inspection in such hot weather.

Captain Sauron scolded the support squadron six times in a row in this month, and almost all the knights in the support squadron felt sullen in their hearts.

Last year, there was only a gang of bandits raging around the outskirts of Hailansa, but this year it was actually a group of rebels who wandered outside Hailansa. The last line of defense of the knights in the support squadron was about to collapse.

The corpses of the rebels hanging on the wooden crosses on the top of the mountain have now turned into a pile of bones.

The knights of the guard battalion were guarding the mountain pass in full armor, and some sweet mung bean soup would be sent to them every day from the village of Wall in the distance. This was probably what the knights looked forward to most in a day.


Ludwig stood in the ranks of the adventure group. He was carrying a large bag of luggage, and his thin body was slightly bent.

He was employed by an adventure group named Golden Acorn. As a senior scout of the rebel army responsible for collecting intelligence, he has excellent camouflage ability.

In the city of Hailansa, at least eight of the ten adventure groups are named after the oak tree.

He wiped his flushed face with a towel, raised his head and glanced forward, and there was another adventure group in front of him undergoing a random inspection.

A piercing police whistle sounded from the originally quiet Pagros Pass, and a group of guard battalion knights rushed towards the warning place.

Four archers stood in the four directions of the mountain pass, quickly mounted the feathered arrows on the longbows in their hands, and aimed the arrows at the mountain pass.

Ludwig looked up pretending to be panicked, just in time to see a companion being pinned to the ground by a group of guard battalion knights.

It was an old cavalry soldier in their rebel army. He didn't die on the battlefield, but when he passed the Pagros Pass, he was caught by this group of guard battalion knights called black dogs and looked at him. His head was bleeding from the sword hilt, and his hands and feet were tightly clasped in shackles. Ludwig could not wait to rush up and fight with those guards with vain footsteps.

The old cavalryman was humiliated and pressed to the ground. He seemed to have seen Ludwig through the crowd, but at this moment he turned his face away...

Ludwig clenched his fists and lowered his head extremely low, trying not to make a move.

Calm was finally restored there. The old cavalry resisted explosively at last and broke free from the shackles on his hands, but was stabbed into a hedgehog by a group of knights with long spears, and died on the spot.

The body of the old cavalryman was carried to the top of the hill and trapped on a cross.

With the harvest, these guard battalion knights finally became more energetic. When it was Ludwig's turn, they also carefully checked his palms, elbows, shoulders, and inner thighs, which are places where cavalry are prone to calluses. , I have carefully checked it all over, this kind of inspection does not involve women.

The leader of the golden acorn adventure group also gave a few silver coins to one of the guard battalion knights, so the luggage was considered unopened.


After finally passing the checkpoint, Ludwig carried a heavy package and walked forward for less than one kilometer.

Wall Village appeared in front of Ludwig's eyes. Seeing the row upon row of brand-new townhouses on the hillside, and the townhouses at the entrance of the village like low city walls, Ludwig knew that those companions really got kicked this time. It's tough.

He had ignored the barren land before. It was located in a remote mountainous area, and some mountain people living there did not pose any threat to the rebel army, so he did not conduct any investigation outside the mountain pass.

But now Ludwig discovered that the place they ignored was the deadliest.

At least one-third of the rebel cavalry who came to Hailansa City this time died in this village.

And the dilapidated small mountain village that could have been used to gallop wildly by war horses, in just two months, not only repaired the fence of the row houses to resist the raids of war horses, but also replaced the thatched cottages in the village with stronger stone houses. This made Ludwig very curious about what kind of people lived in this village.

According to the investigation information, the Suldak knight in the guard camp is a villager in this village, and there is also information that Suldak is currently a baron.

Ludwig was thinking about how to sneak into the village and go to investigate on the ground. He has been staying in Hailansa city to collect information for a while.

It's a pity that with the death of Wizard Kirdon, the connection between the rebel army and the Dark Moon Gate in Hailansa City was completely broken. Now it is even more difficult for the rebel army to find that hidden place in the Pagros Mountains .

A small stream flows out of the village. This row house looks like it has just been built, but there are traces of many people living in it. Some grains and vegetable porridge are still being cooked in a large iron pot not far from the door. Several village women Stir it with a spoon from time to time to prevent the miscellaneous grains and vegetable porridge from sticking to the bottom of the pot.

On the dead tree at the entrance of the village hangs an oak board with the words "Wall Village", and a market is actually formed under the tree. Although there are few stalls, the variety is quite complete, ranging from miscellaneous grains, vegetables, meat, and air-dried Chickens, ducks and some daily groceries can be found. Some adventure groups set up tents next to this small market, apparently using it as a supply point.

Ludwig was carrying a large package, and when passing the market, someone came up to ask what was in the package.

The head of the adventure group immediately explained loudly that what was in the package was only a marching tent, something that the adventure group usually uses, and these people slowly dispersed.

Ludwig sat at the entrance of Wall Village, packing his luggage. From time to time, a four-wheeled carriage would drive into the village. These four-wheeled carriages were filled with volcanic ash as fine as powder. And truckloads of limestone blocks.

Soon it was evening, and the Golden Acorn Adventure Group took out the prepared wheat cakes, bought a few tomatoes and onions at the market, and cooked a pot of vegetable soup.

Holding the wooden plate in his hand, Ludwig tore up the scones and put them into the vegetable soup, while watching a group of kobold slaves approaching in the distance. Each kobold slave carried a stone hammer and chisel, Covered in dust and dirt, he walked to the stream, took a bath by the stream, and then returned to the row house, all wet.

They didn't have any shackles on them. The kobold slaves lined up and put the tools in their hands into a warehouse, and took out the wooden dinner plate from another room, and began to silently knead beside the big iron pot where the porridge was cooking. Wow, the whole process was so smooth that it made people speechless.

Two village women brought up a large pot of chopped cabbage, and these kobolds actually ate it deliciously.

Wall Village at dusk has another almost decadent aesthetic feeling. All the construction sites have stopped, some concrete pillars and exposed steel bars cast long shadows in the setting sun, and the upstream reservoir has also begun to resume work. , the foundation of the third dam will be poured soon.

The villagers of Woer Village and craftsmen from other villages walked down from the construction site, and they ate dinner on the central square of the village, where various dinners were prepared every night, and occasionally they could have a meal of mutton soup.

Of course, the matter of drinking sheep soup depends on the mood of the ogre Gullitum, because he is currently managing the sheep in Wall Village.

Three townhouses have been repaired in the village, and Village Chief Brett plans to complete all townhouses in the village by the end of this month.

Ludwig ate the vegetable soup on the plate, put down the plate, and walked slowly upstream along the cement road in the village. He carefully counted the small townhouses built in the village, and prepared to roughly calculate the number of buildings in the village. The current population of the village.

The cement road was built very level, with slow steps on both sides of the road, and a drainage ditch to the outside.

There are all kinds of building materials in the village. Ludwig squatted next to a wooden box full of volcanic ash. He reached out and grabbed a handful of volcanic ash. The volcanic ash was very fine, and a gust of wind rolled the volcanic ash in his hand. Far away, he wondered how the people of Wall turned the ash into houses.

Some finger-thick round steel bars are casually piled up next to the volcanic ash. These steel bars can be turned into sharp spears and iron rods with a little bit of forging, and can also be made into iron cages, but the villagers of Wall Village seem to like These iron bars have different understandings. They hid the steel bars in the volcanic ash cement stone pillars.

When Ludwig had just passed several small townhouses, he saw these steel bars mixed in the cement.

A group of village women walked to these buildings with buckets from the river, and they poured clear water on these buildings with spoons...

Ludwig didn't understand why they wanted to wet the dried building again, and his eyes fell back on the magical volcanic ash in his hand.

"Do you want to have some of our specialty - the magical volcanic ash cement?" An old voice sounded from behind him.


Ludwig was taken aback, and quickly put the volcanic ash in his hand back into the wooden box.

Village Chief Brett came up from behind, stood in front of Ludwig, and said to him with a smile: "Originally, these volcanic ashes were everywhere in the barren land, but now... the entire volcano is covered by Baron Suldak. The territory of the volcanic ash also belongs to Baron Suldak, if you want the volcanic ash, you need to buy it with money."

What the old village chief said was taught by Suldak sentence by sentence. Since he is going to start the business of volcanic ash cement, he must first determine the ownership of the volcanic ash.

Ludwig looked at the volcanic ash in the wooden box, forced a smile and said, "I'm just curious, how did you think of building a house with volcanic ash, it looks pretty good..."

He is not a fool, can the volcanic ash all over the ground be sold for money?

"Listen to your accent...not a local?" Village Chief Brett didn't intend to leave, and continued to chat with him.

Ludwig bit the bullet and said: "Hehe, I often run outside, and I don't even know what my Imperial language is like."

He didn't want to expose himself for the time being, but just dealt with the old village chief casually and left in a hurry. He knew that there were many mistakes, and if the villagers of Wall knew that he was also a rebel, the consequences would be very serious...


Rita and Natasha cook big pot meals in the central square of the village every day, and old Sheila and little Peter eat there every day.

Suldak came out of the security station, and in no hurry to go home, he walked towards the central square of the village. From a distance, he saw the old village chief Brett chatting with a stranger, but the stranger did not After chatting for a long time, they left in a hurry.

Suldak walked up to Village Chief Bright and asked him curiously:

"Uncle Brett, who were you chatting with just now?"

Seeing Suerdak walking down, the old village chief said, "A stranger seems to be very interested in volcanic ash, so I went to ask to see if I can take another business."

When it came to business, Suldak immediately thought of agreeing to build a villa for Karl. He had been busy with other things these days, so he didn't bother to ask, so he said, "How is Charlie's preparations going?"

This time when we went out to build a villa, Suldak asked Charlie to lead the team. He was familiar with Karl, he was also smart, and he liked to use his brain when doing things.

"Charlie plans to leave the day after tomorrow, but do you think they can do it?" the old village chief asked with some concern.

Suldak said to the old village chief: "Wall Village is about to be built, and a villa should not be difficult for them."

The head of Bright Village said with some concern: "But it's not Wall Village after all! We need to prepare more carriages to transport the volcanic ash from the depths of the barren land. A villa doesn't know how much volcanic ash is needed.... "

"Then build a few more four-wheeled carriages, and not all the houses are piled up with volcanic ash, or else bring some kobold slaves there, so that rocks can be mined on the spot..." Suldak said.

The old village chief frowned and said, "We need more coachmen. There are only so many people in the village. Anyone who can drive a coach has been sent out."

Suldak said: "Or find some outsiders..."

The two stood in front of the townhouse and chatted for a long time before Surdak walked to the square in the village.

Selena saw off the last child at the gate of the newly built children's home. Signa got out of her skirt and waved to Suldak.

Suerdak stopped and saw that there were many people in the square in the village, and there was a lot of steam rising from the stove, and the smell of stew wafted far away.

"Going to dinner?" Suldak asked Selena, and waved to Signa.

Selena shook her head, she smiled like a blooming tulip, her beautiful eyes were slightly provocative, and she said to Suldak: "After moving to the new house, you haven't come yet But, do you want to sit at my house?"

Suldak really wanted to go over immediately and hold her hot body tightly in his arms.

There were many people in the square in the village. He didn't want to become the talk of the village women tomorrow morning, so he could only restrain himself.

Selena smiled slightly, took Signa's little hand, and walked towards the upper reaches of the village.

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