Lord Highlander

Chapter 540

As the war on the Maca plane came to an end, the busy scene at the airport pier in Hailansa City gradually returned to its original appearance.

Without the piles of war supplies, the sky around the tower of the airport terminal became extremely empty, and there were no coolies waiting in line outside the airport terminal to carry bags.

Surrounded by their followers and maids, a group of nobles boarded the platform of the high tower of the airport pier. A magical airship with 'Flying Fish' written on both sides of the ship was parked quietly on the pier, with vivid paintings on the outside of the bow. The flying fish head looks like a giant sea fish floating in mid-air.

Surdak followed the crowd and boarded the airship along the railed steps between the ship and the pier.

Several aristocratic ladies with folding fans gathered together. They were wearing the most popular imitation palace summer dresses. Their exquisite and graceful bodies were faintly visible under the light fabrics. They wore big hats full of flowers on their heads, except for some precious beads. Apart from the feathers and feathers, it looked like a grand fruit basket, and Surdak couldn't figure out how their slender, white necks held up such a hat.

This group of aristocratic ladies walked at the front of the line. They chatted non-stop all the way, as if they were full of anticipation for this journey, and a group of maids followed them.

Several young nobles held simple salutes with one hand and followed behind the group of women. The retinues around them were armored knights, each of whom was fully equipped, with a murderous look on their faces, although they The equipment is better than that of the guard battalion knights, but he doesn't think these armor-piercing knights have much combat experience.

The two ladies walked in the middle of the line with two attendants and two personal maids. They seemed taciturn, with a black net veil covering their faces, and white gloves with hollow patterns on their hands. It seemed that they were in good shape. good.

At the end of the team were a few silent nobles. They boarded the ship with their horses and knight's spears, and they looked like they were about to go to the battlefield.

In addition to these nobles, there was also an old nobleman who quietly boarded the magic airship accompanied by an old butler.

Perhaps there is a group of noble knights who are about to embark on a journey, and Suldak is not conspicuous in the crowd wearing a magic pattern.

A group of crew members stood on the left and right sides of the deck of the magic airship. Led by the captain of the airship, they expressed their sincere welcome to the nobles who boarded the ship, and there were special crew members who were responsible for arranging the rooms of the boarding nobles on the airship. Carefully explain the benefits that can be enjoyed by taking the airship, and of course there are some services specially prepared for the nobles.

Only then did Suldak know that breakfast and afternoon tea can be prepared separately on the airship, and three meals a day can be ordered at will. Recommended dishes, of course, these orders cannot be eaten with money, in addition to being able to afford the money, you also need to have aristocratic status.

In fact, the oatmeal porridge and hard baked oatmeal on the airship are all for the common people to eat. The nobles are so rich.

The cabins on the deck of the airship provide hot water for bathing every morning and between 8:00 and 9:00 pm.

Of course, to enjoy this service, you need a small bathroom in the room.

However, not all rooms have bathrooms. The price of a ticket for a room with a bathroom is more than double that of a room without a bathroom. Surdak just bought a room with a small bathroom, right on the deck In the innermost part of the corridor on the right side of the ship on the first floor, he felt that the crew must have regarded him as a group of noble knights who were about to go out, so they would receive such special treatment.

In fact, he had just participated in the Maca Plane War, and was canonized as a third-class baron of Hailansa City by Emperor Charles of the Grimm Empire. I can count them.

Pushing open the wooden door of the room, what came into view was a clean and tidy wooden bed covered with a thick mattress and snow-white sheets. The room was less than six square meters, and there was a round hole on the wall opposite the wooden door. There are shaped glass windows, and there is a folding table on the wall beside the bed, which is usually folded together and can only be put down when needed.

In addition, there is a washroom of more than one square meter on the left hand side of the entrance. Apart from a bathtub, there is only a washbasin at the entrance in this washroom.

Suldak untied the heavy upper body armor and hung it on the wooden hanger in the room. He took out five copper plates from his arms and stuffed them to the crew member at the door. Ke reminded: "Thank you for your generosity, Lord Baron. The head chef who is flying with us this time to Bena City is Chef Antonio. His best dishes are smoked Moraki fish and rotten stewed white rock rhinoceros. I hope you I have the opportunity to try Chef Antonio's specialty dishes."

Suldak nodded, indicating that he understood.

However, he is not prepared to eat these delicacies made from monster meat on the airship. In high-end restaurants in Hailansa City, the prices of these dishes need to be settled with gold coins. Suldak is not the kind of wealthy nobleman who doesn't care about squandering a dozen gold coins. The crew member recommended the high-end dishes of monster meat to him, probably because he was wearing a top-notch magic pattern structure. Pack.

He wasn't even going to the restaurant for dinner,

Mrs. Cohen prepared a food box for Suldak this time, and Suldak put it in the magic pocket. The food prepared in the food box is quite rich, except for a few pieces sandwiched with butter and luncheon meat In addition to the sandwiches, there is also a grilled sausage and a few apples, which are enough for Suldak to eat two meals.

After the crew member left, Suerdak closed the cabin door casually and sat on the wooden bed alone.

Looking at the city of Hailansa after nightfall through the clean glass windows, the colorful lights on the streets give the city a pre-festival atmosphere, especially the castle at the highest point in the city is brightly lit.

After the civilians boarded the ship, the crew retracted the ropes hanging from the airport pier to the deck.

Sixteen magic devices let out a roar, and the magic airship broke away from the control of the airport terminal and slowly rose into the night sky.

The two crew members constantly adjusted the direction of the bow of the airship and tested the ascent height. They needed to accurately judge the strong wind belt in the high altitude. Only when entering the strong wind belt can the airship sail far.

The cabins where commoners live are all below the deck. Of course, even for commoners, those who can afford to ride in a magic airship are the middle class with small fortunes.

A group of civilians put their luggage into the cabin, and ran to the deck to enjoy the gorgeous night view of High Lansa City at a high altitude. They chattered non-stop on the deck.

After riding the magic airship twice, Suldak no longer had the sense of novelty before. For the first two days, he almost stayed in the cabin to feel the dark stars in his body. Because he brought enough food, he didn't need to go to the airship restaurant to eat. Unfortunately, I still can't find the way in the method of cultivation, and I hardly gain anything.

After being locked in the cabin for two days, Suldak finally came out of the cabin, and he walked around the deck casually a few times.

When the airship entered the channel, the three-masted sails were fully inflated, and the spinnaker and triangular sail at the bow were also pulled up high. This ship was indeed like a flying fish, moving forward rapidly in the wind layer. This airship It's just a medium-sized thin magical airship, but the hull is very long.

Suldak supported the right side of the ship with both hands, and looked under the airship from the gap between the two floating devices.

After being locked in the cabin for two days, now standing on the deck and blowing the cold wind, I feel very comfortable.

Two noble ladies in black cloaks were standing at the bow of the ship looking up at the leading triangle sail. Several crew members were constantly fiddling with the noose that did not need to be adjusted in front of the noble ladies. Several young nobles were standing Not too far from the bow of the ship, they talked in low voices and laughed loudly, apparently trying to attract the attention of the two ladies.

Surdak gave up the idea of ​​going over to see the red copper ram on the bow. He turned around the main mast and saw that there was an open viewing platform on the top of the ship building. There seemed to be few people on it. They climbed up to the top floor along the zigzag stairs of the ship building, and the two crew members stood guard at the door of the ship building to persuade the two civilians to leave, and saw Surdak quickly salute and let them go.

Seeing the two civilians leaving with embarrassing expressions, Suldak stepped up to the viewing platform on the top floor of the ship building.

The area of ​​the observation deck on the top floor is not large, and when I walked up, I found that there were quite a lot of people on the observation deck.

On the deck, because of the angle of view, I didn’t see the crowd on the viewing platform. When boarding the ship, the noble ladies I saw changed into cloaks to keep out the cold, huddled in the left rear corner of the top floor of the ship building, and Admire the ever-changing sea of ​​clouds beneath your feet.

In the opposite corner of them, accompanied by the butler, an old nobleman stood facing the wind. The cold wind blew on his wrinkled face. He stood quietly by the railing and looked at the sea of ​​clouds in the distance.

Suldak walked up to the ship building.

I saw the butler whisper a few words in the ear of the old nobleman, and then with the support of the old butler, he passed Suldak and walked slowly down the stairs of the ship building.

At this moment, a strong whirlwind suddenly blew from the side of the ship, and the entire sail swayed violently, followed by the "creaking" sound of the hull swaying from side to side, and the huge mast seemed to fall down at any time.

Suldak leaned over and grabbed the railing next to him.

I heard the captain in the bridge yelling to the crew on the deck: "Current, lower the sail for me..."

Then there was a sudden violent shaking of the ship, and Suerdak felt his body bounce up, and he quickly grabbed the railing on the side.

The old aristocrat who hadn't gone far didn't grab the handrail on the ship's tower, hit the railing with a bang, and fell out of the railing. The butler was caught off guard and his hands were empty.

Seeing that the old nobleman was about to fall off the top of the boat, Suldak took a step forward, put one hand on the railing, jumped out and grabbed the old nobleman's belt in his hand, and dragged him out of the ship building in an instant return.

At this moment, the old nobleman's face flushed with fright, his body hit the railing, his breathing was a little short, and his lips turned purple.

The turbulence came and went quickly, and soon the airship returned to calm, and the deck and roof were in chaos.

Fortunately, this turbulence did not cause major casualties. If this short-term turbulence lasts for more than a quarter of an hour, it will be called a wind storm, and if it is not handled properly, the ship may be destroyed and people may die.

Suldak and the butler helped the old nobleman to the corridor on the third floor of the ship building. The old nobleman was already speechless.

The butler thanked Suldak again and again, and asked for Suldak's name respectfully.

Suldak smiled veiledly, and said to the steward and the old nobleman: "You don't need to thank me, I just did what I can. I believe that every young man who sees this situation will be like me..."

Seeing that the old nobleman's breathing gradually calmed down and his body was fine, he declined the warm invitation from the steward, turned around and returned to his cabin.

Suldak was tired of the cold food he brought on the airship, and was about to see the restaurant on the airship, so he ordered a dinner for the day on the recommendation of the crew.

When it was time for dinner, Suldak walked into the restaurant on the second floor of the ship building. The waiter in the restaurant took Suldak to a seat near the wall. The waiter brought him boiled peas and fried steak, and Suldak took a sip. , I think the chef on the airship is really fine, the steak is fried just right, and the flavor of the sauce is also very unique.

The two noble ladies were also eating in the dining room. Opposite them sat two young noblemen. It seemed that the four of them were having a good time talking and laughing suppressedly from time to time.

Suldak wiped off the gravy on the bottom of the plate with a piece of white bread, stuffed the last piece of bread into his mouth, and was about to wipe his hands with a napkin to leave when he saw the restaurant waiter walking over with a golden cider in his hand. He stopped by his side, put a crystal goblet on the table, bowed his head and said respectfully to Suldak: "Count Alexi Iter would like to treat you to a drink..."

Surdak raised his head in surprise, just in time to see the old earl sitting in the middle of the dining room, he should have just arrived, and the restaurant waiter was placing plates on the table one after another.

Seeing Suldak looking towards him, he quickly raised the goblet in his hand, shook the golden wine in the glass to pay tribute to Suldak.

It was inconvenient for Suldak to refuse in this situation, so he asked the waiter in the restaurant to pour him a glass of wine, toasted with Count Alexi Itter, and drank a glass of slightly sour golden cider before leaving the restaurant.

Probably because of drinking a glass of wine, after soaking in the bath, Suldak lay on the bed and slept very soundly that night.

In the early morning of the next day, Surdak practiced basic sword skills on the bow deck.

Not long after, those nobles who seemed to be preparing to go to battle also ran to the deck to exercise. They stood on the deck with wooden swords in their hands and practiced in pairs. He didn't need a shield to block, but he had to hold a wooden sword, dismantling those sword moves in a very fancy way, as if he would lose if he couldn't dismantle them.

They practiced against each other on the deck for a while, and saw that Suldak was still half squatting on the bow, practicing those basic movements repeatedly, with some sneering and mocking expressions on his face, but no one took the initiative to provoke him.

It wasn't until Suldak left with the blood-red crescent that the nobles whispered and laughed twice.

When Suldak returned to the cabin, he saw the steward waiting at the door, saw Suldak return, and took the initiative to invite Suldak...

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