Lord Highlander

Chapter 541

Above the sea of ​​clouds is the endless blue sky.

The sky here is clean and clear, and it always lights up very early. The strong wind belt fills up the sails, like a pair of invisible big hands pushing the magic airship forward.

The butler led Surdak into a separate dining room.

This restaurant has a wide view, and you can see the sea of ​​clouds outside the window from the glass windows.

Count Alexi Itter was sitting at the dining table, surrounded by four restaurant waiters, with a plate inlaid with gold thread placed in front of him, smiling at Suldak and nodding, signaling Suldak to sit down. The chair to his left.

The waiter quickly wrapped the napkin around Suldak's chest and poured him a glass of rum.

The butler whispered a few words beside Earl Iter, Earl Iter's gray eyebrows twitched slightly, with a curious expression on his face, he asked Suldak:

"I heard from David, did you go out for morning exercise just now?"

The old earl didn't say those words of thanks, but pulled Suldak to talk about daily topics.

Suldak relaxed a little from his nervousness, and replied: "Yes, as long as there are conditions, daily morning exercises are essential, so as to maintain the best condition of the body."

Every lattice knight needs to maintain a good physical condition at all times, because it is uncertain when he will be called to a certain battlefield.

"It's not easy for young people to be so self-disciplined. When I was young, I was a Constructed Knight, but at that time I always felt that it was too hard to be in the army. I often had to fight against enemies who were much stronger than myself on the battlefield, so military service As soon as the term expires, I will insist on retiring. If I can persist a little longer, maybe this situation will not be like this..." Earl Iter's eyes showed nostalgia.

Suldak rubbed his nose and said, "I'm not always like this, sometimes I lie in bed and don't want to get up."

The waiter in the restaurant brought a plate of juicy meatloaf and asked Suldak if he wanted it.

Suldak nodded, indicating yes.

Earl Iter sat on the chair and said: "Young people like you probably don't know how enviable it is to be able to sleep a little longer. As people get older, sleep will become worse and worse. , Like I drink a glass of golden cider every day before going to bed, even if I can only sleep for a while, I will wake up with a little movement, and then lie quietly on the bed waiting for the dawn to come, and then flashed in my mind It’s all about the past.”

He looked out of the window, as if he could see the memories of the past through the glass window.

Not long after he woke up from the memory, he picked up the spoon and said to Suldak: "My appetite is not very good, I can only drink a little oat milk in the morning, but young people like you can eat more, Replenish your strength."

Suldak just happened to stuff a piece of meatloaf into his mouth, unable to speak at all, he could only nod his head a little rudely.

Earl It didn't care at all, but asked Surdak curiously: "You are a nobleman from Hailansa, but I don't seem to have seen you before."

At this time, Suldak swallowed the somewhat springy beef patty in his mouth, and explained to Earl Iter:

"Uh...I'm not a hereditary nobleman, but a third-class baron who was recently conferred by His Majesty Charles."

Earl Iter thought about it seriously, and the butler next to him whispered a few words in Earl Iter's ear again, Earl Iter's eyes lit up, he looked at Suldak seriously again, and said to him with a faint smile: "Oh, I remembered, you are the pride of our Hailansa, and the plane war on the Maca plane has given us the momentum of the Bena people."

The old earl waved his hand passionately and made a chopping motion.

"Hey, young man...well done." Earl Iter said appreciatively.

The two chatted happily until the end of breakfast.

A few young noble ladies sat in the corner of the restaurant, and a few young nobles in formal dresses sat across the table. A group of people had a lot of conversation, and from time to time they let out a burst of elegant chuckles, which caused the waiters in the restaurant to look at him. This group of young nobles.

Suldak and the old count walked to the door of the restaurant and happened to meet the group of constructed knights. They seemed to have just finished their morning exercises and took a shower. They walked into the restaurant refreshed and saw Suldak At that time, the leading construct knight nodded politely to him, but the gazes of the construct knights behind him were very unfriendly, full of disdain.

Suldak stood in the corridor, saying goodbye to Earl It.

The old count stood at the door of the restaurant leaning on a cane, and asked, "Baron Suldak, do you want to play cards together later?"

"Playing cards...?" Suldak has never even seen what cards look like, but he really wants to see the so-called chess and card socialization among nobles. After thinking about it for a while, he readily accepted Earl Iter's invitation and said: " ……OK!"

"See you later!" The old count pointed to the butler beside him, signaling that the butler would go to the room to invite him later.

Surdak saluted, turned and returned to his room.

At this moment, the deck was full of civilians who came out to let the wind out. They crowded around the edge of the ship, looking at the sea of ​​clouds and the rising sun, exclaiming from time to time.


There is also an entertainment room on the magic airship. This entertainment room is only open to nobles. It is said that occasionally the captain will come here to play. In addition to the two card tables, there are two billiard tables in the entertainment room. There is a dart board, gorgeous wallpapers on the walls of the room, soft carpets on the floor, some fruit plates and tea are placed on the square table by the wall.

Suldak and Earl Iter sat at the card table and chatted.

Only then did Earl Iter know that Suldak had never played cards before, so he explained the rules of cards to him in detail. He couldn't explain clearly by himself, so he asked the butler to cooperate. The two explained how to play this kind of card, and Suldak listened carefully for a while, only to realize that although the rules of the card were new to him, they were not difficult to understand.

He asked Earl Yiter a few more words.

The two didn't wait too long. The two noble ladies came to the entertainment room with their maids. When they saw two people sitting at the card table, their eyes lit up. The pointed-chinned noble lady pulled her companion, holding a folding fan in her hand. She took the initiative to come to the poker table, her eyebrows were slender, her pointed chin was raised high, she looked extremely proud.

She took a deep look at Earl Yiter and asked, "Can I sit here?"

"I wish for it!" Earl Iter said with a smile. He and Suldak were sitting here, waiting for the nobles who were willing to play cards to join in the game.

The lady sat on the chair reservedly, and the other lady sat down directly opposite her best friend without saying a word.

Before everyone started, the group of constructed knights also walked into the entertainment room. A group of constructed knights occupied a pool table, but one of the constructed knights looked at the card table here.

His eyes first fell on the faces of the two noble ladies, and then he saw Suldak on the card table, then he walked to the card table and stared at Suldak, the meaning of his eyes was very clear, he clearly wanted to let Suldak gave up his position.

Suldak sat on the chair without moving, looking at the constructed knight in front of him suspiciously.

The butler wanted to come forward to solve it, but was stopped by Earl Iter.

Seeing that the conflict between the two sides was about to break out, one of the ladies with a round face immediately stood up and said, "It just so happens that I don't really want to play cards. If you want to play, I can give you my seat."

After she finished speaking to the Construct Knight, she gave up her seat.

The maid behind moved a chair and placed it behind the lady with a pointed chin, and she sat down behind her best friend, gently brushing her shiny black hair, ignoring the gazes around her.

The constructed knight was also a nobleman. He was wearing an exquisite leather armor with magic patterns, and he sat on the chair without saying a word. His tall and tall figure looked outstanding sitting on the chair, and his golden hair was combed by him. Meticulous, he nodded politely to the lady opposite, and then glared at Suldak.

Earl Iter looked up at the Constructed Knight and the lady opposite, and asked politely, "Can we start?"

Both the Constructed Knight and the Pointed-Jawed Lady said they were ready to deal cards at any time...

At the poker table, the poker skills of Earl Iter and the noble knight were obviously superior, but Suldak didn't lose a lot of chips, because it was a pastime in itself, without any greed, and every hand seemed worthwhile. Be very cautious, the chips are thrown on the table one by one, and occasionally you can get a small gain.

The noble lady played the most, but her poker skills were mediocre, and her luck was not very good. The stack of chips in the tray quickly bottomed out.

Although the knight in noble costume won some chips, he was a little absent-minded, always staring at the lady who was watching the battle with scorching eyes.

The lady's expression was flat, as if she couldn't see the hot gaze of the knight in disguise.

The lady with a pointed chin tentatively asked the construction knight a few words, only to find out that he was the construction knight who completed the task in Hailansa City and returned to Bena City, but the construction knight did not know which department it was from. explain.

The pointed-jawed lady occasionally chatted with Earl Yiter.

Suldak was a little confused. Aren't we all nobles from Hailansa City?

Why are they so strange to each other? Obviously, the old earl is not familiar with them. It seems that they have no contact with each other. It is normal for them to be unfamiliar with those noble knights, but do they not know each other? ?

At this time, I heard Earl Iter say: "The climate here is still too cold. When winter comes, my joints hurt like hell. I can't help it. It's a problem that happened when I was young, so I'm going to move to the south. It is best in a place with a warm and dry climate.”

"Do you want to go to Muglad?" The lady sitting on the sidelines watching the battle raised her head and asked Earl Iter curiously.

"Maybe, I have this stop in this journey, but I can only make a decision after actual inspection." Earl Iter said casually.

"What about you? Baron Suldak, what are you going to do in Bena City?" the lady with a pointed chin asked Suldak,

Suldak touched his nose and said with a shy smile, "I'm here to visit some friends in Bena City..."

After the game was over, the two ladies left the entertainment room first. The knight in costume followed behind the two ladies and shouted, "Mrs. Dorothy, Annabelle, do you want to..."

He chased out the door, and the sound also dissipated at the door.

On the contrary, those constructed knights gathered around the billiard table to enjoy themselves, staring at the billiards on the table with full attention.


The group of young and enthusiastic noble ladies and those young nobles quickly became friends on the magic airship. They could only play and play together, but they were restricted by the rules of the noble family. The marriage of each noble lady as an adult , are all family arrangements, or political intermarriage, or to recruit talents for the family, the man needs to be recognized by the family, and only by reaching a marriage contract can there be further contact.

On the contrary, the noble ladies no longer have this concern. The noble ladies with relatively strong family backgrounds can even have lovers besides their husbands.

Because of this, Annabella and Mrs. Dorothy are the targets of these noble knights. They don't want to get in touch with those noble ladies at all. Only those young nobles who are about to travel will spend all day with them. Being entangled together, although you can't eat it, it can relieve the boredom on the journey.

Although the constructed knights were somewhat displeased with Suldak, until the last day, there was no conflict between the two sides on this magic airship.

Suldak didn't gain much in the past few days on the magic airship. Apart from learning how to play cards, he didn't seem to have gained anything else.

After a week's voyage, the majestic city of Bena finally appeared in Suldak's sight. The nobles stood on the watchtower on the top floor of the ship building, and the civilians stood on the deck. Everyone saw the city of Bena through the sea of ​​clouds. , let out a burst of cheers.


Earl Iter walked off the magic airship leaning on crutches, and stood under the tower of the airport outside Bena City, waving at Suldak who was riding a horse.

The butler stood quietly behind him with the suitcase, and watched as Suldak rode his horse along the road outside the city wall towards the city of Bena.

The group of young nobles and a group of noble ladies stood at the gate of the airport pier, showing a reluctant expression. These young nobles will stay at the airport pier, waiting for the magic airship flying to Haiyinsi, And these noble ladies are returning to Bena Swordsman Academy to continue their studies.

The magician wearing a magic robe walked behind Earl Iter and asked Earl Iter, "Teacher, is this journey going well?"

If Suldak was still on the airport pier at this moment, he would definitely recognize him as the Dale magician of the White Elephant Trading Company. The Dale magician stood in front of Earl Iter dressed in a dress about to go on a long journey.

"It's okay! Dale, have you bought a ticket to fly to Bosaso City?" Earl Iter looked at Dale kindly and asked casually.

Dale magician quickly replied: "There is no magic airship directly to Bosaso City here in Bena. If you don't want to transfer in the imperial capital, you have to go to Haiyinsi!"

"Then go to Haines..." the old earl decided, and then said with a smile to Dale: "By the way, I met a very interesting young man on the airship this time..."


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