Lord Highlander

Chapter 542 531. Meeting

The airport terminal of Bena City is located outside the main gate in the south of the city. This airport terminal allowed a warehouse to be built beside the main road outside the city. The main road is even more busy. It is now dusk, and workers on both sides of the road are coming off the dock Forming a long stream of people, they dragged their tired bodies and walked along the long street towards the main residential area and the inner city.

The nobles galloped through the middle of the road on horseback or in magic caravans.

Both sides of the road are crowded with various small merchants, some selling snacks and snacks, some selling seasonal vegetables, and some selling some daily groceries, making this street a simple night market and attracting many civilians to stop. The goods on this market do not have entry tax and market tax, so the prices of many commodities are quite low.

Suldak rode his horse on the avenue, and the civilians he encountered all fled to the side.

This is the fourth time he has been to Bena City. Looking at the magnificent city in front of him, standing under the tens of meters high city wall, he still feels very shocked.

A group of homeless people are lying on the open space on both sides of the city gate. When some pedestrians and tourists are waiting in line at the city gate to enter the city, they will throw some uneaten and sour food in the package to them, such as scones and whole wheat bread. Most of them, and occasionally there are unfinished air-dried chicken and sausages. These homeless people will also go to the night market to pick up some unwanted vegetables and oil residues before the evening market is closed.

Some young wanderers will build a bonfire in the open space outside the city. Food can be easily found in summer. Some young people will sing and dance beside the fire when they are full. They are a group of free people, and they are also People who were not protected by the Grimm Empire's decree, even if they died outside the city the next day, would at most be dragged to the public cemetery by the night watchmen and buried in a pit.

When the city gate guard saw Suldak on a horse, his eyes would first fall on the noble badge on his chest, and then he would look at the magic pattern structure on his body enviously, stand upright and give a military salute, and then put Suldak in a military salute. Dak put it into the city.

As soon as he entered the city, a group of people gathered together and asked Suldak if he needed a guide.

They can lead Surdak to any block in Bena city.

Suldak shook his head, expressing that he didn't need it.

The hands and feet of these guides are not very clean. Not only do they like to take travelers to some agreed hotels, but even worse, they also take travelers to detours to some shops along the street, selling some worthless goods. The commissions of the travelers, but they secretly sold the travelers' information to some shopkeepers, harming the interests of the travelers, and before they broke up, they would stand on the street and shout from a distance: 'Hillbilly! '

Suldak followed the road in his memory to find the circle hotel where the knights of the Hailansa Guard Camp once stayed. The biggest feature of this hotel is that it has more than 800 rooms, and one on the first floor can hold large The banquet restaurant has an inner courtyard garden covering an area of ​​nearly two acres. Although the management is a bit rough, the rooms and internal facilities are relatively old, other than that, there is nothing to criticize about this hotel.

Riding a horse into the inner courtyard, the waiter in the hotel came out to lead the horse for Suldak. Suldak jumped off the horse, threw a stack of copper coins to the waiter, and said to the waiter: "I want Live here for a few days, it is a brave war horse, don't lose weight."

"My lord, the people who take care of the stables here are experienced grooms, don't worry!" the waiter happily accepted the tip and said with a smile on his face.

Suldak nodded and climbed the steps into the hotel.

There are many guests waiting to check in in front of the receptionist in the lobby on the first floor. Suldak is an aristocrat, so there is no need to line up. When he enters the lobby, a dedicated waitress will come up to him and ask what Suldak needs.

"I need a quieter room, preferably with a bathroom and a balcony," Suldak said to the waitress.

The waitress brought Suerdak to the aristocratic resting area, first served a cup of black tea, and then said to Suerdak: "We have specially prepared a luxurious room for nobles like you, and you will be satisfied."

She put the parchment catalog of rooms in the North District in front of Suldak, and on the recommendation of the waitress, Suldak chose Room 3215 on the third floor of the North District.

Walk along the inner corridor of the hotel to the north area. All the rooms in this area are exclusively for nobles. The carpet in the corridor is cleaner than the outside, and there are some decorative oil paintings hanging on both sides of the corridor wall.

Opening the door and pushing in, Suldak realized that the room was actually a suite, with a separate living room and bedroom. The living room and bedroom were connected to a large balcony. Standing on the balcony, you could see the entire North Street. To the north of the street is a civilian area, where the buildings are small townhouses. The clotheslines in the narrow yard are full of various clothes, and some women are collecting clothes in the sunset with wooden barrels.

Suldak hung the armor on the wooden stand and the saber on the table.

The big bed in the bedroom was very soft, and I felt a little sleepy after lying on it for a while wearing a thin shirt.

Suldak went to the washroom to wash his face, and then opened the window connected to the balcony to let the outside air blow in.

At this moment, a magic caravan on the North Street downstairs stopped in Suldak's field of vision. He just glanced at it casually, just in time to see Mrs. Dorothy walking out of the carriage with the help of a maid. down.

A young man in light yellow sheepskin inner armor was waiting on the steps of the townhouse. When he saw Mrs. Dorothy stepping out of the carriage, he rushed up to meet her.

Mrs. Dorothy held the young man's arm, talked with the young man cordially, and walked into the small townhouse on North Street...

The building facing the street is clearly a civilian area. Surdak didn't expect such a coincidence that Mrs. Dorothy had just arrived in Bena City, and she ran out to have a private meeting with her lover, and the meeting place happened to be the north of Maple Leaf Hotel. In the civilian residential area on the street, Mrs. Dorothy at the card table behaved very decently, she didn't look like a noble lady who was extravagant and promiscuous. Suldak let out a "tsk tsk" admiration.

Probably due to the relationship of equal magic contract, Suldak and Aphrodite have some spiritual sympathy, and the other party can feel their relatively strong inner fluctuations and deliberately pass some past signals.

When Suldak arrived at the hotel, he had already sent some signals to Aphrodite.

When Suldak was standing on the balcony on the third floor and looking out, he felt that he was surrounded by light blue space elements, and at the same time, a faint hexagram circle was lit up under his feet. Suldak hurried away Entering the bedroom, locking the door and closing the curtains, the light in the room immediately dimmed.

A space crack in the void was pulled open by an invisible big hand in front of Suldak. Seeing some emptiness spewed out of the void crack, Suldak didn't hesitate at all, and walked in directly, only feeling his body Pulled by invisible forces.

Moments later, Suldak stepped out from the gap in nothingness.

Andrew, Samira, and the ogre Gulitam were waiting outside the room, and they breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Suldak walking out of the gap in the void.

The succubus Aphrodite was standing in the middle of the room with her eyes closed, and she was also stepping on a magic circle with black flowing light under her feet. Suldak walked out from the gap in the void, and she slowly opened her eyes. He opened his eyes, smiled at Suldak, and asked softly, "Captain, is the trip to Bena City going well?"

Suldak nodded. He looked at himself standing in the room of the security station. It was also dusk in Wall Village at the moment, and the construction site of the reservoir outside had already started to close. The central square of Wall Village was particularly crowded. Noisy, it seems that everything is normal in the village.

"Fortunately, I just settled down in the hotel. Didn't there be any trouble here?" Suldak sat on the main seat in the room and asked Andrew who was standing at the door.

Several members of the security team sat around the round table, and Andrew reported to Suldak:

"Well, some adventure groups are not safe, like a group of mice, sniffing around in the barren land, and some people ignore the boundary markers, trying to drill into the pustule mountain to check the distribution of sulfur mines inside, but I caught them A few, severely punished and sent to Pagolos Pass."

Suldak nodded.

He turned his head to look at Samira, a half-elf archer with a calm face. She didn't wear a hood on her head, and her golden curly hair was scattered on her shoulders. He didn't know if it was because of the awakening of the elf blood in her body, or because her hair had grown longer. , her recent appearance has changed a bit towards an elf, her skin has become crystal clear, and her ears have become a little bit more pointed.

"What about the movements of the rebels?" Suldak asked Samira.

The half-elf archer raised her head, and happened to see the afterglow of the setting sun shining on her delicate face. She squinted her eyes and replied, "For the time being, they have hidden well, but they found some suspicious people, but there is no conclusive evidence. No arrests were made."

Suldak knew that due to limited manpower, it was impossible to follow every suspicious person, so he could only let them wander around in the barren land.

"Captain, I have received a letter here." Andrew said to Suldak.

"Who wrote it to me?"

"It's an invitation letter from Marquis Luther." Andrew took the letter out of his arms and pushed it in front of Suldak.

"Marquis Luther? Let me see what the letter says?" Suldak said while opening the parchment envelope. There was not much content on the letter paper, only a few words, and Suldak smiled slightly. , put down the letter paper in his hand and said: "The general meaning of the letter is to let me have time to visit the city of Bena. What a coincidence, I happen to be in the city of Bena. It seems that I have to find time to visit the Marquis of Bena. "

Then Andrew said: "The main dam of the third-tier reservoir has officially started construction, but it has been raining for the past few days. Village Chief Bright probably wants to postpone it for a few days."

Suldak nodded slightly and said, "Is there anything else?"

Several members of the security team looked at each other and said at the same time, "No more."

Aphrodite, the succubus sitting opposite Suldak, said ambiguously, "Captain, this summoning lasts for about an hour and a half. Of course, you can return at any time. If you have any personal problems that need to be resolved , please be sure to use this time reasonably..."


The room was suddenly quiet, and Suldak coughed lightly, pretending that he didn't understand the meaning of the succubus Aphrodite's words, and said casually:

"Nothing, I'm going back to Bena City. If there are no accidents, this kind of meeting can be held once a week, and it will be set at this time for the time being. Even if you are out on patrol, if there are no special circumstances, try to do it during this time Hurry back."

Everyone quickly agreed: "Okay, Captain."

Seeing that the meeting was coming to an end, the ogre finally realized that he needed to show his presence, and finally said in a low voice: "Since it is a regular meeting, I can prepare a roast lamb for the next meeting." ?"


Suldak felt that when he brought the ogre from the Maca plane to Hailansa City, he had promised to eat sheep every day, but so far he had not fully fulfilled his promise, so he bit the bullet and agreed.

Suldak reached out and patted Gulitham on the shoulder, and said to him: "At the next regular meeting of the security team, I will try to bring you two fresh snappers. Sea fish shop."

Gullitum cheered.

Then Suldak glanced at Aphrodite, Aphrodite's eyes as deep as night stars blinked, Suldak only felt surrounded by a breath of void again, he stood up from the chair, Taking a step forward, he stepped into the void, the scenery in front of him changed, and he returned to the room of the Maple Leaf Hotel in Bena City.

He was sitting on the sofa, flipping through the invitation letter from Marquis Luther, thinking about when it would be appropriate to visit.

There was a knock on the door of "Tuk Tuk Tuk".

When Suldak walked to the door and opened it, he saw a waiter pushing a dining station outside the door, and said respectfully to Suldak: "Baron Suldak, your dinner!"

Suldak asked the waiter to push the dining car into the room. Obviously, the hotel's service to nobles is far more considerate than that of commoners.

The food delivery waiter saw that there was only Suldak in the room, suggesting that the hotel could provide some other services. At night, the tavern on the top floor of the North District was only open to nobles. Suldak thought for a while and asked the waiter: "Does the hotel provide information services to the outside world?"

The waiter took the tip from Suerdak, and quickly replied courteously: "Our hotel does not have this service. If you want to inquire about some information, you can go to the North Street downstairs and walk east along this street. After crossing a crossroad, you can see the Shire Tavern, and many travelers are willing to go to that tavern to inquire about news.”

Suldak nodded, indicating that it was okay.

The waiter hurriedly pushed the dining car out of the guest room...

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