Lord Highlander

Chapter 548

The statues of 237 great swordsmen were erected around the Heroes' Square in Bena City, and a line of incisive words were engraved on the stone tablet at the foot of each statue, which recorded the glorious life of this great swordsman.

It is precisely because of these great swordsmen that the title of Bena Swordsman resounds throughout the Grimm Empire.

It is said that every year at the opening season of the Bena Advanced Swordsman Academy, those freshmen will come to the Hero Square to take an oath and inherit the spirit of the Bena swordsmen of their ancestors.

There is a circle of low shrub walls around the square, and in the center is a flower bed. There are no large fountains on the Heroes Square, but four small fountains are set up at the four corners of the square for people to drink when they are thirsty. There is a trumpet-shaped receiving pool below, and there are always some birds sitting next to the receiving pool to drink water.

There were many people in the Heroes Square, some were travelers from other places who came to pay their respects to the swordsmen of Bena, but most of them were citizens of Bena City.

On summer nights, Heroes Square is much cooler than other places.

Some small vendors with fruit baskets on their heads shuttled through the crowd. The baskets above their heads contained a variety of fruits, and some children's eyes were always chasing their figures.

The girl holding a flower basket to buy flowers bounced to Suldak's side. She timidly stood in front of Suldak, tiptoed and raised the flower basket in her hand high, staring at a pair of innocent big eyes. The eye said to Suldak:

"Master Knight, would you like to buy some flowers?"

She saw the knight insignia on Suldak's chest, so she called it that.

The little girl's face was as red as a big apple, and she struggled to hold the flower basket full of flowers.

Hathaway leaned over to look at the flowers in the flower basket, and exchanged glances with Beatrice. Although she was silent, she couldn't hide the expectation in her eyes.

Surdak gave the little girl a thumbs up, picked out two tulips from the flower basket, stuffed ten copper plates into the little girl's little hand, and said:

"Then I'll buy two, your flowers are beautiful!"

"Two beautiful big sisters are even more beautiful!"

The little girl took the copper plate, said with a smile and narrowed her eyes.

He made a grimace at Surdak, and ran towards another couple with a basket of flowers.

She specifically targets young couples who look flashy, so she has a particularly high success rate of selling.

Suldak gave the flowers to Hathaway and Beatrice, and the two girls took the tulip with reddish faces, smiling slightly with their red lips pursed.

The three people stopped in front of the flower bed in the center of the square. Inside the flower pool was a sea of ​​flowers. Many citizens sat on the stone platform next to the flower bed. There was a street lamp every fifteen meters, and the entire Heroes Square looked brightly lit.

Hathaway squatted down next to the flower pond holding the tulips. She looked at a cluster of small flowers with white petals and yellow stamens. Her long golden hair was hanging down from her ears. She gently lifted it up with her hands, revealing a beautiful and fair face.

Seeing Suldak looking towards her, Hathaway said to him: "I remember when I was very young, my father liked to take me to Heroes Square to play, he always looked at the statues over there, and I would Playing by the flower pond."

Beatrice blinked her eyes, not understanding why Hathaway brought up her childhood. She sat down beside the flower table next to Hathaway with her long skirt.

The two of them wore court dresses and beautiful crystal shoes that noble ladies often wear. After walking for so long, even if they were fresh graduates of the Swordsman Academy, their feet would inevitably feel a little sore.

The round-faced Beatrice beat her thigh hard through the skirt. She wanted to find a quieter tavern to sit, at least not to walk around in this dress. Although the dress looked beautiful, the pain Only you know.

The waistband made her only able to breathe halfway, and after taking a little deep breath, the bottom two ribs felt a dull pain, and she could hardly move her waist, and could hardly eat anything.

Every time she took a breath, her chest was like an inflated ball, as if it was going to burst out of the cup, so she had to press her hands on her chest every time.

The wide skirt was spread out on the flower platform, and she really wanted to kick off the crystal slipper on her feet.

She never thought that sitting on the stone platform next to the flower bed would be so comfortable. She wanted to sit here for a while, and didn't want to take a step.

Hathaway leaned on Beatrice's shoulder, and continued to tell about her life to Suldak who was sitting beside her. Aunt Annabella told her that if you want to enter the other person's heart, you must understand him life.

Hathaway only knew that Suldak's home was in a remote mountain village in Hailansa City. As the only knight in the village, Suldak wanted to change the current predicament of Wall Village.

Of course she didn't care about these, she hoped that Suldak could take the initiative a little more. As an aristocratic lady, a well-bred lady, she didn't want to appear frizzy.

Hathaway continued: "At that time, a statue of a great swordsman would be erected in this square every few years. He was very familiar with these statues of great swordsmen, and would tell me about their glorious life every time. I always regret that I did not participate in the jihad eight hundred years ago."

"He always said that a swordsman, the biggest regret is that he can't stand his statue on the Hero Square..."

Hathaway's eyes were full of admiration for her father,


When Suldak heard Hathaway talking about this, he realized that her family background might really be a great nobleman in the city of Bena.

But he didn't ask it out, he thought it was too utilitarian to ask such a question, and he didn't want anything from them, he wanted to keep a little bit of his own pride.

And it seems that Hathaway is greatly influenced by his father. Although the two are having conflicts now, Hathaway's memories are full of his father.

Suldak thought of his father, and thought that he no longer had a father in his memory. Whether it was the previous life or this world, he didn't even know where his home was, and those broken memories were always like countless beings. The torn photos are like snowflakes floating in the sea of ​​memory.

He felt like his home was in Highlandsah...

A trace of disappointment flashed in Hathaway's eyes. She lowered her head and picked a small white flower from the flower pond, pinned it in front of the gemstone brooch on her chest, and said:

"When I grew up, he became more and more busy. He seemed to have endless things to do every day. He always had to go to parliament. Only at breakfast and dinner, we could chat occasionally. "


Suldak was a little speechless. He didn't expect that Hathaway's father was still a big shot, and he was actually qualified to participate in the parliament.

"Recently he said that he would choose a spouse for me and wanted to dominate my marriage." Hathaway said angrily. "He wouldn't say that before. He said he should respect my opinion. Maybe time can change some people's initial thoughts, but this is not the life I want."

After finishing speaking, she secretly glanced at Surdak.

"I don't want to live like a bird in a cage. What I want is freedom... I can fly unrestrained in the sky like a dragon eagle."

Seeing the approval in Suldak's eyes, Hathaway was slightly relieved.

It's just that she didn't hear about Suldak's past, Hathaway pouted a little dissatisfied, she still wanted to know about his past.

With her almost numb ankle, Beatrice accompanied Hathaway and Suldak to walk around the Heroes' Square.

Hearing that Hathaway proposed to go to the clock tower to see the night view of Bena City, Beatrice almost slumped on the ground.

Fortunately, when leaving Heroes' Square, Suldak kindly hired a magic caravan so that Beatrice could take a rest in the magic caravan.


Climbing to the top floor of the observation deck of the clock tower, Beatrice felt that her legs were almost broken. She held on to the iron railing next to the observation deck with both hands, not wanting to take another step.

She and Hathaway stood on both sides of Suldak, overlooking the entire city of Bena. Countless brightly lit streets weaved an extremely gorgeous net in this huge city, and the magic caravan on the street There is a constant flow of water.

This place is many times more prosperous than Hailansa, the whole city can't be seen at a glance, and the farthest lights are silent in the distant night.

"This city is so beautiful!" Surdak sighed sincerely from the bottom of his heart.

Seeing the night wind blowing Hathaway and Beatrice's blond hair, Suldak was in a daze.

At this time, the observation deck on the top of the clock tower was empty.

Hathaway put her arms around Suldak's arm boldly, leaned against his shoulder and asked, "Have you ever thought about living here?"

Suldak smelled a faint fragrance of iris juice from Hathaway's body, felt the fullness of her chest seemed to be on his arm, and said:

"Hailansa is actually very good. I'm used to the life there. Unless the magma at the bottom of the pustule mountain erupts and turns hundreds of miles into a dead area, I won't be able to leave there."

Hathaway leaned against Suldak, smelling the faint scent of soap locust on his body, and listening to his firm words, none of these words were said to cater to her, compared to the ones she had seen on weekdays A young nobleman, Suldak seems to have some shadow of his father.

This feeling made Hathaway's eyes blurred, as if the city in front of her was a little blurry in her eyes. I feel that the man in front of me just needs to turn around and say to her solemnly: "Come with me, get out of here, and start a new life with me..."

She is willing to let go of everything in front of her and devote herself to love without hesitation.

...But the expectation didn't come true.

Until he left the clock tower, Suldak did not say such a word. On the contrary, he called a magic caravan in front of the clock tower in a gentlemanly manner, and took the initiative to send them back to the manor.

He didn't return to the hotel as Hathaway thought.


"It was an unforgettable night, thank you for your company."

Suldak said while sitting in the magic caravan.

The wheels rolled, and the night scene outside the window quickly flew behind the window, and the street lights on the side of the road were like streams of color.

Beatrice was fast asleep on the soft leather sofa. She took off her glass slipper and laid her legs flat on the sofa. The hem of the long skirt was lifted, revealing a section of snow-white thighs.

Suldak felt that as a gentleman, he shouldn't always look at those attractive thighs at this time. He shifted his gaze to Hathaway's face and saw Hathaway's tangled face. I thought she was unwilling to compromise with her family.

So he persuaded Hathaway: "Don't get too stiff with your family members, and don't think about escaping at this time. Don't you want to have family blessings at the wedding?"

Hathaway was hesitant to be more proactive and let him say those words.

She hesitated for a moment: "It's just..."

Suldak reached out and touched Hathaway's cheek, and said encouragingly to her:

"Stick to what you think is right. I will always stand behind you and support you. I will stay in Bena City for the past few days. If you really make up your mind to leave here, you can come to the hotel to find me at any time."

Hearing what Suldak said, Hathaway let out the courage she had just mustered up again.

Hathaway nodded, feeling a little annoyed, complaining in her heart that she was a coward and failed to speak out what was in her heart, and now she could no longer speak out anyway.

He could only be ruthless, leaned over, hugged Suldak tightly, and pressed his soft lips hard on his lips... didn't want to say a word

At this time, the inside of the carriage suddenly became quiet.

The magic caravan did not stop at the gate of the manor. Hathaway and Beatrice were going to sneak back through the side door of the manor, and sneaked out all night by herself, not knowing what kind of anger the family would bear next.

Beatrice looked like she had just woken up, yawning, and was pulled out of the magic caravan by Hathaway. She stepped on the ground with bare feet, holding a glass slipper in her hand. She walked a lot tonight. His ankles were swollen high, and he seemed to be limping when he walked.

Suldak got out of the magic caravan, and wanted to send the two of them a little longer.

Beatrice stopped him with a wave of his hand, signaling him to leave in a car to avoid being discovered.

Suldak was a little confused, but he still boarded the carriage and asked the coachman to drive back to the hotel...


"Hey, what's the matter with you?"

Mrs. Dorothy, who was sitting in the magic caravan, asked her best friend.

She was just talking about the affair last night, showing off to Annabella. Annabella is good at everything, but her thinking is old-fashioned and conservative. She has been trying to find her a lover, but unfortunately she failed to convince her friend.

"...That's Hathaway."

Annabella looked out of the car window and recognized at a glance that the person wearing an exquisite evening dress and pulling Beatrice along the sidewalk along the street was none other than her niece Hathaway.

She turned her head just in time to see Suldak turn and board the magic caravan.

Annabelle was slightly taken aback, she found that the young man who had a private meeting with her niece Hathaway was the noble baron who was playing cards with them on the magic airship.

At this time, Dorothy saw Annabelle's strange expression, and followed her gaze to look out of the window, just in time to see Suldak's back disappearing at the door of the magic caravan.

Dorothy said "Huh" for a lifetime, saw Suerdak's vigorous back, lightly licked her lips, and whispered:

"That young man seems familiar. Which nobleman is he? Why don't I have any impression?"

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