Lord Highlander

Chapter 549

The magic caravan drives along the avenue.

Suldak sat in the carriage, thinking about whether to return to Hailansa City as soon as possible after the affairs here were over.

After all, the main body of the third-level reservoir in Wall Village has already started to be built. The third expanded reservoir almost runs through the upper valley of Wall Village horizontally, building a real semi-arc-shaped reinforced concrete dam. After the completion, it indicates that the three main phases of the Wall Village reservoir have been completed. After the dam is completed, the water storage capacity of the reservoir can meet the irrigation of all the land in Wall Village.

As for the fourth-level storage tank, it is an overflow tank designed by Suldak. Only when there is a flash flood or continuous rain for days, the river in Wall Village reaches the maximum discharge, and the rainwater from the upper reaches is still unable to pour, the fourth-level storage tank will be opened. The gate of the pool, the excess rainwater will be poured into the fourth-level storage tank.

The role of the fifth-level cistern is even smaller. It is more like a landscape belt around the entire cistern project. A shallow water area will be created here. In the future, the fifth-level cistern will be a holy place to cool off in summer.

The townhouses in the village will end at the end of September, because as soon as October enters, Wall Village will usher in two festivals, the Harvest Festival and the Adult Ceremony, and then a large-scale autumn harvest will begin. This year, Wall Village has nearly A thousand acres of wheat fields are ready to be harvested, and then all construction in Wall Village will stop again.

The villagers who built villas in Karl's Manor will also return to Wall Village to participate in the autumn harvest.

Suldak had already greeted Karl...

A group of swordsmen stopped in the middle of the avenue. They came out of a side alley almost at the same time as the magic caravan drove over.

The first fully armed construct swordsman raised his hand and stopped the magic caravan.

The coachman quickly jumped out of the carriage, pouted his buttocks and greeted the team of constructed swordsmen. Facing these constructed swordsmen wearing cold face masks, the coachman seemed a little nervous.

"Routine inspection, open the compartment door, and stand aside!"

The lead swordsman waved his hand impatiently at the coachman.

The coachman walked to the side of the road with a sad face, and looked at these constructed swordsmen in fear.

The leading construction swordsman and two swordsmen stood at the door of the carriage, looking at the carriage without saying a word.

Suldak got out of the carriage. He saw the family crest on the swordsman's chest. He thought it looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it before. Suldak was sure that he was wearing such a crest on his chest. The family emblem is basically impossible to be a rebel army.

Since it wasn't a rebel army, Suldak felt that it didn't matter.

Suldak wore both the noble badge and the knight badge on his chest, jumped off the magic caravan, and deliberately spread his hands to prevent the group of unfriendly swordsmen in front of him from using any excuses to make excuses.

The leading construction swordsman stared at Suldak with a cold face, and said, "Routine inspection!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Suldak to express anything, he walked up and wanted to untie the saber on Suldak's waist.

Suldak took two steps back, but did not hand over his sword. The two constructed swordsmen behind the leader of the constructed swordsman immediately dispersed, blocking the retreat routes on the left and right sides of Suldak. Exuding murderous aura.

Suldak felt that the team of constructed swordsmen in front of him were elite swordsmen who had experienced many battles. As long as he made a slight movement, he would be greeted by a thunderous attack from this team of constructed swordsmen.

The lead swordsman came up and said coldly to Suldak: "You'd better not make unnecessary resistance, we are just doing routine inspection..."

Suldak leaned back against the carriage of the magic caravan, and the constructed swordsman approached him again, reaching for the saber at his waist.

Blocking the Constructed Swordsman's hand, the Constructed Swordsman seemed to have expected that Suldak would do this. He flipped his wrist, turned his fist into a knife and slashed at Suldak's neck, and bent his other arm , slammed his elbow into Suldak's chest, his movements were so coherent that Suldak was a little caught off guard.

Suldak used his arm to block a blow from the constructed knight, but he had no time to care about the elbow hitting his chest.

He bowed his knees and used his shoulders to block the swordsman's elbow.

The swordsman's elbow hit his shoulder, and he felt as if he had been hit by a running rhinoceros. The huge force immediately tore off the leather armor on his shoulder, and a huge force made his body move uncontrollably. After falling, his thick back collided with the carriage of the caravan, and there was a sudden bang, and the carriage almost fell apart.

Suldak wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to pass through the carriage and get out from the other side of the carriage, but found that there were two more constructed swordsmen behind him at some point, surrounding himself and the magic caravan in the center...


Beatrice stepped on the stone road with bare feet, and whispered to Hathaway as she walked, and when they approached the side gate of the manor, the two of them kept silent in a tacit understanding.

Hathaway pushed open the side door of the manor, and from here through the side garden and stables, you can reach the main house in the manor.

Seeing that no one was guarding the side door, Hathaway patted her chest, let out a long breath, and signaled Beatrice who was behind her with the crystal slipper to follow.

She saw Beatrice standing there somewhat cautiously, and turned her head to see a squad of Constructed Swordsmen standing in the shadow of the garden.

Hathaway knew that these Constructed Swordsmen were all members of the Constructed Swordsman Group under her father, Marquis Luther, and they would not usually appear at the manor. She thought that it was probably because she fled privately that Marquis Luther would use them. The Constructed Swordsman Group under him couldn't help feeling nervous.

"Miss Hathaway, the Marquis welcomes you!"

One of the construction swordsmen said to Hathaway in a calm tone.

After finishing speaking, the Constructed Swordsman team sandwiched Hathaway and Beatrice between them, motioning them to follow.

Hathaway spread her hands, shrugged her shoulders, and followed behind the constructed swordsman.

The group of people did not go to the main house of the manor, but walked along the garden path and detoured to the front gate of the manor. Here, a round arched building was built on the big iron gate, and the carriages entering the manor from the front gate would pass through a long and narrow door opening. , along the stone steps behind, Hathaway followed the swordsman team to the watchtower in front of the main entrance.

Marquis Luther was only wearing a silk white shirt, a soft leather vest, a pair of crystal stone leather breeches, a pair of riding boots on his feet, and one foot on the wall of the watchtower, sticking out The body looks out.

His hair was combed meticulously, but his face was gloomy and scary.

Seeing the appearance of Marquis Luther, Beatrice with a round face stuck out her tongue in fright, and took the initiative to hide behind Hathaway, not daring to face Marquis Luther's scrutinizing eyes.

Marquis Luther turned his head, glared at Hathaway, snorted coldly, then ignored her, and stood there alone looking out of the street.

Hathaway walked over cautiously, thinking about how to eliminate the anger in Marquis Luther's heart.

Beatrice didn't think so. Seeing Marquis Luther looking outside the manor, she also looked out curiously.

I saw a group of swordsmen surrounded by a magic caravan on the street outside the manor, and several swordsmen were fighting around each other...

Beatrice felt that the magic caravan looked familiar, and looked over there carefully, and found that the magic caravan was just the one she and Hathaway were riding in just now, and the guy surrounded by a group of swordsmen looked like Much like Suldak.

She secretly pulled Hathaway and pointed to the street outside.

Hathaway didn't notice it at first, seeing Beatrice winking at her, Hathaway immediately realized that something was wrong, she looked in the direction of Beatrice's finger, and only saw the street It looks like there's a fight going on.

She knew that Beatrice would not let her look out of the street for no reason. Since there was a large open space outside the gate of Luther Manor for carriages, the observation deck was quite a distance from the street, so Hathaway only glanced at it. , and found Suldak who was beaten steadily by the constructed swordsman.

Hathaway's eyes widened, and her face turned scary pale for a moment.

She didn't know what her father would do in his rage.

The Marquis Luther held power in his hand, so killing a knight was not a big deal, and the group of swordsmen were clearly his subordinates.

"You can't do this, he is my friend, please let him go..."

Hathaway hurried to Luther Marquis's side and said.

Did she know how powerful those constructed swordsmen were, and she was worried that if she hesitated, Suldak would definitely die at the hands of those constructed swordsmen.

"You turned a deaf ear to my ban and sneaked out during the day just to see him?" Marquis Luther asked in a deep voice, his tone full of anger.

Hathaway nodded, and explained in a low voice: "Yes, he came to see me in Bena City this time. I just slipped out to see him once out of courtesy to my friends."

She knew Luther's temper, usually just saying this would calm down the Marquis Luther's anger, but apparently it didn't this time.

Marquis Luther snorted coldly.


Hathaway begged.

Annabella's carriage stopped at the gate of the manor. When she stepped out of the carriage, she saw a group of people standing on the watchtower at the gate. The ones leaning against the wall were her brother, the Marquis Luther, and his niece, Hathaway. From a distance, it seemed that the two were arguing on the watchtower, so they quickly climbed up to the watchtower with their long skirts on.

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