Lord Highlander

Chapter 550

"Ferdinand, Hathaway, what are you two looking at?"

With the help of the maid, Annabelle walked up to the observation deck with her long skirt, and asked the father and daughter.

The cool night breeze made her pull the scarf around her shoulders, and Annabella's arrival completely broke the deadlock.

Marquis Ferdinand Luther turned his head to look at Annabella, his expression softened, and he asked in a calm tone: "Annabella, did your trip go well?"

"It's fine!" Annabelle replied.

She and the Marquis Luther are brothers and sisters, and they had the best relationship with the Marquis Luther before they got married. Later, after marrying in Constantinople, she became a countess. Every summer, she would return to the manor of the Marquis Luther in the city of Bena. Stay for a while.

"Aunt." Hathaway's eyes were a little red.

The fighting on the street continued, and five constructed swordsmen surrounded Suldak. Fortunately, both sides were relatively restrained, at least they hadn't drawn their swords yet.

"Hey, who messed with our Hathaway."

Annabelle walked over and held her niece in her arms. Both of them had eyes as magnificent as emeralds. It was said that they were the embodiment of the blood of the Luthor family.

Hathaway blushed slightly, and glared at Marquis Luther angrily, not knowing how to explain it for a while.

Annabella put her arms around Hathaway, leaned against the wall of the watchtower, and said to Marquis Luther: "I have seen that young man...he came to Bena City by airship with us."

Marquis Luther was slightly taken aback, and asked Annabella curiously, "Which family's young nobleman is he?"

Annabella smiled and said, "I didn't ask his name on the airship. He just played cards at a poker table. He was a taciturn young man."

Marquis Luther nodded and asked, "Annabella, do you want to intercede with Hathaway?"

Annabella sneered: "I don't want to meddle in your affairs, Ferdinand, I just think you and Hathaway need to sit down and have a good talk. As for this young man from Hailansa City, are you really Do you want to arrest him? Or do you think that letting him disappear from Hathaway's eyes can completely solve the problem?"

Afterwards, Annabella turned around and asked Hathaway again: "The problem between you and your father will appear in every noble family. At the beginning, I hated your grandfather very much like you, but later Think about it, since you are enjoying a good life, you need to do something for the family, if you want to reconcile with Luthor, you have to show your sincerity, I think the two parties can only make a compromise to resolve this matter."

hathaway is silent

Annabelle persuaded again: "Hathaway, I know how much your father loves you. He will always give priority to your feelings, but there are some things you must do for the family, and this is your responsibility."

Hathaway raised her head and sniffled, with a trace of rebellion in her blue eyes.

Although her eyes were full of willfulness, she said to Marquis Luther: "Let him go, I am willing to attend the meeting the day after tomorrow, and I will do what I should do."

"Are you serious?" Marquis Luther looked at Hathaway seriously and asked.

Hathaway stared back at Marquis Luther without giving an inch, as if she felt that there was no need for her to answer again.

"Well, it's a deal!" Marquis Luther nodded, and said to the head of the guard beside him, "Go and inform Nathaniel to let that young man go!"

The guard standing aside said, "Yes, Lord Marquis!"

Marquis Luther put his arms around his younger sister Annabelle's shoulders, and was very happy with her arrival, and the group walked down the watchtower just like that.

It wasn't until the Marquis of Luther was completely complete that Beatrice came up from the side, stood beside Hathaway, and looked at Suldak who was forced to retreat by a group of constructed swordsmen on the street with some reluctance, Sighed slightly.


The street looked deserted, but the street lights on both sides were very bright.

There were hardly any pedestrians on the street at this time.

Five constructed swordsmen approached from five directions, trying to surround Suldak. Their idea was also very simple, they just wanted to capture Suldak's saber hanging around his waist. Ke didn't use his weapon, and the constructed swordsmen naturally didn't draw their swords either.

Suldak didn't want to obediently bind his hands, he used his arm to block a heavy punch from the lead swordsman.

He wore a hard leather wristband on his forearm, but even so, the punch of the lead swordsman almost broke Suldak's wrist.

Suldak snorted, and immediately punched that guy.

It's just that the price for Suldak's punch is that the swordsmen around him completely surrounded Suldak.

Suldak put on a defensive posture, using the strongest part of his body to block the fists and feet of the constructed swordsmen, and Suldak was not helpless in the process, he would occasionally appear He punched back, and it didn't take long for his body to be covered with footprints.

Fortunately, he has a strong physique, and he didn't suffer any injuries from the Construct Swordsman's random punches and feet.

In the imperial decree, the knight's weapon is the symbol of the empire's power. Countless knights have formed an army to defend the country. They have the right to carry weapons with them. Even the guard battalion knights have no right to interfere.

That's why Suldak had the courage to reject these constructed swordsmen.

Suldak was very embarrassed by the siege of the five constructed swordsmen. The swordsmen had extremely strong balance and cooperated with each other very tacitly. They cooperated with each other to attack Suldak and forced Suldak to the ground. Panting, if it weren't for Suldak's solid basic skills in blocking, he would almost be blown away by these five constructed swordsmen.

Although he doesn't have a shield on his arm, he still likes to raise his arm when attacking from the front because of the habit he developed during battle.

Suldak did not activate the knight's aura of strength, and every collision was a contest of strength.

Only those who have been on the battlefield can feel it,

A fist sneaked up from his ear, and while turning sideways, Suldak swung his head aside, narrowly avoiding any punch, and smashed at the constructed swordsman with a hand knife.

A sneaky kick from the side hit his ribs, and Suerdak felt a sharp pain, his body flew out uncontrollably, fell on the roadside bushes, and smashed a bench, Wait for Suldak to crawl out of the bushes.

The Construct Swordsman rushed forward without any hesitation and mingled together again.

"Nathaniel, the Marquis has orders, let him go!"

When Suldak was completely under attack, a personal guard ran over from the main gate of the manor and said to the constructed swordsmen.

"Okay, everyone close the team!"

The constructed swordsman immediately stopped and gave Suldak a thumbs up. Without saying a word, he turned and left with a group of constructed knights.

The personal guard also looked at Suldak curiously before turning back to the manor.

Suldak wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth in a bit of embarrassment. His face was punched firmly by the constructed swordsman, and it was already swollen.

I received a few kicks firmly on my body, but still felt a little pain.

He tried to move his legs and feet, but found that there was no serious problem, so he limped into the magic caravan.

He didn't expect that Hathaway's family could actually mobilize such a powerful construction swordsman. When he sat back on the sofa in the carriage again, he glanced at the manor hidden in the night. view.

Suldak waved to the stunned coachman on the side of the street again, indicating that he could come over.

The coachman tremblingly climbed onto the driver's seat of the magic spray car. Regardless of the damage on the carriage, he raised his whip and urged the smashed magic caravan to leave the noble area at high speed.

It wasn't until the magic caravan drove out of the aristocratic neighborhood that the coachman slowed down. Seeing that no one was chasing after him, he let out a long breath.

Suldak was sitting in the compartment of the magic caravan, using holy light to heal the bruises on his body.

Return to the hotel.


I have been living in the hotel for the past two days and have not gone anywhere.

The whole city of Bena seems to be talking about the weird incident at Bradbury Manor.

Everyone is curious about some things that happened at Bradbury Manor. After all, it is a crystal key related to the treasure of the red dragon. It is said that if someone finds the treasure of the red dragon, he will immediately have a large fortune.

Of course, there are mixed opinions about the Bradbury family, and there are different opinions.

A large part of the citizens think that everyone was too careless in Bradbury Manor, and they didn't look carefully for the recessed relief groove on the wall, so they didn't find the crystal key hidden inside. When the rebels came from Bradbury Manor The magic crystal that was stolen is also likely to be a fake.

There are also some citizens who believe that the magic crystal is engraved with a teleportation circle of a certain attribute, which will automatically return to Bradbury Manor according to the hidden summoning circle on the wall every once in a while. Trying to break into Bradbury Manor again, to see the enchanted walls.

It's just that this time these bastards who wanted to sneak into the Bradbury Manor while taking advantage of the chaos were almost all stopped by the guard battalion knights.

In the end, some people believed that the magic crystal that reappeared was a fake at all, and that it had already fallen into the hands of the rebels.

Suldak sat in front of the dining table, listening to the weird ideas in silence while eating his lunch in silence.

After lunch, Suldak sat in the dining room for a while, and then went to the stables behind the hotel courtyard, led out his ancient horse, and asked the hotel waiter about the equestrian training ground. Ride out of the hotel.

He took Gubolaima around the training ground for a few laps, let Gubolaima move his body, and then returned to the hotel before dinner.

During this period, he sent another letter to Hathaway, but did not receive a reply.

I don't know if they were severely punished after they went home that night.


On the day of the meeting with Luther, the sun was shining brightly outside the window.

Suldak got up from the bed very early, took a bath during the morning, shaved the beard on his chin neatly with a skinning knife, and began to awkwardly put on an aristocratic dress.

After noon, Suldak came out of the hotel on his ancient horse.

Following the address left in the letter by Marquis Luther, he walked all the way into the wealthy area, and Suldak found that the scenery on both sides of the road was somewhat familiar.

When he rode to the gate of Marquis Luther's mansion, he realized that he seemed to have been to this place the day before yesterday, and the street outside happened to be the place where he fought with a team of constructed swordsmen.

Suldak was still thinking: What a coincidence, Hathaway and Marquis Luther are neighbors. It seems that Hathaway's family also has a big man like Marquis Luther.

There was a wide open space at the gate of the manor, and the emblem of the Zeluther family was erected in front of the gate, and Suldak came to the big iron gate.

The guard at the door hurried out and asked what Suldak was doing.

Suldak jumped off the horse and took out Marquis Luther's letter from his arms. The guard at the gate took the letter from Suldak's hand, and seeing the personal seal of Marquis Luther on the letter, he quickly winked at his companion in the porter's room , and said with a smile: "Our Lord Marquis didn't go out, it seems that we are waiting for you in the manor!"

"Wait a minute, I have already sent someone to report to the Marquis." The porter guard said.

Not long after, the gate of the manor was completely opened by the gatekeepers, and two guards stood at the gate to salute Suldak.

Surdak rode his horse into this magnificent manor, first passed through a long doorway at the gate, then walked along the main road in the front yard of the manor for a while, and finally came to a fountain. The ornate main building is behind a fountain, with a team of guards standing on the steps.

Suldak came to the bottom of the steps and jumped off his horse.

"Baron Suldak, Lord Marquis has been waiting for you for a while!" A personal guard stood on the steps and said to Suldak with a smile.

After he finished speaking, he looked at Suldak seriously, and when he saw Suldak's face, his expression was obviously slightly suffocated.

However, his complexion immediately recovered, and he became even more flattering. The guard asked the servant at the side to take the rein from Suldak's hand, and then led Suldak up the stone steps, looking as tall as a castle. Building, Suldak lamented in his heart the rich heritage of the Luthor family.

Walking up the steps step by step and entering the resplendent hall on the first floor, Suerdak stepped on the soft carpet like falling into the clouds.

The Marquis Luther and his wife were waiting in the lobby on the first floor. When they saw Suldak coming in from the door, the Marquis Luther and his wife hurriedly got up to greet them, and said to his wife Marianne with a smile: "Baron Suldak He is here, don’t underestimate him, he has repeatedly made military exploits in the city of Vozmara on the Maca plane, and almost all the guards in the city defense department know him..."

"Go and see if Hathaway is ready, and if she is ready, call her over!" Hathaway's mother, Mrs. Marianne, said to the maid beside her.

"Yes, ma'am!" The maid hurriedly turned and trot upstairs.

Suldak walked up to Marquis Luther and stood up straight. Seeing Marquis Luther looking at him with radiant spirits, Suldak was also very excited. Without Marquis Luther's strong recommendation, he might not be able to do so for the rest of his life. Can't cross the threshold of nobility.

"Lord Marquis Luther!" Suldak gave a military salute to Marquis Luther and said.

"Ma'am!" Although Suldak didn't know Madam Marianne, he also knew that this should be Marquis Luther's wife, so he also gave a military salute.

Mrs. Marianne smiled and looked at Suldak with soft eyes. Seeing his upright posture and dignified appearance, her first impression was naturally very good, so she stretched out the back of her gloved hand in front of Suldak...

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