Lord Highlander

Chapter 555

The old village head, Brett, left the construction site of the reservoir with a limping leg and only his hunched figure remained in the night.

It was only after Village Chief Bright disappeared into the darkness that Andrew and He came over from the security station. Perhaps it was because the power of the 'Rage Flame' magic pattern allowed him to break through the last layer. Recently, Andrew's strength has gained the second level. A rapid growth.

The first time was when the 'Soul of the Berserker' was awakened. During that period, his strength soared until he broke through a turn before gradually stopping.

But now with the help of the power of the 'Raging Flame' magic pattern, Andrew felt that he could break through the shackles of the intermediate level of the first rank in one go, and become a warrior in the late stage of the first rank.

The instructors in the barracks once said that if you want to be promoted to rank two strong, you must understand your own qi in your body. Warriors need to understand 'anger', fighters need to understand 'fighting qi', and swordsmen need to inspire 'sword qi' ', and the knight needs to awaken the 'halo', the second rank strong in the army is a rare existence, Andrew has never understood what anger is, is it just aroused from the bottom of his heart?

Andrew, who has reached the mid-level strength of the first rank, seems to have an epiphany recently. The so-called 'anger' can also be called 'fighting will'. After reaching a certain level, it can improve his strength, agility, and physical fitness.

I have the "soul of the berserk warrior". It is said that once I understand the anger, I can form a "furious" posture. It is said that warriors of this level are tireless on the battlefield and do not feel pain. Even the wolf cavalry in the orc tribe is not a berserker opponent.

"Has your recent strength been promoted again?"

Andrew scratched his head and smiled honestly.

He was wearing heavy armor, and it was a little inconvenient to sit down. He simply sat on the floor, with one leg stretched out and the other slightly bent, with one hand behind his back. He looked up at the night sky. Bian will enter the rainy season again.

The night sky is full of stars, and there is no cloud to be found.

Andrew said to Suldak:

"Yesterday, a veteran of the militia battalion came to deliver a letter, saying that he had found traces of the rebel army in the Western Wilderness on the edge of the desert. Oatfields, perhaps they haven't discovered that they're hiding in that area."

He didn't think it was such a serious matter, and thought about going to investigate it himself tomorrow.

Suldak was a little surprised. The Death Ridge in the West Wasteland was once an ancient battlefield. After so many years, some ghosts would appear there from time to time. It is said that priests and priests of the temple wanted to purify the area. An area, but later it was nothing.

In the past few years, because of the trouble caused by ghosts, the last village living there has also moved away.

He is the sheriff of the barren land, and these information were also found in the files of the Hailansa city hall two months ago.

Suldak asked Andrew: "The Death Ridge in the Western Badlands doesn't mean that weird things always happen there. Every Halloween, countless wandering ghosts appear in the Death Ridge. How can there be people?"

Andrew explained to Suldak: "It wasn't discovered by the villagers, but a group of refugees who lived in no fixed place. There is a piece of fertile land outside the mountain of death. These refugees want to spend the summer there. Plant some oats in the wasteland, and when the oats are harvested in autumn, they will be transferred to Hailansa City for the winter."

"A group of wanderers?" Surdak didn't expect a group of wanderers to go to the wilderness to open up wasteland.

"Yeah." Andrew replied.

Suldak pondered for a moment, and then told Andrew: "Go and send a letter to Karl tomorrow morning, asking him to mobilize some guard battalion knights. I will go to West Wasteland to check first. After the guard battalion knights come, let them temporarily Wait for my news here in Wall Village."

"Yes!" The native warrior Andrew took the order.

Although Andrew was born as an aborigine of the Nanai tribe, their tribe has lived in Wozhimara for several generations, and has already subtly become an imperial man, so they have a strong executive power. As long as it is an order from Suldak, it will be completed without compromise.

"Captain, let me go! My detection ability is better than yours." Samira came out from the darkness and did not know how long she had been eavesdropping in the dark.

Suldak thought for a while, shook his head and said, "Let me go, with Aphrodite here, it will be easier for us to connect."

In fact, he still didn't say a word, that is, 'It's safer this way. '

Seeing that Suldak had made a decision, Samira didn't insist any more, and only asked:

"When to set off?"

Suldak sat up from the big rock, patted the dust off his body, and said:

"It's not too late, let's go tonight."


Rita had just added hay to the trough of the stable, and the ancient horse hadn't eaten a few bites when she saw Suldak rushing back from the outside.

He first went to the living room to take a look at old Sheila, then went to the stable to saddle Gu Bolai's horse, and led the horse to the door.

Natasha put Suldak on her riding boots and prepared her horse. Knowing that he was about to go out, she ran out of the kitchen and asked:

"Why did you leave right after you came back?"

Suldak explained: "I found traces of the rebels in the Western Wilderness. I'm going to investigate. I'm worried that they won't be able to find them if they hide too late. This group of rebels who hid in the Badlands is our biggest Now that the Arrow Tower guard post has been built at Paglos Mountain Pass, it will be much more difficult for them to escape to Oak Ridge than before, and they must be dealt with."

Hearing what Suldak said, Natasha blushed slightly, lowered her head and whispered: "Then be careful."

Although a little bit reluctant, Natasha and Rita still helped Suldak put on the heavy set of 'Earth Shield' armor. With the addition of the armor, he suddenly became much taller and taller.

Riding through Wall Village, the local dogs in the village were obediently huddled in their kennels and did not dare to come out.

The market at the entrance of the village is empty, and some simple sheds have not been demolished, which makes the small market at the entrance of the village look a bit too messy.

Taking advantage of the night, passing through the cultivated vegetable fields on the other side of the river bay tidal flats, a dark vegetable field looks lush and lush from a distance.

After leaving the village, Suerdak walked all night. Only at the moment before dawn, Suerdak took out his sleeping bag, spread it behind a huge rock, and slept for a while. At dawn, he rode on his horse and continued on his way.

The more you go west, the more desolate you feel. Originally, the valley at the Pagros Pass was still a little green, but when you go deep into the barren land, it is almost a wasteland full of gravel, and some barren mountains are simply a whole piece. The horses should be extra careful when stepping on these gravels, for fear that a piece of weathered stone will shatter in an instant, which will easily break the horse's legs.

There are no too high mountains along the way, at most there are only some huge and exposed rocks on the surface, and one piece is as big as a small hill.

Basically, you can't see the river, not even the dry riverbed. Occasionally, you can see gray rock iguanas crawling out of the rock crevices to bask in the sun. As long as there is a slight sound, these timid gray iguanas Rock iguanas will quickly burrow into rock crevices.

There are almost no leaves growing on some rocky ground. This kind of wild grass is full of thorns, with few leaves, and it is very piercing when approached. It seems that there is a unique toxin on its thorns. Once it is pricked, it will feel It was excruciatingly painful.

The midday sun almost scorched the ground. Seeing the somewhat tired Gubolaima, Suldak decided to find a place to take a good rest. Perhaps he would wait until the sun turned to the west and the sun was not so harsh before continuing. Forward.

Suldak took off the saddle and began to shave Gu Bolai's horse, and then took out some grains and fodder from the magic backpack, and let it stand in the shade of the big rock.

After simply eating some baked wheat cakes and jerky, Suldak slept next to the boulder and squinted his eyes. After getting up, he climbed up a boulder to observe the surrounding terrain. Hard to die of thirst, its thick lips don't seem to be afraid of pricks.

There are no villages in this area at all, and it is deserted.

It is considered to be the most desolate area in the wasteland. The veterans of the militia battalion can know the situation in the west wasteland. Suldak thinks that the villagers in that village have some connection with the refugees there, but he doesn't want to ask about these things , Maybe he married a woman from a refugee village and became his wife.

If it weren't for these rebels who were so hungry that they would have to run out to grab the oats of those refugees, no one would have thought that the rebels were actually hiding in Death Ridge.

This place is a long way from the desert on the edge of the barren land, and the summer has just passed, but there is not the slightest hint of greenery here.

There are already hunters catching gray rock iguanas in the wilderness. Suldak remembers that at this time last year, Wall Village also began to organize manpower hunting of gray rock iguanas. Villagers don't have time to hunt gray rock iguanas in the wilderness.

After walking for two full days in a row, Surdak finally saw a large gray mountain in front of him at dusk, and finally saw some greenery here.

There are some withered and yellow weeds all over the place.

In the twilight, a large oat field appeared at the foot of the mountain.

There are still a few dilapidated thatched huts over there. There is a lack of supplies here. Only two houses have roofs made of wheat straw. There is a green smoke coming out of one house. A group of refugees gathered there. It seems that it is time for dinner. .

A corner of the wheat field was damaged, and Suldak rode his horse towards the group of refugees.

Those refugees looked at Suldak numbly. Apart from children, there were only some women and old people. They wore tattered linen clothes and grass skirts. Their situation was even worse than that of the natives on the plane. These refugees There were only about fifteen or sixteen of them. They surrounded a clay pot, and when they saw Suldak walk in, they remained silent. Although there was fear in their eyes, they showed no signs of fleeing.

Suldak jumped off his horse and strode over. He glanced at the oatmeal in the crock. There were even some unremoved wheat bran floating on the rolled oatmeal.

"Are you all refugees?"

Suldak asked as he stood in front of the group.

The so-called refugees are people without imperial status, and these people are not protected by imperial laws.

They have nothing, only a little more ridiculous freedom than those slaves.

In the Grimm Empire, there is no real freedom. Those nobles with financial freedom are still bound by family responsibilities, even members of the royal family can't do whatever they want.

"Yes, my lord."

Among the group of people, an old man who seemed to be in good health said to Suldak timidly.

"I heard that you found rebels here?" Suldak asked.

No one answered, and everyone was silent.

The children and women looked a little shivering. The children were all skinny, as if they were spliced ​​together from small bamboo poles, with a big head on top.

The women are also yellow and thin because they are always hungry and hungry, and they don’t look very good. The hard life makes them look much younger than they actually are, and they don’t have a graceful body at all. dark.

"Where are the men?" Surdak asked the old man.

The old man lowered his head and replied in vague words: "They have already run away. We have no strength to run, and we can't run away. We can only guard this piece of oats..."

Suldak looked at the oat field with only a corner destroyed, and didn't ask any more questions.

He also did not continue to stay in refugee gathering places.

Mount your horse and continue your journey towards Death Ridge.

Death Ridge at night, the mountain road is very difficult to walk.

But for Suldak, it wasn't that difficult to walk here, and he didn't go too far, and found a secret crevice between the rocks, where even the man and the war horse were hidden.

In order to have a wider field of vision, Suldak gritted his teeth, took out the last three salamander heads from his magic pocket, arranged a sacrifice ceremony, and exchanged for 'insight' for himself.

In front of the night, it was as if a layer of black veil had been removed by an invisible big hand. Although it looked like there was a heavy smog in front of the eyes, all the scenery within a few kilometers fell into the eyes.

He waited quietly in the crevice of the stone for a while, and then saw a ragged and ragged refugee woman sneaking along this mountain road towards Death Ridge. Her footsteps were flimsy, but her running direction was very clear.

Sure enough, as he expected, some of these refugees had already completely joined the rebel army, which also explained that the rebel army did not wantonly destroy the oat fields after the refugee men ran away. to the last ripening day of the oats.

Suldak calmed the horse, and followed the woman.

The road at night was very difficult, the woman walked for a long time before finally crossing a valley road, and Suldak could see guards patrolling on the rocky cliff from a distance.

If it weren't for the woman to lead the way, it would definitely take a lot of trouble to find out this group of rebels who hid so deeply.

Suldak climbed to the top of the high mountain and found a group of war horses in the valley here, and the temporary camp of the rebel army looked like a cave.

The life of this group of rebels is really hard, there is almost nothing here.

Suldak did not approach the group of rebels, they were very vigilant, and Suldak was worried that if he was discovered, he might be in danger.

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