Lord Highlander

Chapter 556: 545. Courage

Rebel guards lead the woman into the cave.

Immediately afterwards, a rebel team searched along the way the woman came. They were dressed in black and almost blended into the night. If you don't look carefully, it's hard to see them.

They did not find Surdak standing on the top of the mountain.

Searched all the way to the oat field at the foot of the mountain, but found no follower, and the rebel reconnaissance team returned the same way.

The woman leaned against the rock wall of the cave, wrapped in a shabby army blanket, drank a glass of cold water to calm down a bit, and then told the news of seeing a fully armed knight in the evening, and even sent Sur The weapons and equipment carried by Dak are described in detail.

Came to Bena Province to cooperate with the mission of the Dark Moon Gate. Cavendish Squadron Captain is the supreme commander of the rebel army. He is sitting opposite the refugee woman at the moment. , he carefully asked about the structure and characteristics of the armor on Suldak's body, and the refugee woman also observed very carefully, describing almost all the details.

However, the more detailed it was, the heavier Cavendish Squadron Captain felt.

Because the person who came turned out to be a Constructed Knight.

Among the rebel army led by him, there are at least twenty people who are qualified to become Constructed Knights, but he is the only one who owns a complete set of old magic pattern constructs.

For these rebels, the expensive magic pattern structure is almost an untouchable advanced armor.

Cavendish Squadron Captain knew that a set of magic pattern structure would greatly improve the first-rank knights, which also meant that if they were singled out, no one of these subordinates would be able to defeat the structure that Hailansa City came to investigate. knight.

He frowned, and asked again the direction the constructed knight was heading into the mountain.

The vagrant woman only said that it was too dark in the evening, and the knight could not be seen as soon as he entered the mountain.

The twelve squad leaders who received the news gathered around Cavendish one after another.

"Squadron leader, are there any knights from Hailansa City entering the mountain?" A captain named Buddy asked Cavendish. He was an old subordinate of Cavendish. At that time, he was under Cavendish, and later joined the rebel army with Cavendish.

If the coup d'etat is successful, the current Cavendish may be the director of the Sloit City Intelligence Agency, or the commander of the city defense army, but the coup failed and Baron Kai died on the banks of the Galloping Horse. He's just a rebel leader hiding somewhere in the world.

Originally, it was very hopeful to break through the second rank and become one of the strong ones, but now everything is lost because of the wrong decision at the beginning.

Cavendish nodded, always with a hint of worry in his eyes.

"Captain, what should we do?" Buddy held his chest high, and he was always in a high-spirited state no matter what.

For so many years, following him all the way through thorns and thorns, Cavendish Squadron Captain took a look at him and said:

"Clean up, he may not be able to find us so quickly, there must be some refugees who ran out to send a message to the guard camp in Hailansa City, we can no longer wait for the oats to mature, we must harvest those oats overnight, after harvesting these oats Go towards the desert."

"Yes!" Buddy and the other squad leaders took orders at the same time.

Then the squadron leader Cavendish ordered the scout squad leader who was in charge of the scouting mission, and said seriously: "Take someone to scout and see how many troops are around. If only a small team comes, then we will send them out." Eat it before leaving, otherwise there will always be people following us, which is not a good thing."

"Yes, Captain!" The captain of the scout team hurried out of the cave.

The scout team has a total of 20 members, which is the largest number among the rebel teams, almost equivalent to half a squadron, and the members of the scout team are all good at lurking and hiding, but they found a whole team in Death Ridge. That night, the Constructed Knight was not found.

On the contrary, three ghosts were found in the wild. Taking advantage of the fact that these three ghosts had just condensed, the scout team hurriedly summoned people to kill the three ghosts.


As the gate of void opened in the room, the breath of countless space cracks continued to spread outward from the magic circle.

The room is Samira's bedroom on the second floor of the security office. Samira and Andrew are waiting in the room.

Aphrodite set up the summoning circle in the room, and was sitting aside.

The thick curtains were tightly shut, and on the table by the window were white bread and jam, and roast lamb.

The barbecue is already cold. This is the food that Samira prepared in advance. In fact, she prepared one last night, but Suldak did not come back.

Suldak walked out of the time-space rift, so many times through the time-space rift of the summoning circle, he was used to the bad reaction of traveling in different dimensions. He saw that Andrew and Samira were both there, so he asked : "Has Karl rushed to Wall Village with the guard battalion knight?"

Andrew stood up and replied: "Yes, Captain, Squadron Captain Karl has mobilized the knights of the support squadron to rush to Wall Village as the vanguard. Captain Sauron will lead the team to Wall Village tomorrow morning."

Suldak walked to the window, lifted the curtain and looked out, it was pitch black outside.

"Captain, have the rebels found it?" Andrew asked curiously as he stood behind Suldak.

Suldak turned his head, spread a map on the table, and said, "I found it. It is indeed hidden in the Death Ridge in the West Wasteland. If they move, I will mark it along the way."

After finishing speaking, he reached out and picked up a piece of white bread, stuffed it into his mouth, and said while eating:

"This group of rebels is already alert, and it is estimated that they may move at any time. You must move quickly. Here is the map. Follow the route I marked to save time."

Sure enough, there was a clear thin line marked on this parchment sketch.

"Captain, how many people are in this rebel army?" Andrew asked again.

Suldak thought for a while, and found that he really didn't know how many people there were in this group of rebels. If he wanted to find out the exact number, he had to sneak into the cave.

"They are hiding in the cave, and the exact number is currently unavailable."

Andrew asked again: "Is there any magician from the Dark Moon Gate?"

Suldak said: "There was no sign of the magician last night. If there is, I will notify you in time."

After filling his stomach with the food prepared by Samira, Suldak prepared to return to Death Ridge.

Before leaving, Andrew asked Suldak: "Aren't you going to meet Captain Karl?"

Suldak waved his hand, and said casually: "Forget it, Aphrodite, guard Wall Village well, and call me if there is a situation."

Half a foot stepped into the void, and Suldak stopped and asked, "Is Gulitum back?"

Andrew said: "Not yet, the number of salamanders that came out this time is a bit too much..."

Suldak nodded, and only said: "Okay, it's nothing. I went back to monitor those guys. When Gulitum came back, remember to tell that guy to keep all the salamander heads."

"Understood, Captain." The native warrior Andrew watched Suldak disappear into the void again.

Aphrodite yawned and turned to leave Samira's room.

Karl and the knights of the support squadron did not live on the side of the security team, and the house of the security team could not accommodate sixty guard battalion knights anyway, so these guard battalion knights lived temporarily in the row house at the entrance of the village.

Andrew patiently waited until dawn, then ran to the door of Karl's room, and handed the parchment map to Karl.

"Your captain is back?" Karl asked casually.

"No, it's just a message!" The native warriors were red-skinned, and they couldn't tell when they were blushing.

Karl led the support squadron into the barren land first, and headed towards the western barren land along the route marked by Suldak.

Andrew accompanied him, and Samira stayed in Wall Village to wait for Captain Sauron's first brigade.


Unexpectedly, the rebel army had such a strong sense of danger, and the reconnaissance team has been looking for his whereabouts in Death Ridge.

All the rebels were dispatched after dawn. They rushed to the oat field at the foot of the mountain, wielding sickles, and snatched back all the half-ripe ears of wheat in the oat field.

The group of refugees hid in the dilapidated houses. The old people, children and women watched the rebels harvest the immature oats in despair. No one dared to stand up to stop them. It had already been negotiated that the oats would be harvested when they were ripe. They will also be given some rations, enough to support them until they walk back to Hailansa City, but now it seems that these crazy rebels have no intention of following the previous agreement at all.

They can only hope that these rebels will drop more ears of wheat in the field when they are cutting the wheat, and after they leave, they will pick up the scattered ears of wheat that fell in the wheat field, so that everyone can pass through this barren land. Wild West.

The old people sat in thatched huts, watching the crops of oats fall, and slowly closed their eyes.

In the evening of the next day, dark red clouds filled the sky.

The wheat field has been harvested by the rebels, but the wheat ears are a little green, and they are still not completely dry after being exposed to the sun for a whole day. Captain Vendish's planned evacuation was delayed for another day.

The rebels couldn't wait for the oats to dry completely, so they could only cut the oats from the stalks and put them hastily into linen bags.

More than 150 horses stood in the dilapidated village that had already waited at the foot of the mountain. These war horses silently chewed some green oats, and each of them had a bulging belly.

The groom in charge of the horses began to tell the rebel soldiers everywhere not to feed the horses too full, otherwise, once they drank the water, the oats would swell up in the stomach, which would easily burst the stomachs of the horses, and the full horses would not be fed at all. Can't run.

Some rebel knights don't think this is a big problem. They are about to leave Death Ridge. There is a barren land outside. If the horses want to eat, they must at least enter Pagros Mountain to eat more. , will starve less.

The scout team of the rebel army kept investigating the surrounding situation, but they could not find the Constructed Knight that day. The refugee woman who reported the message was found by Cavendish again. After repeated questioning, it was finally confirmed that the refugee woman was still alive. It's a lie, but that refugee woman was about to be driven crazy by the endless questions, her eyes were a little slack, and she just kept leaning against the corner and giggling.

Finally, I waited until the last handful of ears of wheat were put into my pocket.

Cavendish waved his hand, and the rebel army was about to leave Death Ridge.

The rising sun reveals a thin line on the east slope, and the foot of the Death Ridge is exposed to the sun.

The vanguard of the rebel army has walked out of the dilapidated village, and the follow-up rebel army is also getting on their horses one after another. The refugees stared at these rebel troops, and rushed into the oat field to pick up the remaining ears of wheat just waiting for them to evacuate. .

Standing on the mountain, Suldak had already seen the flag of the support squadron in the distance, but the rebels were also evacuating from the dilapidated village. According to the speed of the rebel army, they could just catch up with the support squadron. All were withdrawn from the foot of Death Ridge.

This was the last scene that Suldak wanted to see. On the mountain, he took out a magic flare from his pocket, pulled out the fuse and launched the magic flare into the air.

A red firework exploded in the air, and the sound of the explosion was like a copper hammer, hitting everyone's heart.

Whether it was Cavendish Squadron Leader of the Rebel Army or Carl Casement Squadron Leader, they were all shocked when they saw the red magic signal bomb explode in the air.

Karl, who was riding on a horse, looked at the gray mountains that were close at hand, and without hesitation, Karl shouted to all the guard battalion knights in the support squadron: "Raise your gun, go forward!"

He didn't even plan to send out scouts to investigate the situation ahead, just because Suldak was on the mountain ahead.

At the same moment, Cavendish Squadron Leader drew out his long sword from his waist and shouted to all the rebels: "Everyone mount your horse, let's retreat!"

At this time, the scouts on the mountain to detect the enemy's situation also sent a warning that they found the knights in the guard camp.

There was a chaotic sound of horseshoes in the distance, and the rebel cavalry mounted their horses one after another, and chased after the cavalry walking in the front.

Suldak was riding a Gubolai horse on the hillside, watching a group of rebels passing by the wind down the hillside, pulled out the blood red crescent, and held the 'Moses Blessing Shield' in the other hand, walking towards the front Some of the rebels rushed away.

Finally, a group of guard battalion knights appeared on the horizon.

They rushed up from the side and charged towards the rebel army. The native warrior Andrew was at the forefront.

Seeing that the Knights of the Guard Battalion were already charging, Captain Cavendish closed his eyes for a moment, knowing that the best time to evacuate had been missed, he waved to Buddy who was already eager to try.

Buddy hurriedly led some of his men, picked up the knight's spear from the saddle, lined up and launched a countercharge against the guard battalion knights of the support squadron.

Suldak rushed to the front of the rebel army alone, blocking the way of the rebel army...

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