Lord Highlander

Chapter 557

Suldak was wearing a complete 'Earth Shield' magic-pattern suit, with the full armor covering his body completely. He charged down from the top of the slope on his ancient horse, and stopped in front of the rebel cavalry alone.

The runes on the magic pattern structure on his body lit up little by little, and Suldak could feel the magic power spread all over the whole set of magic pattern structure, and his body seemed to be injected with a powerful force. Like a bridge, the power of the magic pattern structure is introduced into the body of the crotch. The lower horse, this ancient Bolai horse also has stronger physical strength.

It was panting heavily through its nose, and one of its hooves kept pawing at the gravel under its feet. The muscles all over its body seemed to be agitated and burning.

When one man and one horse rushed down the hillside, the momentum was like a rainbow, so that the rebels had to stop, and the cavalry in front set up their arrow formations before rushing towards Suldak.

The rebel cavalry didn't say a word, and the five knights' spears were arranged very neatly, plowing towards Suldak like a comb.

Neither side hesitated at all. When Suldak appeared on the top of the slope, the rebel cavalry noticed him, but they didn't expect that this constructed knight would dare to rush down one by one. You must know that the cavalry must form a formation , Running on a relatively open battlefield can exert its greatest power.

Constructed knights are terrifying, but how much splash can one person make?

The cavalry of the rebel army are a group of veterans who have experienced many battles. Naturally, they are not afraid of Suldak's charge. Instead, they are worried about being bitten by the knights of the guard battalion behind. It was Cavendish Squadron Captain who worried most.

"Go and kill the constructed knight in front, we can't let him block our way..."

Cavendish Squadron Captain gave instructions to his two subordinates.


The constructed knight in front of him rushed down from the hillside, and five rebel cavalrymen held knight spears to meet them. The five knight spears stabbed at the fully armored constructed knight almost at the same time...

The rebel cavalry believed that the constructed knight on the opposite side would definitely slow down, and he would use the shield in his hand to block the attacks of the spears one by one, because even a constructed knight could not block the 'thrust' of five long spears at the same time.

Instead of slowing down, Suldak slapped the horse's ass with the hilt of the blood red crescent, telling Gu Bolai to run faster. At the moment when the knight's spear was about to stab Suldak, the horse's feet suddenly The 'power halo' was on, and the phantom of the demon god with two faces and four arms emerged at the same time. He poured all his strength into the blood-red crescent in his hand, and slashed towards the five long spears.


The blood-red crescent cut off the heads of the five knight spears in an instant. At the same time, Suldak swung the 'Shield of Blessing of Moses' in his hand and smashed it on a decapitated knight spear in the middle.

The cavalryman felt an unrivaled force rushing towards the knight's spear. He was holding the spear with one arm, and he couldn't grasp the handle of the gun at all. The knight's spear suddenly hit him backwards, hitting his right side On the ribs, the rebel cavalry only felt that his body was flying in the air, his chest seemed to be burning with flames, and a mouthful of blood spurted from his throat.

The war horse under him was also affected, and his legs stood on the spot, neighing a long time.

The other four knight spears with broken heads hit Suldak at the same time, but the phantom of the two-faced four-armed demon god behind Suldak moved at this moment, and the phantom of the four arms became solid Get up, grab a long spear respectively, and block the fatal blow for Suldak.

Then, the phantom of the demon god with two faces and four arms instantly disappeared behind him ().

The four rebels were taken aback for a moment, they didn't expect that Surdak would not be affected by the combined blow of the five of them.

Suldak charged forward on his ancient horse, and a dazzling holy light erupted from the blood-colored sword. The long swords cut by the two knights on the side, a layer of silver light shield burst out from Suldak's shield, blocking all the full blows of the two cavalrymen.

Just as the war horses staggered, Suldak shook his head violently under his crotch, and slammed into the opposite knight's war horse with his strong body. The body of the opposite war horse suddenly made a clear bone cracking sound, and the entire body of the horse was hit. Two meters away, he fell down on the battlefield with a bang, and the rebel cavalry on horseback was also crushed tightly under the horse.

Taking advantage of the staggered horses, another knight stabbed at Suldak's heart again with the long sword in his hand, but was blocked by Suldak with the blood-red crescent.

The two long swords collided with each other, and there was a piercing sound.

The rebel cavalry only felt that the strength of the opponent made his arms numb. Before he could raise the knight's light shield, Suldak's blood-red crescent slammed into the gap of his sword again, and the edge of the long sword echoed. fracture.

The expression on the knight's face was frozen in astonishment, and a thin bloodstain appeared on his forehead, and a long and narrow wound appeared on his body.

He fell off the horse without a sound, without even making a sound.

Suldak's movements were done in one go, beheading five rebel cavalry in an instant with his own strength.

The cavalry rushing up from behind looked at the constructed knight in horror. Since they had rushed in front of Suldak, they could only bite the bullet and launch a full blow at this moment.

Suldak was instantly surrounded by rebel cavalry, relying on the strength advantages brought by the "power halo" and "divine blessing body" to cut left and right in the crowd, no rebel cavalry could for a while Block him completely.

Just as Suldak was blocking the way of the rebel army, the knights from the support squadron of the guard battalion in the distance had already rushed to the battlefield and collided with the rebel cavalry.

The cavalry of the guard battalion lacked combat experience, but they were well-equipped, and their physical fitness was better than that of the rebel cavalry.

Karl's support squadron only has 60 knights, and there is an obvious disadvantage in the number of knights. Fortunately, these rebels are currently fighting on two fronts, because Suldak is involved in a group of rebel knights, so the disadvantage in numbers is not too great obvious.

Native warrior Andrew was worried about Suldak's safety. He carried the butcher in his hand and activated the magic-weave breeding outfit "Rage Flame" on his body. The phantom behind him was a pair of fierce eyes, which now looked more like half-open eyes. The face, but those bloody eyes seemed to have some kind of magic power, all the rebel cavalry who looked at the phantom behind Andrew would be "intimidated", as if it was a kind of trembling from the depths of the soul.

Andrew looks more violent than Suldak. He is not aiming at killing at all. The enemy rushing towards him will stab the knight's long spear, and he will be cut off by the butcher in his hand, and the long sword will be cut off by The butcher in his hand chopped it off, and the heads of the charging horses would be chopped off by his butcher immediately. The ax in Andrew's hand was almost razor-sharp, and there was a layer of burning on the ax blade. Ordinary rebel cavalry couldn't stop him at all.

Soon Andrew rushed to Suldak's side...

Suldak only felt a commotion among the rebel cavalry, and a rebel cavalry in front of him,

The full armor on Andrew's body was covered with various scars, and there were several wounds on his body. He rushed to Suldak's side indifferently and protected his right side.

The eyes of the two met, Andrew cracked his mouth and smiled, and the butcher in his hand unceremoniously slashed on a long sword stabbed by the opposite side. Suddenly, the long sword of the opposing cavalry ignited a layer of flames, and the knight let go of his hand quickly. Letting the long sword fall to the ground, Andrew took advantage of the situation and chopped off the rebel cavalry.

After approaching Suldak, a halo of power lit up under Andrew, and his strength increased a lot, making Andrew's ax swing freely.

Cavendish saw Andrew beheading several cavalry along the way, and rushed straight to the opposite constructed knight, knowing that they were the most powerful among the knights in the guard battalion, if they couldn't kill them, his side Even if the way forward is firmly blocked.

He didn't hesitate anymore, raised one spear in his hand, held the shield in the other, and didn't control the horse's reins. With his legs sandwiched between the horse's belly, the war horse turned around towards Suldak as if with a heart. rush away.

Seeing Cavendish rushing towards the Constructed Knight, several trusted captains of his subordinates quickly guarded him, and some rebel cavalry immediately followed behind their captain, which immediately formed a torrent in the rebel army , Cavendish is the forefront of this torrent.

Suldak suddenly felt a huge aura like a giant peak emanating from the opponent's army, and the rebel cavalry in the front left and spread out to the sides, making way for Cavendish.

Although Suldak was wearing a helmet, he didn't have a visor. When he looked at Cavendish, it seemed that he had touched a fragment in his memory...

Cavendish on the opposite side was also slightly taken aback. He was riding on a horse, holding a spear, and shouted: "Jambach!"

Suldak only felt that the name was familiar, but he forgot who that person was. The other party had already charged forward with a spear in his hand, so he held up the 'Moses Blessing Shield' to meet him.

There was a loud bang of 'Dang'.

The spear in Cavendish's hand left a deep puncture mark on Suldak's shield, and the long sword swung by Suldak was also blocked by Cavendish's shield. Taking advantage of the situation, he pushed his shield with his shoulder, and the shield swung out again, hitting Suldak's shoulder, almost knocking Suldak off his horse.

Andrew wanted to rush over, but was surrounded by other cavalry regiments, and it was dangerous for a while.

Cavendish laughed loudly, and taunted Suldak loudly: "You, a shield warrior wearing a magic pattern structure, regard yourself as a structure knight?"

Monthly ticket single chapter, thank you when the Spring and Autumn Homeland Mengchuan Army returns home to reward, make up

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