Lord Highlander

Chapter 574

Surdak and his party hid behind a crevice in the cliff at the top of the mountain.

This is an excellent observation spot found by Carol's fellow hunters. A dense oleander leaf hides everyone, and even the patrolling magicians can't see Suldak when they look down from the sky. A hiding place for a group of people.

The valley in front of me presents a complete circular outline, even though it is covered by dense forest, it can still be seen very clearly.

The mountain giant is more than twenty meters tall, its body is as huge as a small hill, and its height is almost equivalent to a five-story building.

He waved the two giant trees in his hands, and the ruins below the valley suddenly flew away, and no one dared to approach within a hundred meters around him, and countless trees fell to the surroundings.

The mountain giant's body was covered with mottled rock armor, and those fireballs that were not much bigger than a coconut fell on him, just like the mountain giant struck a match, and the weak fluorescence could not cause any harm to him.

A series of lightning bolts fell, turned into countless electric arcs and penetrated into the mountain giant's body, and then flowed into the ground along his body.

Looking at the flies flying randomly above his head, Shan Ling let out an irritable roar.

It violently threw the giant log out of the hand of a dark moon gate magician who was galloping in the air while riding a magic scorpion. The giant tree roared past the magician's feet with a strong wind, frightening the magician. The trousers under the teacher's robe were wet.

The roaring giant tree brought a gust of wind that made him do somersaults three times in the air before he managed to stabilize his figure.

At this moment, transparent mana masks lit up on the bodies of the other magicians who were riding the handle of the magic scorpion.

Under the refraction of sunlight, those egg-shaped masks are particularly dazzling.

"How long has this level of fighting been going on?" Suldak shrank back from behind the boulder and asked the hunter beside him in a low voice.

Overhead, a magician from the Dark Moon Gate whizzed past on a magic scorpion handle.

Samira retracted the fully drawn alloy bow and stared at the gradually receding figure in the sky.

Just now she had the opportunity to shoot down the sorcerer with an arrow, but she held back at the last moment. She knew in her heart that once she did so, the whereabouts of the security team would be exposed. She took two deep breaths , calmed down silently.

"It's almost two days and two nights." The hunter felt the murderous aura emanating from Samira's body, and moved his body to the side of the stone wall.

Andrew leaned against a rock wall that had been washed clean by the rain, adjusted the branches and leaves above his head, and asked, "What do you think those magicians are doing?"

"Maybe they want to exhaust the mountain giant's physical strength." Samira guessed.

Carol shook his head at the side at this time, and said in a low voice: "It's useless for them to do this. It is the son of Gaia, the goddess of the earth. As long as your feet don't leave the earth, the power of the earth will flow continuously along your feet. Feet injected into its body, it is the master of this mountain, we hunt here, never dare to approach this area, this is the first time for me to come here.”

Samira squatted on a fragrant tree and looked down through the leaves. After a while, she pointed to the ruins below and said to Suldak:

"Look over there, they seem to be setting up a magic circle. Why are the costumes of those magicians different from those in the sky?"

Under the cover of thick leaves, Suldak looked in the direction Samira was pointing at. Sure enough, in the gap between the dense forest and the ruins, several magicians could be seen laying metal rune plates on the open space. The magic circle seems to be made up of nearly a hundred metal rune plates, and there are seven obsidian circular pillars on the edge of the magic circle, each of which is engraved with a strange rune.

The magic robes worn by those magicians are all black with dark gold stripes, but the style is not the same as that of Cyrus. The robes of Hickok, Marion, and Samoya, the magicians of the Black Magic Priory, are almost identical.

"The people who arranged the magic circle should be the magicians of the Black Magic Priory." Suldak said in an affirmative tone.

Facing the magic spells of the Dark Moon Gate mages, the mountain giant angrily trampled down a large area of ​​trees around the valley, moved huge boulders from the ruins, and threw them violently at the mages flying in the air. The individual is huge, and the group of magicians are like flies that land on the watermelon rind, and they all scatter with a 'buzz'...

Near the edge of the ruins, seven magicians from the Black Magic Retreat stood under the obsidian pillars. As they chanted the blunt spell, the obsidian pillars slowly released magic power, and the runes on the stone pillars followed one after another. Lights up, and slowly rises a hideous ghost head in the center of the magic circle, with its mouth wide open.

The sound of spells kept ringing, and a pale arm stretched out from the ghost's head.

The moment that arm stretched out, the ghost head in the center of the magic circle was smashed by a huge force, and the arm was instantly stained with purple blood, and a four-meter-high blood-red torturer broke the evil The head of the ghost crawled out of the door, and Xing Mo's neck was covered with a huge shackle, and his body was full of muscles. He got out of the door of the evil ghost, burning with black flames, and roared while looking at the mountain giant on the battlefield.

In front of the mountain giant, Xing Mo, who was covered in black flames, just reached the mountain giant's knees,

A lavender hexagram circle emerged from under the feet of a magician.

'Sleeping Cloud'

A cloud of faint smoke condensed in the air and did not disperse. As the wind enveloped the body of the mountain giant, the body of the mountain giant swayed as if drunk. Slammed towards the magician.

Xing Mo quickly jumped away, protecting the magician from the boulder.

The mountain giant finally lowered his head, took a serious look at the Hell Punisher and the black mage, raised his hut-like big foot with no expression on his face, and stomped hard on the Punisher. Without hiding, he raised his hands up and faced the mountain giant's feet.

At this time, the magician next to Xing Mo chanted the incantation again, and a larger magic pattern circle emerged.

Suldak could even feel that the magical elements around him became active.

A huge stalagmite broke out of the ground in an instant, and the sharp tip of the stalagmite pierced straight to the sole of the mountain giant's foot. Unexpectedly, the mountain giant was not afraid of the stalagmite at all, and stepped on it together with the stalagmite and Xingmo, and the stalagmite instantly cracked into a pile of rubble .

Xing Mo supported the soles of the mountain giant's feet with both hands, but it only lasted for a few seconds before it exploded with a 'boom', and countless black flames wrapped around the soles of the mountain giant's feet and burned violently.

Who would have thought that the Hell Punisher, who had at least level three monster strength, would be crushed into pieces of paper with just one foot in front of the mountain giant.

A few torturers covered in black flames crawled out from the summoning circle, and surrounded the mountain giant silently.

Carol's other three hunter companions also gathered at the crevice on the top of the mountain at this moment. When they saw Suldak, they all showed respect. Suldak looked at the ruins below, thought for a while, and turned his head Say to Samira: "Samila, you and a hunter guide go to the Magic Union Law Enforcement Group, tell them that the members of the Dark Moon Gate and the Black Magic Priory are here, and bring them here. "

"Hmm!" Samira jumped down from the tree and stood beside Suldak.

Suldak said to Andrew again: "Andrew, you take the hunter guide to Captain Sauron and the others. I'll keep an eye on them here."

"Yes, Captain!" Andrew said.

The two walked down the mountain with the hunter guide, while Suldak continued to guard the crevice on the top of the mountain, monitoring the situation on the other side of the valley.


MacLeish stood behind a big rock in the ruins at the bottom of the valley, looked at the mountain giant who was about to flatten the ruins, and spat out the sand in his mouth fiercely.

Unexpectedly, there is such a huge monster outside the Red Dragon Treasure.

The magicians of the Dark Moon Gate are divided into three teams to fight in turn. They have stayed in this valley for two days. The original plan was to send a team of magicians to ride the magic handles to lure this big guy away. .

But for two days in a row, this mountain giant only circled in this valley, which made him lose face in the team.

He felt that although the magicians of the Black Arts Priory didn't say anything, they must have doubts about his ability in their hearts.

Due to an irreversible and major mistake in the Red Dragon Treasure Operation organized by the Dark Moon Gate, the collaborators, the Northern Rebel Army, were almost completely wiped out in Bena Province.

Originally, the Dark Moon Gate held the crystal key and the half-broken map of the Red Dragon Treasure, and they were only one step away from the Red Dragon Treasure.

It's a pity that due to various internal accidents, all the broken map and the crystal key were lost from his hands. The trump card was beaten to pieces by the Golden magician, and it took a lot of trouble to get back the half of the broken map. At this time, the Black Magic Retreat directly came to the door and offered cooperation with the crystal key.

MacLeish didn't even want to look at the black mages on the edge of the ruins.

Those black magicians who have fallen into darkness are like a group of mice in the ground in Roland Continent. If they didn't have the crystal key, thinking of this... MacLeish sighed again.

Cyril Dent slowly descended from the sky with several young magicians from the first team. The figures of the second team of magicians had already appeared in the sky. Now it was their turn to continue to contain the mountain giant.

Cyril Dent's face was covered with sweat, and he strode up to MacLeish and said, "Teacher, the low-level magic scrolls we carry are not too many, should we change our strategy..."

After speaking, Cyril Dent sat down in front of MacLeish, drank the water in the glass, and sat in the awning to rest.

"Those black mages have already made their move, but the demons who came out of the dark summoning circle only have the power of the early stage of the third level, and they can't deal with the mountain giants at the peak of the fourth level. I guess they must have other backs !” MacLeish said with a cold face.

The four criminals were still defeated by the mountain giants on the battlefield. If there were no magicians from the Dark Moon Gate in the air to restrain them, they might be trampled to death by the mountain giants at any time.

At this time, a black mage stood in the summoning circle on the edge of the ruins. He opened his arms and chanted a long spell aloud. A lavender hexagram magic glow emerged from his feet...

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