Lord Highlander

Chapter 575

The black magician in the summoning circle was Flanagan, the leader of this team of members of the Black Magic Priory.

The entire magic circle was filled with a faint purple mist, and huge black water bubbles kept gushing out from the ground covered with metal rune plates. These water bubbles kept emerging from the black swamp and bursting.

At this moment, the summoning circle turned into a huge quagmire, and five huge eyeballs with a diameter of about one meter slowly emerged from the quagmire. The red pupils exuded an evil aura, and there were dozens of wicker-like growths under these eyeballs. Tentacles, after these eye monsters appeared from the summoning circle, they slowly rose into the air. They stared at the mountain giants on the battlefield, and their eyes were constantly absorbing magic energy.

The tentacles under those eyeballs kept circulating, and these eyes gradually became blood red.

The mountain giant seemed to feel the threat of the evil eyes. He slowly twisted his body and looked at the few floating eyes in midair. It was photographed in the middle, but there were several torture demons entangled with it under its feet. The mountain giant was furious. He raised his foot to step on one of the torture demons, and immediately turned him into a ball of purple blood.

Magician McLeish stood on the boulder, looked at the big eyes in mid-air, and said with surprise: "They actually developed a magic circle to summon the evil eyes of hell. These evil eyes can release death rays. The mountain giant I am afraid that the solid armor cannot resist these rays."

Then he said to the student Cyril Dent in the awning: "It seems that we have to prepare this time, send a signal to the second team to let them fly farther away, and we are going to release the lightning matrix..."

The Lightning Matrix is ​​a large-scale composite electric magic developed by the Dark Moon Gate organization.

The space system belongs to the advanced magic of electric magic, just like ice magic is the advanced magic of water magic. As space magicians, they are also proficient in electric magic. Seeing those evil eyes gaining momentum in mid-air Ready to go, McLeish immediately organized the magicians who were resting in the rear, let everyone line up, and then began to prepare for large-scale magic.

With the sound of the same incantation, each of these dark moon gate mages standing in a circle gathered a lightning ball in their hands.

MacLeish stood in the circle, and the lightning power from all the magicians was transmitted to the MacLeish magician.

Countless lightning light balls gathered together to form a chain of lightning chains under the control of Magician MacLeish. After the spell in Magician MacLeish's mouth was finished, the lightning chain turned out to be like a length of two The electric snake, as thick as a bucket of more than ten meters, quickly rushed towards the giant mountain 100 meters away.

Cyril Dent originally didn't think that the magicians on his side could kill this mountain giant who was beyond the peak of the fourth level, but he saw that the lightning chain turned into a ring of restraint, locking the mountain giant's body, and the lightning beam shocked it. His whole body was burnt, and a glimmer of hope rose in his heart.

The huge lightning chains turned into a huge power grid on the mountain giant's body, and the giant tree in the mountain giant's hands was completely carbonized in an instant.

At the same moment, the five eyeballs in midair opened their eyelids almost simultaneously, and five beams of black light shot out from the eyes, and the death beam instantly penetrated the mountain giant's body.

Five blood holes appeared on the upper body of the mountain giant, and there were countless lightning entanglements.

Cyril Dent, who was standing in the mage lineup, heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the vital parts of the mountain giant's body pierced by five beams of light. However, after waiting for a long time, the mountain giant did not fall down as tragically as everyone had hoped. , instead broke free from the big net woven by lightning with brute force, reached out and pinched the evil eye in midair in the palm of his hand, and with a little force, the evil eye turned into a pool of purple blood.

The mountain giant did the same thing, smashing all the slow-moving evil eyes in mid-air with a few waves of his hands. Even though his feet were covered with black flames, he killed all the summoned torture demons, and disappeared little by little with the electric arc on their bodies. , although there were a few wounds on the mountain giant's body, it didn't affect his movements at all.

It found the summoning circle on the edge of the ruins at a glance, and rushed towards the summoning circle in great strides, with a step of more than ten meters away.

The magician of the Dark Moon Gate rode a magic scorpion to surround him again, tore open the magic scrolls one by one, and the fireballs and arcs fell on the mountain giant again.

The mountain giant bowed his waist, let the magic fall on his generous back, and rushed to the summoning circle.

Those black mages didn't have time to put away the summoning circle, they only had time to put the obsidian pillars into their magic pockets, and the metal rune plates on the ground were trampled to pieces by the mountain giant.

The mountain giant was stronger than he had imagined, but the injuries on his body aroused its viciousness. He stepped heavily on the ground with both feet, and the whole valley trembled slightly. The mountain giant sideways avoided a string of fireballs, raised He swiped a magic scorpion handle with his hand, and the magician who was riding on the magic scorpion handle rolled and fell out.

A member of the Dark Moon Gate riding a magic handle just flew by near the magician's landing point. Seeing the magician flying over, he grabbed the magician's belt and caught him from mid-air.

McLeish did not expect that the large magic matrix of the Dark Moon Gate could only restrain the mountain giant for a few seconds, and did not cause wounds on him. Instead, two magicians were injured in the battle.

Seeing that the hell torturers and evil eyes summoned by the black mages could not defeat the mountain giant, McLeish gritted his teeth and strode towards the black mage Flanagan.

Magician Flanagan just spent a lot of mana summoning the hell demon, and his face turned slightly pale.

The summoning circle that he worked so hard to build was crushed by the mountain giant, and all the magic rune boards worth hundreds of gold were destroyed. He could only temporarily withdraw from the battlefield with seven black magicians. , He also laughed at MacLeish's incompetence, but now he finally understood how McLeish felt, the feeling of bitterness that could not be expressed was very uncomfortable.

Seeing MacLeish approaching, Magician Flanagan quickly stood up politely, and said politely: "It's a bit ashamed to say that the demons summoned by the magic circle are at least one level lower than the mountain giants. In this mountain giant It didn’t work in front of me.”

"Our taboo magic is also useless, so this time I am here to officially invite you to join our second plan!" Magician McLeish said: "I want to withdraw some magicians to build a temporary teleportation array, so The Priory should also participate in the task of containing the mountain giants."

"We'll do our best!" Magician Flanagan said seriously.

McLeish nodded, and then discussed with Flanagan magician to send magicians to take turns to contain the mountain giant.

The MacLeish magician led a group of men to build a temporary teleportation array in a hidden woodland in the valley overnight.

Suldak and Carol took turns watching the battle in the valley.

Until noon the next day, in the hidden forest on the edge of the ruins, Magician MacLeish finally successfully built a temporary portal.

Putting a large number of magic crystals into the gemstone base, the magic portal slowly operated, and a magician from the Dark Moon Gate walked into the temporary portal.

"What are they doing?" Carol asked suspiciously as he watched a teleportation array being built.

"It is estimated that the reinforcements from the Dark Moon Gate were brought in..." Suldak said softly.

Before the words were finished, teams of tall warriors wrapped in linen entered the valley through the portal. These warriors held tridents in their hands, and several graceful figures appeared in the team, but they were equally tall.

This group of fighters moved quickly, and it didn't take long for them to form a square array at the entrance of the ruins.

The mages riding the magic horns in the sky continued to involve the mountain giants. Those graceful figures held crystal balls in their hands. They first looked around the valley, and then selected the mountain hidden by Suldak. He climbed halfway up the mountain in one breath before stopping.

Suldak thought that these people had discovered their whereabouts, and was considering whether to fight before withdrawing. Unexpectedly, the group of people stopped halfway up the mountain. At the same time, he also saw the group of tall The true identities of the figures, these people are actually a group of warriors with fishtail bodies—the Pompeii Sea Clan.

The bodies of these guys are actually covered with scales. Those strong warriors hold a trident in one hand and a solid conch shell in the other, and their bodies are covered with green scales.

There were actually three witches among the group of Pompeian sea tribes that climbed up the mountainside. Wizard Flanagan and Magician McLeish immediately walked to Pompeii, the leader of the Pompeii sea tribe, and a group of people gathered together to discuss the battle plan.

Those Pompeii sea warriors did not immediately enter the battlefield. Nearly 300 Pompeii warriors formed a huge circle around the ruins.

And the Pompeii warriors on the mountainside brought out twenty conch shells like huts. These shells were engraved with lengthy magic runes. The three Pompeii witches quickly inlaid some snow-white pearls and magic gems on the conch shells. on the shell,

This time, all the mages from the Dark Moon Gate withdrew from the air, and only the six black mages of the Priory were holding the mountain giant back in the air.

The MacLeish magician formed a lightning matrix formation on the hillside this time, and the three witches of Pompeii began to cast spells continuously. A large amount of seawater, these seawater did not flow into the valley along the hillside, a large amount of seawater seemed to be restrained by an invisible force, gushed out of the conch shell, and was stored halfway up the mountain, as if being stored Enter an infinity transparent bathtub.

With the influx of sea water, the three Pompeii witches raised their hands almost simultaneously, controlling the huge wave that built tens of meters high on the hillside.

The mountain giant finally noticed the strangeness on the hillside here. He got rid of the entanglement of the black mage and rushed towards this side with big strides. The Pompeii warriors hidden in the forest still did not launch an attack.

At this time, McLeish and the members of the Dark Moon Gate once again gathered a huge electric snake, and this lightning chain was drawn directly on the mountain giant's body, and the lightning chain turned into electric circles to firmly bind the mountain giant in place.

Suldak was hiding on the top of the mountain, and he could clearly hear the witch of Pompeii singing a spell in Jana...

As the incantation fell, the tens of meters of seawater accumulated in the middle of the mountain instantly turned into thousands of troops and rushed towards the mountain giant. The front wave rolled up the rocks and trees in the valley, and swept the mountain giant into it.

At the same time, nearly 300 Pompeii warriors plunged into the sea water and rushed towards the mountain giant along with the surging tide.

Seeing the huge tide in the valley, both Suldak and Carol looked at the scene in shock...

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