Lord Highlander

Chapter 576

The sea water engulfed a large number of rolling stones and giant trees, and the first huge wave formed hit the mountain giant.

The sea water directly submerged the mountain giant's waist, and the huge momentum made the mountain giant take two steps back abruptly. It tried hard to maintain the balance of its body, and tried hard to stand firm in the sea against the tide.

It clumsily picked up a giant log from the sea, facing the tide, swung its arms round and smashed towards the halfway up the mountain.

Before he could take back his hand, another higher wave rushed in, and the sea water directly flooded its chest. The mountain giant let out a panicked roar for the first time, flapping and waving its arms vigorously in the sea water, it wanted to Walking to a high place, a giant log hit its chest head-on, its body suddenly fell backwards, and fell into the sea, its hill-like body was instantly submerged by sea water...

Hundreds of Pompeii warriors holding tridents shuttled back and forth in the sea in the flexible torrents full of boulders and rolling logs. They have a giant tail like a mermaid, but the end of the giant tail does not have a caudal fin, but a sharp point like a moray eel. The dark red fins on the tail, underarms and elbows allow them to swim freely in the sea.

When the mountain giant was knocked down by the waves, the group of Pompeii sea warriors swam towards the mountain giant in the sea, and a fierce battle broke out under the sea surface, and the mountain giant disappeared, and the sea water seemed to boil.

Then, one arm of the mountain giant stretched out of the water, and several tridents were inserted into the arm that was harder than rocks. Several Pompeii warriors who were brought out of the water jumped into the water one after another, and then the head of the mountain giant emerged from the water. There were some wet branches hanging above its head, and it stood up from the sea in a state of embarrassment, but another huge wave rushed towards it...

It never occurred to Suldak that the reinforcements recruited by the Dark Moon Gate Organization were actually a group of Pompeii marine warriors. These warriors with eel tails could reach five or six meters in length and freely shuttled in the sea water.

This valley is a natural crater, and there are no low-lying gaps around it. The sea tide summoned by the Pompeii witch suddenly turned the valley into a vast ocean. The mountain giant stood in the seawater that covered his chest, and his surroundings were full of whirlpools. He was a little unstable, and there were constant attacks on his body by Pompeian sea warriors underwater.

It was powerless to resist at all, and could only let out furious roars. Facing the oncoming tides, the mountain giant found that he could not get close to the mountainside, so he could only let out a unwilling roar, and fled towards the north side of the circular valley. To escape across the mountains into the depths of the Pagolos Mountains.

A large group of Pompeii sea warriors chased after the mountain giant, and the mountain giant kept rushing forward, but the Pompeii sea warriors kept chasing and intercepting them, stopping and stopping along the way, and the battle continued until sunset.

On the water surface of the ruins, the seawater formed a huge whirlpool, continuously pouring into the ground.

The three witches of Pompeii exhausted their magic power in the middle of the mountain, only maintaining the water level in the circular valley. The mountain giant was already exhausted from soaking in the seawater. He stood in the seawater with his lower body, leaning against the mountain wall, resisting the siege. Pompeii warriors.

Until the sky was completely dark, the fighting over there still did not stop.

The magicians from the Gate of the Dark Moon and the Priory rode magic bastions to attack the mountain giants in the air. After dark, these magicians landed one after another. The terrain near the circular mountain wall was complicated, and they rode magic bastions at night. Flying is dangerous.

The mountain giant could no longer be seen in the field of vision. Suldak drilled out from the cracks in the rocks and stood on the edge of the convex cliff looking towards the valley. The valley was submerged by sea water, the waves were constantly swallowing the mountain walls, and many rocks on the mountain walls collapsed continuously. drop...

"I want to get closer to see the situation of the mountain giant." Suldak stood on the rock and said to the hunter Carol.

"Then let's go around here..." Carol didn't ask too much, and led the way first.

The two of them got into the dense jungle at the top of the mountain. The jungle was pitch black, and the nocturnal animals scattered and fled when they heard the noise. The thorny grass grew from the low bushes and scratched Suldak's leather boots. The rattan grass scraped everywhere, rustling the trouser legs, and walked for a while, passing through this bush.

The road ahead is a cliff with jagged rocks, which is more difficult to walk than the dense forest. It is dark under the feet. From time to time, there is the sound of sea water hitting the rocks, the mountain wind whistling, and the echo of some gravel falling into the sea from time to time.

The mountain giant's battlefield seems to be far away. Surdak searched along the mountain for half the night, and finally saw the mountain giant who had sunk into the mud at the bottom of a steep cliff. , with his head resting on a rock, most of his body was sunk in the mud, waves of sea water washed over his chest and abdomen, it was like a rock mountain that fell silent in the dark night, and he couldn't even hear his breathing.

Sea warriors from Pompeii swam in the dark waters, guarding the mountain giant.

Suldak squatted on the rocky cliff at the top of the mountain, and by the faint moonlight, he could clearly see the black shadows swimming back and forth on the sparkling water.

He rummaged through the magic pocket and found that there were still enough sacrifices in it, so he took out a bundle of ropes from the magic pocket, tied one end of the rope to a boulder next to the cliff, and threw the whole bundle of ropes down the cliff .

He pulled the rope with both hands, feeling that it was still tied firmly, and planned to slide down the rocky cliff along the rope.

Carol grabbed Suldak's arm and said to him, "Master Baron, it's dangerous down here."

Suldak originally wanted Carol to let the wind out on the cliff. After thinking about it, he might be in danger at any time if he was discovered by the Pompeii sea tribe, so he said to Carol, "I want to try it and see if it works." Rescue it, you don't need to worry about me later, go find Gulitum to meet up, this place may become very dangerous, I will find a way to find you."

The hunter Carol wanted to dissuade him again, but half of Suldak's body had already sunk into the cliff, so Carol nodded and said, "Master Baron, be careful, I'll go find that ogre to meet you." !"

"It's waiting for me in place, you and Gulitum are optimistic about our horse..."

After finishing speaking, Suerdak held on to the hemp rope tightly, and slid down the rope little by little. Normally, this would be nothing, but in the dark night, the surrounding light is very dim, so one must be careful.

A few rocks were kicked off halfway, and the sound of splashing water was quickly drowned in the sound of the waves, which did not attract the attention of the Pompeii sea warriors.

The sea tide formed a huge vortex in the valley, and a large amount of seawater continuously poured into the space under the ruins, and the seawater level in the valley continued to drop.

Suldak jumped from the cliff to next to the head of the mountain giant. The head of the mountain giant was almost half the size of a room. He has a very straight nose and deep eye sockets. Those eyes are as white as two pieces of pure white jade. There are no pupils or even eyelids in the eyes. They emit faint fluorescence and are always open.

He put one hand by his mouth and spread the other hand, expressing to the mountain giant that he had no intention of doing anything. He could feel that the mountain giant turned his attention on himself, and Suldak quickly hid behind a rock , here you can avoid the sight of the Pompeii sea warriors, but at the same time you are in front of the mountain giants.

Suldak squatted beside the stone. To the mountain giant, he was as insignificant as a bird under the eaves. He could feel the mountain giant's strength slowly decaying, and the vigorous vitality in him was forming. Fading, that is a very mysterious feeling.

Suldak said to the mountain giant: "Can you understand me? I can help you..."

Those jade-like eyes were like a huge screen, flickering brightly and dimly, as if responding to Suldak.

Because of this, Suldak set up a sacrificial ceremony on the ground, and took out a few sacrifices of salamander head quality from the magic pocket.

Then he said to the mountain giant: "I want to try, but I can't guarantee it, and I will leave immediately if I encounter danger,"

Seeing no response from the mountain giant, Suldak started the sacrificial ceremony.

The two-faced four-armed demon statue slowly appeared in the altar. Suldak hesitated and smiled, and took out a hellhound head wrapped in quicklime as a sacrifice. This hellhound head had become very shriveled. Suldak didn't know if it could still be a sacrifice.

After he offered the sacrifice, a beam of light fell on the mountain giant in the dark night. Although the light was very weak, it still penetrated far in the dark night. A group of Pompeian sea warriors noticed the strangeness here. Immediately approach this side.

They were worried that the mountain giant still had the power to fight back, so they didn't dare to lean in. They just climbed onto the mountain giant's chest and stabbed around with their tridents.

"Isn't even the 'Divine Blessed Body' okay?" Seeing that the mountain giant didn't respond, Suldak said depressedly.

He lowered his head and flipped through the magic pocket, gritted his teeth and took out three precious salamander heads.

These three salamander heads seem to be preserved very freshly. They were brought back by the ogre Gullitum this time. The ogre brought back a total of seven such salamander heads from the river of lava. I have to say The ogre is a very good hunter, not only has enough strength, but also is very patient. In order to guard a salamander, he squatted motionless on the bank of the lava river for a day and a night.

Three salamander heads were sacrificed, and Suldak chose to bless the mountain giant with the blessing effect of 'Superior Body'.

In the dark night, it was as if a beam of golden light broke through the clouds and covered the mountain giant...

Those Pompeii sea warriors were completely shrouded in the golden beam, and they jumped into the sea in panic. Following the mountain giant's long roar, the mountain giant pulled out one arm from the mud, and then he held it up with one hand. Clinging to the rock wall on the shore, half of his body stood up from the mud.

The shouts of Pompeii sea warriors continued to be heard from all around, and the tridents fell on the mountain giants like a rain of arrows in the dark night.

It climbed out of the mud pit with great difficulty, clung to the dark cliff with both hands, and pulled out its huge body more than 20 meters high from the mud pit. The mountain giant who escaped quickly disappeared into the thick night.

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