Lord Highlander

Chapter 586: 575. Early Winter

The Red Dragon Treasure incident finally came to a halt after entering November. The coalition forces of the Bena Provincial Guard Battalion and the Law Enforcement Corps defeated the plots of the Dark Moon Gate and the Black Magic Priory in the Pagros Mountains. This kind of news is like snowflakes floating all over the streets and alleys.

All of a sudden, the entire province of Bena was talking about it, and many heroes were born out of it.

It is already very cold this season, and the residents of the city are looking forward to the arrival of the first snow.

The streets are covered with leaves of sycamore trees, leather boots will make a rustling sound when stepping on them, and some cleaners with bamboo handles gather these leaves at the roots of the trees and pile them up thickly, they will not remove these dead leaves shipped away.

In winter, these leaves will serve as quilts for the trees, preventing them from freezing to death in the extreme cold.

Pedestrians on the street put on thick woolen coats with their collars turned up, and hurried away in the bleak autumn wind.

Some cafes and barbecue shops are full of people, and everyone prefers to welcome the cold winter in this way.

Order a cup of milk tea and find a table next to the window. You can sit leisurely for an afternoon, and several people gather together to talk softly.

Some people will discuss this time the Supreme Commander of the Guard Battalion Allied Forces, Grand Knight Glenn. It is said that this knight is a second-rank strongman transferred back from the front line of Warsaw. There are many stories about him, but the most talked about is that he pierced Achieved the feat of the protective cover of the teleportation array. This trip to Bena, at least he will not let him lose his position as the head of the guard battalion, and return to the Warsaw plane in despair.

At this time, it was as if these people had been on the scene in person, analyzing every detail (including the precise angle of the shot) clearly. The Glenn Knight became the biggest talking point in Hailansa City, and even many The noble lords all moved the idea of ​​marrying their daughters to him.

Another name that everyone talks about the most is the great magician Morrison of the Bena City Magic Union. This great magician Morrison finally cast the 'fire cloud' to disperse the 'thunderstorm' of the enemy mages, making the sea The citizens of Lansa believe that the great magician Morrison is likely to be promoted to become a magister soon.

Some people also talked about Wizard Gerald, but everyone could still keep their mouths shut about this leader of the magic world in High Lansa City. He only said that he was heroically wounded in order to cover the retreat of a group of men on the battlefield, and few others talked about it.

As for the brave guard battalion knights, they have been unanimously praised by the citizens of Hailansa City. Someone even complained publicly: Is this still the Hailansa Guard Camp I know? How come there is a feeling of constructing the reserve of the Knights?

People have a new definition of the legendary "Quell Sera" dragon-slaying sword. Everyone says that the sword is not actually a dragon-slaying sword, but the sword of the dragon knight, Duke Angus Bradbury. The sword may be buried under Lord Angus' tombstone.

As for the so-called Red Dragon Treasure, some people think that if the Duke of Angus Bradbury is really that rich, maybe he should buy more territory or something. In that case, his descendants will not be left in ruins hundreds of years later. That's it.

Of course, the biggest winner this time, the citizens of Hailansa generally believe that it is the law enforcement team of the Magic Union.

Because this time the law enforcement team obtained a complete set of temporary teleportation arrays, from the cornerstone to the central system, to the pillar of runes, these are the advanced magic pattern arrays that the space magicians of the Green Empire cannot complete independently. Such a set of temporary teleportation arrays The door is worth at least a few thousand magic spar.

Except for the absence of the astrolabe, the other parts of the temporary teleportation array were intact, so the law enforcement team took a big advantage this time.

People are talking about these topics everywhere, and Suldak's position as the squadron leader of the security squadron of the guard battalion stationed in the Badlands also came quietly during this period.

The only people who rushed to celebrate at Suldak's house in Wall Village were his good friend Karl Casement and the magician of Lance. circle.

Before leaving, Carl's words were still a little sour.

Karl felt that he had been in the security camp for more than three years before he climbed up to the position of the squadron leader of the support squadron step by step, and Suldak joined the security camp a year ago. Sacheng can have a convenient position, and can also receive a set of free maintenance weapons and equipment.

But now! In just one year, Suldak actually became a squadron leader of the Hailansa Guard Battalion.

My friend Magician Lance once again expressed his gratitude to Magician Gerald to Suldak. Magician Gerald was recovering from his injuries at the Magic Tower of Hailansa. Thanks to Erdak.

Suldak said to Lance magician from the bottom of his heart: "Can you change that Moses Blessing Shield into a brand new one..."

Now the metallurgical forging process in Bena Province is really bad. All of them look beautiful, but they are all of the same shape, and they can't stop the bite of the three hell dogs...

Suldak sent the two of them to the entrance of the village. The Lance magician was busy, so he flew away with a swish on a magic scorpion.

Karl boarded the magic caravan alone, took Mrs. Mariana's luxurious magic caravan, and returned to Hailansa City slowly all the way.


The fourth embankment of Wall Village Reservoir is like the outermost wall of the castle, which almost covers the upper valley.

In order to have enough irrigation water for next spring, the most downstream gate of the reservoir has been closed after the harvest festival, and the creek that passes through the village has exposed the bottom of the river. The daily water used by the villagers in Wall comes from all As for the water trough brought down from the upstream valley, it is a drinking water channel over Wall Village. From the cistern to the square in the village, the clear spring water flows into the circular pool in the center of the square.

A group of village women squatted by the pool and chatted softly, holding the laundry they wanted to wash.

The townhouses in the village have all been built, and the streets in the middle of the townhouses are paved with a smooth layer of volcanic ash cement, and the entire Wall Village is now completely new.

Standing at the entrance of the village and looking up, the small townhouses in the village are arranged very neatly. Some sheets and cotton clothes are still drying on the second-floor terraces of some buildings, which makes the village full of life.

Six hundred kobold slaves, led by Luke, went to the sulfur mine on the other side of the lava river. This time, the old village chief Brett expanded the scale of sulfur mine mining, mainly because he was worried that Surdak's money bag would be stolen. Many projects in Er Village have been emptied out. At present, the sulfur mine in Lava River is still the biggest source of income for Suldak.

The supply and marketing contract signed with Constantinople Firearms Workshop also successfully completed the first order.

After the carriage company's convoy returned to Hailansa City, Village Chief Bright received the first payment for the sulfur mines, and immediately loaded the second batch of sulfur mines into the carriage company's truck. These sulfur mines need to be transported to Hailan first. Saskatchewan.

These goods had to be transported to High Lansa City first, and the carriage company would arrange the trucks to Constantinople in a unified manner.

After the first heavy snowfall in winter, the road to Constantinople will be very difficult. Village Chief Brett doesn't care who can transport the ore there, but at present, the horse-drawn carriage company in Hailansa City is still the safest one's business Patner.

What Suldak has been busy these days is to form a militia battalion.

After the Harvest Festival, the wheat fields in all villages had been harvested, and Suldak thought it was time to gather the people from the militia battalion.

When the last trace of green on the barren land disappeared from people's sight, the militia battalion started the first round of training.

Surdak's militia battalion has a total of 150 militiamen, but he has not recruited all the militiamen. Now there are less than 100 people gathered at the security station. Almost all the militiamen have some disabilities. Most of the injuries on his body were left over during his military service.

These veterans have completed four years of military service and returned to the village from the battlefield. Their lives will not be changed because of how many meritorious services they have made. Whether it is a veteran with a lame leg or a broken arm, those meritorious deeds can only be exchanged for a small amount of silver coins, which cannot support them for a lifetime.

In the lean summer, Baron Suldak's militia battalion recruited manpower, and there were no restrictions on disabled veterans. After joining the militia battalion, they could receive a bag of ration subsidies every month. This bag of rations was not enough for a family. It's all full, but it's better than eating wild vegetable porridge mixed with grass roots and cassava.

These veterans joined the militia battalion at that time.

In that season, almost all healthy villagers went to the city of Hailansa to beg for a living, and the only ones left in the village were those who could not travel far.

Carol went hunting in the Pagros Mountains in the spring and was injured. He stayed in the village due to his injuries and somehow joined the militia battalion. He received rations for three months in a daze. One task is to keep an eye out for outsiders in the Badlands, especially wizards.

Looking at it now, fortunately, Carroll was able to join the militia battalion.


The first field training of the militia battalion was a bit different from what the militiamen thought. There was no survival in the wild, nor trekking in the wild, crossing tens of kilometers...

Suldak just asked the militiamen to lead the way, and walked around the villages to learn about the current situation of the residents in the barren land. Winter is about to enter, and the villagers in each village are hurrying to make winter reserves. The villagers prefer to go without What a dangerous Oak Ridge, but the mountain goods there have basically been searched over and over again, and it is not easy to find some fish that slipped through the net.

In contrast, the woodland resources on the edge of the Pagros Mountains are richer, but there are monsters rampant there, and it is very dangerous to rush into the Pagros Mountains.

Suldak only brought a pair of eyes this time, and did not express any views on the living conditions of the villagers in the barren land. He devoted all he had to the construction of Wall Village, just because of some imaginations with someone in Handanal County. The original promise has now been fulfilled step by step. He has no intention of spending his own money to improve the living conditions of all the villagers in this land.

He just walks around and looks around.

Along the way, he and the half-elf archer held a map to write and draw on it, constantly correcting the signs of the villages, and connecting some roads with dotted lines, especially the Great Rift Valley in the barren land.

This training was more like an inspection to each village, and then these militiamen went back to each village. What Suldak asked of them was to pay attention to collecting information on outsiders and pay close attention to the bandit group on the other side of the desert. Once you find the traces of those bandits, you must communicate to Wall Village as soon as possible.

Suldak took Samira back to Wall Village, and took out a map that clearly marked the specific locations of these natural villages. The biggest hidden danger in the barren land is the bandits in the desert. , these bandits will sneak out of the desert and loot the villages in the barren land.

When these bandits ransacked the village, they usually only took half of the food, so the villagers couldn't survive.

As the sheriff of the barren land, Suldak's duty is to eliminate these bandits. Of course, an effective intelligence network must be established for this matter.


Sitting in front of the window, watching the snowflakes falling outside the window, Suerdak poked roasted chestnuts out of the coals of the fireplace with a wooden stick.

Signa squatted opposite Suldak, holding her knees with her hands, staring at the browned roasted chestnuts with wide eyes, and her two little hands couldn't wait to grab them.

Surdak accurately divided the chestnuts into two piles with a wooden stick.

Signa squatted aside and sighed somewhat disappointed. Although she was dissatisfied with Suldak's distribution, she had nothing to say, her expression was extremely cute.

The door of the room was pushed open, and a cold wind blew in from outside. Selena walked in from the outside with a gust of wind and snow. She stood at the entrance and wiped off the snowflakes on her body. She hung her coat at the door, with a faint smile on her face. Smiling, she walked into the living room, first kissed Signa on the forehead, then stood behind Suldak, hugged him tenderly from behind, and put her pointed chin on his broad shoulders.

"It's snowing so much, I still don't forget to go to the kobold's slave camp..."

Before Suldak could finish his complaint, Selina covered Suldak's mouth with her soft lips, taking a slightly cool breath.

"Woo... oh!"

Suldak could feel that Selena was taking the initiative this time, and after being separated for a long time, he patted Selena's delicate face with his hand and asked curiously:

"What's the matter, you're so happy?"

Selena waved her fist excitedly, moved close to Suldak's ear, and whispered:

"The prayers of the kobold slaves have been answered by the dark goddess Celine, and I have finally developed some goddess followers!"

Suldak was stunned. He didn't expect this group of kobold slaves to become believers of the Goddess of Darkness. He asked with some concern: "They have become believers of Goddess Shirin, will Her Ladyship liberate them from slavery?" ?”

Selena kicked off her shoes, curled up comfortably on the soft sofa, and shook her head with a smile.

Suldak looked at her smiling and flattering face, and asked suspiciously: "...you don't think you want to go to the lava river sulfur mine to develop the six hundred kobold slaves there?"

Selena opened her big blue eyes, and asked with a look of astonishment, "Did you guess this?"

That's all for tonight, my back hurts!

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