Lord Highlander

Chapter 587: 576. Viscount Emmett Visits

There was a knock on the door, and Signa ran out barefoot in her pajamas to open the door, and there were a series of footsteps downstairs on the floor of the outer corridor.

Not long after, Signa's little head poked in through the crack of the door, and shouted to the two people who were embracing and sleeping on the big bed: "Someone is looking for you! Suldak, I heard it's from Hailan!" The noble lord who came from the city of Sa!"

With his upper body bare, Suldak sat up from the big bed at once, opened a corner of the curtain and looked outside, it was just past morning.

No one in Woer village wakes up so early in winter. In the past, they could save breakfast after sleeping for a while. Now, no one in the village cares about the miscellaneous grains, but they are still used to getting up when the sun climbs high. There's nothing to do anyway...

Selena lay lazily on the bed, the room was very warm, she covered her body with a blanket, her golden curly hair spread out on the bed, she sat up with her body propped up, and helped Surdak fasten the straps of the leather armor .

Suldak turned around and patted her fair face, and said to Selina, "It is not a wise choice to go to the sulfur mine at this time, after all, it will snow soon, you can wait until spring..."

Selina kissed Suldak's cheek, which seemed to have developed a kobold slave disciple, which greatly increased her confidence. She raised her delicate cheeks slightly, and raised the corners of her mouth, with a touch of charm, and said to Suldak: "Go do your work."

Walking out of Selena's small townhouse, Andrew stood across the street and shouted: "Captain!".

Suldak walked over and asked, "Andrew, who is looking for me?"

"It's Viscount Emmet..." the native warrior Andrew said to Suldak.


A gorgeous magic caravan was parked outside the courtyard of Suldak's house. The coachman covered his face with a hat and was lying on the driver's seat basking in the sun and taking a nap. Two snow-white draft horses without any hair Stand side by side in front of the car.

Suldak opened the door and walked into the yard. Seeing Rita coming out of the kitchen with a fruit plate in her hand, Suldak asked in a low voice:

"Master Viscount is in the living room?"

Rita nodded, blushing, and said in a low voice:

"Mother is talking with him, I'm going to deliver some food to the driver."

Suldak walked into the living room of the villa, and saw four guard battalion knights standing on both sides of the entrance of the living room. Seeing Suldak walk in, he immediately saluted Suldak with admiration in his eyes. It was obvious that they knew Surdak.

Suldak couldn't call their names, so he could only stop and return the same military salute.

The living room of the new home is also very stylish. This light brown soft leather sofa was sent by Carl, and there is also an exquisite coffee table and lake wall table. Old Sheila and Viscount Emmett are sitting in the living room chatting. Viscount Emmett is very talkative. , and his speech and demeanor are all gentlemanly.

He didn't expect Viscount Emmet to come to Wall Village, walked up to Viscount Emmet, and saluted Viscount Emmet,

"Master Viscount Emmett!"

With a faint smile on his face, Viscount Emmet looked up at Suldak, but his restrained gaze seemed a little sharp, and he said directly:

"Baron Suldak, I didn't expect you to build this place so well. No wonder Lord Luthor is so optimistic about you."

Suldak smiled slightly, sat down on the chair opposite Old Sheila, and asked:

"Master Viscount, what is the purpose of your trip to the barren land?"

Viscount Emmet paused for a moment, and then said: "This time I was entrusted with taking the barren land. There are two main things. The barren land security squadron has been established for almost half a month, and I haven't seen you go to guard The battalion received the municipal appropriation. Let me see how the preparations for the guard battalion squadron are going. The preparation work can be carried out slowly, but the municipal appropriation must be withdrawn as soon as possible. If you wait for the winter to pass, you will have to submit the financial application for next year in the spring Already, this year’s grants will go to waste.”

Suldak knew that to form a squadron, there would definitely be a special allocation for the guard battalion, but he didn't expect that there were so many rumors in it.

"Ah! I'm planning to go back to the guard camp to recruit some knights. Thank you Viscount Emmet for reminding me!"

Viscount Emmet nodded slightly, and said: "This is a remote place, and there are frequent incidents of robbers washing villages. It is estimated that it will be difficult to recruit enough guard battalion knights, but you can try recruiting in the Knight Academy." ..."

Suldak nodded noncommittally. He hadn't been in a hurry to do this, mainly because he didn't want to recruit those new recruits from the Knight Academy.

Do you want to take them to the battlefield?

Ever since Suldak saw the performance of those students from the Bena Advanced Swordsman Academy on the battlefield in Handanar County, he didn't have a good impression of these academy students.

Viscount Emmett continued: "The other thing I came here for is actually entrusted by my boss to see what kind of attitude you have."


Suldak immediately sat up straight, pretending to be listening.

To be able to invite Viscount Emmett to be a lobbyist, or his boss, he must be a high-ranking nobleman, even if he is pretending, he must be respected enough.

Viscount Emmet first looked at the old Sheila who was sitting opposite, and then showed an aristocratic smile on his face. He said to Suldak:

"Marquis Luther was the head of the Constructed Swordsman Group when I was serving in the military. I heard that you went to the city of Benar before and met Miss Hathaway, the jewel in the palm of Lord Luther. And that time I met you We talked very happily, so I made a special trip to you to ask what you mean, Lord Luthor wants to marry Miss Hathaway to you, are you willing?"

Suldak hesitated for a moment, and glanced at the old Sheila sitting opposite.

Old Sheila's face was calm, and she sat there quietly as if she was about to fall asleep.

What Viscount Emmet said was not euphemistic at all, and there was no room for manoeuvre at all, he just didn't directly say to Suldak: "Marquis Luther wants to marry his daughter to you, and I will marry you for this matter." A special trip to inform you...... Please accept it! '

Suldak pondered for a moment, then said:

"Actually, I planned to go to Bena City in person after the Harvest Festival, and wanted to consult the Marquis Luther. If the Marquis agrees, I will propose to Miss Hathaway. It's just that the things in the wasteland have kept me from Get away, that's why I haven't been able to leave for a long time."

Old Sheila's eyelids moved, and she raised her head to look at Suldak. There was a trace of surprise in her shy eyes.

Viscount Emmet didn't know about the relationship between Suldak and Hathaway, but was asked by Marquis Luther to ask Suldak's thoughts.

Hearing what Suldak said, he immediately smiled at Suldak and said: "So that's the case, Lord Luthor also said in the letter that you and Miss Hathaway had a good talk at the ball, but I don't know why. There is no follow-up..."

"You performed particularly well in the Maca Plane War, Lord Luthor appreciates you very much..."

When Viscount Emmet said this, his tone became more cordial. After all, the newly promoted baron in front of him will marry the beloved daughter of Marquis Luther.

This time I came to Wall Village, probably mainly for this matter. He didn't care much about the formation of the guard battalion squadron in the barren land. Seeing that Suldak expressed his love for Miss Hathaway at first sight, he was very happy. It can be regarded as the successful completion of his mission.

Viscount Emmet didn't stay in Wall Village, but just had a not-so-rich lunch at Suldak's home, and then left in that luxurious magic caravan.


The warm afternoon sun shone on the oak floor of the living room. Old Sheila was leaning on the recliner, her legs were covered with a blanket, her eyes were closed as if she was asleep.

Little Peter sat on the floor, stacking building blocks with a faint pine scent, and he built a castle on the floor.

When Suldak came in, Little Peter hurriedly ran over and hugged Suldak's thigh, begging him to join him in the building block game. Suldak patted Little Peter's head and said to him softly: "Aunt Rita seems to have something for you..."

"What does Auntie want to give me?" Little Peter immediately gave up the building blocks in his hand and ran out of the house in a hurry.

Suldak rubbed his hands and sat on the chair opposite to old Sheila. He didn't speak in a hurry, and just sat there quietly enjoying the quiet of the afternoon.

Old Sheila slowly opened her eyes. The wrinkles on her face had deepened a lot, and her hair was almost completely white. She seemed to have grown older in this year.

"Is it the lord who made you a nobleman?" Old Sheila asked slowly.

"Yes." Surdak replied.

"What's his daughter's personality like?" Old Sheila asked again with worry in her eyes.

"It's okay," Suldak said.

Old Sheila sat up from the recliner, looked at him seriously and said, "You have become a nobleman now, and you are the sheriff of the barren land. If you wish, we will not object! But I hope you can do it in the future." Treat Natasha as always. Well, I think you need to discuss this matter with Natasha, after all, it will affect her life. "

"I will."

Suldak didn't expect that old Sheila didn't reject this matter so much.

Seeing Suldak's hesitant expression, old Sheila's gaze shifted from his face to the window, and a bird flew past the window.

Old Sheila said softly to Suldak: "I know that you have been trying your best to make our life better during this year. I have seen him in dreams more than once, and I told him about our current life. , he kept telling me, you should have your own life, and your life should not be just this small Wall village, you have your own journey.”

"This is all I have." Suldak said looking into old Sheila's eyes.

"I know, you've always done this!" A faint smile finally appeared on old Sheila's melancholy face, and she said again: "Go, go and have a good talk with your wife, she is so gentle."

Suldak stood up and said, "I will try to get her permission."


Suldak felt that there was no way to speak about this matter anyway.

Telling my wife that I'm going to marry another one is shameless, and his skin is not that thick.

So he has been struggling all afternoon. He wants to organize his language well to prevent Natasha from overreacting.

Natasha is folding clothes. There is a faint fragrance in the room. There is still a set of leather armor hanging on the wooden shelf in the corner. She also plans to apply some grease to the Suldak leather armor. She is wearing a cotton dress. Wearing a sheepskin suede vest, with a happy smile on his face.

Seeing Suldak coming in from the door, he hurried over to help Suldak take off the soft leather armor on his body.

Suldak turned around and hugged Natasha in his arms, stroking her back with both hands, and said to her, "I may want to...marry a noble lady."

"Well! I know, Rita told me." Natasha rested her head on his shoulder, her eyes became bright.

"I want to know what you think?" Suldak asked with a guilty conscience.

"What?" Natasha froze for a moment and asked strangely.

"What about another wife?" said Suldak.

"Is she the lady from the noble family who recommended you to become a baron?" Natasha stared at Suldak and asked.

"Yes." Surdak replied.

Natasha asked with some unease: "Then will she drive me away?"

"No, I promise." Suldak said.

After hearing this, Natasha became happy again, and she said: "Oh, I will get along well with her."

"I...you don't blame me?" Suldak asked in surprise.

Natasha forced a smile, and then whispered: "I know...you become a noble baron, and you are his confidant. If you want to make this relationship more stable, don't you want to marry your daughter to you?" , is there another better way?"

"The daughters of noble families in Hailansa almost have to accept this fate, I know it."

She fell into Suldak's arms and whispered.


Suldak has been busy preparing to build a squadron of guard battalions recently, and even took the militia battalion around in the barren land. He doesn't know much about what happened in Wall Village in the recent period. After the water storage was roughly built, the old village chief ordered all the gates to be closed, and he was trying his best to store water in the reservoir.

After the small townhouses in the village are built, the villagers will also go to Oak Ridge to pick some chestnuts and mushrooms during this time, and they will also stock up some cassava and other rations for the kobolds. Chang continued to open up tidal flats and strive to transform more swamps into fertile land.

The kobold slaves began to use a large amount of volcanic ash cement to build roads. Suldak planned to build a flat and wide road between the barren land and Hailansa City. This road was only expanded on the original roadbed. Therefore, as long as there are enough manpower and material resources, it is actually not difficult.

He didn't know anything about other things that happened in Wall Village during this period.

For example, the old village head announced the reward and punishment system for kobold slaves, and the village also set up a convoy...

As the earth-shaking changes have taken place in Wall Village, at least the villagers will no longer be short of food and clothing, and they can live in warm houses before the winter blizzard. The villagers have all held weddings, and many people from other villages want to marry their daughters to Wall Village. It is not uncommon to marry two wives on the same day, because everyone knows that at least marrying in Wall Village will not Go hungry again.

During this period of time, the population of the village has skyrocketed, and it is estimated that the population of Wall Village will experience another substantial increase next summer.

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