Lord Highlander

Chapter 588 577. The Bandit in the Desert

early morning

When Suldak woke up, Natasha beside him was no longer there.

A stack of sunny clothes was neatly placed on the bedside, and Suerdak got dressed and walked out of the bedroom.

When they came to the dining room, old Sheila and little Peter were already sitting in their seats. Natasha wore an apron and brought out porridge and multigrain cakes from the kitchen. Rita came in from the outside with some grass blades still on her apron. I should have woken up early to feed the cow and Gu Bolai at home.

Suldak still remembered the first time he saw Rita. At that time, she had a pale face. Even though she was starving every day, she could still feel that her body was very strong. Inflated like a balloon, the shoulders and thighs are sensual.

Now Rita is also a big girl, and there are always some other thoughts in her clear eyes.

Old Sheila is also considering Rita's marriage, and many young people in the village have a good impression of Rita.

It is only recently that many young people have grown estranged from Rita.

The main reason is that Suldak has been promoted too fast recently. Those young people who have some thoughts about Rita are almost afraid to come out to find Rita now, for fear that they will really be together in the future. If something goes wrong, his brother, Baron Suldak, will lead a group of his men to beat him to death.

Many people said that Suldak is now the owner of this barren land.

Suldak also felt that Rita's husband shouldn't be a farmer in the barren land. He talked about this with old Sheila, and maybe he could find a young knight from the guard battalion.

Old Sheila took the main seat, Natasha sat down beside Suldak, and Rita sat opposite Natasha.

Natasha's family did not sit down until their plates had been filled with what they needed.

Holding a spoon, she took a spoonful of porridge and put it into her mouth. Rita asked Suldak vaguely, "I heard that the red dragon treasure is just an underground cave with nothing?"

"Well, there is no treasure there, and there is no Quel Sela!" Suldak said while nibbling on a piece of multigrain cake.

"I'll just say it!" Rita said contentedly, blinking her big clear eyes.

Little Peter couldn't understand what Suldak said, so he turned to Rita and asked, "Auntie, what is Quelcella..."

Seeing little Peter's inquiry, Rita patiently told little Peter about the legend of the Sword of Quercella, so little Peter almost forgot to eat.


Suldak came to the security office, ready to arrange the daily affairs in the security office, and then went to Hailansa City to apply for funds to form a guard battalion squadron in the barren land. According to Viscount Emmett, if you don’t get it quickly Come back, this fund will be cancelled soon.

As Viscount Emmet said, there will naturally be funding for next year...

Andrew is already familiar with the magical power endowed by the 'Raging Flame' magic pattern outfit. He is standing in the yard, holding the butcher in his hand and burning a raging flame. He is exercising martial arts with the ogre in the yard. The ogre Gullit The bone-crushing stick held in Mu's hand, whenever he was at a disadvantage, he would forcibly use brute force to wipe out the advantages Andrew had worked so hard to build.

Surdak stood on the edge of the flower pond and watched for a while, and saw Samira sitting at the door maintaining the 'withered painting' longbow in his hand, so he walked over to her and said, "I plan to go to Hailansa recently. The city and the patrols on the barren land will continue. Before winter, I guess the bandit group hiding in the desert might come here to loot the village. We can't let them do whatever they want. If there is a chance, I also wanted to see in the desert where the bandits were hiding. I heard that there are dozens of oases hidden in the desert. I always have to go in and clean them up so that they can understand who is in charge of the barren land. "

"How long will it be?" Samira would draw the hood on her head when no outsiders were around, and her light red eyes glowed in the sun.

At this time, Andrew also stopped and walked over, saying to Suldak: "Captain, why don't you let me bring some water and dry food, go into the desert and chop up the bandits."

Suldak waved his hand and said, "Wait a little longer, when I establish the security squadron of the guard battalion in the barren land, then we will go to the desert to see together, what you need to do now is to help I take care of here."

The ogre walked up to Suldak with a big belly, and said to him in a low voice: "Captain, I want to go to the sulfur mine. It's been a while since there's been a word from there. I'm worried that so many kobolds The slaves are all salamander rations."

After Andrew took back the flame, he would use the whetstone to polish the edge of the 'butcher's axe' again, and wipe it carefully with an oil rag. While wiping the weapon, he said, "Didn't the truck that transported the sulfur mine just come out of the mine the day before yesterday?" Are you rushing back from the field? Didn’t you say that the security situation over there is all right? A few days ago, Luke also rescued an adventure group that strayed into the pustule mountain. Don’t you think they didn’t see the boundary marker?”

The ogre didn't care much about his bone-crushing stick. The traces of blood before hadn't been cleaned up until now.

"Maybe it will come out in a few days! I'll take a look and come back..."

The ogre said to Andrew with a hey smile.

Wearing a long loose skirt, Aphrodite leaned out from the balcony on the second floor, and said to Suldak in the yard, "Captain, I want to go to Hailansa City with you."

She also didn't wear that cold mithril mask, and those eyes had a natural allure.

Suldak said, "Are you going to Hailansa City?"

Aphrodite nodded, and the loose cotton dress formed two clear drop-shaped silhouettes on her chest. She leaned against the railing with a look of expectation on her face.

"Aren't you afraid that the law enforcement team will discover your identity?"

Suldak raised his head, looked at Aphrodite and asked.

"I can become your squire..."

After finishing speaking, Aphrodite drew a magic pattern circle in front of herself, and as a series of spells were read out, dots of blue magic light circled and fell from Aphrodite's head, just above Aphrodite. The moment Rudy stopped spelling, he suddenly turned into a young knight, and even his clothes became a set of ordinary leather armor, with a decorated sword on his waist.

Both Suldak and Andrew opened their mouths in shock. It was hard to imagine how such big breasts and butt disappeared in an instant. Aphrodite in front of her eyes had a neutral beauty, but those eyes But it is still dark purple, and still has an indescribable beauty.

She stood on the terrace and walked around, proudly said to Suldak: "What do you think, captain?"

"Can you guarantee that those magicians in the city won't see the clues?" Suldak was a little worried and couldn't help asking.

"Absolutely not, I promise!" Aphrodite patted her chest with her hand and said very proudly.

Then he complained and sarcastically said to Suldak: "I've never seen you be so careful before, the bolder you are, the smaller you are!"

Suldak recalled the situation when he met Aphrodite on the execution ground, and remembered that she was a creature whose wings had been severed and who had betrayed Azmodan, the Lord of Sin. It's been a long time and he has never left Wall Village. Although it can't be said to be a prison, Aphrodite wants to go outside, and Suldak can understand this feeling.

He pondered for a while, then stood downstairs, and said to Aphrodite who had turned into a handsome guard upstairs:

"Okay, this time you go to Hailansa City with me, but you must remember, don't cause trouble for me, otherwise there will be no such thing in the future."

"You agree? Got it! I promise!"

Aphrodite cheered excitedly.

It will no longer change back to its original appearance, just like this "Teng Teng Teng" ran downstairs.


Suldak asked for an ancient horse from the old village chief, and he and Aphrodite rode away from the entrance of the village. The weather was getting colder and colder, and the market at the entrance of the village gradually became depressed. A few villagers set up booths, and Aphrodite rode a horse and happily followed behind Suldak. The villagers who knew Suldak all looked at Aphrodite with surprise.

Suldak was about to ride his horse to the Pagros Pass, when a wounded donkey appeared on the loess road far away, and there was a villager lying on the donkey's back, Suldak After the level was promoted, the five senses also improved. Although the distance was far away, he still saw some blood on the man on the donkey's back.

He took the reins of Gu Bolai's horse, turned the horse's head, and patted the horse's buttocks with the whip in his hand, urging it to run faster.

Gu Bolai's horse ran in front of the donkey like a gust of wind. Suldak jumped off Gubolai's horse and walked in front of the donkey. He caught a glimpse of the villager lying on the donkey's back. The injuries were not too serious, they were just knife wounds, not deep, but lost a lot of blood, the skin of the whole person was pale, and the hands and feet were slightly cold, and only one breath was left.

Suldak quickly hugged him to the side of the road and let him lie flat on the ground. At this time, Aphrodite also rushed up from behind.

Seeing this situation, he hurriedly rode to the security station to find Andrew and Samira, the ogre.

Suldak gathered a ball of holy light in the palm of his hand, and let the ball of holy light approach the wound on the villager's body. The warm holy light slowly melted into the villager's body, and slowly recovered with breathing and heartbeat. , the unconscious villager gradually had a painful expression on his face, and then his eyelids trembled twice, and he slowly opened his eyes.

"Master Suldak..."

He recognized Surdak the moment he opened his eyes.

Excitement, sadness, anger, lamentation, different emotions appeared on his face at the same time, and Suldak quickly comforted him: "Don't get excited, tell me what happened slowly."

"Master Suldak, hurry up and save our Guta Village, those desert bandits are coming to rob our village again, please hurry up and save my family."

The villager cried to Surdak with a sad face.

"It turned out to be the bandits. How long has it been since they attacked Guta Village?"

Suldak looked at the sky too carefully, it was almost noon now.

The villager took a few breaths before saying: "They entered the village last night. Someone saw them rushing into the village. The village elder asked me to ride out on a donkey to deliver a letter. Some robbers saw me running out. So I rode in pursuit, and I rushed into the rocky hill in one breath, and then I used the rocky area to get rid of the robbers who were chasing..."

Suldak saw that the villager was not life-threatening except that he was weak and had many wounds from the knife, so he let him lie on the side of the road.

Then he took out a finely marked map from his arms, first drew a line between the desert and Guta Village, then drew a line between Guta Village and Wall Village, and drew a line between Wall Village and Guta Village. Draw a line with the edge of the desert, and a triangle just appeared on the map.

Suldak thought in his heart that even if he arrived at Guta Village now, those robbers should probably take the village and loot it and run away.

"Captain, what happened?" Andrew's voice came from a distance away.

Suldak didn't look up. He bet that these bandits didn't dare to stay in the barren land for too long, and they were probably on their way back to the desert now. If they drove directly from Wall Village to the edge of the desert, with luck, they should be able to catch these bandits. rob.

"Those robbers in the desert came out and ransacked Guta Village. Andrew, Samira, Gulitum, you and I go to the edge of the desert to stop them. Aphrodite, you stay in the village." Suldak He got on his horse and gave instructions to everyone.

Andrew and Samira followed Suldak on horseback. The ogre carried a bone-crushing club and stood barefoot behind them, also looking eager to try.

Only Aphrodite jumped off the horse with a depressed face, stood on the side of the road and complained: "I knew it would be like this... well, you can rest assured!"

Sulda pulled the reins, stopped the horse, turned back to Aphrodite and said, "If this operation goes well, I allow you to go to Hailansa City by yourself!"

Aphrodite's eyes suddenly brightened, and she asked Suldak, "Are you serious?"

"Of course it's true..." Suldak said with certainty.

After finishing speaking, he raised his horsewhip and took Andrew, Samira, and Gulitum towards the edge of the desert...

This time Suldak took the militia to train in the barren land, and did nothing. The only thing was to determine the location of each village in the barren land. In addition, the nearest roads connecting the villages were also marked in the Although the barren land looks flat on the map, in fact the fault zone, gentle hills, and rift valleys of the barren land also form a very complex terrain. If you are not familiar with the terrain here, it is easy to take a long detour.

They had to go through a gap in the Great Wind Valley, cross the rift valley, and then bypass a red ridge mountain before they could take a shortcut and rush to the edge of the desert in advance.

In order to be able to catch up with these robbers in time and not to waste the horses, Suldak could only cruelly take out the heads of four hellhounds as sacrifices to the face of God, in exchange for the blessing effect of the "Blessed Body" It was blessed on the three war horses, and the ogre Gullitum was blessed with the 'Body of God's Blessing'.

A group of four ran until dusk in one breath, only to see the huge sand dunes that were almost connected together at the edge of the barren land.

Those sand dunes looked like the scales of giant beasts from a distance. There was a dry atmosphere on the edge of the desert. The sky gradually darkened, and the temperature here also gradually became colder...

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