Lord Highlander

Chapter 592

The sky was shrouded in billowing smoke from Pustule Mountain, and a large amount of volcanic ash formed thick clouds over Pustbag Mountain. Not only was there a large amount of volcanic ash floating in the sky, but the light around Pustbag Mountain was extremely dark.

There are hot rocks everywhere under our feet, thick smoke is choking from some rock crevices, and the foul smell of sulfur is everywhere.

The banks of the lava river were full of kobold slaves collecting sulfur mines. Luke found two kobold slaves on the sulfur mine to lead the way. The group was not bothered by the scorching volcanic rocks on both sides. The volcanic rocks are very sensitive. When they walk on the volcanic rocks, it seems that they don't feel the heat with the soles of their feet, but every time they use their keen breathing, they can feel how hot the rocks in front of them are.

The road to climb the volcanic rock along the way is not very easy. There is a lot of hot magma in the lava river. From time to time, magma will burst from the bottom of the pool, and a large amount of red magma will splash out. No matter where it touches, there will be wisps of blue smoke .

Apart from these kobold slaves, it is not Luke who is most familiar with this river of lava, but the ogre Gullitum who is walking in the middle of the team. After squatting by the river for a long time, he remembered very clearly the landing points of some rock walls, and introduced several times to Surdak the locations of hunting salamanders.

After listening to the ogre Gulitum, Suldak discovered that this ogre had really killed a lot of salamanders recently, and the source of these salamanders seems to be the river of lava. upstream.

The two kobold slaves who were in charge of leading the way quickly led Surdak and his party to the entrance of the lava cave halfway up the mountain.

Standing at the entrance of the cave, Suldak discovered that the lava cave was actually hidden behind the waterfall of the lava river. The lava river formed a huge lava stream on the cliff with a drop of more than 20 meters. Under the waterfall is a huge magma pool.

And the two kobold slaves were not afraid of the magma splashed from time to time by the lava waterfall, and they went straight to the side of the lava waterfall.

The team of Suldak's team endured the oncoming heat wave. The surrounding high temperature made Suldak feel as if the air inhaled into his lungs was on fire. The two kobold slaves were also burned by the scorching heat. , but they did not stop or go around. Instead, they walked close to the edge of the magma pool towards the stone wall below the magma waterfall. Next to the magma waterfall are some cooled and stacked volcanic rocks.

Layers of these volcanic rocks piled up in various shapes. Two kobold slaves easily passed through the gap between the rock walls. His chestnut hair was dry and haggard and curly. He poured the last sip of water from the water bag he carried into his stomach, trying to alleviate the heat wave around him, but he still couldn't stand the temperature here, and he seemed to be staggering when he walked.

Suldak quickly poured the water from his water bag on Luke, which made him feel better.

"Andrew, send Luke away!" Suldak thought for a while, worried that Luke would not be able to bear the rest of the journey, so he ordered the native warrior.

Andrew agreed, stopped to pick up the teetering Luke, and walked quickly towards the edge of the lava river.

The kobold slaves leading the way continued toward the waterfall.

A group of people walked forward against the rock wall, and unexpectedly found a narrow gap between the lava waterfall and the rock wall in front of them.

This narrow gap is blocked by the volcanic rocks piled up next to the waterfall, and the mystery inside is completely invisible from the outside. Only when you endure the scorching heat and the magma splashing around, you can see this gap when you come to the innermost side of the stone wall. .

The two kobold slaves continued walking inside.

One side is a stone wall, and the other side is magma falling from the sky. As long as this flow of magma splashes a little, the two kobold slaves will probably be roasted in an instant.

However, this kind of magma looks very viscous, and apart from making the surrounding temperature very hot, it seems that there is no danger of splashing out.

Next to the rock wall, Suldak could still vaguely see some traces of sulfur mining. The two kobold slaves probably found this place in the first place to collect sulfur ore.

The group of people who entered behind the waterfall finally saw the huge karst cave entrance hidden behind the waterfall. This cave entrance is about 20 meters high and only 40 to 50 meters wide. There is an obvious huge stone platform extending outward from the entrance. Go out and plunge into the lava pool.

There is no magma in the cave, but the heat wave makes the cave look like a huge oven, filled with a pungent sulfur smell.

There are eye-catching light yellow lines on the surrounding stone walls, each yellow line is a condensed sulfur mine, and there are clusters of bright red red crystals growing between some stone pillars inside the cave. These red crystals are like balls of thorns, and those sword-shaped rubies are some hexagonal crystals, which are criss-crossed in the cave, and I don't know how many there are.

Surdak did not expect that the sulfur mines in this cave were just a few linear veins on the stone wall, and more of them were clusters of red crystals in front of him. Apart from being polished into jewelry, these red crystals are also a common Magic materials, magicians can use these rubies to make magic artifacts.

A large piece of red crystal in the cave dazzled Surdak a little.

The kobold slaves finally stopped at this moment, and the two kobold slaves cautiously peeped into the cave, with a cautious look, as if there were some terrible existences inside.

Suldak also looked into the depths of the cave very vigilantly. The magma waterfall at the entrance of the cave and the light refracted by the red crystal clusters gave the cave some light.

Samira pushed Suldak slightly behind him, and pointed to a cluster of huge red crystals. Suldak suddenly found a short red tail swaying non-stop behind the red crystals.


A subtle voice came from there, Surdak walked around a stone pillar, and finally found the salamander, which was hiding behind the cluster of red crystals, sticking out a long tongue, licking the rock wall sulfur mines.

The ogre Gulitum also saw the salamander, and without any hesitation, he untied the bone-crushing stick from his back and walked towards the salamander.

Hearing the footsteps at the entrance of the cave, the salamander turned around nimbly. Three pairs of blood-red eyes fell on the ogre. It opened its mouth full of sharp teeth and let out a low growl at the ogre. , and then rushed towards the ogre.

The Salamander's body seemed to have dozens of light-colored rings. When it was running, these rings lit up one after another, and the scorching fire elemental breath permeated from its body, before the ogre rushed to it. In front of him, the body of the salamander stopped abruptly, and then opened its bloody mouth, spraying a flame towards the ogre.

Suldak knew that the ogre had hunted and killed more than 20 salamanders in a row during this period, and had rich combat experience.

Sure enough, when the salamander spewed out a tongue of flame, the ogre suddenly jumped behind a stone pillar, dodging the flame spurt, and then walked around to the side of the salamander, relying on his strength , the bone-crushing stick in his hand swung round and hit the salamander's head, but his body grabbed at the salamander's tail.

Just as the salamander swung his head to avoid the ogre's blow to the head, the ogre Gulitum had already grabbed the salamander's tail. He decisively discarded the big bone-crushing club in his hand, and firmly grasped the fire with both hands. The lizard's tail, using itself as the axis, suddenly swung the seven or eight-meter-long salamander round, and slammed into a section of rock.

The salamander's head hit the rock, and the gravel immediately flew away. Even though the salamander's skin was rough and fleshy, such a violent fall made it dizzy for an instant.

The ogre Gullitum didn't give the salamander a chance to breathe at all. With the help of the huge impact force, he swung the salamander again and smashed it to the other side of the stone wall. A living salamander was eating people. After the demon smashed more than 20 times in a row, even four of the eyeballs in the eye sockets were smashed, and the other two eyeballs flew out of the eye sockets and hung outside the eye sockets.

The salamander's head was almost smashed to pieces. At this time, the ogre began to confirm whether the salamander was completely dead, and found that the salamander had no vital signs at all, so he dragged the salamander's body back.

Suldak knew that Gullitum had a way to deal with these salamanders, but he didn't expect Gullitum to kill a salamander so easily.

The two kobold slaves who were leading the way were almost paralyzed in fright, looking at the ogre with horror, fearing that the ogre would throw them to death.

Gulitum smiled, and dragged the salamander corpse to Suldak. He knew that Suldak's skinning skills were much better than his, and Suldak didn't delay. Peel off the skin of this salamander.

By the time Andrew retrieved the lava cave, Suldak had already cut off the salamander's head completely, and was packing the salamander materials into the magic sealing box by category.

Such a big salamander filled all the boxes that Suldak was carrying in an instant, and the ogre Gullitum held two salamander spines in his hands, and the group stopped exploring the lava cave. Returned to the mine camp at the foot of the mountain along the original road.

Luke was waiting anxiously in the camp at this time, and he was relieved when he saw Surdak and his party return to the camp.

Leaving the sultry lava river, adding some salt water, and resting for a while, Luke's physical condition recovered immediately. He was worried that Suldak would not be able to stand the scorching heat of the lava river. A salamander was caught at the entrance.

Gulitum couldn't wait to roast the salamander meat in the mine camp.

Suldak, Luke, Andrew, and Samira walked into the camp shed, and then Suldak told Luke that there were a lot of red crystals in the lava cave.

Luke asked Surdak with some concern: "Dak, you mean that there is no sulfur mine in that lava cave, only these red crystals?"

Suldak nodded and said, "There are also some sulfur mines on the rock wall, but not many."

"I don't know if this crystal is as valuable as sulfur ore. Anyway, let's light up the sulfur on both sides of the lava river first!" Luke said.

"It should also be a kind of magic material, and in the hands of jewelers, these red crystals can also be made into jewelry, which will be sold." Suldak said to Luke.

Suldak also didn't know the value of these red crystals in the magic market.

Since the magic sealing box is full of fresh meat of salamanders, magic leather, hearts, glands and other materials, Suldak is worried that if he encounters another salamander, the expensive magic materials on the salamander will no longer be available. Put it, he will not be reckless like an ogre, and a group of people have not had a good rest when they came to the sulfur mine. This time they withdrew from the mine mainly for the team members to have a good rest.

Suldak carried a marching tent with him, and next to the camp, Luke commanded a group of kobold slaves to set up the tent.

Now there are nearly 600 kobold slaves in the mine camp, and Luke has built a large slave camp nearby. Luke promoted 20 small leaders among these kobold slaves, as long as these kobold leaders manage Those kobold slaves, the mine camp became orderly.

Suldak got into the tent, let Samira and Andrew guard outside the tent, and then he entered a state of meditation, which made it much easier to call Aphrodite.

Aphrodite, who was in the city of Hailansa, immediately sensed Suldak's call, and Aphrodite set up a magic summoning array in the hotel room, and then summoned Suldak to the city of Hailansa in the garden hotel.

"Is the mine going well?" Aphrodite was still dressed as a neutral young knight at the moment, standing by the window, and asked Suldak who came out of the summoning circle.

"It's okay. I just hunted a salamander. I don't have so many magic sealing boxes, so I'm going to take the salamander meat to Hailansa City and sell it while it's fresh." Suldak walked At the table, he took off his mask full of volcanic ash, poured himself a glass of water and drank it.

"So, when you called me this time, you actually wanted me to summon you to Hailansa City, and then you brought fresh salamander meat over and sold it in the market?"

Aphrodite asked a little speechlessly.

"That's it! Without further ado, before the magic expires, I must go to the Magic Union to dispose of these salamander materials. We found a lava cave over there. In addition to some red crystals, there are very It may still be a salamander's lair...we will hunt salamanders next time, I have to build a magic market here..."

After finishing speaking, Suldak brushed off the thick layer of volcanic ash on his body with his hands, then opened the door and walked out of the Garden Plaza Hotel, followed by Aphrodite quickly.

The two called a magic caravan at the door and drove towards the magic union...

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