Lord Highlander

Chapter 593

Hailanza Magical Guild

Suldak knocked on the door of Francis Magician's magic laboratory. The beautiful magic apprentice invited Suldak into the rest area and poured him a cup of black tea, asking him to wait a while. Francis Magician is Make the magic scroll, it won't be over until later.

On the wall next to the rest area is a complete piece of Baiyan rhinoceros skin. Baiyan rhinoceros belongs to the second-level peak Warcraft, and the leather is the top grade of primary magic leather. It is one of the best leather materials for making primary magic pattern structures. It has very good magical properties, and has a high affinity for earth element attributes, and its plasticity is very good. The texture of the leather is also very soft. It is not too picky for magic carving knives. It is the favorite magic leather of inscribers.

This piece of white rock rhinoceros was obviously made into an ornament by Francis. It looks more like a scroll hanging on the wall, but there are no colorful patterns on it. A few black lines run along the area of ​​the white rock rhinoceros, painting Out of a clear boundary, it looks more like the best division plan for this leather by professional leather craftsmen.

Suldak is also considered a junior skinner. Although he has not passed the technical level appraisal, he has peeled a lot of high-grade leather. He took a casual look and found that the dividing lines on those leathers are really worthy of careful scrutiny.

Magician Francis walked out of the laboratory wearing a magic robe, and asked Suldak with a smile: "Come here this time, is there anything good you want to bring me?"

Suldak quickly stood up from the sofa in the rest area, facing such a senior inscriber, he felt that he should maintain due respect. He casually took out a magic sealing box from his magic pocket, and said, "Mage Francis, this time I brought you fresh salamander meat, as well as the heart and poison sac of the salamander."

Magician Francis lifted the lid of the magic-sealing box and looked inside, only to find that there was a thick and fat lizard tail inside, with fresh and tender white meat exposed on the cut-off surface. He wanted to reach out and touch it, but he did not expect that The cut lizard's tail trembled slightly, apparently part of the nerve tissue hadn't completely died yet.

Magician Francis looked at the lizard tail in the box in surprise, and said, "Hey, this salamander tail is really fresh. It should have been put into the magic sealing box not long ago. It's not bad."

Then he raised his head and asked Suldak curiously: "...you must have slaughtered that salamander, rode a fast horse overnight to Hailansa city, and brought it here for me, right?"

Suldak smiled "hehe" and didn't explain much, just said: "It is true that not long after the killing, I happened to go to the guard camp of Hailansa City to handle some official duties, so I rushed over directly."

The Francis magician asked the female assistant to put this piece of lizard tail into another magic sealing box, and put the salamander heart and poison sac inside into a smaller pocket magic sealing box, and carry it with you. Then he raised his head and asked Suldak:

"Oh, is there anything I can do for you?"

Suldak immediately sat up straight and said, "Uh, I guess it won't be long before you have to help me repair that set of magic patterns."

Magician Francis rubbed his forehead vigorously, and said with a sigh, "I'm glad that your magic pattern structure is a metal armor, and it won't be damaged so easily..."

Then he asked Surdak again: "Do you want to sell all the salamander fresh meat?"

Suldak nodded and said, "There are some left... Those are indeed for sale."

"Except for how much I have left, it's better to digest it within the magic union... Danfoss, go and inform the wizards of Garopsi, Brownxi and Zangarod, and say that I have what they are looking forward to here. If you want salamander meat, you can leave some for them." Francis ordered the female assistant behind him.

"Okay, teacher!" The female magic apprentice immediately agreed, turned and walked out of the laboratory.

The fresh meat of a whole salamander was snapped up by the magicians in the magic union before it even left Magician Francis' laboratory.

Suldak knew that this kind of food material full of fire magic elements was very popular among magicians, but he didn't expect it to be so popular. You must know that such a mouthful of Warcraft fresh meat is not cheap, and a pound of salamander meat needs 8 silver coins, under normal circumstances, you can eat 20 silver coins of salamander meat for a meal, which is almost half a month's salary for ordinary civilians. For ordinary people, these high-end ingredients are considered out of reach.

But for Suldak, there is not only one salamander meat in his hand, he also needs to find some stable supply points.

He has asked Aphrodite to sell these salamander fresh meat in high-end restaurants around the magic union in Hailansa City, and it should be rewarding.


After leaving Magician Francis' laboratory, Suldak found the appraiser Nimitz Magician.

Knocking on the wooden door of the old magician Nimitz's room, the old magician was still sitting at a somewhat messy desk, testing a magic copper pot with a magnifying glass and some magic potions. Strange, but the inside of the tank is covered with magic lines. The Nimitz magician kept looking inside along the mouth of the tank, and from time to time he gave a sound of admiration.

"Although the magic circle of this magic red copper vessel from the Hex era is damaged, as long as you find an inscriber who is proficient in water magic to repair it, it should be able to continue to be used, but this is just a very ordinary magic jug. , it can slowly fill up with water under normal circumstances, and it is a very low-level daily household magic vessel, the only thing of value is that it can be regarded as an antique!" Nimitz magician sat opposite the square table said the middle-aged nobleman.

After the middle-aged nobleman heard this, a surprised expression appeared on his face, and he couldn't help asking: "You mean it is still valuable for collection?"

"Of course, any artifact from the Hex era is valuable for collection. If the magic circle of this jug is complete, then its value will be even higher!" Nimitz finished speaking, and put the water Can pushed it to the middle-aged nobleman, and nodded slightly to him.

The middle-aged nobleman picked up the pitcher, thanked the Nimitz magician, and left the room quickly.

Suldak was sitting in the waiting area beside him. There were two nobles before him. The assistant of the Nimitz magician brought one of the nobles to the square table. The copper book was placed in front of the Nimitz magician. The Nimitz magician bowed his head, carefully opened the book and picked up the magnifying glass to read it carefully.

After waiting for a while, the Nimitz magician raised his head and said to the nobleman: "This book belongs to the rubbing version of the chapter on the elementary cracking of magic equipment. It specifically explains the modern production process of more than a dozen kinds of magic caravan axles. These crafts belong to dwarven forging techniques, and the wheel axle forging techniques of the Grimm Empire are mostly evolved from it, which is a skill book with many mistakes, but this is not a legacy from the era of Hex."

"Really? The treasure hunter told me that he found it from a ruin!" The noble was a little disappointed, and took out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

"Of course, the most obvious loophole is here. The goblins in the era of Hex technology can speak the Grimm Empire language. This book is written in the Imperial language. Of course, it cannot be an antique book." The Nimitz magician laughed. , After speaking, he pushed the book in front of the nobleman.

The noble forced a smile, gave a slight salute to the Nimitz magician, and then turned and left.

Before walking out of the room, he paid an appraisal fee to the magic assistant, and then left with a gloomy expression.

Suldak sat quietly against the wall, and soon it was his turn.

He touched the red crystal in his arms, walked to the opposite side of the Nimitz magician, and placed a very complete hexagonal red crystal in front of Nimitz.

The Nimitz magician glanced down at the red crystal, then raised his head and said to Suldak: "Actually, for this kind of rough gem stone, you can go to a jeweler or gem craftsman, and what they identify may be fine. More authoritative than me."

Although he said so, he still took out a magnifying glass to look at the red crystal carefully, then raised his head and said:

"In my opinion, this is just an ordinary red crystal that can be used to make jewelry, but it is not a precious magic material."

"You mean it's worthless?" Surdak asked with some disappointment.

"Of course not, at least it can be made into jewelry, but the fire element contained in this kind of red crystal is very unstable, and it is not suitable as an inlaid gemstone for a magic wand. The scope of magic application is very small..." Nimitz magician said this The red crystal pushed back in front of Suldak.

Afterwards, he rubbed his fingers as if feeling something, and took a serious look at the side of the red crystal, and then said to Suldak:

"This kind of red crystal is rare in Roland Continent, because most of these crystals are collected by dragons. Dragons once lived in Roland Continent, and they have long turned these crystals into their private collections. Eight hundred years ago, this kind of crystal disappeared in the Roland Continent along with the dragon clan, so this is really a rare red crystal, and I believe there will be nobles willing to use it to make ornaments."

"Speaking of its uniqueness, this type of crystal has one thing in common, that is, they can grow, have you seen it? There are some fire elements flowing in these veins, and this is its root. As long as it can With the stone base of this kind of crystal ore, they will continue to grow like leeks, of course their growth cycle is also very long, this kind of red crystal was once one of the favorite foods of red dragons."

The Nimitz mage smiled kindly at Suldak, and then motioned him to take the arm-thick, two-foot-long red crystal away.

Suldak quickly thanked the Nimitz magician, and ran to the female assistant to pay the appraisal fee, which was walking out of the Nimitz magician's studio.

He touched the red crystal in his arms. He didn't expect that a mine in his territory was bred with so many red crystals, and these red crystals were actually the rations of the red dragon. There is a ferocious giant dragon hidden, and if you encounter a giant dragon in the next exploration, with the strength of these members of the security team, they will not be able to withstand the breath of the giant dragon.

Then I thought that the giant dragon family had disappeared from Roland Continent for hundreds of years, and those dragon descendants who have a trace of dragon blood left on Roland Continent now, even the last shadow of dragons will degenerate, and Roland Continent will not at all. There are dragons.

Walking out of the magic guild, I came to the restaurant where I had an appointment with Aphrodite, and I saw a circle of nobles sitting around Aphrodite from a distance, and they all seemed to want to strike up a conversation with Aphrodite...

At this time, Aphrodite was clearly dressed as a neutral knight, which had completely covered up her original appearance. Unexpectedly, her current appearance was more attractive than her beautiful face.

Suldak pushed open the door of the restaurant and waved to Aphrodite who was sitting in the corner.

Aphrodi, whose face was already a little stiff with a smile, let out a long breath of relief, left her seat quickly, and walked out of the restaurant quickly.

Afterwards, the two got into a magic caravan, left the magic area of ​​Hailansa, and drove towards the guard camp on the other side of the town hall square.

Aphrodite sat opposite Suldak, her somewhat feminine and handsome face was full of doubts, she was silent for a while, and then asked Suldak with a puzzled face: "Now you guys Do nobles like such a face?"

As she spoke, she pointed to her neutral face.

Suldak shook his head and explained: "Maybe they just want to get to know you, and they don't have any other ideas..."


Aphrodite glanced at Suldak with some disdain, and curled her lips.

"By the way, what will I gain from going to the magic union this time?" Aphrodite asked again.

Suldak took out the red crystal from his arms, lowered his voice and said to Aphrodite, "Maybe we found the treasure of the red dragon. The Nimitz magician said that these red crystals are not very valuable, but they are Red Dragon's favorite food."

Aphrodite looked at the red crystal on the table in surprise, and was shocked and speechless for a while.

"How is your side?" Suldak asked Aphrodite back.

"The restaurants near here have expressed their interest in salamander meat. If the quality and freshness can be guaranteed, the price can be higher, but they have a very clear division of salamander meat, and the price of salamander tail and ribs is the highest. ’” said Aphrodite.

"That's good. It seems that you have to stay in Hailansa City for a while longer. There will be salamanders hunted one after another at the sulfur mine. You stay here and help me deal with these salamander meat..." Sulda Ke whispered to Aphrodite.

The magic caravan stopped at the gate of the guard camp, and Suldak led Aphrodite into the guard camp, and the knights of the guard camp in the hall greeted Suldak one after another.

"Captain Suldak..."

"Baron Suldak..."

"Suldak, long time no see!"

A guard battalion knight rushed down the stairs in a hurry. He ran down the stairs with his hands on, and almost collided with Suldak. He didn't know why he was in such a hurry.

"I'm sorry... oh! My God, Suldak is back, the Squadron Leader Suldak is back!"

The guard battalion knight covered his face with his hands, cheered happily, then grabbed Surdak's hand, and said to Surdak: "Squadron Captain Surdak, I just wanted to go Your security office invites you, I didn't expect you to come back at this time! Please come with me quickly, save Dawn... to save Dawn, he was injured, they said that only you can save him return……"

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