Lord Highlander

Chapter 594. 583. Exploring the Mine

The lounge on the top floor of the Hailansa Guard Camp.

Surdak went to the wall and washed the blood off his hands in the copper basin.

Turning to Mrs. Dorn, who was in charge of taking care of the Dorn knight, and the two maids: "When he wakes up, you can give him some liquid food. Remember that the wound should not be wet with water, and don't move around so as not to tear the wound. If it goes well, After these three days, I should be able to pass this dangerous period, and after three days, I will come back to check on his injury."

Dawn, who was wounded in the abdomen, was lying on the bed, his face pale.

Suldak had already blessed him with the 'God's Blessed Body', his complexion looked good, his breathing became steady, and his wound was healing rapidly.

The Dornish knight's wife was very young, with tears still hanging on her eyelashes, she couldn't stop thanking Suldak at this moment.

When the Dornish knight was on duty near the arena during the day, he was accidentally attacked by a sand wolf that had escaped from the arena. He rushed to the guard camp in time to save the knight from death.

After being carried back to the guard camp, he fell into a coma due to his injuries.

The companions of the Dornish knight wanted to go to the village of Vol, seeking Suldak's help in this scene.

However, the Dornish Knight was very lucky, just in time for Suldak to come to the guard battalion to apply for funds for the establishment of the squadron. It can only be said that the Dornish Knight was favored by the goddess of luck.

The fellow knights in the same group as the Dorn knights stood at the door of the room and expressed their thanks to Suldak who came out of the room.

It was the young knight who met Suerdak from the stairs just now, this time he ran back from outside the guard camp again panting, holding a beautiful wooden box in his hand, the young knight handed the wooden box to Su Erdak, and said to him: "Baron Surdak, wait a minute! . . . This is for you."

Suerdak accepted the wooden box suspiciously. This wooden box looked big, but it didn't weigh much.

"What is this?" Suldak asked the young knight suspiciously.

"According to the rules, I will pay you..." the young knight said with a "hehe" smile.

Hailansa people are used to opening the gift box in front of the person who gave the gift, and Suldak quickly lifted the lid of the wooden box, and inside it was a delicate specimen of the head of a blue ice deer, with huge antlers and an inlaid forehead. The blue spar is very well preserved, it seems that the head of this blue ice deer has been made into a very delicate handicraft.

"Oh, it looks good!" Surdak praised.

Apparently the young knight knew his preference, so he specially sent a box of such monster specimens.

Seeing that Suldak readily accepted it, the young knight breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't wait to run upstairs to see the Dorn knight.


Suldak put the wooden box into his magic pocket, then went downstairs and walked into Captain Sauron's office along the wooden corridor.

It was almost time for the changing of the guard, and the knights in the guard battalion had already started to leave one after another. The rooms on both sides of the corridor seemed very quiet. Captain Sauron was about to get up, and the assistant next to him had already taken off the armor from the wooden frame and was about to prepare for it. Help him put it on.

Seeing Suldak walk in, Captain Sauron returned to his seat and said to Suldak: "Did someone talk about you just now, saying that you were called to treat the injured knight just after you showed up in the guard camp? "

Suldak said, "I happened to meet you!"

"What do you want me to do?" Captain Sauron asked Suldak.

Suldak said very euphemistically: "As for the Pagros Mountain Guard Battalion Squadron, I came here this time to ask you to help me approve some funds for the formation of the Pagros Mountain Guard Battalion Squadron..."

He felt that Captain Sauron might not immediately agree to this matter, and there must always be a process of discussion and research.

Unexpectedly, Captain Sauron directly took out a piece of parchment from the drawer, and the content on it was already filled in. Captain Sauron just signed his name on it, and handed the parchment to After leaving Suldak, he said with a smile: "I also said that it's already at this time, why haven't I seen you come to ask for money, this formation fund can be used freely, but every expense needs to be clearly and detailedly listed The list must be handed in at the end of the year, but...the money must be spent before the end of the year, I don't care what name you use, I need reasonable documents."

"Yes, Captain Sauron." Suldak straightened his body and readily agreed.

After talking about this matter, Captain Sauron asked Suldak again: "By the way, where are you going to recruit knights from to form the Paglos Mountain Guard Battalion Squadron?"

"I haven't thought about it yet. It is estimated that none of the knights in the guard camp are willing to go to the barren land."

"I suggest that you recruit those college students from the Knight Academy. Although their combat power is a bit weaker and they don't even have any combat experience, these college students also have some advantages. They have strong plasticity, and the most important thing is that they are very obedient."

"Where to recruit knights, I haven't decided yet. The barren land is too remote, and there may not be many choices." Suldak said with a slight smile.

He wants to recruit some veterans, but recently, plane wars have broken out frequently, and few soldiers have returned from the Warsaw plane recently.

Obtaining the approval note from Captain Sauron, Suldak walked out of the guard camp, Aphrodite waited outside, and the two rushed to the Military Supply and Logistics Department of the City Hall together. After work, a large number of white-collar workers from the city hall came out of the gate. They chatted and invited each other, and it seemed that most of them had a rich night life.

The Logistics Department is the only place where shifts need to be handed over at the city hall. The Department also collects various magic materials from the society. In addition, it involves matters such as exchanging military merits. Things are very complicated, so it is very busy every day. Night.

Suldak walked into the hall of the city hall and saw that there were still many people lined up in the office hall of the Military Supply and Logistics Department. Many members of the adventure group were sometimes willing to deliver some magic materials here, although the price was a little lower than the market price. , but the logistics office accepts everything.

Standing at the tail of the line waiting in line at the military supply department, Suldak and Aphrodite stood together, and a member of the adventure group in front of the line turned his head in a thief, and said with a smile to Aphrodite : "Hey, knight, how did you join the guard battalion at such a young age?"


Aphrodite turned her back to the man and rolled her eyes, but after turning around, she showed a shy smile that belonged to a young knight, and nodded politely to the member of the adventure group .

The member of the adventure group looked at Aphrodite in amazement, opened his mouth, and continued to ask excitedly: "Why don't you think about it and join our adventure group, not only can you travel all over the world, but you can also improve yourself?" Combat skills are much better than you dawdling in the guard camp."

"Uh, I think I still prefer to stay in the guard camp..." Aphrodite held back the smile on her face, and glanced at Suldak who was standing aside.

The member of the adventure group glanced at Suldak and found the noble badge on his chest, so he didn't say anything more, just said lightly: "Perhaps you still don't know how colorful life in the adventure group is, One day you'll understand...you made a wrong decision."

The member of the adventure group was still thinking about how to persuade him tactfully, but his companion suddenly pushed his shoulder and said in a low voice:

"Hey, stop talking, look over there... That is the new Chief Intelligence Officer, Viscount Darcy Christie. I heard that Marquis Bernard Christie intends to make her the next heir of the Christie family..."

Suldak was slightly taken aback, followed the direction of the adventure group member's fingers, and just happened to see that familiar slender figure with red hair tied into a ponytail, wearing a black nightsaber skin magic pattern structure, waist There were two crimson long swords hanging in the middle, and he led a group of men through the hall and walked towards the work window of the military supplies department. The people on the left and right sides consciously stepped aside.

Baron Armand Bulwer, whom Suldak had only seen once, was standing in the window of the quarters hall. Darcy Christie seemed to say something to him, then turned and left, leaving only a gloomy expression on his face. Baron Armand Bulwer.

It wasn't until Darcy Christie walked out of the gate of the city hall that Baron Armand Bulwer had a gloomy face and slammed the counter with his fist.

The colleague beside him hastily pushed him and signaled him to go to the container to rest for a while...

Suldak didn't expect to see such a scene. He turned his head and saw the gate leading to the city hall. Dacie Christie's back had long since disappeared at the gate.

After receiving 500 gold coins from the quartermaster, Suldak suddenly discovered that the money given by the guard battalion was obviously not enough to form a squadron of knights from the guard battalion.

A squadron needs sixty war horses alone. The price of Gu Bolai war horses on the market is at least seven gold, and the price of Gu Bolai war horses around three years old is as high as ten gold. It would cost almost 600 gold coins. Fortunately, the logistics department of the guard battalion could receive standard armor and weapons. As for the resettlement cost of the knights of the guard battalion in the barren land, Suldak might have to find a way by himself.

As soon as he walked out of the city hall, Suldak realized that he might have wronged Captain Sauron.

Captain Sauron suggested that he should try his best to select fresh graduates from the Knight Academy. Now it seems that there is some reason. At least these young knights already have their own horses in the academy. If they don’t need to prepare horses, the five hundred The gold coins are only used as a resettlement fee, and for the remote Wall Village, no matter what the expenses are, it is enough.

Suldak is also planning to exchange some cheap whole-wheat flour at the quartermaster office. These cheap grains from the south of the empire are at least 20% lower than the price of local wheat in Hailansa City. But the exchange of wheat flour is not today, because Aphrodite's summoning time is coming soon.

Suldak had to find a hidden place and be ready to pass through the void gate at any time. Compared with a dark alley, Suldak still felt that the room in the Plaza Garden Hotel was more reliable.


Suldak came out of the void, and the air was filled with a strong smell of sulfur again, and there was a layer of finely divided volcanic ash floating in the air.

He stood in the tent for a while, and couldn't help touching the money bag on his waist. The money bag with five hundred gold coins suddenly became bulging. This kind of summoning teleportation is really quite convenient and quick.

Andrew heard the movement in the tent outside, opened the leather curtain of the tent, saw Suldak standing inside, and asked, "Is Hailansa going well?"

"Fortunately, all the salamander meat is sold, let's take a rest tonight, and tomorrow we will continue to explore the lava mine!" Surdak opened the curtain and walked outside the camp.

At this moment, it happened to be sunset on the side of the sulfur mine camp, and the sky on the side of the pustule mountain was covered with a thick layer of volcanic ash, so the sun could not be seen at sunset, and only a dark red cloud could be seen on the horizon.

Samira was standing on a protruding volcanic rock, her face was covered with a kerchief, and when she saw Surdak coming out of the tent, she asked, "What is the result of the identification about those red crystals? "

Standing under the volcanic rock, Suldak and Andrew said to Samira:

"It's worse than we expected. These red crystals are not in the category of magic crystals. They can only be sold to jewelry craftsmen to make ordinary jewelry. However, another news is that these crystal clusters have a certain ability to regenerate, which means that even if We collected them all, as long as the foundation of the spar cluster is left, these red crystals will grow slowly..."

Samira's eyes widened, and she asked curiously, "How long will it take to grow?"

"Um, I really didn't ask about this, ten years...or a hundred years." Suldak said with some uncertainty.

More than 600 kobold slaves in the camp are eating dinner. Every day, they either have multigrain porridge or multigrain cakes. Some vegetables such as cabbage, onions, and pumpkins are regularly shipped from Wall Village. Only the ogres are there. This is when the kobold slaves are the happiest, because whenever the ogre Gullitum hunts something, basically the ogre will eat the meat and the kobold slaves will drink the soup.

There were still some salamander bones cooking in the big iron pot, and there was a thick layer of fat floating on the milky white broth. This time, the ogre only ate two pieces of salamander ribs and some shaved meat. Bones, including a huge liver in the belly of the salamander. As for the remaining broth, it is the extra meal that the ogre gave to the slaves of the kobolds. While dancing a simple tribal dance.

As the team entered the lava mine again, this time Suldak brought a group of kobold slaves. He asked these kobold slaves to mine the red crystals at the entrance of the lava mine. The red crystals should not be damaged. The root of the cluster so that the red crystal can continue to grow later.

Suldak and his security team continued to explore the depths of the mine.

This mine does not go straight into the hinterland of the pustule mountain. It has a certain arc, more like spiraling down the pustule mountain. There are clusters of red crystals everywhere along the way, and occasionally there are some lava flows. This lava mine has been in a dim light.

I couldn't find a salamander when I went in for a long distance, but the reserves of these red crystals are amazing, and the few sulfur mines in the lava cave are only a thin line mixed in the stone wall, and this line seems to be It was excavated by something, leaving only deep gaps.

Suldak guessed that the salamanders should have done it. They almost gnawed away all the sulfur in the cave, and then they walked out of the lava cave along the veins and drilled into the lava river.

This lava mine is very large. Although there are always some lava pools, the air inside is not stuffy.

Suldak's team walked more than ten kilometers inside, but they still couldn't find the end of the lava mine. Instead, they found a sleeping salamander behind a cluster of red crystals. This salamander There was a strong fire elemental aura shining all over his body, and the dangerous aura emanating from his body was far more dangerous than any salamander he had met before.

The team hid behind a stone pillar. Suldak, Andrew, and Samira looked at each other, and found each other's judgment on the salamander from each other's eyes...

This salamander should not be a second-level monster, but the aura exuding from it is more like a third-level monster.

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