Lord Highlander

Chapter 595. 584. Red Dragon Treasure

The light in the lava mine is a bit dim, only the fire in the magma pool reflects the light reflected from the red crystal clusters.

The salamander was sleeping behind the cluster of red crystals. It was surrounded by the strong fire elemental breath, and only the corner of its head was exposed. If you look closely, you will find that its skin is covered with shards of red crystals The stone is raised, and the red crystal fragments seem to grow on its skin, even with sharp edges and corners.

And a row of sharp red crystal blades grew on its spine and joints of its limbs, which looked hideous and terrifying.

Suldak motioned to Andrew with his eyes and gestures, asking him to go around to the other side of the lava mine and cut off the Salamander's back path.

At this time, Samira stepped on the cluster of red crystals and climbed up to a ledge on the top of the stone pillar. The angle of view here is just right to look down on the salamander. Holding the painting of withering in his hand, he drew out three feathered arrows and placed them on the back of the bow. The right arm that pulled the bowstring clearly seeped a trace of mana fluctuations, and Samira's light red color was tinged with sternness.

Suldak retreated behind the stone pillar, blocking the exit of the cave, and waved at the ogre. Gulitum couldn't hold back his urgency long ago, opened his mouth, and touched the ogre with his big bone-crushing stick. up.

The Salamander seemed to have sensed that the crisis was approaching. It opened its eyes vigilantly, and saw a feathered arrow coming towards it. At this time, it was too late to dodge, so it instinctively shrank back, and a simple dark red color appeared on its forehead. The magic circle, the moment the magic circle was activated, a light red hexagonal light shield appeared in front of the Salamander.

A feathered arrow was shot at it, and the light shield was only dimmed for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, there was another crisp sound of 'ding', and the light shield became dim again.

After flashing four times in succession, the red light shield shattered a hexagonal hole in the middle, and two arrows penetrated through the shattered gap of the light shield, nailing deeply into the Salamander's forehead. , the red crystal on the Salamander's forehead was also shattered by the two arrows.

The huge salamander let out a muffled roar behind the cluster of red crystals. As soon as it rushed out, it saw an ogre swinging a bone-crushing stick and hitting it on top of its head, and the salamander shook immediately. The giant tail allowed the body to flexibly change its direction on the ground. The ogre hit the volcanic rock with a stick, and immediately the gravel splashed everywhere, and a basketball-sized pit appeared on the ground.

The salamander's giant tail swung over immediately, the ogre took a deep breath, twisted his body and swung the bone-crushing stick round, and fought hard with the salamander's giant tail.

A huge force shook, and the clusters of red crystals around the salamander shattered. The ogre took three big steps back with the bone-crushing stick, almost knocking down the stone pillar behind him. It was covered with dense red scales, and when it was smashed down by the ogre's stick, the whole piece burst open, and a trace of butter-like liquid came out.

The salamander had three pairs of short legs, and suffered a lot in front of the ogre, and immediately rushed towards the ogre fiercely. Gulitum hurriedly avoided the side, and the hard head of the salamander hit the ogre. On the stone pillar, the stone pillar was smashed into several pieces immediately.

After making a bold blow just now, the ogre found that he was slightly weaker than the salamander, so he didn't fight it head-on, and only jumped out from its left side after avoiding the full force of the salamander. , the bone-crushing stick hit the salamander's giant tail and hind crotch again, and the agitated thin scales made the salamander extremely painful. It flicked its tail violently, swept the ogre more than ten meters away, and hit the ogre hard. On the stone wall.

There was a dull, loud noise throughout the cavern.

Then the salamander chased after the ogre a few steps, a few runes seemed to light up on its neck, the whole head instantly became red, hot air came out from the nostrils and mouth, as the salamander opened its mouth suddenly, A violent magma erupted from the mouth, and the place where the hot magma passed was full of steaming black smoke.

The ogre Gullitum did not expect that this salamander was more powerful than all the salamanders he had encountered before. With just a simple tail sweep, he hit himself against the rock wall, and his bones seemed to be scattered. same frame.

He tried his best to roll over to one side.

At this moment, Suldak held up a brand new dwarf chain shield in front of the ogre, but a mass of hot lava was blocked by the shield in Suldak's hand.

The ogre heaved a sigh of relief from behind. Although he was in unbearable pain, he still struggled to sit up, holding the bone-crushing club in both hands, and cooperated with Suldak to double-team the two from both sides. Salamander.

The Salamander saw that Suldak blocked the flames with his shield, and immediately turned around and ran towards the depths of the lava mine.

Samira, who was standing on a high ledge, shot several arrows at the salamander's back, but the salamander was huge and the skin on its back was thick, so these arrows did not cause fatal damage to it. , it turned around suddenly, the lizard tail twitched on the cluster of red crystals on the rock wall, the cluster of red crystals exploded violently, and the fragments of spar instantly forced back Suldak who was chasing up.

Gulitum wanted to grab the salamander's giant tail with both hands, but this salamander was much larger than the previous salamanders. With a random flick of the giant tail, the ogre was pushed back.

This salamander is like a huge armored vehicle, rushing towards the depths of the cave.

Andrew, who was blocked on the other side of the cave, ignited flames in his hands and held a butcher's ax in his hand. He jumped high towards the salamander and chopped towards the top of its head.

The salamander looked at Andrew angrily, opened its mouth, and a fan-shaped flame spewed out from its mouth. Relying on his own sensitivity, Andrew hid behind a stone pillar, avoiding the flames of the salamander.

Salamander seemed to know that Andrew was very difficult to deal with, and he didn't intend to rush over him. He twisted his body abruptly, and burrowed deep into the cave, sticking to the rock wall of the cave.

A few more arrows landed on the salamander, and the red crystal fragments on the skin of the giant salamander suddenly flew around.

The Salamander roared towards Samira, and Andrew intended to intercept the Salamander from the side, but was swept by the Salamander's huge tail, Andrew swung the butcher axe, and directly cut off a piece of the Salamander's back tail.

Suldak and the ogre chased up from behind, and the salamander actually slid towards a rock crevice less than one meter wide on the cave wall.

Unexpectedly, the body of the salamander can become very flat, and the huge body can get into the cracks of the rock without any hindrance. Andrew only took half a step, and picked up the ax to chop off a section of the giant salamander's tail.

Suldak and Gulitum chased after them. They didn't care how wide the crack was, and followed the salamander's escape direction into the crack.

The sides of this crevice rock wall were full of sulfur debris, and Suldak chased after him, while the salamander crawled very fast.

After Suldak got out from the other side of the rock crevice, he realized that he had actually entered another open lava cave. The giant salamander slipped away faster, before Suldak and his party got out. , plunged into the magma pool next to the cave.

When Suldak chased him closer, there were only circles of slowly rippling ripples left in this magma pool.

Gulitum slapped his forehead with a pair of big hands remorsefully, and the ogre yelled unwillingly:

"Damn it, let it escape..."

The space here is very large, the dome of the cave is at least 20 meters above the ground, and the surrounding stone walls look abnormally smooth.

"Captain, this place seems to be different from the previous lava cave." Samira said from behind. Standing next to a stone wall, she noticed something different in the dark cave with her keen eyesight.

The magma pool not far away emits a red light source, but those lights are not enough to illuminate the entire cave after losing the refraction of the red crystal forehead.

At this time, Suldak took out the holy light torch from his magic pocket, and slowly injected the power of the holy light into the torch, and the holy light torch in his hand emitted an incandescent flame.

The true appearance of this cave gradually appeared in front of everyone in the security team.

This should be the mountainside of Pustule Mountain. No one would have guessed that the mountainside of this volcano is not full of magma, but such a huge cave is hidden.

At the end of the cave is a huge and flat stone wall, and there are even dusty stone steps under the stone wall.

There is no expected salamander lair here, which is the most unacceptable to Gullitum. He would rather rush into the lava cave full of salamanders than see the empty cave in front of him. He thinks This should be a cave full of salamanders.

He squeezed through such a narrow stone gap with the belief of catching more salamanders, but now...

"Where did those salamanders go?" Gullitum complained, moaning.

"Maybe the magma pool there is connected to something else!" Andrew said to Gullitum.

The two of them fell behind, and Suldak and Samira went up the stone steps. At the end of the stone steps was a platform, and Suldak even saw shelves on both sides of the platform for placing braziers.

"Captain, there seems to be a mural here..." Sami stretched out his hand and groped the stone wall, "No, it doesn't seem to be a stone wall, it looks like a door here..."

The tone behind Samira was a bit high-pitched. She was a half-elf archer with a strong heart. Apart from her unique attachment to gold coins, she rarely had such strong psychological fluctuations.

Suldak walked forward holding the torch of holy light, and saw the huge ring on the stone gate at first glance, which was a bit exaggerated. It can be said that this ring with a diameter of more than one meter was definitely not designed for human beings. The surface is covered with light green patina, and the surface is even covered with dust. If you don't look closely, it almost blends with the stone wall.

As Suldak gradually approached, those on the stone wall became more and more clear.

A double arched stone door was exposed on the stone wall. Suldak found that this stone door was almost exactly the same as the stone door painted on the wall of the Bradbury family showroom, but the stone door here was bigger than the stone door on the wall of the showroom. More than twice as big, this stone gate must be at least ten meters high, and the stone gate is covered with magic runes.

Based on the approximate location of the stone door in the showroom in his memory, Suldak searched for it with the holy light torch. Sure enough, he saw a gem pedestal at the same position as the stone door, but its position was a little higher. The ground is nearly five meters high.

"Gulitham, lift me up!"

Suldak said to the ogre.

Gulitum hurried up and stood against the stone wall. He supported Suldak's thigh with his hands, lifted him up first, let him stand on his shoulders, and then supported Suldak with his hands. K's feet lifted him into that position.

Suldak saw a gemstone groove there, and the shape of the groove matched the crystal key in his hand. Suldak tried to put the repaired crystal key into the gemstone. on the base.

At the same time, as if injecting a little vitality into this stone gate, countless complicated runes on the stone gate lit up one after another, and magical lights began to swim slowly along the veins of the stone wall. At the last moment, the stone gate A pattern of a huge dragon's head faintly appeared on it, and as a loud rolling noise slowly came from the stone gate, the huge stone gate in front of him actually opened towards the inside.

The door of a treasure house that was almost filled with sulfur, gold coins and red crystals was opened, and the golden light was shining inside. Surrounding a high cast iron throne, it was a chair that looked a bit exaggerated. Suldak felt that sitting on this chair full of reliefs would definitely not be too comfortable.

In front of this cast iron chair, there is a huge red crystal, and a broad-edged sword is inserted in the red crystal, only the handle made of gold is exposed.

"Could it be the Sword of Quel Sela?" Andrew, who was following behind Suldak, almost dropped his jaw in shock.

Suldak walked into the red dragon treasure, and the entire cave was very quiet, without any sound coming from it.

There is not only a legendary sword inserted in the red crystal on the high platform, but there are also a pile of thorium saddle covers beside the legendary sword, but Suldak can't think of what kind of giant sword it will be. Only horses can carry such a huge metal saddle, and the shape of this saddle cover is weird.

On the other side of the legendary sword is a dragon egg nearly one meter high, but the surface of this dragon egg looks like a cold stone...

Suldak glanced at Andrew beside him, ignored the hills of gold coins on both sides, and walked directly towards the legendary sword in the middle.

The ogre Gullitum looked around. He stepped on the continuously flowing gold coins and carefully looked around the cave, alert to the sudden danger.

The half-elf archer Samira, who had always looked very calm, was lying on the pile of gold coins. She spread her hands, her bright red eyes were a little out of focus, and grabbed a large handful of heavy gold coins with both hands, letting her Flowing down from the fingers, he said to himself: "My God! Am I dreaming..."

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