Lord Highlander

Chapter 598: 587. Dragon's Blood Curse 2

A large number of flames erupted from the top of the pustule mountain in the darkness, and hot magma continued to flow down the entire mountain, forming dozens of lava rivers of different sizes.

The lengths of these rivers of lava vary. Some small rivers will disappear only halfway up the mountain, and only a few larger rivers of lava reach the foot of the mountain. The surface of some rivers of lava is covered with a thick layer of stone crust. , forming an underground river flowing underground.

At the foot of the mountain, volcanic ash falls like snowflakes all year round. In many places at the foot of the mountain, the accumulated volcanic ash looks like giant hills.

People living here not only need to wear masks that can filter the air, but also need to cover their heads with a thin gauze to prevent the flying volcanic ash from flying into their eyes. The sulfur mine camp is stationed here with Luke There are a total of five villagers in Woer. In addition to counting the sulfur mines collected, everyone usually cooks breakfast and dinner for the 600 kobold slaves every day.

Normally, these villagers seldom go to the Lava River mine to work as supervisors. They usually stay in the sheds of the sulfur camp. Of course, the biggest motivation to support them to stay in the sulfur mine is the generous monthly salary paid by Surdak.

Luke's departure made the five villagers feel a little lost. Originally, Luke was doing most of the inspection work on the sulfur camp, but now they have to share it with the five of them.

The kobold slaves will walk back along the volcanic rocks of the lava river every day after the sky is completely dark.

These kobolds have noses with unique structures. Their noses are rich in gray hairs, which can effectively block the volcanic ash flying in the sky. Therefore, the environment here does not have much impact on them. Once too much volcanic ash falls on their faces, they will Vigorously shake his head to shake off all the volcanic ash.

Kobold slaves like to take a sand bath after supper, completely stepping their bodies into dry volcanic ash. The volcanic ash here contains strong alkaline substances, which can effectively kill the fleas and lice hiding in their hair.

These kobold slaves are not afraid of overheating and cold environments by virtue of the hair on their bodies, but they live very well in the sulfur mine.

At night, a group of kobold slaves sat together, and some young and strong male kobolds bit and wrestled in the circle made of volcanic ash. This is a unique fighting style of the kobolds. and paws.

After sending Luke, Andrew, and Samira away, the ogre Gullitum hardly stopped at the sulfur mine camp, and lived in the lava mine cave with a stack of wheat cakes and water bags on his back.

Suldak had to explain all the things here in the sulfur camp before he could escape and enter the secret room of the red dragon treasure to learn the language of the dragon.

The effect of the Dragon Blood Curse is very obvious. In just one day, the third scale has grown on Suldak's arm, and each scale has a very unique pattern. Suldak touched the armor Armor, these scales reduce the body's sense of touch, but enhance the body's own defense.

A candle was burning in the tent, Cyrus. Hickok's magic note was standing on a stone slab. Celia Cooper was holding the black cage with both hands, and was about to stick her head out, staring at the scales on Suldak's arm without saying a word.

"This is the curse of the dragon!" Celia Cooper said with certainty.

"I read an introduction to this curse in a very old magic book. It is said that during the heyday of the Dragon Clan, the fertility of giant dragons was still a very serious problem. The birth of each baby dragon is very important to the Dragon Clan. One big thing, the dragons can't stay in the lair all day to take care of the young dragons, so they will capture some humans, elves, orcs and dwarves from all corners of the world, and let them become dragon servants to take care of these newly born dragons , the dragons were worried that these servants would harm the young dragons, so they cast a very special curse on these servants."

Celia Cooper said while recalling:

"This is the origin of the curse of the dragon. This curse is actually a process of fusing the blood of the dragon with its own blood. Therefore, it is also called the blood curse by some dragons."

"It's very simple to say, that is, the dragon blood has melted into your body, and your body will gradually become dragon-like after being eroded by the dragon blood... Of course, this kind of evolution to the dragon race will make your physique improve in a short period of time. Significantly improved, and the body has draconic features."

"But this does not mean that you will become a giant dragon. First of all, due to your own carrying capacity, you cannot afford a large amount of dragon blood fusion. In addition, the blood in your body will also reject dragon blood. There is not enough dragon blood to enhance fusion. You will become a servant of the dragon who has lost his mind."

"I guess you must have never seen the servants of the dragon. Those servants of the dragon look more like the evolution of the lizard warriors. They are also super powerful in combat, but their minds are completely degraded, and they live entirely by instinct and orders from the dragon."

On a blank page of the magic note, magically woven lines appeared, and a fat dragon with four legs and two hands appeared on the page. The dragon was covered with countless scales, and it looked like a dragon. monster.

Suldak's eyes went dark, and at this moment, his heart was full of resentment towards the female dragon. If he had turned into such a strange appearance, he might as well have jumped into the magma pool of the pustule mountain.

"Is there any way to undo this blood curse?" Suldak asked Celia Cooper.

Celia Cooper shook her head and said:

"Giant dragons gradually withdrew from the Roland Continent a thousand years ago. The high-ranking priests in the temple were good at lifting curses, but they all disappeared. Maybe you can see records of this curse in some ancient books , but the solution is definitely not easy to find.”

"It is said that the giant dragons left the Roland Continent and traveled through countless planes to return to the Kingdom of Dragons, which is also related to this!"

Suldak asked Celia Cooper: "You mean that all the races in the Roland Continent have spoken out against this blood curse, so the dragons left the Roland Continent to live in other planes."

"It should be like this!" Celia Cooper replied: "Okay, I'm a little tired, I'm going to sleep for a while, the stench of dragons is really everywhere here."

Suldak's face became a little ugly. In just two days, the dragon scale on his arm had become three pieces, and a new dragon scale was growing out little by little. He pulled off the linen sleeve and covered it Locking his forearm, he put on the black iron wristband again.

Only then did he put away the magic note with a gloomy face.


Suldak took out the keel necklace from the magic pocket.

The entire keel necklace looks very delicate, with countless complicated runes engraved on it. He gestured the necklace to his neck and found that the necklace was well designed. It has layers to prevent assassins from cutting their throats. It will not affect the free movement of the neck.

This keel necklace was made from a complete red dragon throat bone. Suldak didn't know how it was made, but with his keen perception of magic, he could clearly perceive the keel bone necklace. The necklace should be a piece of spiritual bone containing magic patterns.

When learning the sacrificial ceremony in the indigenous tribe of Handanar County on the Warsaw plane, the great wizard Inoyatila once told Surdak that both magic-weave spirit bones and magic-weave leather can be made into magic-weave Colonization equipment, and how many magic-weave cultivation equipment a warrior can have depends entirely on the warrior's own carrying capacity.

Numerous runes emerged from the keel necklace in his hand.

Suldak felt that if he only used it as a necklace, he might have the ability to learn dragon language, but if he turned it into a magic-weave breeding suit, then he might be able to master the power contained in this dragon bone. of magic power.

Seeing the only legacy left by Lord Johannes, Suldak felt as if he had some unknown connection with this keel.

Suldak sat in the tent and meditated. He wanted to know if he could suppress the blood curse after his strength improved.

Soon after entering the state of meditation, Suldak once again felt that the sacred aura condensed by the stars on his upper body became incomparably majestic. Those sacred auras were like a boundless ocean, suddenly attracted by some kind of force, forming monstrous waves. Huge waves were sweeping through every corner of the Sea of ​​Spiritual Consciousness, and the huge impact force smashed open a dark door, making his perception of the outside world and his control of power rush to a whole new level.

When the dawn came, Surdak opened his eyes, lifted the curtain of the tent, and walked out of the tent.

Facing the light of the morning sun, the world in front of my eyes became more colorful. Even the flying volcanic ash around me can feel their existence without turning my head to look around. It even falls on my shoulders, like a broom-shaped volcanic ash. The collapse and fragmentation were so clear in Suldak's eyes, like the moment a mountain collapsed.

Surdak knew that he was promoted again in his tent in the sulfur mine.

Speaking of which, it has only been more than a month since the last level promotion, and the promotion reached level 18 again.

As long as he is promoted to one more level, he will become a rank-1 peak knight, touching the ceiling of a rank-1 intermediate knight.

Although he has comprehended the halo of power, he still has little understanding of the holy seal mastered by the high-ranking knight. I heard from the teachers in the knight academy that if you want to break through the road of knighthood and become a second-rank strongman, you must comprehend the holy seal of the knight.

Rolling up his sleeves, he found that the fourth dragon scale had completely grown out of his arm. Suldak closed his eyes, raised his head and let out a long breath. He tried his best to adjust his almost collapsed emotions. Apparently, the increase in strength could not curb the blood curse on his body. Suldak remembered that Lord Johannes said that the contact method of the blood curse was hidden in those magic crystals.

Standing on the volcanic rock outside the tent, he immediately felt an urgency to enter the secret room of the treasure. He really wanted to see if learning the dragon language in the magic crystal would be useful.

In addition to helping him understand some dragon language magic, he might be able to find a way to break the blood curse.


Aphrodite lay sideways on the bed in silk pajamas, staring sleepily at Suldak standing by the window, with a faint smile on her lips.

The long silk dress made her plump body appear uneven, especially the large white and greasy skin extruding from the neckline. Those charming lavender eyes stared at Suldak, making this morning very charming. The sun shines through the gauze. The curtain shines into the hotel room, making the room warm and cozy.

"Why did you summon me at this time?" Suldak was in a bad mood at this time, but when he saw the succubus in front of him, he got a little better.

Aphrodite sat up from the bed, gathered her loose long hair with her hands, her chest was clearly printed on the silk pajamas, and asked with a smile: "I want to ask you, when can I leave here. After shopping around, I want to look elsewhere!"

Her eyes turned around on Surdak, and the corners of her mouth raised.

"Where do you want to go?" Surdak stood by the window and looked at the street outside.

"I haven't made up my mind yet, but I just don't want to go back to Wall Village so soon!" Aphrodite said to Suldak.

She stood up, walked to the coffee table, and poured a cup of milk tea from the silver teapot.

"How about going to Bena City?" Suldak asked.

"Beina City? Okay!" Aphrodite paused and said immediately.

Suldak nodded and said, "I'll go to the airport terminal later and buy an airship ticket to Bena City. Not every day there is an airship flying to Bena City. If you're unlucky, maybe Waiting for a week in Hailansa City."

"It's okay, it's actually pretty good here." Aphrodite walked to Suldak, stared into his eyes and said, "I just feel that your mood has fluctuated a lot these past two days, I guess you must have encountered some kind of problem , At this time, you should come out of the fog, calm down and think about those troublesome things!"

"It's nothing, it's just another magic contract signed, it might be a bit troublesome, but I can handle it!" Suldak said to Aphrodite.

"We have a contract of equality and symbiosis, and we must bear everything together!" Aphrodite stretched out her hands and hugged Suldak tightly.

Not understanding why Aphrodite became so emotional, Suldak patted her on the back lightly, and then said softly: "I know, it's just a small problem, and I will solve it."

Walking downstairs, Suldak greeted Mrs. Cohen with a smile.

Faced with the puzzled look of the proprietress Mrs. Cohen, she walked out of the Garden Plaza Hotel, stopped a magic caravan on the street, and rushed straight to the airport pier in High Lansa City.


It was almost noon when Suldak walked through the void and returned to the sulfur mine.

He called the five villagers staying at the sulfur mine into the tent, and explained to them the rotation tasks of the mine, requiring them to take turns to supervise the workers at the Lava River mine every day, and record the amount of sulfur ore mined every day. The kobold slaves had two meals a day, including vegetables and meat.

Water spinach should be added to the multigrain porridge for breakfast, and there must be broth when eating multigrain cakes for dinner.

After giving these orders, Suldak entered the lava mine again.

Today is gone, rest tonight

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