Lord Highlander

Chapter 599

Go into the Lava Mine.

The red crystals within a range of nearly 100 meters near the entrance of the cave have been mined by kobold slaves, leaving only the foundation of the red crystal cluster with faint red grains.

The inside of the cave is a bit hot, and gusts of hot wind blow out from the bottom of the cave, with a very strong smell of sulfur.

Surdak wore a mask on his face, which blocked a lot of sulfur smells, and the lava mine was not stuffy.

The cave is full of potholes, and the ground formed by the accumulation of volcanic rocks is not flat at all.

I walked nearly five kilometers inside alone, but the place near the lava pool was a bit hot. These lava pools appear to be very stable, and the magma inside shows no sign of flowing out.

He walked into the cave for a long time before he found the ogre dismembering the salamander in the depths of the cave. The scene was a bit messy.

At this time, Gulitum was squatting behind a stone pillar. In front of him were two salamander corpses. Both salamanders were seven or eight meters long. The heads of the salamanders had been chopped off. Stacked next to the stone pillar, the two salamanders looked very painful when they died, with hideous faces, almost all of their sharp teeth sticking out, and the bones in the lower jaw and eye sockets were all smashed, covered with a layer of volcanic ash.

Gulitum was holding a long and narrow skinning knife, and he was pulling the leather of a salamander with one hand, slowly separating the leather and lizard meat along the white fascia. There were no red crystal particles on the leather of the two salamanders, which were no different from the salamanders that Gulitham had hunted before, but they were not the mutant salamanders he met the day before yesterday.

The ogre's hand trembled a little, and the skinning knife cut a bit sideways, and poked a hole in the salamander's skin at the front leg of the salamander.

He calmly withdrew the skinning knife, rubbed the skin of the salamander casually with his hands twice, then tore off a little bit of white fascia from the salamander and stuffed it into his mouth, chewing vigorously while continuing Skin the salamander.

Hearing the sound of footsteps behind him, the ogre immediately stopped what he was doing. He turned his head and glanced behind him, only to find that it was Suldak walking over, and immediately threw the unskinned salamander onto the volcanic rock floor with a look on his face. said happily:

"Captain, why are you here?"

He kicked the fleshy salamander beside him, and showed off to Suldak: "I just caught them. They came out of the crack in the rock over there, and I blocked them. I was going to cook a big one." Pot offal soup."

The ogre was right, the blood stains on the two salamanders were not completely coagulated.

"It seems that you can have a good meal," Suldak said to Gulitum with a smile, looking at the two salamanders.

"I think I should go inside again, there must be more salamanders inside." Gullitum looked very excited.

Looking into the depths of the lava mine, he revealed his ambition to Suldak.

Suldak used the 'Holy Light' to heal the ogre's new wounds, and told him: "You must be careful when hunting alone. No one can help you when you encounter danger, especially if you feel that you can't Defeat the opponent, trust your intuition, withdraw in time, and wait for us to come back together to deal with them."

"As long as I don't meet that salamander, other salamanders are no match for me." The ogre Gulitam leaned against the stone pillar, smiled 'hehe', and said to Suldak: "Hey, Dak, you Say that salamander will come out?"

"It should be!" Suldak took out the skinning knife and continued the unfinished work of the ogre.

The skinning knife slowly moved along the fascia, peeling off the skin of the salamander almost without any hindrance, while Gullitum cut off a complete salamander leg for himself, and skillfully spread it on the volcanic rock floor. Opening the scroll of the "Fire Gathering Technique", the flames sprang out. The ogre skillfully put the salamander's legs on the fire and burned them, and then put all the internal organs of the salamander into a large iron pot with a round belly.

He muttered in his mouth: "I must catch it this time! By the way, you take away the salamander meat and leather..."

Suldak couldn't stand the rough cooking methods of the ogre. After peeling the salamander's skin, he squatted next to the iron pot, rinsed the salamander's internal organs with clean water, and began to turn over the intestines. Except for a section of the salamander's stomach Almost nothing but undigested sulfur.

"Is it so sure that you can catch the salamander in the cave?" Suldak asked the ogre.

"Of course, I can smell the meat on them..." Gullitum said confidently.


Had a cave barbecue with the ogre Gulitam in the depths of the lava cave, and ran to the Magic Union and various high-end restaurants in Hailansa City with fresh salamander meat amidst Aphrodite's complaints. The salamander meat was sold out, and Suldak walked into the treasure room again along the rock crevice.

Walking into the arched stone door, Suldak felt as if he had stepped into another space, which was full of dragon breath.

The fourth scale on his arm actually stopped growing at this moment...

Of course, this may just be his psychological effect.

Suldak walked up to the stone platform. This time, he saw the 'Quel Sela' inserted into the red crystal, the saddle cover made of Thorium, and the dragon egg shell filled with magic crystals on the stone platform. Although still a little excited, through constant psychological hints:

'Those are not mine! '

'Those are not mine! '

'Those are not mine! '

Suldak quickly calmed himself down, looked at the war reliefs on the stone wall, and felt the killing atmosphere on the battlefield, Suldak felt his blood was boiling again.

He glanced at the cast-iron chair and thought it might have been placed here by the Duke of Angus Bradbury.

Taking out the first piece of magic crystal from the eggshell, Suldak felt that learning the dragon language might be a rather long process, so he walked to the cast iron chair and sat down, feeling a sense of chill spread to his body Here, Suldak's spirits were immediately lifted.

The magic crystal in his hand did not appear a three-dimensional image as Suldak expected, but at the moment he let go of the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness, he felt a 'boom', as if he was pulled into a virtual world. In the space, the aristocratic woman in a red dress stood in front of him calmly, her body releasing a powerful aura.

Suldak mustered up his courage to meet her gaze.

The woman's eyes had a kind of indifference that despised all living beings, and it was the same when she looked at Suldak.

'I am very glad that you are willing to learn these dragon runes. Each rune is a key to unlock the shackles. Only by studying the dragon language deeply can you understand the dragon language curse more deeply and try to unlock it. The blood curse on you... Once you take these magic crystals out of this treasure house, otherwise I will leave behind several dragon breaths, which will instantly clean everything in this secret room, including you! '

It was still the same opening sentence before, and Suldak finally confirmed that the image in the magic crystal should have been prepared in advance.

It's just that he didn't understand how he was pulled into the magic crystal. Of course, this is more visual than watching a small three-dimensional image.

The woman stretched out a finger, and wrote a huge rune nearly 100 meters high in the void in front of Suldak. She wrote very slowly and focused, and even wanted to write down every word that was written on this rune. The details were slowed down countless times, just to allow Suldak to see clearly.

The scene was also quite shocking, as if a huge building was rising from the ground in front of Suldak, and the lines of the runes were piled up little by little, but it was so clear in front of Suldak's eyes.

The woman's voice rang in Surdak's ear again:

"This is the first rune language, we call it 'El', read it to me according to the pronunciation of our dragon clan: 'El', feel it, engrave it on the magic leather, it will give people extra power , so that you can be more precise when hitting the target, and you can see farther..."

Suldak found that the dragon language was not difficult to understand, it was just the weird sound from the woman's throat that Suldak could not imitate, as if the throat did not have that unique frequency, so it could not produce sound.

For Suldak, this kind of person clearly understands the pronunciation, but just can't make any sound.

This kind of aphasia, Suldak had a very similar experience on the frontline battlefield in Handanar County on the Warsaw plane. At that time, he clearly understood what the other party was saying, and knew how to pronounce it, but He couldn't speak, as if his body had closed a certain door.

He touched the keel necklace on his neck. It was a wonderful feeling, as if the keel necklace was connected with the body and became a part of the body. Not only the fingers could feel the keel necklace, but the surface of the keel necklace was very hard. , and has a matte texture.

At the same time, Suldak also realized the feeling from the keel necklace... It was a little itchy when he touched it with a finger.

Master Johannes stood in front of Suldak and uttered the same scale again, but Suldak just couldn't follow it.

The woman repeated the pronunciation of the rune again.

A sacred breath passed through the keel necklace, and Suldak read it out naturally at the next moment: "Al..."

The next step is to draw, this learning process Surdak thinks it should be very simple. In fact, until the spiritual power in the Sea of ​​Spiritual Consciousness of Suldak was on the verge of exhaustion, he still didn't draw the extremely simple rune. The symbol looked a bit like a simple bird's head, or a fish swimming in the water.

Suldak withdrew from the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness exhaustedly, and found himself sitting on a cold cast iron chair, still holding the magic crystal in his hand.

His mental strength was about to be exhausted, so Suldak leaned on a chair and closed his eyes to rest.

The surroundings of the cave were covered with gold coins, sulfur and red crystals, only the dark cast iron chair on the high stone platform sat a young knight...


No matter what, Suldak finally learned the pronunciation of the first rune language.

When he regained some mental strength and felt that he was no longer so tired, he rolled up his sleeves and checked his arm. He found that the fourth scale on his arm did not show signs of continuing to grow. Suldak breathed a sigh of relief. Come to learn the language of runes, it really can curb the growth of scales.

Surdak didn't expect that he had to learn the first rune for seven days before he finally succeeded in drawing one.

This learning process is actually a bit slow. He studied quietly in the space in the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness. It was not drawn casually. No matter how precise the drawing skills were, he could not complete the drawing of this rune. Until the sixth day, Only then did Suldak understand that to draw the rune language, one needs to control one's mental power, use mental power to chase the lines in memory, and construct those simple lines.

When the first rune successfully appeared in front of Suldak, this rune only lasted 3 seconds in front of Suldak, and then disillusioned into a magical breath, dissipating in the void.

Even though it only appeared for three seconds, Suldak could still feel that during those three seconds, his control over the body and sight distance had improved significantly, but as the rune was disillusioned, that wonderful feeling disappeared again. Disappeared in an instant.


After learning the first rune, Suldak left the treasure chamber and went to the lava cave to find the ogre Gullitum who hunted salamanders.

Suldak found Gulitum at the mouth of the lava cave, and this guy confirmed that his deduction was correct.

In the depths of this lava mine is a lair of salamanders, but the lava caves inside are intricate, and there are magma pools everywhere. A large group of salamanders live in the depths of the cave, and they usually use the sulfur in the cave to They do not leave the deep cave easily, the main reason is that there are clusters of red crystals all over the cave outside.

Salamanders want to pass through this cave, and these red crystals that are as sharp as swords will scratch their fragile abdomens, so a large number of salamanders are trapped deep in the cave.

In just seven days, the ogre Gullitum actually hunted eleven salamanders. This was the harvest after he felt that he would not be able to eat them all if he hunted too many, so he stopped in time.

In order to prevent these precious salamander meat from deteriorating, the ogre Gullitum peeled off the salamander meat and transported it to the lava waterfall at the entrance of the lava mine, where he placed some meat racks to treat these fire lizards. The lizard meat was roasted, and the sulfurous lava waterfall roasted these dozens of salamander meats to a golden color, and they all looked so appetizing.

When Suldak found the hole, the ogre was sprinkling salt and peppercorns on the eleven salamander heads. If he hadn't appeared in time, Gullitem would probably kill the salamander heads before they deteriorated. They also turn into grills.

Suldak was a little worried about the sulfur mine. After all, when Luke returned to Wall Village, the five villagers left behind had no management experience. Once there was a conflict with the kobold slaves, they didn't even know what to do.

So Suldak hurried back to the sulfur mine camp.

Gullitum has had a lot of prey recently, and the kobold slaves in the sulfur mine can drink delicious salamander bone soup almost every day. This big ogre has become a hero in the hearts of kobold slaves.

Back at the sulfur mine, Suldak found that these kobold slaves were very honest, and the five Wall villagers managed the camp in an orderly manner. There are several stacks of different sizes, and a stone slab is placed in front of each stack of sulfur mines, which records the number of sulfur mines. The management of sulfur mines in the camp is actually more disciplined than when Luke was there.

Back at Camp Brimstone, just in time for the kobold slaves to have dinner.

Suldak found that the 600 kobold slaves prayed to the sky in unison before eating dinner. Suldak was very surprised and was about to ask the soup-making Wall villagers where these kobold slaves were. What to do, I saw the curtain of a stone house in the sulfur camp was gently lifted, and a woman in a long black dress and light veil came out of the stone house.

Although the woman had a mask on her face and a black veil on her head, Suldak recognized it at a glance... That woman was Selena.

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