Lord Highlander

Chapter 801

Almost all the border towns in the northern occupied area are built along the Thorn Mountain Range.

They are built against this mountain range.

These frontier towns are all on the southern slopes of the mountains.

After breaking through these small towns, to the south is the vast grassland of Yimapingchuan.

Many nobles own stretches of pastures here, but none of them are famous noble lords.

Plantos Town is also a town built on the hillside. All the houses are lined up on the hillside. Only in the north of the town is there a high city wall embedded in the body on both sides.

There was no resistance in the town, and a large number of ghost-striped red ants rushed out of Plantos Town, and immediately spread out like a fan.

The land in the southern part of the town is very vast, and these ghost-striped red ants swarmed out. Surdak walked to Plantos Town for so long, but he didn't encounter a large-scale ant colony.

It wasn't until he saw the cavalry battalion in the distance that Suldak saw the complete ant colony. Although he didn't see where the ghost-striped queen was hiding, he found the ghost-striped male ants from the densely packed ant colony. pro-guard group.

This personal guard group is surrounded by a large group of ghost-striped red ants.

The cavalry battalion on the opposite side was surrounded by a large number of ghost-striped red ants. A dozen or so ghost-striped male ants lined up and approached the cavalry step by step with their huge tentacles.

The ordinary bows and arrows in the hands of those cavalrymen couldn't handle the hard armor on the ghost-striped male ant at all.

The ghost-striped male ants pushed forward almost all the way, and the cavalry battalion could only retreat steadily.

It's just that their back road was cut off by a group of ghost-striped soldier ants, and the surrounding ghost-striped soldier ants and ghost-striped worker ants continued to surround them, and began to squeeze their living space.

Once cavalry cannot run on the battlefield, their combat effectiveness is not even as good as that of heavy armored infantry.

The commander in silver armor was unable to break the situation, so he could only retreat frequently before the ghost-patterned soldiers surrounded him from all directions.


Obviously, once the ant swarm formed, the cavalry would find it difficult to resist the continuous attack.

Only by relying on a high city wall can it be possible to stick to a certain place.

Seeing that the cavalry battalion would have cavalrymen thrown down by the ghost-striped soldier ants from time to time, they should be caught in a dilemma. They wanted to retreat while fighting, but they were entangled by the ghost-striped red ants around them. Extremely difficult.

The ants swarmed up like a tide.

And that cavalry battalion is like a sailboat in the red sea, which is in danger of capsizing anytime and anywhere.

Suldak personally urged the horse to rush to the front and shouted to Andrew: "Andrew, let's rush over..."

Andrew was wrapped in a thick magic-weave structure. He rode on a warhorse covered in scales. He swung his ax at a group of cavalry behind him and readjusted the direction of attack. All the veterans rushed along with Andrew. go up.

The cavalry went from slow to fast...

Charged in the direction of the cavalry battalion on the opposite side, ghost-striped red ants were constantly chopped down on the grass.

Suldak was also in the front row. With him providing the aura of strength, the cavalry could increase the speed of their charge.

Gallatin was in charge of leading the 500 cavalry behind to slowly advance around the two Thunder Rhinos.

The latter horses did not have magic patterns implanted, nor did they have light hard armor and leather protective gear, so these horses could only be used as mounts for transportation and could not charge.

Samira stood on the high platform of Thunder Rhinoceros. At present, there are four bed crossbows on the backs of the two Thunder Rhinoceros. Each bed crossbow needs three people to operate it. A group of rescued children are hiding in the wooden house. With a terrified face looking through the window at the countless ghost-striped red ants on the vast grass, he couldn't even speak for a while.

The archers on both sides of Lei Tingxi's body shot arrows frequently, and some ghost-striped worker ants rushed up from both sides and fell down one after another. Only some ghost-striped soldier ants wanted to surround them, but they were dealt with by Captain Gallatin in time.

Every step of the tall Thunder Rhino will make the ground tremble...

When Suldak's cavalry joined the battlefield, the situation changed immediately. A large number of ghost-striped red ants immediately sprang up from the ant colony, and they seemed to want to separate the two cavalry.

It was obvious that the queen ant was controlling the ant colony, and the ghost-striped red ants rushed over desperately, trying to keep Suldak's cavalry out.

The queen didn't realize that this cavalry regiment was different from the cavalry battalion in front of her. They were braver, and they were very unrestrained when rushing through the ant colony.

Until Andrew led the cavalry directly to the flank of the ghost-striped drone.

The cavalry rushed in almost stepping on the corpse of the ghost-striped red ant.

Seeing the brothers' battalion coming in with reinforcements, the cavalry battalion on the opposite side also boosted their morale. They immediately grasped the situation on the battlefield, and fought back against the ghost-patterned red ants swarming up from all around.

Andrew rode his war horse and rushed directly to the left side of the ghost-striped male ant on the edge. The ghost-striped male ant twisted its body clumsily, trying to kill Andrew's war horse with a single bite with its giant pincers. Unexpectedly, Andrew actually Pulling the reins of the war horse abruptly, the war horse immediately stopped and stood up on the spot, with a pair of front hooves ruthlessly stepping on the flank of the ghost pattern male ant.

Andrew took the opportunity to pounce forward, and touched the middle of the outrigger of the ghost pattern male ant with one hand. Although he was wearing heavy armor with a full-cover magic pattern structure and looked like an iron can, his movements were extremely flexible. Climbing on the outrigger with one hand, the ax in his hand was stuck on the side plate, which made him successfully flip onto the back of the ghost-striped male ant.

The ghost-striped male ant couldn't turn around, but it leaned up suddenly, and then heavily penetrated the pincers into the ground, ready to throw Andrew off from behind.

Andrew held the bone spur of the ghost-striped male ant tightly in one hand, and stepped on the back of the ghost-striped male ant firmly with his feet as if they had taken root. In full view of everyone, he swung an ax and chopped at the armor of the ghost-striped male ant's back neck. .

The piece of armor was stripped off, and the ghost-striped male ants went completely berserk. They immediately broke away from the marching male ants, and plunged their heads into the soft grass. The ghost-striped soldier ants also frantically gathered around them.

Just when the ghost-striped male ant was able to stick its hard head into the soil, Andrew inserted the ax into the brain of the ghost-striped male ant, and easily pulled out the magic core in the cranial cavity.

The ghost-striped male twitched violently before dying, and Andrew jumped onto the grass with big strides.

A group of ghost pattern soldier ants came up, and Suldak followed closely behind with a group of cavalry, and immediately stopped the group of soldier ants.

The row of ghost-striped male ants continued to chase the cavalrymen who were besieged by a group of ants. Samira bit half an apple, stepped on the bed crossbow with one foot, and shot an armor-piercing crossbow into the head of the second male. He looked at the crossbowman beside him indifferently.

The crossbowman was excited all over, and immediately said to his companion: "Let's get another giant magic crossbow..."

Such a giant magic crossbow bolt with the attribute of 'armour-piercing' is worth twenty-five silver coins, which is almost a month's income of ordinary residents in Dodan Town.

It almost made Samira feel like grabbing a handful of silver coins and hitting the ant's face angrily.

Last time the Quartermaster Handel sent a total of ten magic giant crossbows of this kind, and now there are only six left. This is still trying to get it back every time it is shot, but there are too many uncertain factors on the battlefield, and the magic crossbows are worn out. very fast.

Not long after, Andrew stepped on the back of a ghost-striped male ant, and the butcher's ax in his hand slashed down again...

Suldak's team of cavalry almost killed the group of ghost-striped drones in one go. The queen of ghost-striped ants hiding behind the ant colony realized that something was wrong, but the ghost-striped drones in front had almost been killed. up.

These ant queens urged the surrounding ghost pattern worker ants to swarm up in large numbers, dragging the cavalry with their bodies.

It's a pity that at this time Suldak has led the cavalry to join this cavalry, and there are no ghost-striped male ants approaching steadily. The heavy cavalry in Andrew is almost unstoppable in the ant colony, even some ghost-striped soldier ants If they get together, they will also be killed by Andrew and Suldak who bear the brunt. The two are at the front of the team, killing fifteen ghost pattern soldier ants in a row, and the attack of the ant colony has finally been suspended.

More than a thousand cavalrymen finally broke through the ant colony and ran towards the outer hills of Prantos Town.

With the ant colony blocking them, the cavalry couldn't rush to the town of Plantos in one go, so they had to retreat to the periphery to rest.


On the wooded hillside, the cavalry jumped off their horses one after another and set up a temporary camp.

The commander of the cavalry battalion on the opposite side walked in front of Suldak. He was wearing a mithril-plated armor. The style of the armor was similar to that worn by Adams and Gallatin. The commander took off his helmet, Showing a resolute and calm face and a head of blond hair, the sweat on his face rolled down to the ground drop by drop.

He said to Suldak very gratefully: "My name is Intas, the battalion commander of the Seventh Cavalry Battalion. I was ordered to lead the Seventh Cavalry Battalion of the Luthor Legion and stationed in Diwo Town, the easternmost end of the northern theater. Thank you for putting Seventh Battalion pulled out of the ant colony..."

"Suldak, not long after I joined the Luthor Legion, I led the Independent Cavalry Battalion to garrison Dodan Town." Suldak rubbed his nose and introduced himself while standing under a pine tree.

A cavalryman brought two chairs, and the two sat under a tree and chatted.

The cavalry camped in the forest and fed the horses.

Battalion Commander Intas came closer and said, "I know you. I believe that among the officers above the rank of commander of the Luthor Legion, even those who have never seen you have heard of your name. The person chosen by the Marquis, Sure enough, something is different...I mean very strong!"

Suldak didn't want to talk about this. No matter how you explain this kind of thing, someone will always feel that it was climbing up by pulling the corner of Miss Hathaway's skirt.

He turned his head to look at the town of Plantos on the hillside, and said in a low voice, "Well, I heard that the 13th Cavalry Regiment and the 19th Heavy Armored Infantry Regiment of the Luthor Legion are stationed in Plantos Town..."

"I told this guy a long time ago that there is a problem with his pass. When you want to stick to it, you must prepare enough supplies. I didn't expect there to be a big problem here." Battalion Commander Intas looked helpless Said, it seems that he is very familiar with the commander here.

Suldak didn't see the remnants of the 13th Cavalry Regiment and the 19th Heavy Armored Infantry Regiment along the way, so he couldn't help asking curiously:

"Where did you come from, have you received the remaining army?"

Intas looked a little gloomy, and shook his head before saying: "I know that guy's character, he is a proud and irritable guy, and he is also the most chivalrous battalion commander. It is estimated that in order to allow the residents of the town to evacuate safely, put The lives of all the soldiers were filled on that pass."

The two fell silent for a while.

Suldak couldn't find anything to talk about, but he just looked at the swarms of red ants under the hill, and his heart inevitably felt a little heavy.

So many ghost-striped red ants have entered the northern occupied area, and the situation is still spreading to the south, and many townspeople may die.

The squadron leader of the third squadron of the cavalry battalion came over.

He knows the language of the Green Empire and usually knows a little mathematics, so he usually does some statistics of the cavalry battalion.

Suldak came back to his senses and asked the squadron leader, "Have you counted the wounded cavalry?"

"Yes, Commander Suldak." The squadron leader replied.

Suldak stood up from the chair, walked towards the awning set up in front, and said, "Then let them come together, we won't have too much rest time, get well soon, and then we can continue fighting."

Afterwards, Intas saw Suldak roll up his sleeves and began to treat the wounded cavalrymen one by one...

At a time when healing potions are worth as much as gold, it is definitely the luckiest to have someone who is good at healing in the army.

Intas widened his eyes, watching the holy light spells emerge from Suldak's palm, the soft holy light emitted by the holy light torch... His Adam's apple twitched and grunted!

He swallowed heavily.


The entire border town was completely occupied by ghost-striped red ants, and a large number of ants swarmed south from the Prentos Pass into the prairie in the northern part of Wilkes City.

By noon, seven cavalry battalions rushed to the southern periphery of Prantos Town.

Everyone originally occupied a place, but as Chester Great Swordsman led a group of personal guards and rushed to the outskirts of Plantos Town, all the cavalry battalions quickly moved closer to his position and gathered together.

The Great Swordsman Chester kept calling the commanders of the cavalry battalions to the tents to communicate individually.

Suldak's cavalry battalion was the first to arrive at the Chester Great Swordsmen's temporary camp. Later, some cavalry battalions arrived and went in one after another to discuss in detail. He was the last one to be called in.

Into a somewhat dim tent.

The Great Swordsman Chester sat there, squeezed the corners of his eyes, and asked with force: "Suldak, how is the situation in Dodan Town? The red ants will open another breach in the garrison area you are in charge of."

Suldak sat down opposite Chester Great Swordsman and said: "It's okay, everything is under control. Before I came, I had already driven those ghost-striped red ants to the north exit of Dodan Canyon."

"Kick the ghost-striped red ants out of the canyon... tell me how you did it?" Great Swordsman Chester said.

He sat up straight in the chair, pretending to listen carefully.

Suldak thought for a while, and then said: "The main thing is to recognize where the biggest threat comes from. We think it is the ant queen...it has extremely powerful spiritual power and can assign tens of thousands of ghost patterns at the same time. The red ants obey its schedule, and once the queen is lost, the red ants will not have any motivation to move forward, and of course they will not be very aggressive."

"So we tried to lure a ghost-striped red ant queen to the city, then threw a few firescale bullets to disturb them, and then shot it with a bed crossbow... Those ghost-striped red ants have no leader. The son disappeared for several days."

The great swordsman Chester looked up at Suldak, but said nothing.

"Later we sent an elite team at night, set some traps, lured them out of the ant colony, and killed three ghost-striped queen ants." Suldak continued: "From that day on, these ghost-striped red ants Did not return to the middle of the canyon..."

The Great Swordsman Chester didn't ask any more questions, and waved his hand to let Suldak leave on his own.

today's chapter

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