Lord Highlander

Chapter 802 791. The Battle of Plantos Town 1

The eight commanders were sitting around a bonfire. Intas called Suldak over, and everyone exchanged casual greetings.

When looking at Suldak, everyone couldn't hide the curiosity in their eyes.

Intas talked about the battle in the morning and how he met Baron Suldak.

A cavalryman brought hot marching ration porridge and scones, and the commanders began a somewhat late lunch.

Suldak sat by the campfire, eating silently.

Intas was very familiar with these cavalry battalion commanders. While eating, he discussed with other commanders the ghost-striped red ants scattered in the south of Prentos Town. Occasionally, he chatted casually, such as a certain commander Bring the woman to the town next to the station, or a certain commander always likes to have a few drinks in the tavern.

These commanders are stationed in the border town, if it weren't for this beast horde, I'm afraid they would all be doing well.

Now, the situation is not so optimistic. A large number of ghost-striped red ants are blocked north of the Thorn Mountain Range. Including Intas and Suldak, four commanders are guarding the border town.

They led the cavalry to the town of Plantos, but they were also worried about the situation in their own town.

Two commanders were discussing the two armed Thunder Rhinos below the hill. Of course, they didn't know that the two Thunder Rhinos belonged to Suldak.

Thunder Rhinoceros, a huge monster, has not been widely used in the army. The final factor is that Thunder Rhinoceros itself is too expensive. In addition, the target is too big. The enemy will always pay attention to it, and it is easy to lose it on the battlefield He was killed in battle, and then dozens of magic crystals were in vain. If he had the money, he might as well buy the magic pattern structure.

The aristocratic lords of the Green Empire like to regard the magic pattern structure as their private property. The property of the noble lords is mainly divided into manors, territories, businesses, and private collections, and the magic pattern structure is the most important part of the private collection. More valuable than gold, jewelry, and antiques.

However, the four bed crossbows on Thunder Rhino's back still make all the commanders a little envious. These bed crossbows are almost the biggest weapon against ghost-striped male ants. Those male ants are bigger than a traveling caravan. Attacking forward together, the cavalry can be restrained to death.

Intas said that when he was fighting with the ghost-striped red ants just now, he encountered more than ten ghost-striped male ants, and it was Baron Suldak who shot a series of furious shots from the bed crossbows on the two thunder rhinos, which immediately made the ghost-striped males The ants stayed on the battlefield.

If it weren't for the ant colonies coming up one after another, they would inevitably bring back a few trophies.

The magic material on the ghost pattern drone is still very good.


Intas was thinking about how to get Suldak to treat the wounded soldiers. Those seriously wounded soldiers were lucky just now. Because Commander Suldak rescued them, they managed to save their lives. There are many injured knights.

Suldak quickly filled his stomach with the marching rations. Seeing the strong man Intas squinting at him, he was about to ask him 'what's the matter?' when he saw the great swordsman Chester Get out of the tent.

The commanders made room for him, Chester Great Swordsman sat down, and a cavalryman brought the same marching rations.

The big swordsman Chester took two bites indiscriminately, and a battalion commander of the cavalry battalion next to him said:

"Legion Commander, right now we can only ask the Constructed Swordsman Group in the Legion to come over to clean up the situation. Our cavalry is on the outskirts of Prantos Town, trying to hold back the ant colony going south as much as possible."

Chester Great Swordsman shook his head and said in a deep voice:

"All the Constructed Swordsmen in the legion dared to quell the rebellion in Tarapa. Even if they could retreat immediately, it would take at least half a month to reach the Bailin plane."

"Now we not only need to control these ant colonies within the range of Plantos Town, but also find a way to block the pass of Plantos Town to prevent more ghost-striped red ants from rushing in."

He took out a burning stick from the bonfire, blew out the flame at the top, and used the black charcoal on the slightly raised rock slab under his feet to draw a sketch of the situation outside Prantos Town.

"The ghost-patterned red ants rushing through the pass can roughly be divided into three large-scale ant colonies."

The Great Swordsman Chester drew three circles on the slate as he spoke.

Suldak could see where one of the ant colonies was located, just where he had met the 7th Cavalry Battalion.

The other cavalry battalion commanders also surrounded them.

Chester Swordsman said: "It is preliminarily guessed that these ant colonies should be controlled by queen ants. We need to send a cavalry battalion to prevent these three ant colonies from continuing to go south."

"As for the small group of ants, it doesn't matter if they leave Prantos."

"The follow-up infantry regiment reinforcements are already on the road, and they should gather around the outskirts of Prantos Town in three days' time."

"No matter how much we control the situation in Prantos Town today, the 3rd Cavalry Battalion and the 4th Cavalry Battalion will leave Prentos Town before sunset and return to your garrison. Make sure there are no problems with your defense."

Two commanders hurriedly stood up and saluted Chester Great Swordsman: "Yes, Commander Chester!"

The commander beside Intas made a different voice: "What about the town of Prantos?"

Intas took the opportunity to say: "Hold down the three ant colonies, and wait for the heavy armored infantry and archers to come one after another, control the situation here, and then take Prantos back in one go."

Suldak also felt that this plan was safer.

The commander beside Intas immediately said: "But there are still a large number of ghost-striped red ants running out of the pass. If we don't block the opening, there will be no ghost-striped red ants rushing from the north. law has been effectively curbed.”

The commander who held the same view as him echoed: "We might as well concentrate our forces and attack the town of Plantos with all our strength."

"But what should we do next?" Another commander put forward a different opinion, saying: "There are so many ghost-striped red ants in the south of Prantos Town. If we let these ants scatter into the grasslands in the northern occupied area, it is estimated that if we want to To find them, it will take ten times, twenty times the manpower and material resources to find them and then destroy them."

He paused and continued: "Just imagine, if these ghost-striped red ants in the south of Prantos Town do not go away, but turn around under the control of the queen and attack Prantos Town again, we will be able to take back Prantos Town , at that time, there will be enemies from both sides, and there is no city wall in the south of Prentos."

Suldak also didn't want to be stationed behind the Bailin plane during this period of time, and spent the time endlessly chasing and killing the ghost-striped red ants that entered the northern occupied area.

"To capture the town of Plantos, you may not need so many cavalry." Suldak looked at the pass where densely packed red ants continued to emerge in the distance, and said in a cold voice: "On the contrary, the three ant colonies in the south of the town are absolutely We must pay attention to it, it is necessary to let the cavalry battalion be contained around, and they must not be allowed to escape our surveillance range in any case."

The big swordsman Chester's eyes lit up, and he asked him: "If you can restrain the ghost-striped red ants south of Prantos Town and prevent them from turning around to support Prantos Town, are you sure you can take back Prantos?" The pass of Si Town?"

Suldak thought about it, anyway, he wanted to join the war, if he inserted it into the pass of the mountain pass like a knife, he might gain more.

Then he said: "You can try it, even if it doesn't work, I have a way to return it!"

Chester Great Swordsman rubbed his face excitedly, and said, "How many cavalry battalions do you need to join?"

"Give me two more cavalry battalions, and the chances of regaining the pass will be great," Suldak said.

A commander stood up and said, "I object. I think it's better to concentrate our forces. It is the most important thing to eliminate the three ant colonies in the south of Plantos Town first."

Then a commander who disagreed said: "If we continue to clean up like this, no one will block the mountain pass over there, and there will only be more and more ghost-patterned red ants here."

"Maybe not. As long as we kill enough, we can kill them back from the front. Even if we can't kill them back, at least we can prevent the ants from going south into the grassland." The remaining commanders also began to chatter Said.

Every commander has a little bit of his own ideas.

The great swordsman Chester waved his hand, and the surroundings fell silent, and then the great swordsman Chester said:

"I led a team to clean up the ant colony in the south of Prantos Town. We only need to find and kill the three queen ants, and they can turn them into a mess of sand, so that we can clean up the rest of the colony without so much pressure."

Then Chester Great Swordsman said:

"Now there is also hope to recapture the town of Plantos. No matter what, we must try. Which of you is willing to complete this task with Suldak?"

A group of commanders who expressed their opinions fell silent all of a sudden, none of them wanted to do stupid things with the popular man in front of Marquis Luther.

Intas coughed lightly twice, elbowed his friend beside him, raised his hand, put one arm on Suldak's shoulder, and said to Great Swordsman Chester: "Count me in, I'm going crazy with him."

The commander next to Intas also raised his hand and said, "Then I'll try it too!"

The Great Swordsman Chester nodded and said, "Intas and Hampton, you two and Suldak will carry out the task of capturing the pass of Prantos Town together. The ant colony coming from the north helps us reduce the attack pressure of the ant colony on the front, and I estimate that more infantry regiments will arrive before noon the day after tomorrow at the latest."

Suldak, Intas and Hampton stood up and said at the same time:

"Yes, Great Swordsman Chester."

Chester Great Swordsman also stood up and said to the other commanders:

"The rest of the cavalry battalion followed me and surrounded the three ant colonies from the front. We must destroy them as much as possible before they find a foothold."

"It's... Great Swordsman Chester."

Now everyone's voice is much louder.


There was still half an hour to prepare for the battle, and the veterans of the cavalry battalion gathered together to polish the edges of their weapons.

Everyone seemed extremely calm, and no one even asked about the specific battle plan. Andrew patrolled back and forth among the cavalry to check the status of these veterans.

The merit exchange list almost made everyone in the cavalry battalion want to sleep on the battlefield.

No way, those ghost-striped red ants on the battlefield are a lot of merit.

One hundred points of merit can be exchanged for one gold coin, which is equivalent to a silver coin for each point of merit. Such generous benefits have completely aroused the emotions of these veterans. Killing an ordinary worker ant is a point of merit, killing a ghost pattern Soldier ants count as 50 points of merit, and killing a giant ghost-striped soldier ant is 500 points of merit. Even if the veterans can clean up 20 ordinary ghost-striped worker ants every day, the harvest in two days is equivalent to digging stones in a quarry for a month. And more.

Therefore, minor injuries in the cavalry battalion cannot go to the front line of fire, and some veterans even hide some hidden injuries.

In order to avoid unnecessary casualties, Suldak ordered Andrew to carefully check the real situation of the veterans' injuries before each battle.

Intas took the opportunity to bring over a group of wounded soldiers from the 7th Cavalry Battalion and asked Suldak to heal them with the Holy Light.

Then the three cavalry battalions merged together, and more than 1,800 cavalrymen made the team look mighty.

In this way, a group of cavalry braved the scorching sun, walked out of the woods on the hill, and headed towards the pass of Prantos Town.

Some vigilant ghost-striped red ants fled away when they saw such a large group of cavalry.

After rushing through the pass of Prantos Town, the killing aura in their bodies reduced a lot, and they no longer knew they were dead, but rushed up desperately to give the red ants behind some chances to survive... …


At the same time, Chester Great Swordsmen sent two cavalry battalions to contain the two ant colonies farther south of Prantos Town.

These two cavalrymen are the 3rd Cavalry Battalion and the 4th Cavalry Battalion respectively. After they participated in the containment task in the afternoon, they will rush back to their garrison camp that night.

These ants were moving southward so fast that it would have been impossible to overtake them in this vast meadow were it not for the cavalry.

And he took the other three cavalry battalions and 300 swordsmen from the personal guards, and nearly 2,000 fighters, led by the Chester swordsman, came directly to the ant colony closest to Prantos Town.

In the sunny afternoon, most of the red ants bury their bodies in the grass to avoid the scorching sun. They slowly move forward in the grass. The size of these ants is only a circle smaller than that of a coyote.

The ghost pattern soldier ants, which are as big as a prairie lion, walk on the grass, with their upper body almost exposed. From a distance, it looks like there is a dark red cloud on the grass.

Although the size of the giant ghost pattern soldier ants mixed in the ant colony was exaggerated, it was within the tolerance range of the cavalrymen.

And those ghost-striped male ants with a body length of six meters are a bit beyond imagination, and they can all be called giant grassland beasts.

Tens of thousands of ghost-striped red ants gathered together, and seemed to have noticed the situation here. Three hundred swordsmen wore small light round shields on their arms, and slowly advanced in the center with large double-edged swords in their hands. On both sides, 500 cavalrymen formed a large net, and the other 500 cavalrymen circled to the other side of the ant colony to contain the rear of the ant colony.

As long as the queen ant dares to press the elite of the ant colony, the cavalry behind will press up, waiting for an opportunity to attack the queen's male ant guards...

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