Lord Highlander

Chapter 808 797. The Runaway Ant Queen

A cavalry captain in full armor with a tower shield carefully stepped one foot into the entrance of the cave full of sour smell. The black blood that was about to dry up was a little sticky, sticking to the bottom of his boots, and every step he took seemed a bit stagnant. .

Obviously, this expedition mission was not a good job, but since it was his turn, he had to go ahead bravely.

Suldak put his hand on the shoulder of the cavalry, and the cavalry captain turned to look at Suldak with a puzzled expression, and then at the battalion commander Intas.

"Let me do it..." Suldak didn't say much, and stepped forward directly, with a dwarven chain shield glowing with silver holy light on one arm, and a shimmering holy light in the other. The torch walked into the cave first.

The cavalry captain hurried to follow.

This burrow was supposed to be an underground storage room in the temple, and it is said that it was occasionally used to detain heretics. This kind of multi-functional storage room was built together with the temple, and it is usually not too small. .

It's just that the Statue of Liberty has abandoned this place, and even the priests and priests in the temple have left cleanly. The temple in the town has been abandoned, and the weeds in the backyard are almost knee-high.

The commanders of the two cavalry battalions saw that Suldak took the lead, so they quickly cheered up and led the elite cavalry to follow.

The two of them led a group of cavalry to search for survivors in the town, but they found nothing all night.

Chasing the ghost-striped red ants that kept retreating, they killed all the way to the temple at the southernmost tip of the town, only to find that the basement was full of ghost-striped red ants, some of which looked like a wormhole, and many ghosts Striped soldier ants huddled in the cave and fought to the death.

The cavalry blocked the entrance of the cave, and the ghost-striped red ants in the cave could only come out one by one, and then the cavalry cleaned them up one after another.

Walking down the passage full of sour liquid for six or seven meters, the road ahead became much smoother, filled with an unpleasant smell, almost suffocating.

The light in the cave was a bit dark, and Suldak walked in the front holding the holy light torch. Although he was not wearing the magic pattern structure at the moment, he was wearing a thick full-coverage armor on the outside of the salamander leather armor. If it weren't for his face, his appearance after putting on the helmet and mask was not much different from other cavalrymen in the cavalry battalion.

Suddenly there was a thin and rustling sound from both sides, and two ghost-pattern soldier ants poked their heads out from the black holes on both sides of the cave. After finding Suldak, they immediately turned their heads flexibly, and opened their teeth and claws towards Surdak. Duck jumped up.

The space in the corridor in the cave was so big, Suldak couldn't dodge, so he quickly raised his shield to parry.

A pair of dark red contact pincers slammed into the dwarf chain shield fiercely. As a power-type second-level monster, the ghost-striped soldier ant itself is infinitely powerful. Although Suldak immediately put on a defensive posture, he was still caught This blow caused two steps back, and a layer of holy silver light appeared on the shield. The ghost pattern soldier ant seemed to have been scalded, and the sharp claws retracted, leaving only the light on Suldak's shield. Two shallow dents.

Another ghost-striped soldier ant jumped up from the other side of Suldak, and the cavalry behind him, holding a tower shield, hurriedly made up for it, holding the shield and bumping into the ghost-striped soldier ant.

The cavalry behind hurriedly stabbed out the long sword in their hands, and the knight's long sword made of fine steel pierced the hard armor near the compound eyes of the ghost pattern red ant, making a piercing sound.

The halo under Suldak's feet lit up, and a faint magic circle flashed in his hand. The holy light torch hit the head of another ghost-striped red ant, and immediately smashed out the olive-shaped head of the ghost-striped soldier ant. Although a light brown liquid gushed out of the big hole, it caused the ghost-patterned soldier ants to bite Suldak's arm more ferociously.

At this time, a long spear stretched out from behind, pierced deeply along the damaged part of the Ghost-patterned Soldier Ant's head, and immediately pierced the Ghost-patterned Soldier Ant on the barrel of the gun.

Suldak nodded to Commander Intas, who was behind in time, and continued to explore.

Walking inside, only to find that the inside of the cave is a long, narrow and straight corridor with a very spacious space.

The dome of the corridor also has an arched structure, and there are masonry columns on both sides as load-bearing supports. There are secret rooms lined up on both sides of the corridor, but the ghost-patterned red ants are too large, and they have already closed the door of the secret room and many pillars. It was also broken, some masonry structures collapsed, and the earthwork on the dome dripped down, making it look dilapidated.

The cave floor is covered in a viscous dark brown liquid that looks like dried blood.

The red ants obviously still smelled in the stone room, but they didn't seem to dare to come out.

There were many skulls covered with blood and mucus in the corner of the cave, and the skulls were of different sizes. Only then did Suldak realize that the ghost-striped red ants had transported all the residents of the town and the garrison who died in battle here.

Suldak walked to the door of a stone room, held a shield in front of him, and poked the torch of holy light inside to watch, only to see that there were actually two worker ants of a different size lying in this stone room.

That's right, they have the upper body of ghost pattern worker ants, but their appearance has completely changed below the abdomen. The dark red abdomen, which was originally the size of a wax gourd, has swelled into a huge ball with a diameter of two meters. , becomes translucent.

Illuminated by the light of the holy light torch, the huge abdomen of the ghost pattern worker ants showed a light red frozen shape. The huge abdomen propped up their bodies, making their front half of their bodies completely suspended, and their bodies lay on a corpse. On the pile, sucking the sour rot on it with the hard tubular mouthparts, seeing that the stomach is about to explode, and still trying to suck it, like two starving ghosts.

Suldak resisted the discomfort in his stomach and withdrew.

Seeing the strange expression on Suldak's face, Commander Intas also went up to take a look. Suldak felt that when he turned his head back, his face was a little green, and he asked for it directly from a cavalry beside him. A fire scale bullet was thrown close to the stone room without even looking at it.

With an explosion, a lot of frozen reddish materials flew out of the stone room, standing sticky on the pillar at the door of the stone room.

After the strong explosion ended, Intas explained to Surdak:

"The honeypots of these red ants are also a way for them to store food. After they are completely full, these worker ants will adjust themselves to the top of the cave and die immediately. It will be used only when enough food is found, and it can be stored for a long time by hanging it in a cool hole in the ground..."

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Intas forced the corner of his mouth to smile and asked everyone:

"Are you wondering how I know this?"

Without waiting for everyone to answer, he explained:

"I participated in the beast tide ten years ago. At that time, I was a captain of the seventy-nine cavalry of the Bena Legion. At the beginning of the tide, these Constructed Swordsmen fought back and fought all the way to the edge of the Dark Forest. If it weren't for the inability to pass through the poisonous miasma around the Dark Forest, the Constructed Swordsmen might have directly captured the Dark Worm Valley. "

"So... didn't take it?" Commander Hampton asked.

Commander Intas nodded and said: "Of course, if it is really done, maybe the second city of Bailin Plane will be built."

Then he said in a self-deprecating manner: "Perhaps that battle was too easy. This time the Luthor Legion was stationed in the northern occupied area, but the provincial council actually transferred the main construction swordsman regiment of the Luthor Legion to Tara Pagan put down the rebellion..."

Everyone didn't say anything, and sent cavalry with repeater crossbows to clean up these worker ant honeypots along the way.

Suldak was always at the forefront.

In his words, his dwarf chain shield is considered a magic shield, possessing a 'sacred shield'.

The basement in the temple really occupied the underground space of the entire backyard.

Each stone room contained one or two so-called honeypots for worker ants, and of course the room was also full of decayed corpses, making the basement of the entire temple look like a burial chamber.

Finally reached the end of the tunnel corridor, the dry black blood on the ground also stopped abruptly here, and a pile of abandoned and collapsed bricks and stones were piled up next to the wall, which looked like it was caused by a landslide.

But just when everyone thought they had reached the end, Suldak found that there was no blood on the bricks and stones scattered in the corner of the wall, which looked like a new landslide not long ago.

Under the illumination of the holy light torch, the bloodstains on the ground were like broken bricks.

Commander Intas was also worried that the stone room would collapse, and couldn't wait to get out of the smelly basement.

Seeing that Suldak stopped in front of the pile of broken bricks and rocks, turned around and returned, the cavalry who entered this basement were almost all the elite of the Seventh Cavalry Battalion, Intas waved his hand, and these cavalry immediately agreed Yes, everyone gathered together to clean up these broken bricks.

Gradually, as the collapsed masonry was cleared away by the cavalry, a larger hole appeared in the wall.

The inside of the cave entrance is even deeper. There is no light in the dark cave, but there are some hard armor leather friction sounds coming from inside.

The dried blood under the feet reached here, and it still extended into the cave, but it was relatively much less, and it did not condense into a thick layer.

A cavalryman, at the behest of Commander Intas, threw a torch wrapped in broken steps and turpentine into the cave.

The torch flew seven or eight meters away along the cave, hit the stone wall and bounced to the ground, the flame continued to weaken.

The light startled some ghost-striped red ants, and they scrambled out of the cave again, but just halfway through the climb, the ghost-striped soldier ants stopped, and then retreated cautiously along the cave, leaving only A dark and deep hole came out.

"The ant queen..."

Intas and Suldak said almost at the same time.

Suldak said without hesitation to the captain of the No. 3 Squadron, "Hurry up and get some more people. If there is nothing wrong with the city wall, call Andrew over."

After speaking, Suldak walked in holding the holy torch.

He found that this burrow should be newly dug by the ghost-striped red ants, and the excavation marks on the wall of the burrow are still brand new.

A group of ghost pattern soldier ant guards saw that Suldak was getting closer and closer. They crouched in the cave and continued to demonstrate to Suldak, but none of the soldier ants rushed up. Seeing Suldak As Dake and his group approached slowly, the ghost-patterned soldiers sprayed sour liquid towards Suldak.

The cavalry raised their crossbows one after another, and a row of crossbow arrows shot at them, immediately annoyed the ghost-patterned soldiers and ants.

The soldier ants rushed forward again, and Suldak stood shoulder to shoulder with the two cavalrymen. There was no way to dodge in the cave, and all collisions were head-to-head.

The holy light torch in Suldak's hand emerged three times in a row with holy thunder and magic patterns, and the lightning flowed out horizontally, illuminating the entire cave. , Solve the ghost pattern soldier ants in the cave one by one.

Stepping on the corpses of these ghost-striped soldier ants, I found that the cave dug by the red ants was actually connected to a natural cave.

And the sound of those hard armors rubbing against each other came from inside the cave. This time, a scroll of Gathering Fire was shot into the dark cave. The magic scroll unfolded against the wind, and a flame ignited from the magic scroll, which floated down in front of the cave.

Under the faint light of the fire, a group of ghost-striped male ants guarded a queen and slowly moved to the depths of the cave.

They moved very slowly, mainly because this queen ant was much bigger than what Suldak had seen before. Its body was extending several meters from the abdomen, and its overall size was actually larger than that of the ghost-striped male ant. A section grew out, with a diameter of two meters. It looked like a giant sausage, and magic lines kept lighting up in the lines on the side of the abdomen.

In the dark cave, those bright red eyes exuded a piercing light.

The dark red body is covered with dark red veins, and the three pairs of wings on the queen's back have completely fallen off. It is lying on a ghost-striped male ant, and it is moving to the depths of the cave surrounded by a large group of worker ants. Looked very weak.

There are also a large number of ghost pattern soldier ants in the cave, and they swarm towards Suldak.

It was obviously unwise for the cavalry to fight the ghost-striped soldier ants in the open area of ​​the underground cave, and Suldak didn't venture in to chase down the evacuated queen ant.

Ghost-pattern soldier ants rushed up continuously, and the two commanders, Intas and Hampton, took turns rushing forward to share the impact of ghost-pattern soldier ants with Suldak.

It wasn't until Andrew, who exuded a strong fighting spirit, rushed to the cave, that the situation was opened.

As a newly promoted second-rank warrior, Andrew's aura steadily suppressed the ghost-striped soldier ants, and with a butcher's ax to cut a bloody path, he rushed into the cave in the mountainside again.

In the center of the cave is an ant nest with countless human bones piled up, and the ghost pattern worker ants have not had time to remove all the eggs in the nest.

In addition, there are four ghost pattern male ants that have been sucked into empty shells in the ant nest, and their huge bodies are like statues guarding the nest.

These white fraternal eggs have light green circular markings on the surface, and each one looks very narrow and long.

Andrew rushed into the ant colony to kill randomly, broke through the formation of ghost-striped soldier ants, and forced the soldier ants to keep retreating to protect the huge ant nest.

The cavalry that kept rushing in not only surrounded the ghost-striped soldier ants, but also surrounded the ghost-striped worker ants who were busy transferring their eggs. Under the volley of crossbow shooters, the ant nest in the cave was completely overturned.

The karst caves on the mountainside extend in all directions. Even if the ghost-striped red ants left some traces of evacuation along the way, Suldak saw that there were no survivors here. After cleaning up the battlefield and taking away all the spoils, he led a group of knights to retreat to Prentus On the ground of the town, people were sent to block the excavated cave and the basement of the temple with masonry mud.

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