Lord Highlander

Chapter 809

The three commanders, Suldak, Intas, and Hampton, sent troops to garrison the city wall at the pass of Prantos Town to defend against the ghost-striped red ants pouring out from the mountain pass in the north.

It was the afternoon of the second day after the town of Plantos was captured.

The heavy armored infantry regiment and the baggage regiment that were subsequently reinforced by the Luthor Legion rushed to the town of Plantos one after another, accompanied by the armed guards of the local lords of Wilkes City.

When these large groups of people arrived, Suldak was cooperating with Chester Great Swordsman to wipe out the last ant colony.

At that time, three thousand cavalry surrounded the group of red ants, and two thunder rhinos carried four bed crossbows on the periphery of the ant colony.

Samira stood on the platform, and manipulated the bed crossbow to aim at the ghost ant queen surrounded by male ants in the center of the ant colony.

This battle has already been won, and the only thing worth looking forward to is when it will end.

The Great Swordsman Chester had really seen the power of the two thunder rhinos of Suldak. Under the four bed crossbows firing furiously in turn, the group of red ants could only choose to break through at the last moment.

Cavalry on the vast grassland, of course, not afraid of the ants dispersing.

After the cavalry team dispersed the soldier ants, they began the final work of collecting the nets. Almost all the ghost-pattern soldier ants were hunted down, and the queen ant did not escape the fate of being pierced by a giant crossbow bolt in the end.

According to Commander Intas, the queen's ability is to control the mind and illusion, and to control the ant colony. Once you get too close to the queen ant, it is easy to be pulled into the illusion by it.

Even a strong man like the Great Swordsman Chester couldn't crack the illusion created by the queen ant.

At this time, the power of the bed crossbow at the outermost edge of the battlefield was highlighted.

Under Samira's control, he quickly shot and killed the queen ant.

At this moment, the town of Prentos has long been turned into a dead town. The only good news is that the entrance of the ant swarm to the south has been blocked.

In addition to the follow-up garrison of Prantos Town, what worries Suldak the most is the underground cave in the town. The queen ant that has completed mating hid in the depths of the cave. It is difficult to say when it will lead the ant colony. Comeback.

After the follow-up troops arrived one after another, the Great Swordsmen of Chester needed to stay in Prantos Town to garrison, while the rest of the cavalry battalions rushed back to their respective garrisons.

Suldak led 700 cavalry, loaded with spoils, and returned to Dodan with two Thunder Rhinos.

This battle in Plantos Town lasted for a week. After the cavalry team came back, when they passed through the block of Dodan Town, the residents of the town lined up on both sides of the road to welcome them. Suldak seemed to see Nika in the crowd. figure.

When I returned to the town, I found that the expansion of the military camp had been completed, and the wooden houses in the military camp had also been built. Currently, the craftsmen are leveling the yard, and the military camp will have an independent shooting range.

Adams was still stationed on the north city wall, and he couldn't escape right now.

The two-headed ogre Gullitum was fast asleep in the camp's arbor. If he hadn't heard the heavy footsteps like thunder and rhino drums, he probably wouldn't have woken up.

When he found out that it was Suldak's cavalry battalion returning to the camp, Gulitum ran out of the barracks barefoot, and Suldak heard him shouting loudly from a distance: "Suldak, come back!" La……"

"I said you should put on your shoes, and it's still too late to run here. You should also pay attention to your words and deeds. In the future, we will return to the tribe to find a wife!" Another head on the shoulder chattered to Gulitum along the way. nagging.

Gulitum smiled foolishly, he didn't care about his good brother preaching beside him, ran up to Suldak, stretched out his hands and pressed Suldak's shoulders.

On the contrary, his good brother Naohuaer stared at Andrew with a pair of icy eyes and a strange expression on his face.

Then he whispered in Gulitum's ear: "That person seems to have been promoted to the second rank. Hey, do you feel it? Such a strong breath..."

Gullitum looked back at Andrew. Andrew jumped off his horse and strode up to the ogre. Andrew said: "You really have become stronger!"

"It's really good luck this time!" Andrew laughed loudly.


Suldak returned to the military camp in Dodan Town, and the first thing he did when he returned to the small building was to count the spoils.

This trip to Prentos Town, generally speaking, it has won several consecutive victories, but the spoils brought back are not many, only a few bags of magic cores, and seventeen pieces from the legs of the giant ghost pattern soldier ant life magic pattern.

Since there was no pit for acid rot, the soldier ant leather could not be brought back.

And the heads of those ghost pattern soldier ants were almost used up on the spot, so there was almost nothing left.

On the contrary, more than 1,200 magic cores have been collected, and at least 600 magic crystals can be opened.

There are also a large number of magic spar fragments, but that thing is not very valuable.

The life magic patterns of the 17 giant ghost pattern soldier ants are also a lot of income. It is estimated that Suldak also earned some military merits from Chester Great Swordsman.

Many magic cores were still stained with dirty blood, and all the pockets had a faint smell, which made Suldak lose interest in counting the numbers.

Suldak was about to climb up the north city wall to inspect around, when he heard the guards at the gate running in to report: "Commander, Malakom, the owner of the Thunder Rhino Merchant Group, begs to see you!"

"Ask him to come in!" Suldak said immediately.

After finishing speaking, he went to the kitchen to boil water, and he couldn't even have a glass of water when guests came.


The Malakom merchant was brought to the front of the small building of the garrison camp by the guards at the gate. The guards opened the door and invited Malakom to enter, and then returned to the gate of the barracks to continue to stand guard.

When the businessman walked into the living room of the small building, he saw a few smelly linen bags piled up on the coffee table, and one of them untied the pockets to reveal a few walnut-sized magic cores. The color of the skin was Malacomb's. Knowing that these magic cores should be taken from the ghost-striped soldier ants, they still have the unique sour smell of ghost-striped red ants, and the color is not bad.

He stood in the living room and waited for a while before he saw Surdak come out of the kitchen with a tea tray.

"Baron Suldak, good afternoon!" Malakom greeted.

Suldak waved his hand and asked the owner of the Thunder Rhino Merchant Group to sit down before asking him: "Malakom merchant, you came back from Wilkes so soon, those magic weapons and one-piece magic pattern constructions are all ready. Yet?"

"Yes, when I made the list, they were basically selected from various trading houses. So many types of magic weapons and single-piece magic pattern constructions are not all items in my warehouse." Ma Lacombe sat down and said with a smile. "I heard that your trip to Plantos Town went well this time?"

"For the town of Prentos, it may be considered a moderate disaster, but fortunately, the pass has been recaptured by us!"

Suldak said while pouring tea for Malakom.

Then he asked the Malakom merchant again: "Is it convenient for me to see the goods you brought?"

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