Lord Highlander

Chapter 810 799. Sky Strike

"All the goods on the list have arrived in Duodan Town. In addition, I also brought an item that was auctioned at the Imperial Capital Auction House five years ago. It was originally kept in the showroom. Now! It depends on whether you need it or not..." The Malacombe businessman had dark circles under his eyes, and he smiled lewdly, showing his true nature as a profiteer.

Suldak asked curiously: "What is that auction item...?"

Malacomb took a sip of tea, leaned on the soft leather sofa, touched his big belly with one hand, and said proudly: "It's a complete set of primary power magic pattern structure. When I snatched it from the auction house , but I didn’t expect that the war between the planes broke out in the empire that winter, and the magic pattern structure in the magic market rose three times in a row in the following year, but I never thought about reselling that set of magic pattern structure go out."

It is not easy to buy a magic pattern structure in the magic market now.

There are only a handful of inscription masters in Bena City who are capable of drawing magic pattern structures. Many noble lords are their customers. If they want to customize a set of magic pattern structures from them, the schedule will be delayed for at least two years. Can't wait.

So this is also the main reason why Suldak has the base material of the magic pattern structure, but has not customized the magic pattern structure.

Obviously, this set of power-type magic pattern structure made Suldak a little bit excited.

Malacomb, the owner of the Thunder Rhino Merchant Group, continued: "Since you need some magic weapons and a single piece of magic pattern construction to enrich the prizes in the merit list, I think since you have such a need, I will put the set of power-type primary magic Texture outfit brought over."

Suldak thought about it before asking, "Do you need magic spar or gold coins?"

The boss of the Lei Tingxi Merchant Group waved his hands again and again, saying: "No, no, no matter whether it is magic crystals or gold coins, I can get them from normal transactions, and I am not too short of money right now."

He moved his body closer to Suldak, with a cautious expression on his face, and said enviously:

"If possible, I would like to ask you to help me transform a few Thunder Rhinos. To tell you the truth, I saw your two Thunder Rhinos just now. They have changed so much. I didn't expect them to develop for the second time. Then Thick armor... tsk tsk, I guess...you must know a master alchemist in the empire, and I really need to carry out this kind of 'armor enhancement' modification on Thunder Rhino."

Suldak was stunned, he didn't expect Malakom to be interested in this.

Thinking of the six life sigils stripped from the ghost-striped male ants in his magic sealing box, it is difficult to reduce such large life sigils to a suitable size for a soldier.

Implanting this life magic pattern on Lei Tingxi's body would not be too troublesome.

Therefore, Suldak also said very simply: "I can promise you on behalf of that alchemist, but each thunder rhino needs fifty magic crystals to transform, and your set of primary power magic patterns currently has a market value of 150 magic crystals." Jingshi, I can come forward and ask that alchemist to transform the three thunder rhinos for you, before making a decision, I think you should go and see the two thunder rhinos first, at least understand it before making a decision."

Malacombe made some calculations before saying, "The transformation of the three-headed Thunder Rhino... Well, although the price is a bit higher than I expected, it's acceptable."

He stood up from the sofa and said to Suldak: "If possible, I would like to invite you to my temporary residence to inspect the goods. In addition, the Thunder Rhino that needs to be remodeled will not be delivered until two weeks later."

Suldak also stood up with him, and said, "Yes! I just want to see the magic items you brought back."

The two walked out of the small building side by side.

Suldak said directly: "Next we will conduct the trade of ghost-print red ant hard armor leather, so you can choose the trading method of magic items at will, use magic crystals, gold coins or hard armor leather goods, whatever you want Can."

"In addition, in this ant wave, I am afraid that a large amount of hard armor leather will be harvested everywhere. I think the future market prospect of these leather goods is not optimistic."

Suldak walked down the steps of the small building and continued.

Malakom turned around and said to Suldak:

"As for those magic item trading methods, I actually hope that I can exchange for more opportunities to transform Thunder Rhinoceros. I think this should be a good investment."

Suldak didn't intend to let go of this opening, mainly because it was not easy to peel off such a large life magic pattern from the abdomen of the ghost pattern male ant.

"The master alchemist doesn't have a few such precious transformation scrolls in his hands, and he is not very interested in these magic weapons and loose magic pattern construction... Unless you have something rare, I can help you communicate Let's go," Suldak said.

Hearing what Suldak said, Malakom was not surprised, and said readily:

"In this case, please invite Baron Suldak to go to the temporary camp with me to see those magic weapons and magic pattern structures..."

Suldak also said: "I am looking forward to this very much, I hope these magic items will not let me down!"

"This is the receipt sent back from Bena City, please have a look!" The Malakom merchant took out a piece of parchment from his pocket. A letter from the manager.

Suldak tore open the envelope as he walked, and the manager of Brunei wrote a lot of words of joy and thanks in the letter.

The letter said: He did not expect that Surdak would ship so many leather goods in the past two months, and he would pay for the goods before the end of the month according to the previously agreed price. Well, if Suldak needs anything, he can also write a letter, and bluntly say that these hard armor leathers are very good for armor, and can be equipped on the horses of the cavalry battalion... and so on.

Suldak folded the letter and put it in his arms.


The two Thunder Rhinos were parked in the temporarily enclosed open space next to the stables in the camp, and the two giant shelves with a wooden platform had been unloaded from the Thunder Rhinos' backs, and they were placed aside alone.

Two painters are painting the log cabin above, and someone is maintaining the two bed crossbows on the platform.

Two thunder rhinos were gnawing on forage with their heads down in the empty field, and a group of cavalry gathered in front of the two big guys, watching it chewing forage curiously.

Two riders and a few aboriginal herdsmen with long wooden brushes were washing the bodies of the two thunder rhinos. The two thunder rhinos looked very docile and had been grazing silently.

Malacomb, the owner of the Thunder Rhino business group, walked over with a look of surprise on his face, stood beside the front legs of Thunder Rhino, stretched out his hand to touch the thick hard armor on it, and couldn't help exclaiming: "It's really amazing, what on earth is this? Did it?"

Suldak shrugged his shoulders, saying that he couldn't explain it.

Malacombe couldn't help but said: "With this hard armor, these big guys don't have to worry about being attacked and injured in the wild when they are running around on the grassland, and just like you, I only need to hire a few bowmen hand, you can arm the caravan.”

Then he said: "Baron Surdak, you will really enjoy it, this wooden house is very beautifully built!"

Suldak saw some mottled dents and bite marks on the Thunder Rhino's belly armor, probably left by the ghost-striped red ants in the battle, but luckily they didn't bite through the hard armor.

Then he said to the businessman Malacombe: "The thunder rhinoceros transformed for you will also be like this, and this enhancement will not affect the normal lifespan of the thunder rhinoceros. You don't need to worry about this at all!"


The two passed through the station of the cavalry battalion and came to the empty field ahead.

This empty field was occupied by the newly expanded military camp. However, the businessman Malakom was not used to staying in hotels, so he built a big tent in this empty field, surrounded by six small tents. It looked very ostentatious.

A group of servants were busy outside the tent, and when they saw Malakom and Suldak coming together, they hurriedly saluted.

Suldak walked into the temporary tent, which was luxuriously furnished, with soft carpets on the floor and light gauze curtains hanging around, which made the tent not stuffy, but also maintained its original privacy.

There are some round cushions made of brocade on the carpet, and several maids are carrying some fruit plates, which are placed on two small square tables.

Stepping on a soft blanket and walking into the tent, Suldak sat down at a square table, only to find that the set of silver utensils on the table were basically inlaid with gold threads and exquisite gemstones.

Several young maids wearing these bloomers and light tulle clothes served drinks, fruits, pastries and dried meat. Only then did Suldak realize that they did not seem to be from the Empire. There seemed to be unique golden threads in their pupils. There is also a very smooth polished copper ring on the neck, and it seems that there is a line of tiny words engraved on it, which looks more like a group of female slaves.

A maid knelt down next to Suldak and poured a glass of fruit wine for Suldak, her frail body almost leaning against his arms.

Although Suldak had been a nobleman for more than a year, he had never enjoyed such a luxurious life, and looked at the tent curiously.

Malacombe sat on the mat casually, and ordered the servants at the tent door: "Go and bring up all the goods I prepared..."

The servants moved quickly, boxes of magic items were moved into the tent, and there were actually twelve large and exquisite boxes.

At Malakom's signal, the sturdy servants opened all the lids of these boxes.

Malakom immediately asked his servants to take out the magic pattern structure from one of the boxes, hang it on a special human-shaped wooden frame, and said to Suldak: "Baron Suldak, this is the set of primary powers. Magic pattern structure, you can see that there are no scratches or wear on this structure, it is a brand new leather armor structure, as long as some magic spar fragments are inlaid on the gem base, this set of magic pattern structure The magic pattern circle can work normally."

Asked to prove that what he said was true, Malacombe asked to fetch a small box, took out a few pieces of magic crystals from it, and put them on several gem bases made of magic patterns. The origin slowly surged, gradually lighting up the dim lines on it, and the whole set of magic lines seemed to be closely connected with countless magic lines.

Suldak could clearly feel the magic power constantly flowing from the magic pattern structure.

Malakom thought that Suldak would be impatient to try it on, but he just looked at it casually, nodded and said, "This set of magic pattern structure is very good", and began to look forward to the following s things.

This time, in order to conclude the deal, Malacolm not only brought a large number of magic items, but also brought some magic daily necessities.

He also took out three pieces of magic-weave armor breastplate, which can add a certain amount of strength, agility, and endurance to wearing them. Suldak also tested it, and the magic circle on the magic-weave structure did not Any questions, put them back in the box.

Malacolm had another fifty long swords of various shapes brought out.

Sword-type magic weapons are the most practical, whether they are knights or warriors. These weapons are mixed with some magic metals in the process of forging, so they have weak magic-guiding properties. Or elements such as ice, fire, and poison can damage the magic circle and turn it into a magic weapon, which often has unexpected effects in battle.

The blood red crescent on Suldak's body can also be regarded as a common magic weapon.

These magical weapons alone filled five large chests.

In addition, there are two boxes full of magic scrolls that can be activated without spells, such as hydrotherapy, stone skin, concealment, fireball, acceleration, etc., all of which can be used in battle. A single-use magic item.

The disadvantage of this type of scroll is that its level is low, and the advantage is also obvious, that is, it can be activated without spells.

There are also two full boxes of metal rune plates, which are nothing more than engraved with the spell of gathering water or gathering fire. These are indispensable magic items for marching in the field. Army camp.

In addition, Malacolm also prepared some exquisite jewelry.

For ordinary soldiers, these things are also things that cannot be refused.

The total value of these magic items was 260 magic spar. After Suldak inspected the goods, he counted 260 magic spar from his pocket on the spot and handed them to Malakom.

Seeing that Suldak paid the money so readily and completed the transaction, Malakom drank the fruit wine in the glass in one gulp, then rubbed his hands and said to Suldak with a smile: "Suldak Baron Dark, I still have an epic weapon in my hand, I bought it from an elf merchant, I heard the name of this bow is 'Sky Strike', are you interested in buying it?"

Suldak thought the deal was over, but he didn't expect Malakom to have something good.

Epic weapon! This is the kind of thing that people have only heard about, but never seen.

"Epic weapon, why didn't you take it out earlier?" Suldak asked with a straight face, suppressing his excitement.

Malacombe looked slightly embarrassed, and said: "I saw that you are a knight, and I thought you would not be interested in weapons other than shields and swords, and this kind of epic weapon handed down from the world of elves is extremely expensive, and you are not interested in it." It's too suitable for you to take it out as a reward..."

Suldak felt that as a nobleman, he should act domineering, so that these businessmen would be honest.

So he showed dissatisfaction and asked, "Then why do you want to show it to me now?"

Malacolm grinned wryly, and hurriedly said, "It's not you... um... I want to transform a few more thunder rhinos, and I want you to communicate with that master alchemist..."

After finishing speaking, he asked two servants to bring a long wooden box on a wooden shelf behind the tent, put it on the Suldak square table, and introduced:

"Lord Baron, this is an epic sharp bow called 'Sky Strike'. It is said that the arrows fired contain the power of lightning..."

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