Lord Highlander

Chapter 811

The merchant Malakom opened the long and narrow black wooden box, and a surge of lightning power surged on the back of the bow quietly disappeared into the longbow.

This longbow doesn't look very conspicuous, just like many sharp bows, the bow made of metal has a sharp edge. Dark color and magic pattern lines, there are three gemstone grooves on the back of the bow, and three magic crystals are inlaid on it.

It turns out that this is an epic weapon!

It is not as gorgeous as imagined, and the production is not so exquisite, but the entire bow body is covered with magic patterns.

Suldak stretched out his hand to this 'Sky Strike' bow. The moment he took it, a current passed through Suldak's arm and rushed directly into his body. He felt his entire left arm go numb.

It took a little effort to pick up the sharp bow.

Unexpectedly, the sharp bow, which looks inconspicuous, is much heavier than expected.

"It is said that the bow body of this bow is forged from pure gold." Malacolm introduced eagerly.

Suldak held the Sky Strike Bow, and after thinking for a while, he said to Malakom, "Can my followers try this bow?"

"Of course!" Malacolm said confidently.

Immediately, Suldak asked Malakom's servants to go to the barracks to summon Samira.

As soon as the half-elf archer walked into the tent, her eyes were immediately attracted by the sky-strike bow in Suldak's hand. She walked up to Suldak without saying a word, and the right arm that often held the bow unexpectedly appeared. Natural magic lines come.

She held the Sky Strike Bow with one hand, which seemed to be easier than Suldak's, and her eyes never left the bow.

"How about this bow?" Suldak stood beside Samira, looking at the ornamentation on the back of the bow, and asked her.

"It's very strong, I can feel the power contained in it, can I try an arrow?" Samira asked Suldak.

"Of course!" Suldak looked at Malakom and gave Samira an affirmative answer.

Without saying a word, Samira walked out of the tent holding the Sky Strike Bow, took out a fine steel arrow from the quiver at the back, and put it on the bowstring.

The moment she pulled the bowstring on the spot, Samira's entire right arm became thicker, and the countless electric snakes on the bow immediately came to life, and one after another electric snakes frantically rushed into the arrows. Even the tip of the arrow is constantly accumulating power.

Behind Samira, the phantom of the big elf holding a golden bow appeared, and he let go of the bowstring, and the arrow was like an invisible lightning.

With a sound of 'whoosh', it flew out.

Samira aimed at the spire of a watchtower at the corner of the military camp, and the steel arrow stably hit the circular pillar on the top, half of the whole steel arrow sank deep into the pillar.

Just when Suldak felt that there was nothing special about this epic sharp bow, after three seconds of silence from the top of the watchtower, a bolt of lightning suddenly fell vertically out of thin air, with the detonation sound of "crackling" , the top of the not-so-large watchtower actually exploded with a 'bang'...

Correspondingly, there was also a magic spar on the back of this bow that shattered.

There was no need for Samira to introduce his understanding of archery, so Suldak asked the merchant Malakom at the entrance of the tent:

"Then, let's talk about the value of this Sky Strike Bow..."


If the magic spar can be bought, Suldak is willing to pay the full amount of magic spar on the spot.

However, Malakom decided to price this Sky Strike Bow with a thousand magic crystals. In the end, Suldak needed to help Malakom transform 20 thunder rhinos to buy this epic bow. arms.

Samira held the bow and stood beside Suldak without speaking the whole time.

She didn't know what she should say at all, she would definitely be reluctant to give up this sharp bow that could release the power of lightning.

But just as she was about to buy this sharp bow, she felt that she might not be able to repay so many magic crystals in her life.

For Suldak, the most troublesome part of this matter is that magic crystals cannot be used to pay for it. The biggest problem now is that Suldak does not have so many life magic patterns of ghost-striped drones in his hands.

He had to go out to hunt ghostweave drones in order to get enough life magicweave from them.

In fact, not every ghost pattern male ant has complete life magic patterns, and the area of ​​this magic pattern is too large. Once it is damaged during the battle, the entire life pattern may be abolished.

Finally, these ghost-striped male ants are never alone, and they are the queen's personal guards, always clustered around the queen. It is not an easy task to hunt and kill them.

But no matter how difficult things were, Suldak decided to proceed first.

The merchant Malakom only owed an agreement with Suldak with a contract scroll, and handed over the Sky Strike Bow directly to Suldak.

"Aren't you afraid that I'll walk away with this bow?" Suldak joked to the businessman Malakom when he signed the contract agreement.

"Of course, I have such confidence in you! The wealth you can create in Dodan Town is far more than a sky-strike bow, and this is just the first step of our cooperation." Malacombe said firmly .

Hearing what Malakom said, Suldak suddenly burst into pride, and said, "Yes, I want to open up a territory here in the next step. We can't just focus on these ghost scarlets." On the ant, my plan is to include the entire Invercargill Warcraft Forest in the territory of the Green Empire, and there will be many more transactions that we can conduct in the future."

Malacom put a hand on his shoulder, gave Suldak a deep salute, and said:

"Then this deal will come to an end. My thunder rhino caravan can't rush to Dodan Town to take away my salutes, but I have to return to Wilkes City in advance to deal with some affairs, so please allow me Give you everything here, the tent and these furniture, the rugs, the salute... even if it is a small gift for you attached to this transaction."

Malakom didn't wait for Suldak to refuse, and said: "When you are marching in the field, you need to set up a large military tent. Although this tent is not suitable at present, it will definitely be fine with a little modification. "

Seeing Malakom's sincerity, Suldak thanked him and said, "Thank you very much. I will transport these magic pattern structures and magic weapons back to the barracks first, and then I will come to clean up these tents."


In fact, Malakom left more urgently than Suldak imagined.

Suldak brought these magic-weave structures and magic weapons back to the barracks, and registered them on the warehouse list. When he came out of the warehouse, he heard a report from his subordinates that before dusk, the merchant Malakom brought Leaving Dodan with a group of entourage.

Hearing that Malakom really left behind the gorgeous tent and some supplies, Suldak sent several veterans to tear down the tent and put it away.

But not long after Suldak gave the order, the veterans ran back with a look of embarrassment and reported to Suldak: "Master Commander, you asked us to put away the tent outside, but What about those girls?"

"What girl?" Suldak asked back in doubt, not understanding what they meant.

One of the veterans dared to gesture to Suldak before saying, "It's the ones in the tent... You have to put them up before we can clean up the tent!"

Only then did Suldak react, and he said with an incredulous expression: "You mean that when Malakom left, he didn't take his attendants away, but left them all to me?"

The veteran shook his head again and again, and said, "All the male servants have been taken away, only the maids are left behind..."

"I...go!" Suldak sat up from the chair in front of the desk, covered his forehead with one hand, walked around a few times, and said with some headaches: "What is this guy thinking? Yes, I see! Put the tent there first, and you go about your own business."

"Yes, Commander!" Several veterans hurriedly left.

Suldak stood in the study with a big head, thinking that maybe he could find a hotel in the town for them to stay in, and then tear down the tent. When the businessman Malakom came to Dodan Town next time, Then let him take those maids away...

At the same time, the garrison camp became a sensation again.

In the exchange rewards, there is actually a set of primary power magic pattern structure.

As soon as the merit redemption list was posted on the bulletin board at the entrance of the cafeteria, it immediately caused an uproar in the cavalry camp. This time the prizes were simply too attractive for the soldiers in the garrison camp.

A complete set of elementary strength magic pattern structure is simply the dream of a lifetime for many first-rank fighters.

Selena rewrote the achievement redemption list and posted it at the cafeteria door before dinner.

Since the Sky Strike Bow was assigned to Samira by default, it didn't appear on the list at all.

The reward that ranks first in the merit exchange list is the set of primary power magic pattern structure, which can be exchanged for 100,000 merits.

The second, third, and fourth places are three single-item magic pattern breastplates.

The power-type single-product magic-pattern armor breastplate is ranked second. To exchange it, you only need 30,000 merit points.

The agile single-product magic pattern structure is much cheaper, and only needs 25,000 merit points.

In the end, the stamina single-product magic pattern structure can be exchanged for only 20,000 merit points.

Suldak also listed fifty magic weapons on the merit exchange list, and each magic weapon needs 5,000 merit points to be exchanged.

As for those low-level magic scrolls and magic rune plates, they are even cheaper, and basically they can be exchanged for only two or three hundred achievements.

The magic spar is still worth 700 achievements.

Gold coins are worth one hundred achievements.

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