Lord Highlander

Chapter 813: 802. Our Regular Army


The morning sun just fell on Suldak's face through the gap in the curtain, which was a bit dazzling.

Snow-white arms rested on Suldak's chest, making him unable to get up from the warm bed.

In his sleep, Suldak felt that someone pushed open the door and ran in with big strides. The shoes stepped on the floor loudly, and the footsteps did not hesitate at all, as if they were running straight towards him. Wanted to pin him on the bed.

Suldak opened his eyes suddenly.

Selena also supported her body, sitting up with her disheveled hair hanging around the sheets. She bent down to pick up the suspender pajamas that fell on the floor, and outlined a sexy back.

"Who is it?" Selena put on her pajamas and was going to open the door barefoot.

At this time, Suldak also jumped out of the bed, only wearing a pair of loose bloomers, his naked upper body was covered with burn scars, although he was physically fit, he was still a bit horrible.

Suldak protected Selena behind him, opened the door a gap, and touched the blood-red crescent moon with the scabbard in his hand.

"Haha, I didn't expect us to come! Did you feel very...surprised?"

Lance, dressed in a magic robe, rushed to the door, squeezed into the room with an excited face, opened his arms and hugged Suldak fiercely, and shouted.

Suldak looked at the young magician Lance speechlessly, and pushed him out of the door...

Lance "hehe" smiled strangely, tried to peek into the bedroom, and said, "I knew you would not be honest in Dodan Town!"

Suldak grabbed Lance's shoulders and pulled him downstairs together, only to find five young magicians sitting on the sofa in the living room on the first floor. Counting Lance, there were four men and two women.

Nika had served tea, and Signa was also squatting behind the railing on the second floor, peeping curiously downstairs.

A group of magicians looked windy and dusty, and their faces couldn't hide their fatigue.

It seems that rushing all the way to Duodan Town should be regarded as eating and sleeping all the way, and suffered some hardships.

Sulda pulled Lance to sit down, took a piece of salamander leather armor from the wooden stand, and then sat down with him.

The young magicians looked at Suldak curiously, and Lance introduced him one by one. Among them, two men and two women were his friends in the magic union in Hailansa City, and the other male magician was on the way. The one who joined was the admirer of one of the female magicians.

"Lance, why are you here?" Suldak asked casually.

Lance didn't mind either, the excitement on his body hadn't passed, and he said excitedly: "It's not because of your high-grade Warcraft leather, these people also want that kind of high-grade leather, so you can mail me that Even making a magic robe is not enough, not to mention so many people want it."

Suldak stretched his strong arms, stretched his waist, covered his face with a big hand, and said, "Those leathers are peeled off from the ghost ant queen, and the texture is certainly not bad."

Lance suddenly said: "The leather of the ghost-print ant queen, no wonder the magic is so good... I don't care, a group of us have come here from all the way, I follow your arrangement, always help us find a way, Just get some high-grade leather like this."

Suldak looked at Lance in astonishment: "You want to hunt the ghost ant queen?"

"Uh, we want to join your hunting team. Do you know how valuable the things you sent me these days are? That batch of magic herbs made all the noble lords of Hailansa know me, and what else? There are hard armor leather that can be equipped with war horses, and high-grade leather with excellent magic conductivity, all of which are rare in Hailansa." Lance said a little incoherently.

Suldak finally understood, and the piece of high-grade ant queen leather he gave away attracted these young magicians who dared to take risks.

‘Since you’re here, don’t rush to leave, everyone. ’ Suldak thought to himself.

He stood up from the sofa, clapped his hands to the group of magicians who were curious about everything and said:

"Okay, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the town of Dodan. I am Suldak, the military and political officer here."

All eyes were on him.

Suldak continued: "If you are interested, you can climb up the north city wall with me and have a closer look at the ghost-striped red ants. If you are tired, you can sleep in my guest room for a while. Everyone arranges a new residence, and everyone can wander around in this small town, the only requirement is not to cross the north city wall."

The young magicians all wanted to go to the north city wall to see the scene of the beast tide.

The suitor was the only one who didn't want to go, but he didn't have any right to speak. The two female magicians were very interested in Suldak, and they huddled beside him and said curiously: "Hello! , Baron Suldak, I heard from Lance that you are from Hailanza?"

Surdak put his arms around Lance's shoulders and mixed in the crowd, and said generously:

"My home is in the barren land of High Lansa City, and my territory is also located in the northernmost crater of the barren land, where there is a sulfur mine. I only came here to carry out the garrison mission with the Luthor Legion. I want to lead the cavalry battalion back to High Lansa, if there is a chance in the future, I hope to invite everyone to have dinner together at the Three Bears Barbecue Restaurant in High Lansa City, Lance and I often eat there."

Lance shouted excitedly from the side: "I agree with both hands."


A group of people boarded the north city wall and passed by the barracks. They saw the place where the ghost-patterned soldier ant hard armor was stored. Everyone saw the neatly arranged soldier ant hard armor. At first, they thought it was very novel, but when they saw There are at least dozens of these long stacks, almost filling the barracks.

At this time, the magicians became silent. From these piles of hard armor, one could imagine how fierce and cruel the battle on the city wall would be.

The mood of the young magicians became a little heavy, and they stopped talking along the way.

Along the way, when they met the soldiers in the military camps, the faces of the young magicians also lost their frivolity and arrogance. They were gentle and gentle, very gentlemanly.

When everyone actually boarded the north city wall, what they saw was a different scene, at least a little different from what they thought in their hearts...

At this time of day, it happened to be the time for the mercenary group and the hunting team of the merchant group to leave the city.

As far as the eye can see, various hunting teams are crowded outside the city gate of Duodan Canyon. Everyone is vying for favorable terrain and rushing to the best hunting spot in the middle of the canyon. The scene of scrambling is also very spectacular.

A group of young magicians stood in a daze on the city wall. There was no bloody battle scene. The mercenary team in front of them seemed more like some kind of competition in the canyon... Everyone was running forward desperately.

Lance leaned close to Suldak's ear and asked in a low voice, "Dak, is this the beast tide that only erupts in the Bailin plane every ten years?"

Suldak touched his nose, and could only explain to Lance: "We hunted and killed the queen ant in Dodan Canyon a few days ago, and since then, it has been like this almost every day here!"

"So...the ant queen we are going to hunt is gone here?" Lance asked with a depressed face.

Suldak pointed to the northern valley entrance farther away in the canyon, and said: "It's not that there is no such thing, it's just that they don't dare to approach Dodan Town. If they want to hunt the queen, there is still a chance, but You really want to see that kind of battle scene, maybe you have to go with the army. Our cavalry battalion also has a plan to open up the battlefield northward recently."

"Well, we will follow your hunting team for the time being..."

Before Lance could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Suldak.

"It's a cavalry battalion. We are now a regular garrison, and you can serve as army magicians... By the way, you must have not seen the merit exchange list of our garrison camp! If you want the high-grade leather of the ghost-print ant queen, of course you can't." Question, but these high-level magic materials cannot be bought with money now, if you want to get these high-level leather... you need to exchange some merit points!"

Suldak held Lance's shoulders, stood at the head of the city and loudly introduced to these magicians.

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