Lord Highlander

Chapter 814: 803. Choice

The traces left after the battle on the north city wall are still vivid, and the blood stains in the cracks between the rocks cannot be cleaned, making the city wall appear a dark brown.

There was a faint sour smell on the city wall. The city guards were obviously used to this smell, but several magicians still couldn't help but cover their mouths and noses.

A ghost-patterned soldier ant was severed and left in the crevice of the stone, and a dilapidated flag was hung on it by the city guards and was fluttering in the wind.

Thirty-six bed crossbows are lined up on the city wall of more than 300 meters. This density makes these young magicians feel secretly staggered.

The ground below the city wall is even more devastated. The land within 300 meters outside the entire north city wall seems to have been plowed more than ten times. All the ground is full of potholes. vegetation.

Only the stumps and broken legs of some ghost-striped worker ants were buried in the soil, and occasionally some hard tentacles can be found from the soil.

Now almost all the aboriginal children in Dodan Town have short daggers made of ghost-striped worker ant pincers, and they have polished this bone dagger to a very sharp point.

Below the city wall, there are some ranch employees cleaning up the ashes and bones of the red ants.

The bleak scene after the war still made the young magicians feel the cruelty of the beast tide.

"We all said that we would join your cavalry battalion temporarily. I'm telling you this seriously. We don't want to come to the Bailin plane and return to Hailansa after just strolling around." Lance Excitedly said to Surdak.


Walking down the steps of the city wall, there are two pits soaking the corpses of ghost pattern soldier ants under the city wall. The sour liquid inside has turned into a viscous and turbid green color, and the smell that wafts out is like a faint poisonous mist. The sky above the pit condenses but does not disperse.

In the shed on the side, there were four butcher-like tanners, with sharp axes in their hands, brutally beheading the ghost pattern soldier ant's head, the corpse was dragged away by two aborigines wearing masks, and thrown directly into the In the pool of the pit, a female magician covered her nose and mouth with a silk handkerchief, and asked curiously, "Are these the hard armor of ghost pattern soldiers?"

Suldak nodded and said: "That's right, all the hunted ghost-striped soldier ants will be thrown into this pond and soaked for two days. After their hard carapaces are softened with acid, they will be picked up and washed again. After splitting the leather from the middle, flattening it with wooden boards, shaping it, and drying it, you can get the kind of hard armor leather that is as hard as a flat board.”

A female magician approached and asked Suldak, "So...the ant queen is their king. If we want to hunt down the ant queen, we may have to face a large number of ghost pattern soldier ants?"

Suldak smelled a faint scent of tulip perfume on her body. Standing under the gentle slope where thousands of ghost pattern soldier ant leathers were drying, the scene was absolutely spectacular.

"indeed so."

Suldak glanced around. This piece of grass near the river was temporarily requisitioned by the garrison. Since the cleaning of the ghost-striped soldier ant's hard skin polluted the river very seriously, the place to clean the hard skin was chosen in the lower reaches of the river. The southwest corner of Dan Town is not too far from the north city wall.

Then Suldak said: "I don't know if everyone has any experience in hunting monsters in the wild... But hunting monsters may be very difficult."

The female magician was wearing an exquisite magic robe, with red lips and white teeth, and a very delicate face.

Many female magicians are good at potions, and they have various means to make themselves look more beautiful.

The female magician asked: "Can you tell us how your achievement list is exchanged for rewards? We have to know roughly how many achievements we have to accumulate before we can exchange for a piece of high-grade leather on the ant queen's body!"

"Of course, everyone, please follow me..."

After Suldak finished speaking, he led these young magicians through the large drying area and walked back to the barracks.


When passing by the edge of the slums of the town, he saw all kinds of air-dried animal meat hanging outside these dilapidated log cabins, and each house had dried a lot, so Suldak explained to the magicians: "These are all made in a month. The animal meat of the first-level monsters hunted before was too much at that time, and they were all made into air-dried bacon, and every family in the town had them, and we also harvested a lot of low-level monster leather at that time."

Lance and Suldak walked forward side by side, looking at the dried meat of monsters, suddenly had an idea, and said, "I know this, you still send a lot of them home, and the villager named Luke even approached me for this, let me Let me introduce him to the leather master... Do you still have this kind of first-class monster leather here?"

Suldak nodded, and replied: "Well, there are still a lot in the warehouse. Recently, we have actively contacted the local business group and established a trading partnership. Soon these backlogs of low-grade Warcraft leather will be disposed of. Free up warehouses for more valuable supplies."

The purpose of storing these low-grade Warcraft leathers at the beginning was to supply them to the Gophero family's leather business in batches, a batch of leathers specially left behind.

But now there are so many soldier ant hard armors here, these supplies are simply piled up like a mountain.

"Actually, we draw some low-level magic scrolls that are just right for us. If there is any demand for low-level magic scrolls in your barracks, we can draw a batch of them." Lance rubbed his hands and asked Suldak: "That's right. Let’s say you are supplying primary Warcraft leather, and we will customize magic scrolls according to your requirements.”

For the time being, Suldak's knowledge of magic scrolls is only reserved on life-like magic scrolls such as 'water gathering' and 'fire gathering'.

His cavalry battalion has now been replaced with metal rune plates. As long as a magic spar fragment is embedded on the gold gem base, it can be used for at least a month, and it can be used repeatedly.

Suldak said to Lance: "We need magic scrolls that can be used on the battlefield without the need for spell triggering. If you can make such scrolls, you can make more."

Lance leaned close to Suldak and said affectionately: "With our current ability, we can only store some simple elementary magic. I will use your elementary magic beast leather and sell the scrolls to you cheaply, so that all of us No loss."

"In addition, I want to explain in advance... this type of scroll is not very safe and must be kept properly. And all magic scrolls, even if they are stored in the magic sealing box, have a certain timeliness. Once expired, many scrolls will be bad. Use it." Lance reminded Suldak.


Everyone discussed the magic scroll all the way, and soon came to the entrance of the cafeteria of the military camp.

The two female magicians seemed to be in the barracks for the first time, and they were very curious about the soldiers living in the barracks. They blushed and didn't dare to look around when they saw a group of cavalrymen lining up to take a bath on the bathing wall of the garrison. Male hormones are everywhere here, especially the cavalry on the training ground who are holding knight spears and charging at the dummy, which has attracted the attention of the two female magicians.

They cover their mouths with a magic book reservedly, and their bright eyes are always blinking and blinking.

In front of the bulletin board at the entrance of the cafeteria, there are still many soldiers gathered here, and everyone is thinking about what kind of rewards their achievements can be exchanged for on the achievement exchange list.

Not long after Samira announced that she would give up exchanging the 'Elementary Power Magic Pattern Construct', Andrew also made it clear that he would not exchange this set of Magic Pattern Construct.

All veterans of Suldak's direct cavalry battalion have been implanted with the "strength and endurance" magic pattern, and the merit value is cleared. Many veterans still owe some merit to Suldak, and they are all ineligible to compete for this set of power Magic pattern structure.

Now the most competitive person has become Captain Adams, but his accumulated merit points do not have too obvious advantages.

In addition to Adams, several squadron leaders in the reinforcements have accumulated a lot of merit points, and they are also strong competitors for Adams.

"No way... You actually took out a set of primary strength magic pattern structure as a reward for the person with the highest merit. Let me see that your 100,000 merit points can be exchanged for the magic pattern structure. If you can't exchange this set The magic pattern structure, you can also choose to get a thousand gold coins... This is really a big deal!" Lance saw that the top of the merit exchange list was a set of magic pattern structure, so he looked at Sulda in disbelief gram.

Suldak stood beside him and smiled without saying a word.

Another young male magician stood in front of the achievement leaderboard, pointed to Samira's name and said loudly: "Lance, come and take a look here, what's more, someone in the cavalry battalion has already accumulated 120,000 achievements Value... this merit point was artificially crossed out... then what did he exchange for?"

Lance turned his gaze away, and asked suspiciously, "Yes, Dak, I also want to know what he exchanged for?"

"Actually, it's just a sharp bow." Suldak replied truthfully.

Originally, Lance wanted to ask what kind of sharp bow could be better than the magic pattern construction, so he heard the sweet-looking female magician ask:

"Then, how many achievements do you need to exchange for a high-grade leather of the queen ant?"

Suldak smiled implicitly and said:

"It requires 30,000 merits. This kind of leather is not listed above because the soldiers in the cavalry battalion don't need this kind of high-grade leather. It is too soft and not suitable for making heavy-duty magicweave structures."

Lance looked at the merit rankings in front of him, and found that almost all of the top ten on the list had reached 30,000 merits. He calculated that it would only take about a month, and he could almost make up enough to exchange for an ant queen's magic skin.

The sweet-looking female magician continued to ask: "So... Baron Suldak, what I want to know is... how do we get merit?"

She deliberately elongated the tone of her speech, so that she could use her nasal voice to make her voice more magnetic.

Suldak pointed to the note below the merit list, and explained to everyone: "Killing an ordinary worker ant is a point of merit, killing a ghost-pattern soldier ant is 50 points of merit, and killing a giant ghost-pattern soldier ant is worth 50 points. Five hundred points of merit, killing a ghost pattern male ant to get 500 points of merit, killing an ant queen to get 5,000 points of merit, and this merit list is about a week ago, the new round of merit list is yet to come. Not counted."

The sweet-looking female magician covered her mouth and asked in surprise, "That means we need to kill six queen ants in order to exchange for a queen's high-grade leather?"

"To be precise, the feat gained from killing six ghost-print ant queens should only be exchanged for half an ant queen's magic skin," Suldak said.

The surroundings suddenly became quiet, and the young magicians stopped talking.


"Why don't we hunt the ant queen ourselves? I think this kind of thing is a bit unreliable no matter how you say it. If you want me to say that the few of us simply pooled money to hire some mercenaries or adventure groups or something, everyone go directly It's better to look for the traces of the queen than to be in the cavalry camp!" A voice came out from behind several magicians, and the person who spoke was the outsider who pursued the female magician all the way, everyone called him Hanji s.

According to Lance's introduction, they met this colleague in Bena City.

He is a magician registered in the Magic Union of Bena City. He rarely speaks out, but just follows the female magician named Colina, courting her all the way.

"Of course, if you plan to do so, I have no objection." Suldak said generously: "There happens to be a mercenary union in Dodan Town, where you can hire a mercenary team."

Hengis looked at Suldak very disdainfully, feeling a little agitated, strode up to the female magician, and said in an impassioned tone: "Colena, why don't we hire some trustworthy soldiers in the town of Dodan?" Mercenary group, I brought a sum of magic crystals with me when I went out this time, and there will be absolutely no problem in paying them."

"Hanges, stop talking, you go to the hired mercenary group, then go by yourself, don't drag me, I want to be with my friends." The female magician shouted dissatisfied, her face became pale A little flushed, obviously very annoyed.

Hengis has a thin face and a high nose bridge. When he talks, he likes to blow his two big nostrils at people: "Why are you willing to do this? He is exploiting your interests. We are magicians and aristocrats. He has no right to do this." Do……"

He was very provocative when he said these words. Obviously, two young magicians were moved by Hengis' words, and among them was the sweet-looking magician who kept asking Suldak about things.

Standing beside Colina, she murmured softly, "I think what Hengis said is right."

Suldak and Lance did not speak any more, but stood quietly beside the merit exchange list, listening to the generous speech of the magician of Hengis.

Colina looked at Lance with some embarrassment, and stood there with her lips pursed without speaking.

"Mages, it doesn't matter what you choose. Lance will bring you to the town of Dodan to practice. No matter what, I will show my kindness to the landlord. I invite everyone to taste the local specialties." Suldak said .

"I don't think it's necessary, Baron Suldak, I'm going to leave right now... Thank you for your hospitality, goodbye!" After Hengis finished speaking, he turned gracefully to look at Colina...

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