Lord Highlander

Chapter 817: 806. Advantages of a Female Magician

Although the cavalry was at least a hundred meters away from the entrance of the log square, the violent explosion still spread to the cavalry battalion.

Countless large and small stones fell from the sky like raindrops.

Fortunately, the team led by Suldak belonged to the heavy cavalry. In addition to wearing heavy armor, the horses were also covered with thick armor.

The stones rolled down from the sky smashed down, and the cavalry raised their knight light shields, turned the pier and retreated towards the north.

The stones fell down with a crackling sound, making the light shield "jingle, jingle, jingle".

The two thunder rhinos were also falling under the dense stone rain like raindrops, and they retreated one after another. The two thunder rhinos had heavy armor on their bodies, so they didn't feel that much, but the driver sitting on top of the thunder rhino was wearing only Ordinary leather armor, wearing an ordinary melon skin hat, was smashed in the stone rain.

The cavalry battalion retreated 500 meters in embarrassment before they were out of the scope of the falling stones.

Lance and two friends hid in the wooden house, and watched the smoke and dust in the explosion area filled like a thick gray fog, so they realized how terrifying the explosion was.

Some ghost-striped red ants huddled at the entrance of the log square escaped one after another, and Andrew immediately led a group of first-turn cavalry to attack them.

In fact, if you can see from the top of the city that the explosion is a progressive carpet blast, the starting point of the explosion is not the side near the top of the city as everyone thinks, but just near the entrance of the trumpet-shaped log square.

The gunpowder plowed the ground of the entire square, blocking the retreat of the ghost-striped red ants from the beginning of the explosion.

In order to avoid causing the collapse of the mountain walls on both sides of the Dodan Canyon, Suldak adjusted the measurement of the explosive packs to be very small. Each pack of explosives is not much more powerful than the fire scale bomb, but the arrangement is quite dense, and the entire square The top was almost filled with dynamite packs.

It's just that these gunpowders detonated at the same time, still shaking the whole valley.

Moreover, the huge crossbow arrow that Samira fired was filled with enough gunpowder, and most of the stone rain suffered by the cavalry battalion was caused by that arrow.

Listening to the dense explosions in the log square, Suldak was immersed in the memory that he had almost completely forgotten at this moment, and the smell of fireworks wafted in the air...


Dodan in the morning

The air is fresh, and after the morning fog clears, the vegetation is covered with crystal dewdrops.

A drop of dew fell on Colina's palm.

She leaned close to the railing next to the terrace, close to a pepper tree, looked up at a bunch of green fruits, her big eyes looked extremely agile, and she retracted her head only when the dew dripped on her high nose bridge.

Several friends sat on the second-floor terrace and had breakfast.

The strawberry jam here tastes the same as the one in Pena City, and the roast chicken is quite good.

The sun shone into the second-floor terrace of the attic, and several magicians were chatting about the battle they experienced yesterday. Although after a night of precipitation, everyone was not as shocked as before, but they were still chatting around this topic.

The sweet-looking female magician took a sip of tea, coughed softly, and said:

"Where is the Green Empire short of war supplies? In my opinion! It's because of these little lords hoarding those scarce supplies that the market is in chaos now."

The young male magician beside her immediately nodded and echoed: "I heard that in the Bena Legion on the Warsaw plane, the fire scale bombs are distributed according to the quota. It is said that the supplies are extremely scarce, and all supplies are distributed according to the quota. "

The monocle male magician picked up a piece of ham with a dining knife, stuffed it into his mouth, and said exaggeratedly:

"I've never seen such an exaggeration before, actually using fire scale bombs to carry out a carpet blast, and all the ghost pattern worker ants were blown into pieces in an instant, and then the cavalry waited until the smoke subsided, and rushed in on horseback. In the square, give those ghost-patterned soldiers and ants who haven't died yet."

There was still unconcealable excitement in his eyes, and there were many more pimples on his face.

"I knew that magic pharmacy is a very promising subject. If we find a suitable place and plant some flame flowers, we can prepare a potion bomb that is much more powerful than the fire scale bomb." Single piece The man with glasses was instantly immersed in his academic field.

Friends were used to his intermittent nerves and ignored him.

On the contrary, Ge Lianna, who was leaning on the railing, turned to the sweet beauty magician and said:

"You don't even know how cautious those garrisons were when they cleaned up the battlefield. They all stabbed the corpses of those soldier ants with knight spears, and never approached them until they were confirmed dead."

The female magician showed a disdainful expression on her face, walked to Lance and sat down, and complained:

"Then the head harvesting team ran out from the north city wall, just like chopping cabbage in a vegetable field, replacing a carriage when it was full."

"The corpses of those ghost-striped soldier ants are piled together like garbage."

"I'm convinced too. A large-scale campaign to eradicate red ants was forced into an autumn harvest scene by this baron lord."

"To tell you the truth, I really want to go to his territory to have a look. Maybe the farm in his territory is full of cabbages."

It could be seen that Colina was very interested in Suldak.

Between lovers, from the very beginning, one party needs to be interested in the other.

And once a lady becomes the active party, she is a magician with both beauty and knowledge and independent thinking.

From stranger to bed, maybe just a good night.

Lance thought that Suldak's family already had a wife, and thought that there were two unmarried fiancees outside him. He felt that Geliana should not get involved again. Cutting off the female magician's wild thoughts, Lance put down the knife in his hand and said seriously:

"Colena, I think you seem to have some prejudice against cabbages!"

"Shut up!" Ge Lianna gave Lance a hard look, this is the privilege of a beautiful woman.

The sweet-looking female magician didn't have so many thoughts, she said enviously:

"I don't know if Baron Suldak will let us join his cavalry battalion. If we hunt ghost-striped red ants like this every day, I think it's pretty good."

"Who didn't show any affection before and abandoned Lance and turned away?" Ge Lianna looked at her friend and carefully reminded: "You have to convince Lance first about this kind of thing."

It's not so much a reminder, it's more like finding a way for Lance.

"What? Isn't the mercenary group going well?" Lance asked immediately, not being a rigid person.

"That's not true. When these mercenary groups heard that we were going to form a team to hunt ghost-striped red ants, they all expressed their willingness to accept our employment, and many mercenary groups also extended invitations to us." The sweet beauty magician looked at Lan Si glanced at Si, and continued with some embarrassment: "But we just proposed to hunt the ghost ant queen, and no one is willing to accept our employment. Willing to hunt the queen ant."

"So you two regret it?" Lance asked, staring at her and the male magician beside her.

He deliberately didn't mention Rungis, obviously he didn't plan to bring him this time.

Originally! The five young magicians are from the Hailansa Magic Union. They met Hengis on the way. It turned out that Hengis kept courting Coleina along the way and didn't pay much attention to everyone.

Now there is obviously a little conflict with Lance's military and political officer friend.

Although it wasn't a big deal, as long as he was willing to bow his head and apologize, it could be resolved, but Lance never mentioned it, obviously unwilling to forgive him.

The two magicians looked at the isolated Hengis, and they both chose to keep silent.

Hengis silently ate the last piece of cheese, put down the knife in his hand, wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin very gentlemanly, then stood up and said: "I have something to do in the morning, so I can't accompany you to the military camp for the time being, ma'am See you tonight, gentlemen, and I will treat you to the next dinner."

After finishing speaking, he nodded to Colina, got up and left.

Seeing Hengis leave, the sweet magician immediately came over and shook Lance's arm and begged, "Lance, go and talk to your good friend!"

"Okay, but we are responsible for making some magic scrolls, you can't be lazy!" Lance said with a straight face.

"Of course it's fine..."

The sweet beauty mage narrowed her eyes and smiled sweetly at Lance.

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