Lord Highlander

Chapter 818: 807. Profits

At noon the next day, Rungis, who was running into walls in Dodan Town, bid farewell to several magicians.

He followed everyone to Dodan Town, mainly to win the favor of the female magician Corianne, but unfortunately, Corianne was always indifferent to him along the way, and occasionally had a few ambiguous chats.

But most of the time, the female magician prefers to act with everyone.

Even if Hengis made it clear that if Colina was willing to accept his relationship, he could go to his mentor to discuss transferring Colina to the Bena Magic Union, but unfortunately Colina was not interested in this.

It has been three days since Lance and the others came to the barracks again, and the merit points are being exchanged at the barracks.

The scene at the gate of the material warehouse of the military camp was very lively.

Due to the hunting in the canyon a few days ago, the soldiers in the cavalry battalion divided the achievements of the hunted ghost-striped soldier ants almost equally according to the number of people. The total number of hunted ghost-striped soldier ants reached more than 7,000. The cavalry was divided into more than 460 meritorious deeds.

Many cavalry captains in the barracks have merit points exceeding 5,000, and they already have the conditions to exchange for magic weapons.

Since the cheapest single-product magic-weave construction cost more than 20,000 merit points, many cavalrymen gave up the competition for the magic-weave construction at the beginning, turned around and set their sights on these magic weapons.

The cavalry battalion prepared fifty epee weapons this time, and they were all selected by the cavalry almost in the morning.

It has to be said that these magical weapons that Malacombe took out were almost the same in quality, and the cavalry chose the attributes of the weapons according to their own preferences.

Occasionally, some cavalry chose to exchange some magic scrolls, but many cavalry were quite repulsed by such expensive consumables. The main reason was that magic scrolls were too expensive, and some cavalry bought them for self-defense.

The archers did not participate in this round of exchange this time, mainly because there were no magic weapons such as bows and crossbows.

The heavy armored infantry were unable to exchange for this batch of magic weapons because their accumulated merit points were not enough for the time being.

Some archer squad leaders and heavy armored infantry squad leaders approached Samira and Gallatin in private, and made a request to Suldak, hoping that he could prepare more magic weapons of this kind.

Suldak didn't expect that so many warriors were willing to exchange for magic weapons, but the magic spar and gold coins were left out in the cold.

In private, I asked several captain-level soldiers, cavalry, and archers to get to know them, and then I understood what these soldiers were thinking.

Now the beast tide is obviously not over yet, and everyone has earned so many merit points. Although they know that fifty gold coins is a lot of wealth, but everyone is more willing to exchange merit points into weapons, and have excellent magic weapons , can hunt and kill more ghost-striped red ants on the battlefield, and at the same time it is also a kind of protection for itself.

In the future, even if one leaves the barracks at the end of his military service, whether such a magical weapon is left to his family or resold, he will not lose too much money.

Therefore, many fighters believe that exchanging magic weapons now is definitely a safe investment.

The prerequisite is that the battle to eliminate the ant colony will continue...


‘Of course we must continue, at least we must complete the deal with the merchant Malacombe! ’ This is what Suldak thought.

This time, the ghost pattern ant colony in the canyon was successfully cleaned up. Suldak harvested a lot. He harvested more than 7,000 magic cores alone. Five thousand copies were ordered.

However, Suldak still needs to pay part of the expenses. He needs to pay 200 gold coins to the logging camp in Dodan Town.

In addition, more than 2,000 aborigines were employed in the town of Dodan to dig holes in the canyon around the clock and surround them with logs to form a wooden fence.

The entire project took three days, and the salary for hiring the aborigines was three silver coins per day, a total of nine silver coins in three days.

More than 2,000 aborigines also made Surdak take out 200 gold coins.

In addition to these payable costs, the biggest expenditure is the achievements of the soldiers. These achievements are converted into gold coins, and the number of gold coins to be paid to the soldiers is nearly 3,600.

The process of exchanging these merits, for Suldak, is constantly taking out gold coins.

Of course, the speed at which he has accumulated wealth recently has also reached an unbelievable level.

It is often said that war is the most lucrative industry. If you go to heaven and step back to hell, the winner can reap unimaginable wealth, but the loser is also likely to lose everything...even his own life.

From the more than 7,000 magic cores, Suldak was able to extract at least 3,500 magic spar, and the rest was a large number of magic spar fragments.

Although the magic crystal shards are not too valuable, they are still relative to the magic crystal.

A standard-sized magic crystal can be divided into ten magic crystal fragments, but the price of magic crystal fragments in the current magic market usually fluctuates between thirty silver coins and fifty silver coins. The total price is around four gold coins.

And a magic spar can be exchanged for seven gold coins in the magic market.

This is still the exchange rate after the constant depreciation of the magic spar.

Before the war between the planes broke out, one magic spar could be exchanged for ten gold coins.

On a wooden table in the logistics warehouse, three No. 4 magic-sealing boxes are placed side by side. The lids of the magic-sealing boxes are all open, and the boxes are full of round magic crystals that are as big as lychees. The number of magic crystals in a full box is about a thousand.

The three magic sealing boxes meant that Suldak's profit from dismantling the magic spar alone reached 3,000 pieces in this battle.

Selena has already taken out the magic spar that needs to be spent and stored it in a wooden box.

In addition, there are two leather pockets under her feet, which are full of magic spar fragments. It is conservatively estimated that the value of these magic crystal fragments is about 700 magic spar.

In the pits outside the barracks, there are still seven pits of soldier ant hard armor. Suldak feels that once these hard armor rush into the leather market in Bena Province, the price of hard armor will It is bound to fall sharply.

Unexpectedly, the outbreak of the beast horde allowed him to quickly accumulate a fortune.

The guards stood outside the door, and the warehouse seemed very quiet. The fifty magical weapons on the weapon rack had been emptied, and only a few large wooden boxes indicating the existence of the magic pattern structure were left in the innermost part of the warehouse.

But in fact, these wooden boxes are just ordinary heavy armors. The real primary strength magic pattern structure and three pieces of single product magic pattern structure breastplates are all kept in the lava mine in Pustout Mountain, which is Sur The place where Duck stores important supplies.

Suldak said hesitantly: "I didn't expect such a big harvest from killing the ghost-striped red ants this time. Should I increase the merit value of hunting each ghost-striped red ant..."

"Boss, the merit points you have given to the cavalry now are a bit beyond the standard." Andrew said bluntly: "At least I am in Wojmara City, and I have never seen any soldier with such a high level in a battle." It’s a big harvest, the money earned from one battle is almost enough to feed him for a year.”

Selena also said next to her: "Although you don't care about these things, we are a cavalry battalion belonging to the Luthor Legion after all. If the benefits in the cavalry battalion are set too far, it may affect other barracks commanders."

Suldak thought for a while, nodded, and made a decision:

"That merit is worth this, so let's keep it for now."

Then he said: "There are almost no red ants in the Duodan Canyon. Our next operation is to go out of the Duodan Canyon and go to the hills and mountains. This time our main target is the guards. The ghost-striped drones in the forest, and when hunting, you must pay attention to avoid hurting the abdomen of the ghost-striped drones, this point... Andrew, you must pay special attention."

Andrew, who was promoted to rank two warrior, was as simple and honest as ever.

He scratched his bald head and replied honestly: "Understood, boss."

Samira put down the file in her hand, inserted the polished arrows into the quiver, looked up and said to Suldak: "Actually, we can recruit some more archers, buy a few Thunder Rhinos and make a bow Riding camp."

Suldak rubbed his forehead in distress, and said, "You can still discuss with Malakom about purchasing the Thunder Rhino, but the archers may need to be retrained."

Samira immediately denied: "It's not okay to recruit all newbies."

She felt that relying on her own strength, she was doomed to not be able to earn back the money for that epic bow in the short term, so she became proactive and considered whether to form a bow cavalry battalion.

"Or...how about I try to persuade the two hundred archers to stay?" she suggested.

With such a cold personality like a half-elf, it's not easy to say that.

At this moment, Suldak shook his head and said:

"I plan to form an archer battalion entirely of my own. Tell me... if we send some emergency supplies to the natives hiding in the thorny mountain at this time to help them tide over the current difficulties, will they be willing to let the people in the tribe Young people join us?"


Samira curled her lips, obviously not satisfied with Bai Lin's native being her subordinate.


Outside the camp, the cavalry sat together.

Everyone's topic is basically discussing who will fall on the set of primary power magic pattern structure.

Among the three most powerful competitors in the barracks, Captain Adams is the most powerful, and his current merit value is also firmly ranked first among the three, and he has already broken through the 40,000 mark

Secondly, there is a squadron leader in the archer brigade who is good at manipulating the bed crossbow. With his excellent archery skills, he has hunted more than 700 ghost pattern soldier ants with the bed crossbow in several defense battles, and there are also four giant Ghost pattern soldier ant, such an outstanding record makes him firmly behind Captain Adams.

The third is a squadron leader in the reinforcement cavalry squadron. Since his accumulated merit points are not eligible to exchange for magic patterns, but he has performed extremely well almost every time, so he has accumulated more than 30,000 merit points.

But at present, these three people are far away from the merit value of 100,000 points.

At present, they are still facing a very real problem, that is, there will be many people whose merit points will accumulate to 30,000 in succession, so some of these people will be interested in those few single-product magic pattern structures , They continue to insist on accumulating merit points to 100,000. It is very likely that they will miss these three single-item magic pattern structures, and they may not be able to earn the primary strength magic pattern structure at that time.

How to choose is also a big test for them.

Once you fail to exchange for the primary power magic pattern structure, you may miss even the parts of the magic pattern structure, and you may only be able to exchange for a bag of magic spar.


Five young magicians walked into the camp, which still attracted the attention of many soldiers.

The magic robes on them are simply too conspicuous. Although the colors are different, the dark patterns on the magic robes not only show their identities as magic nobles, but also shroud them with a layer of mystery.

After asking the guard at the door, and knowing that Suldak was at the logistics warehouse, Lance came over directly.

Just in time, I saw Suldak walking out of the warehouse with Andrew and Samira.

"You guys came at the right time. We are going to lead the cavalry battalion into the hills and mountains tomorrow morning, trying to find the ghost ant queen and wipe out the ant colony over there. Do you want to act with us?" Seeing Lance, Suldak said directly asked. "This operation may be a little dangerous!"

"Of course, didn't we come here to hunt the ghost ant queen?" Lance said, putting his hand on Suldak's shoulder.

"Well, you need to make preparations today, and we will set off tomorrow morning when the fog clears." Suldak casually said to the magicians.

In fact, there are no decent ghost-striped red ants in the canyon.

In the past few days, many mercenary groups have gone to the valley entrance of Dodan Canyon for activities. They have also successfully attracted some ghost-striped red ants. Ants are reluctant to come near here.

Seeing that the day when the businessman Malakom brought the thunder rhino was getting closer, Suldak felt that this matter could not be dragged on any longer, and he had to hunt the ghost-striped male ants as soon as possible.


morning of may 8

The 800 cavalry of the Cavalry Battalion of the Dodan Town Garrison and two armed Thunder Rhinos crossed the Dodan Canyon again, heading towards the hills and mountains at the north exit of the canyon.

Two armed Thunder Rhinos marched side by side in the canyon. Samira was wearing a fiery red leather armor and stood on the bed crossbow console on the platform, with her broken hair flying against the north wind.

Five magicians were sitting in the wooden house at the other end of Thunder Rhinoceros. The two female magicians were curiously looking at the two-headed ogre in the cavalry team along the way.

Andrew, who was dressed like a tin can, was still at the front of the line.

So far, Suldak has implanted magic patterns on one hundred and sixty war horses. Except for the 16 strengthened war horses that were killed by ghost pattern soldier ants in the Battle of Prantos Town, the rest One hundred and forty-four war horses all took part in the expedition.

Through frequent battles during the recent period, even though the veterans in the cavalry battalion have not yet realized the 'power', many of them have climbed to the peak of level nine.

Moreover, the hidden wounds left by some veterans on the battlefield have slowly healed under the treatment of the holy light technique and the 'Divine Blessed Body'.

Now the veterans in this cavalry battalion are already a group of well-trained cavalry with rich combat experience.

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