Lord Highlander

Chapter 827: 816. Lobbying

On the mountainside on the north slope of the Thorny Mountains, Anta led Suldak through the cluttered stone pillars, and walked to a mountain gap surrounded by stone pillars.

The gap between the mountains is only less than 100 meters long, and many wooden houses have been built in the gap of more than three meters wide. The outside of these wooden houses is covered with bark, dry grass and mud. There was an elderly man sitting on the ground against the wall basking in the sun.

There is some smoky life here, but obviously they should have a special hut, and there is no smell of excrement and urine in front of and behind the house.

Surdak did not expect that there would be such a secret residence hidden here. There is a cave in the innermost part, and some women with children in their arms are cooking simple food at the entrance of the cave.

The vessel they used was an iron pot with a gap, standing on three stones, with firewood stuffed between the stones.

The flames from below almost completely engulfed the iron pot, burning the iron pot to blackness.

There was a mess of food cooking in the iron pot, and the only thing Suldak could make out were the legs of root worker ants.

Seeing Suldak walking in with a group of heavily armed cavalry, the women and children of the indigenous tribes looked very flustered, but a little curious.

They squatted next to the big iron pot, wrapped in some animal skins, and their eyes were wide open.

Only the eyes of the old people lying on the plane of the wooden house were full of indifference and a trace of hostility.

A group of strong indigenous warriors gathered from all directions and joined Anta's side. These indigenous people gathered together and said a lot of indigenous languages ​​that Suldak could not understand at all.

Each of these natives has a hardwood bow on their body, and an iron knife or ax on their waist, but those iron tools are very broken, and Suldak even feels that in Hailansa, the worst blacksmith shop is not Will sell this crap weapon.

In order to avoid causing panic among the native tribes, Suldak only brought Andrew and Samira with him, and there were twenty fully armed first-turn cavalry with him.

Guli Temu, Aphrodite, Selina and others waited outside at the foot of the mountain with hundreds of cavalrymen, returning the two thunder rhinos and one enslaved ghost-striped male ant.

A group of young natives followed the cavalry, as if surrounded by heroes, their eyes fell on the shining full-cover armor of the cavalry, and their eyes were full of novelty and envy.

Surrounded by hundreds of aborigines, a tribal patriarch dressed in messy animal skins came out from the cave.

There is a sharp ax hanging on his waist, and his body is very strong. On his head is a headband inlaid with various gemstones and full of feathers. On his chest, he wears a magic spar necklace. On his chest and arms Carved with some black tattoos.

I remember that Aung San once said that these black decorations represent the achievements of the aboriginal warriors in their lives. Many aboriginal warriors are proud of their black tattoos on the whole body.

The indigenous patriarch walked up to Suldak. His figure was two circles thicker than Suldak's, and his body was full of solid muscles. He stretched out a big hand like a cattail fan, fisted and bumped into Suldak. one time.

The native patriarch said in a blunt imperial language: "My friend, I heard from Anta that you saved their lives. I want to thank you very much. Those spoils belong to you."

He pointed to the corpses of ghost pattern soldier ants brought back by Anta.

Suldak found that every leader of the indigenous tribes seemed to be proficient in some imperial language. The elder of the indigenous tribe he met last time was also proficient in imperial language, and this indigenous leader also knew it. It seemed that they were not unfamiliar with imperial people.

"Hello, friend, do you speak Imperial?" Suldak asked calmly.

"Of course, when I was young, I went to your city of Wilkes and lived there for two years." The indigenous patriarch smiled exaggeratedly, almost wrinkled his face, and then patted his strong chest, He introduced himself: "My name is Il Matem, welcome to my tribe!"

"My name is Suldak, and I am the garrison commander of the Dodan Valley." Suldak took off his helmet and dragged it on his right arm.

He glanced around, and found that the surrounding natives were all in a daze, apparently none of them could understand Imperial language.

"Currently we are carrying out the task of eradicating ghost-striped red ants in the hilly area." Suldak added.

Next, the indigenous patriarch Yil Matem invited Surdak into the cave. The cave was very dry, and the inside was cleaned up very cleanly. Some separate rooms were even divided by wooden boards and animal skins.

It's just that the light is a little dim. The living room of the indigenous patriarch Yil Matem is here. Yil Matem asked the women to prepare some food and water.

Picking up the water glass, Suldak glanced at Zhang Xixi's wooden bowl, but he really didn't have the courage to drink it.

It's not easy to put it back directly, so I just held it in my hand and said to the indigenous patriarch: "Whether my town of Duodan or your tribe is currently attacked by ghost-striped red ants."

The indigenous patriarch sat across from Suldak, and behind him were full of indigenous warriors, and the young people in the tribe could only squeeze at the entrance of the cave.

When women passed by the cave with clay pots, young men dared to touch their thighs secretly.

The indigenous patriarch didn't pay attention to this at this time, he thought about it for a while, and then nodded in agreement.

Suldak continued: "They are ferocious and numerous. They want to capture our homeland and build their red ant empire. Therefore, I think we have a common enemy in fighting the ghost-striped red ants."

Hearing what Suldak said, the indigenous patriarch immediately cheered up and said loudly: "That's right, these red ants have destroyed our homeland. They ate everything that could feed their stomachs, and they also ate a lot of people. If you want to take back your home in the hills and mountains, you have to drive them away."

He said it in the blunt Imperial language, then repeated it in the native language, and clenched his hands into fists and slammed the ground hard.

A group of natives behind him also followed his movements, beating the ground vigorously.

The women of the tribe took out some blackened ant legs and arranged the food on a stone slab.

"That's right, we're going to drive them back to the Dark Worm Valley," Suldak said.

The indigenous patriarch lowered his head and looked up at Suldak, but said nothing.

Suldak continued: "My cavalry battalion killed a lot of ghost ants in the hills and mountains, but I think this is not enough. We need to continue to expand the results and drive them all back to Invercargill. North of the forest, so when we pass by here, we will casually visit, after all, we are not far or near neighbors."

Hearing what Suldak said, the smile on the face of the indigenous patriarch suddenly disappeared.

Suldak's expression was indifferent, and his eyes fell on the tattooed face of the indigenous patriarch.

"For a long time, the relationship between the imperial people and the natives of the Bailin plane has been very tense. We imperial people crossed the portal and came here to occupy a large piece of fertile land. Many people say that we are invaders..."

The indigenous patriarch raised his eyebrows, and there were already some angry flames in his eyes.

The indigenous warriors around also felt the anger of the indigenous patriarch. A group of people stared at Suldak with unfriendly expressions, and they seemed to hit them if they disagreed.

Suldak waved his hand and said to the indigenous patriarch:

"What I want to say is...the Bailin plane has a vast territory and abundant resources. There are still many places we haven't explored in such a large land. The journey of our imperial cavalry is also those unexplored places. Going north can occupy Inverka Gir Forest, you can cross the Erui River to the east, but it will not be hilly and mountainous."

The indigenous patriarch recovered his face after hearing this, and whispered an indigenous language to the indigenous warriors on both sides.

Those indigenous warriors withdrew their stern gazes.

Suldak said: "Your ancestors have lived here for generations, and you have long been accustomed to the mountains, rivers, plants and trees here."

The indigenous patriarch nodded slightly in agreement.

Suldak said: "When I came here, I never thought of driving you away. If you want to live here, you can continue to live. You can enclose as much land as you want."

Yil Matem was obviously taken aback, staring at Suldak, as if trying to see through him.

With a bit of aristocratic pride on his face, Suldak said:

"The boundary marker in the hills and mountains is not my end. I am destined to expand northward in the future, and I am destined to occupy the entire Invercargill."

Speaking of this, his eyes fell on the indigenous patriarch, and he said word by word:

"What I need is 'peace' on the side of the hills and mountains."

He pronounced the last word heavily.

"I didn't even think about it. We must let the aborigines in your tribe integrate into our lives. You also have your own way of life. We need to respect these."

"Of course, I don't mind learning from each other, slowly adapting and accepting some good things."

"In the future, the young people in the tribe are destined to go out and see the new world outside. They are destined to bring back exquisite copper and iron wares, pottery, and textiles. Life here will also become better and better..."

Suldak continued...

"We should get rid of those old concepts. You have a lot of property here. Maybe you think it's nothing, but it is very precious to us."

"Then why not exchange it for some other materials that are also very precious to you, we can try to make some deals."

"Everyone benefits from each other and think it's okay, then we will continue to trade like this, if we don't think it's worthwhile, then we will stop, and then sit down and talk until we are satisfied with each other."

"Not everything needs to be resolved by force. The spears of our cavalry are only aimed at those ants."

Suldak talked a lot.

The indigenous patriarch also fell into deep thinking. Of course, Suldak didn't think he could decide anything.

Although he is the patriarch of the indigenous tribe, in this indigenous tribe, it is his father, the chief elder of the tribe, who really holds the right to speak.

"I can understand a lot of what you said, and some I don't understand. I have to think about it carefully." He scratched his head that was about to explode, and said solemnly.

Suldak also clapped his hands and said:

"I'll leave you enough time to think. I'm only here for the first time. After all, we'll be neighbors for a long time..."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand, pulled out a small box from the magic pocket, opened the box lid, and it was filled with stainless steel arrow clusters, and said casually: "By the way, in order to deal with these red ants, I brought I have given some gifts, and these weapons are here to stay, I believe they will be helpful to you.”

In addition to a box of arrow clusters, there are more than a dozen weapons.

Of course, the weapons that Suldak sent out this time were all defective and scrapped.

But even some old and defective products are many times better than those in the hands of indigenous warriors.

Suldak felt that the matter of "gifting weapons" should be made clear, otherwise it will form a habit, and the next time it may take the initiative to reach out and ask for it,

"If we need these next time, we can exchange them with materials." Suldak pointed to the magic spar necklace on the chest of the indigenous patriarch, and said, "Whether these crystals or the leather of the ghost pattern red ants can be used Take it out and trade."

He looked at the young natives at the entrance of the cave and said:

"Young people in the tribe can also join my army. I don't make any guarantees here, but I can guarantee one thing... as long as they are willing to work in my army for four years, this set of full-cover black iron armor and This knight's long sword, light shield, including the flail and alloy bow, can be taken with you when you leave the barracks, because at that time... those things already belong to you."

After saying this, Suldak left without sitting for too long.

In the cave, apart from the indigenous patriarch thinking seriously, in a hut surrounded by leather next to him, the three elders are also thinking seriously...

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