Lord Highlander

Chapter 828 817. Join

Not long after Suerdak left, three old men came out in a file from a small cabin surrounded by leather in the cave.

These old natives were all wearing decent clothes, with some gems hanging on their bodies, and in their hands were sticks polished by black wood, with a large magnificent gem inlaid on the top of the stick.

Accompanied by the indigenous patriarch, the three old men sat around the firepit where they had just talked with Surdak.

The charcoal fire in the fire pond has not been extinguished, and the iron pot on it is still gurgling and bubbling. An old man skillfully scooped out the boiling hot soup from it with a wooden spoon, and poured it into three wooden cups in an orderly manner. The eyes of the old man kept chasing the face of the old man in the middle, but unfortunately, he didn't see any clues from that face.

The indigenous patriarch Yilmatum was sitting at the bottom. At this time, he was picking up a leg of a ghost-striped worker ant from a soup pot. He sucked it hard and swallowed the juice inside. This kind of monster food can also strengthen the body. It is also a rare good thing in the indigenous tribes.

The young aborigine named Su En and several other young people in the tribe squatted at the entrance of the cave and refused to leave.

The women were all driven outside the cave to bask in the sun, and the cave suddenly became quiet.

"He wants to use some benefits in exchange for the children in the tribe to fight for him. Maybe once he goes to the battlefield, he will never come back." The old man sitting in the middle said with a heavy tone: "They have to cross the hills Mountains, occupying the Invercargill Forest, but how can it be so easy to open up territory to the north, go north, and get the Insect Valley, which is a mountain that cannot be climbed over, how dangerous it is, you should understand without me telling you."

Hearing what the great elder said, the elder sitting on the right immediately nodded in agreement: "Yes, it's too dangerous outside..."

At this time, the patriarch of Yilmatum licked the soup in his hand, rubbed his big sticky bear-like hand on his thigh, put down the soup pot in his hand, and said: "But the follower beside him also He is not from the empire, so he should have a high status, and there are patterns on his armor..."

"If our young people can go to such an army to learn how to fight, it may not be a good thing!" The elder sitting on the left side of the great elder was silent for a while, and finally said.

The chief of the Yilmatem also squeezed out an ugly smile and said:

"The ant swarm is coming. Even if we hide in the shelter on Thorn Mountain, people will die every day. The outside world is full of dangers, but why not here?"

He rubbed his stomach with his hand and said, "To be honest, I want to make some deals with them."

He looked at the rows of simple display racks deep in the cave, and then said: "Exchange our herbs and animal skins for some sophisticated weapons, as long as we have enough sophisticated weapons, our tribe warriors can also hunt and kill those soldier ants. "

After saying this, he touched the magic spar necklace on his chest and said: "Sometimes I wonder, what is the use of these things, they can only be made into pendants if they stay here, but in their eyes, this Things seem to be very precious, since they are of no use to us, I would rather take them out for a few sharp arrows..."

The elder on the left sighed and said: "A few years ago we were still fighting against the imperials. We old guys have all experienced those difficult days. We lost in weapons and equipment back then. If the weapons and armor had Half of the imperial army is excellent, we may be able to drive them to other places, or we may be able to block them in the city and dare not come out."

The great elder lowered his eyelids and said, "Young people nowadays, the hatred in their hearts has become much weaker, and they have forgotten who drove us here."

The elder sitting on the left continued: "Let the young people learn how the Chinese fight. Even if we go to war again in the future, it will do us more good than harm!"

At this time, the young man named Su En who was sitting at the entrance of the cave said:

"Grandpa, I also want to see the outside world."

The Great Elder raised his head, looking at that childish face, he couldn't figure out when his gaze became so determined.

Thinking that life on this mountain is also full of hardships and hardships, if you go to the imperial army, the situation may not be so bad, and maybe you can open up a new world, so the Great Elder nodded and said:

"Su En...Hey, since you all want to make a deal with the Grimm Empire people so much, then do it. They need leather, herbs and magic crystals. They all need someone who understands the market. Let Su En do it!"

The young native shouted excitedly, "Grandpa, I will bring back those excellent weapons."

Seeing that Su En rarely had such an urgency to do something, the First Elder nodded in agreement.

The patriarch of Yilmatum also said expectantly: "Su En, they probably haven't gone too far, and it should be too late for you to chase them now."

Su En stood up excitedly, and said loudly to the companions around him: "Whoever is willing to go with me, let's go now..."


As soon as Suldak led the cavalry battalion to leave Stonehenge, he saw more than 20 young natives jumping and running down the mountain from a distance. The monkey who went down the mountain to steal corn.

Reining in his horse, Suldak raised his hand to make the cavalry in front stop first, and turned to look at the young natives who were running.

The same thing Suldak once said to the great elder of the Dakuni tribe.

It's just that the great elder of the Dakuni tribe was worried that his power would be divided, and he didn't want to let the warriors in the tribe out. Of course, Suldak didn't push too much.

At least he can still trade magic herbs with the Dakuni tribe. Although the entire Invercargill forest has been destroyed by ghost-striped red ants, Suldak doesn't believe what the natives say. It grows in the Warcraft Forest, which has long been dug up by the adventure group in Dodan Town.

In order for the adventure group not to be able to dig up any plants, at least these herbs must grow in a very secretive place.

He felt that there was a different atmosphere in this indigenous tribe, and thought that a material transaction was needed to strengthen the trust between each other, and then there would be unexpected gains.

Unexpectedly, before leaving Stonehenge, a group of young natives roared down the mountain.

Judging by their appearance, they should have obtained the approval of the chief of the Ilmatem, and Suldak felt that this trip was really worthwhile.

Twenty or so young natives wore tattered animal skin clothes and carried hardwood bows behind their backs, standing excitedly in front of Suldak's horse.

Su En stood in front of everyone and said to Suldak in the Imperial language he just learned: "I want to join you..."

He can only say this, and it was taught to him by the chief Ilmatem before he left.

These indigenous young people all had slightly reddened skin. Although their bodies were a little thinner, everyone had strong muscles. They were only slightly panting while running all the way down the mountain, and their physiques were excellent without a test.

Suldak leaned over and stretched out his hand, and said to the twenty-three young natives, "You are welcome."

Seeing their bewildered faces, they realized that they could not understand the imperial language, so they jumped off the horse, pointed at Aphrodite's ghost-striped drone, and personally led them to the back of the huge ghost-striped drone, letting them They are sitting on it.

The cavalry battalion then departed for the town of Dodan.

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