Lord Highlander

Chapter 829 818. Daily Life in the Cavalry Battalion

Suldak felt that a living ghost-striped male ant followed the cavalry battalion and walked into the town of Dodan majestically, which was a bit shocking.

Aphrodite will not stay on the Bailin plane forever.

So when the ghost-striped male ant walked to the entrance of the canyon, it was considered to have reached the end of its life.

Surdak found a quiet open space nearby, and conducted an on-site autopsy meeting for all the cavalry.

This dissection was performed by Suldak himself, but even with the blood-red crescent full of the power of the holy light, without being fully soaked in acidic liquid, he wanted to completely divide these half-foot-thick hard armor , is definitely not an easy task.

Although the holy light has a strong corrosive effect on the ghost pattern red ants, this kind of hard armor is really thick and hard.

Fortunately, Suldak has dismembered more than 30 ghost-striped male ants before and after, so he has rich experience in this regard.

After some on-site autopsy, the cavalry finally figured out that the most deadly vital part of the ghost-striped male ant's body is its back neck.

It was covered with a complete piece of carapace.

There are no hard armor pieces superimposed on this complete piece of hard armor, so it is easy to peel off.

As long as you cut along the edge of the hard carapace and along the soft horny edge, you can completely peel off this piece of hard carapace from the male ant.

But peeling off such a piece of hard armor the size of a small round shield is not an easy task.

Other ghost-striped males are not as honest as this ghost-striped male. They will do everything possible to lift the enemy off their backs, and then use their huge bodies to crush the enemy into fresh meatloaf.

Of course, if you have the opportunity to peel off this piece of hard armor, you can see the gray-green brain under the fascia inside.

These brains are as fragile as jelly, and a twig inserted in them can be stirred into a paste.

In addition, the joints of the ghost-striped male ant's body are also his weakest places. Since a ghost-striped male ant weighs several tons, its six legs bear a huge burden.

As long as the two outriggers can be cut off, the ghost-striped male ant can only crawl on the ground when moving, and its heavy abdomen will plow four deep furrows on the ground.

As Aphrodite withdrew her mental power, the ghost pattern male ant let out a "hissing" sound unwillingly, and under the shock of the body, Suldak cut off the brain with a sword.

Under the strong request of the ogre, Suldak took out all the frozen brains, put them in wooden barrels and handed them to Gulitum.

And finally the dismemberment, the skinning, all the clean flesh has to be removed

Now that the cavalry were used to eating whatever they had, the taste of red ants was at least stronger than those hard-to-swallow marching rations.

Many cavalrymen in the cavalry battalion have completely changed their physiques because they ate a lot of monster meat these days.

Usually, how can people have the opportunity to eat so much monster meat!

Even on the dining table of the great nobles, it is not possible to eat fresh Warcraft flesh and blood every day.

Therefore, the veterans in the cavalry battalion, under the blessing of the buff effect of the "Blessed Body", their physical fitness far exceeds the limit of ordinary soldiers' physical fitness. They often eat monster meat to enhance their physical fitness, and they always make some breakthroughs in physical fitness Extreme fighting, which is of great benefit to the improvement of their strength.

In this context, it's no surprise that veterans frequently advance to the next round.

The only thing Suldak can't help is to teach the veterans how to understand the 'power'. In fact, he himself has no experience in this matter.


Su En and a group of young natives followed in the cavalry team. It was the first time they saw someone dismembering a giant ant tribe in such detail. It was the first time their eyes were opened.

Holding a sharp skinning knife, Suldak made every link from beginning to end very meticulous. During the dismemberment process, he often stopped to explain. Finally, the flesh and bones were completely separated, and then the flesh and flesh were stored separately.

It's a pity that Su En couldn't understand what Suldak was saying, so he could only guess some clues from his repeated demonstrations.

It was already evening when we returned to Dodan Town along the Dodan Canyon. From a distance, we could see the flags on the north city wall flying with the wind, and the guards on the city wall stretched out their upper bodies from the wall and waved vigorously at the cavalry.

On the way through the canyon, Su En also met some mercenaries along the way, and these mercenaries had just returned from hunting at the north entrance of the canyon.

They were very polite to the cavalry, but they didn't have a good face to these young natives, and they were even a little hostile.

Su En and the others walked past the mercenaries warily, but these mercenaries didn't even make any provocative moves.

When the main force returned to Dodan Town, Suldak called Aung San over. With Aung San acting as an interpreter, the communication between the two sides finally became smooth.

It's just that Aung San has been a little busy recently. He usually has a lot of things to do, and now he is the leader elected by the aborigines in Dodan Town. He has a lot of trivial matters to deal with every day, so he can't always be with these young aborigines as an interpreter.

Aung San called his younger brother Ratu over and told Ratu to leave the city defense brigade and join the cavalry battalion with these young natives.

In this way, the military life of these young natives in the cavalry battalion officially began.

After the physical fitness and skill assessment before entering the camp, these young natives are better at running and archery, and Suldak just needs to form his own archer battalion, so these young natives are temporarily allocated an alloy bow, A long dagger, a kettle of steel arrows and a suit of chain mail.

The dormitory of the Archers Camp has just been expanded, and there are fifteen bunk beds in the brand new dormitory, just enough to accommodate five teams.

This time, a total of twenty-three young natives joined the cavalry battalion, just enough to form four archer squads. As an experienced veteran, Latu was naturally promoted to be the squadron leader of this half of the archer squadron. Appointed as Deputy Squadron Leader.

Each young native was allocated a set of sleeping bags, and each squad was a standard combat unit, and was uniformly distributed with a set of marching tents, iron pots, shovels, etc.

Latu led the young natives into the cafeteria of the barracks familiarly. Seeing that the barracks provided unlimited free food, these young natives were full of their first meal, and they did not dare to walk out of the cafeteria. bend over.

Latu took them around the training ground again, and briefly introduced some of the requirements in the barracks.

The next day, these young natives began to train with other archers.


"The pensions of these dead knights will be implemented according to this standard, and the merits of the last battle will also be calculated."

Suldak sat at the desk in the study and said to Selina.

"Understood." Selena nodded and walked out holding a merit account book.

She is in charge of the logistics and merit statistics in the cavalry battalion. More than 60 cavalrymen were killed this time. The merits of these cavalrymen need to be calculated separately. In addition to the pension after the war, Selina believes that this money can give them The family lived comfortably for a period of time.

It wasn't long before she woke up, and she was still a little tired.

It's just that there is no one who can replace her in this work of merit statistics.


The mercenary president walked up the steps of this small building in the barracks, and the guard at the door pushed open the wooden door of the small building for him.

He stepped into the corridor and saw Selena coming out of the study holding a sheepskin ledger. She was wearing a long black dress, with a curvaceous figure and a trace of fatigue on her beautiful face.

The mercenary president knew Selina and knew that she had a special position in the cavalry battalion, so he quickly greeted her.

Selena looked up to see the mercenary president, nodded slightly, and then walked out of the small building.


Suldak leaned on the desk, making some changes to the details on a map.

He raised his head and saw that the mercenary president came in, and motioned for him to sit down on the opposite chair first.

Nika served two cups of black tea and immediately retreated.

After modifying the markings on the map, Suldak looked up at the mercenary president.

The president's personality is a little too gentle, he is very low-key, and he seems to have no sense of presence in the mercenary union. It is said that such a person cannot be the president, but he is very popular in the mercenary union.

When Suldak first came to Dodan Town, he had a bad impression of this man.

However, when the beast tide broke out, the president of the mercenary union persuaded two mercenary regiments to go to the north city wall to help defend, and his impression of him changed.

Thinking about it now, this old man is indeed working hard for the mercenary union, which is also the main reason why the mercenaries support him.

The mercenary president rubbed his hands, glanced at the map on the table, narrowed his eyes and said:

"Commander Suldak, I heard that the cavalry battalion lost some cavalry in the hills and mountains this time, and so many cavalry were injured. The current military strength may be somewhat insufficient. I heard that you have recruited some cavalry from the indigenous tribes. manpower……"

He paused, and then said again:

"I came this time to find out the specific situation. If you want to recruit cavalry, our mercenary union has some good mercenaries. They also have the idea of ​​joining the cavalry battalion."

Suldak asked him:

"The mercenaries in the union want to join the cavalry battalion?"

The mercenary leader nodded,

"That's it."

Suldak wanted to laugh for some inexplicable reason. He shaved the stubble on his chin with his fingers, and took the opportunity to rub the muscles of his face to offset the smile.

"This kind of thing also belongs to the daily affairs of the mercenary union?" Suldak asked.

The mercenary president squeezed out a humble smile and said:

"Someone has to stand up on their behalf and ask you about the specific situation, and I think it's better for me to come over and ask you about it than for them to go to the barracks to inquire about it one by one. After all, I can represent the town of Dodan Most of the mercenaries."

Suldak nodded ambiguously and said:

"The mercenaries who want to join the cavalry battalion are naturally welcome. The weekly salary is basically the same as that of the veterans employed in the barracks now. Salary, these are the most basic benefits of a cavalry battalion."


His voice was a little heavy,

Looking up coldly into the eyes of the mercenary president, he said:

"Once you join the cavalry battalion, you need to follow the unified deployment for specific actions, and disobeying orders will be regarded as rebellion."

"Once you join the cavalry battalion, you must serve for four years before leaving without any disability, otherwise you will be regarded as a deserter."

After saying this, his voice changed.

"After all, this is a cavalry battalion. It is impossible to join if you want to join, and leave if you want to leave. In that case, it is better to hire them temporarily in case of war."

"I know what you're looking at. Now I see the cavalry of the cavalry battalion clearing out the ghost-striped red ants. The merits can be exchanged for some good magic items."

"But they should also be able to see that this time we lost a battle and brought back more than 60 jars full of ashes. We need to think clearly about this."

The mercenary president nodded in embarrassment.

Many mercenaries in the trade union saw that the cavalry battalion recruited some people from the indigenous tribes this time, and some people immediately thought carefully: 'If the cavalry battalion is short of people, we mercenaries can also do it! '

Thinking that after these cavalry hunted ghost-striped red ants, almost everyone exchanged some valuable magic items from the merit exchange list, and at worst they could exchange some gold coins and magic spar. sound.

However, these mercenaries did not find Suldak directly, and they were obviously in awe of this tough commander, more awe than respect.

That's why the union president was asked to come to Suldak to listen.

Of course, Suldak also knew that the mercenaries wanted to join the battle group, and they were looking for items on the merit exchange list.

Once the ant swarm is over, accumulating achievements will not be as easy as it is now. When the mercenaries leave the cavalry camp for various reasons, it will cause a mess in the cavalry camp.

This was the last thing Suldak wanted to see.


Not long after the head of the mercenary guild left, the guard at the gate of the barracks ran over and reported to Suldak:

"The steward of the Thunder Rhino Caravan came to visit."

Suldak asked him to bring him in, and opened the window of the study to let in the sober air from outside.

Outside the dormitory of the military camp in the distance, a group of wounded soldiers were lying under the eaves basking in the sun. After Suldak returned, he hadn't taken the time to check their situation.

Obviously, these wounded soldiers were in a good mood, and they didn't show any gloomy faces. It seemed that they either had confidence in Suldak's medical skills, or they had confidence in the compensation paid by the cavalry battalion.

The bath wall is simply the busiest place in the entire barracks.

Every time the cavalry came back, they would wash off the blood on their bodies here, and then, wearing fresh and clean clothes, they would go to the cafeteria to have a big meal, and then lie down in the dormitory for a good sleep.

Andrew and Gullitum were also by the bath wall, competing with other cavalrymen for their scars.

The two-headed ogre was born with the 'Stone Skin Technique'. When fighting, its skin was like a hard rock, so there were no scars, and it was instantly compared.

However, Gullitum and Naohuaer brothers are famous for being able to talk, standing by the wall and arguing with a group of cavalry, their faces red.

If it wasn't for the ogre, it is estimated that these cavalrymen would roll up their sleeves and stand up to fight him.

But now I can only spit into the ditch and endure it.

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