Lord Highlander

Chapter 831

The young magician Lance was lying on the big fluffy bed in a round-neck shirt with lace neckline and linen bloomers.

A magic table lamp in the shape of a morning glory sits on the bedside table.

A thick parchment spellbook with a few pages of magic notes and a basic copper cover.

On the hollowed-out side of the book cover are two angels with their upper bodies protruding from the clouds.

On the back are two giant dragons flying out of the dragon's nest and hovering in the valley. The copper book cover is full of green patina, which looks very old.

On the bedside table on the other side are dinner plates and water glasses, and the white bread on the dinner plate has not been touched at all.

"Lance, what's wrong with you?"

Suldak strode into the room. The sound of armor rubbing was particularly harsh in the room. He hung the helmet on the wooden rack at the door, walked to Lance's bed, and asked the young magician.

Lance raised his head, revealing a pair of melancholy and distracted eyes, and said to Surdak:

"I'm fine, but there are some things I can't figure out."

"What did you encounter?" Sulda pulled a chair, sat on the bed and asked.

In fact, he didn't even have time to eat lunch. When he saw the two pieces of white bread, he felt a little rumbling in his stomach. He picked up the two pieces of bread and ate them into his stomach.

After he finished eating, he wiped his mouth, and asked again: "Which beautiful girl have you fallen in love with, and I'm embarrassed to confess to her? Or does she have a sweetheart?"

"No..." Lance said.

"Do you think my merit exchange is unreasonable?" Suldak asked Lance, looking into Lance's eyes.

"Not really," Lance said weakly.

Suldak thought about it for a while before he said, "Is that just coming off the battlefield, and seeing so many cavalry died in battle, I feel a little uncomfortable?"

"A little bit," Lance admitted.

Suldak patted him on the shoulder indifferently, and said, "I did the same thing when I killed someone for the first time. I had nightmares for several days in a row. In fact, you should go for a drink. It will help you sleep and have a good sleep." It might be fine.”

Lance grabbed the golden curly hair on his head with both hands, and said with some pain: "I just feel that seeing them in front of my eyes, being thrown to the ground by those ghost-striped soldiers, but I can't do anything, this feeling is very bad , It’s really bad, if I’m stronger, maybe they won’t die.”

Suldak lowered his head and stroked the blood-red crescent in his hand, and whispered to Lance:

"This is a border town, and we are faced with a once-in-a-ten-year animal horde. Although we have taken the initiative in the situation, no one can guarantee that they will not make a comeback. What we have to do is to be ready to fight. Since it is a war , how can there be an immortal..."

Colina walked to the window and opened the thick curtains to let the sunlight in.

"That's not what I said, I just thought I should have done better..."

The blinding sun caused Lance to shade the back of his hand over his eyes, and Lance paused.

After a while, he got used to the light in the room before continuing: "After awakening the magic pool, I learned magic in that ivory tower full of complicated runes. We are called magicians, we We are more noble than others, not because we have magic, but because we can eradicate all evils in this world, because we are a group of magicians who control the power of elements!"

Suldak was a little dumbfounded. Is this young magician with a sense of justice going to be the incarnation of justice?

At this time, Lance continued to say:

"People respect us because they think we have powerful magical powers and can use these powers to protect those around us."

"But now I find that... there may still be a long way to go to realize this dream. Even though I have been studying tirelessly, I still can't do anything on the battlefield."

"So I was thinking, if I didn't awaken the magic pool, but entered the knight academy to become a knight, it might be much more useful than it is now."

He raised his head and stared blankly at the long sword in Suldak's hand.

Suldak scratched his head in embarrassment, and said:

"You have a little problem with your self-worth. If your mentor is around, I believe he can help you, but I may not be good at it. Compared with this... I am better at surgery."

He felt that there should be a senior magician to enlighten Lance at this time. With a few simple words, Lance might figure it out.

Suldak lowered his voice and whispered next to his ear, "If your body is not good enough, I can help you. I can last for three days at a time!"

The faces of Ge Lianna and the sweet beauty magician who were standing aside were flushed, and they turned their heads to the side.

He looked at Lance seriously, made a 'tsk tsk' sound, and said:

"Your body is indeed a little weak. Otherwise, starting today, I can make an exercise plan for you. I promise that after a month, your body will be much healthier than now, and you won't feel how painful exercising is. Don't try..."

Lance raised his arm and looked at it. Although there were no muscles on his arm, it was obviously not as bad as what Suldak said, so he said, "Forget it, I don't think my body is that bad."

Suldak chuckled, and said in the tone of someone who has been there:

"By the time you find out, it may be too late."

He put the blood red crescent on the side of the bed, and said to Lance solemnly:

"Hey... Now let's talk about what kind of profession is a magician. What do you think is the ratio of children who can awaken the magic pool and become magicians to other children in the annual magic awakening ceremony in Hailansa City?"

Lance didn't answer, but looked at Colina who was aside.

Corianna said without hesitation: "Usually one child out of 3,000 to 5,000 children may awaken the magic pool and become a magic apprentice. I am in charge of the recruitment of magic apprentices at Hailansa Junior Magic Academy."

Suldak said enviously:

"This kind of lucky person who can only be selected by one in a thousand or one in a thousand will be a magician nobleman according to the decree of the Green Empire once he awakens the magic pool and becomes a magic apprentice. Not only will he receive free education from the junior magic academy, You will also receive a living allowance every month, these are the benefits that a magician can enjoy."

"Of course, as a magician, after enjoying such benefits, I usually feel superior to others..."

"You can still enjoy such privileges."

What Suldak was talking about was the status quo of all magicians in the empire. Many veteran noble lords did not have such good benefits.

Then he said: "Now on the battlefield, you find that the soldiers and ants don't care about the identity of the enemy, no matter whether they are cavalry, archers or magicians, they can eat them all...

They will not show mercy just because of your noble status, if you see those evil spirits on the battlefield of the Warsaw plane, they will even give you magicians a little preferential treatment because of your ability..."

Lance glared at Suldak angrily, his suppressed mood finally broke out, he sat on the bed and shouted:

"I'm not because of these, I think I should perform stronger, I should be able to save everyone!"

"Of course, the heavy cavalry will often rush to the front. They are in a very dangerous situation when they face ghost-striped soldier ants directly on the battlefield, especially when there are giant soldier ants in the ant colony." Suldak said: " If there are strong support from shooters in the back, the situation of the battle will be very different, and if there are support from magicians in the back, the situation of the battle will become easier."

Suldak added later: "This is the role of a magician."

The two are finally on the same channel.

Lance retorted casually:

"But I don't think...the presence of a magician can change the situation of the battle much..."

Suldak nodded and admitted: "That loss was due to absolute superiority and absolute strength."

Lance looked up at Suldak and asked him, "But after you arrived, why did the battle suddenly turn around?"

"..." Suldak was speechless for a while.

"I don't think a first-rank magician is even as good as a first-rank knight!" Lance said with some melancholy.

Suldak really wanted to say that Lao Tzu is a holy light knight who can speak dragon language and comprehend the holy seal and halo, you just threw two fireballs... what is there to compare.

"Lance, that's because you haven't prepared enough. You may not know how long I have prepared for this battle." Suldak said. "Next time, the magic scrolls you carry with you... should be as complete as possible..."

"In addition, you need to be clear about the specific power of the fireballs you release. In fact, you don't have to kill your opponents on the battlefield, but you must suppress their aura. Take the fireball technique as an example, even if you drop ten fireballs, it doesn't necessarily It can burn a ghost-striped red ant to death, but every fireball exploded from the ant colony can at least affect the surrounding ghost-striped soldier ants, as long as the timing is right, the results of the battle can be infinitely magnified..."

"So it's not that magic is useless, but that you lack actual combat experience and have not mastered how the various arms cooperate with each other to fight. It would be nice to participate in a few more battles..."

Suldak talked a lot, and finally four of his friends joined in. The six chatted in Lance's bedroom about what kind of magic a magician would use on the battlefield.

The fire magicians in the Green Empire are relatively large, and the inheritance of fire magic is relatively complete.

Everyone discusses the application of magic on the battlefield, and they prefer to use explosive fire and fire shield, which are fine, but they must know how to cooperate with cavalry.

In the evening, Suerdak also invited Lance and a few of his friends to have a sumptuous dinner at the barbecue restaurant in Dodan Town, and the group drank some ale in the tavern.

Only then did Suldak return to the barracks in a hurry, and began to prepare to implant life magic patterns into the thunder rhinoceros in the caravan.

To be honest, it is almost impossible to implant the life magic pattern stripped from these ghost-striped male ants into the body of a warrior. On the other hand, it is very suitable to implant these thunder rhinoceros.

According to the transaction contract reached by the two parties, Suldak needs businessman Malakom to transform twenty-three thunder rhinos.

But so far, Suldak has collected only fourteen life magograms of the ghost-striped male ant.

To complete this deal, Suldak estimated that at least 50 ghost-striped drones would need to be hunted, which means that at least two ant colonies would need to be hunted in the hills and mountains...


Facing the rising sun, Samira sat on top of a stone pillar.

This is the cliff on the east side of Dodan Town, and these stalagmite-like stone pillars grow halfway up the mountain.

Samira rarely climbs here when she practices bow skills.

But this time something is different.

Last night, when Samira was still asleep, she felt that something was about to move in her body. Those winds that had been flowing around the meridians of her body were twisted into countless pure white silk threads. out.

These silk threads coming out of the body are extremely sharp, like long hair dancing in the wind, swaying around outside the body.

The moment she sat up from the bed, a few silk threads had cut the bed board and the wooden table in half.

Samira woke up all of a sudden, the uncontrollable power in her body surged like a sea, and silk-like threads kept coming out of her body.

Samira rushed to the window of the attic. She only wore a tube-style nightdress, but she was as flexible as a cheetah. She jumped through the window of the attic to the ridge of the roof, but she saw that the silk threads released from her body could even tear through the roof easily. Without tiles, Samira dared not stay in the barracks.

Taking advantage of the moonlight, she tore off the hem of her skirt, revealing her long white legs, and jumped out of the barracks with bare feet.

Samira was worried that the wind-strength threads released from her body would hurt people, so she kept avoiding going to places where there were people. She climbed up the mountainside along the mountain wall of Duodan Town, and burrowed into the thorny stone pillar with a few vertical jumps. A tall and long bamboo-shaped stone pillar climbed up and sat down on the top.

Those silk threads protruding from the body are already flying like hair, and when they touch the stalagmite, they are also flying debris.

Samira calmed down, and slowly guided the silk threads released from the body to weave into a light cocoon, wrapping herself in it.

The surging power in her body was still unable to allow her to break through the invisible barrier, but in the condensed light cocoon, some runes appeared out of thin air and flickered before Samira's eyes, Samira seemed to see the laws of the world The origin of these runes, these runes are constantly rotating around Samira's body.

But she couldn't seize that chance no matter what.

The surging power in her body could no longer be controlled, it broke through her body in an instant, but was stopped by the light cocoon outside her body.

These forces want to break through the light cocoon again...

At this moment, Samira found that there were wounds on her arm, and traces of blood flowed out of her body and sprinkled into the light cocoon.

She is a half-elf with very thin elven blood in her body.

The blood of these elves and the runes in the light cocoon fused little by little into blood-colored runes, and re-gathered into a red crystal the size of a fingernail, floating in front of Samira. The crystal exuded a trace of her familiar aura. .

She raised her head slightly in the light cocoon, and the red crystal stone condensed some of the world's original power in the light cocoon, gathering at the center of her forehead.

On her smooth forehead, a half-embedded spar appeared.

Samira closed her eyes, and the breeze was blowing on her face.

After a while, she opened her eyes and found that the light cocoon had burst, and she was sitting on the top of the stalagmite, bathed in golden sunlight.

At this moment, the whole world seemed to become vivid and colorful.

She just reaches out,

It seems to be able to touch the source of power floating in the air...

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