Lord Highlander

Chapter 832: 821. Medical Team

In the early morning, Suerdak dragged his sleepy body to the barracks dormitory to check the recovery of the injured cavalry.

Last night, he implanted life magic patterns in six thunder rhinos in one go, and he was busy all night.

Now I brought Nika to the dormitory of the barracks. Although these wounded cavalry had been recuperating in the dormitory for three days, some wounded soldiers were still in a coma.

Fortunately, some wounded soldiers whose tendons or ligaments were bitten off by ghost pattern soldiers ants can reconnect the tendons and ligaments under the rapid recovery of the divinely blessed body as long as they can hold back the pain.

What was worse was that those severed limbs left on the battlefield, torn to pieces by soldier ants, or simply corroded by rotten liquid, could only lie in the dormitory and stare at the roof in a daze.

Suldak carefully inspected the circle, relieved the wounded soldiers who had broken legs or arms, and stood in the dormitory and promised in public that the cavalry battalion general Will be responsible for purchasing basic magic prosthetics at the Orianna Magic Shop.

No one expected that Suldak would actually make this promise, and all the wounded cavalry turned their attention to Suldak.

Nika quietly followed him, and introduced the physical condition of these wounded cavalry to Suldak in detail.

She must have put in a lot of effort to be able to understand the situation of all the wounded soldiers so well.

The dozen or so maids given to Suldak by businessman Malakom were also in the barracks. At this time, they entered the barracks in a file with basins in their hands, and began to quickly change the bandages for these wounded soldiers, and even used linen Towels to wipe their faces...

There are so many women in the barracks, no wonder these cavalrymen are so restrained while lying in the dormitory.

At least in the dormitory, there is no such embarrassment of sleeping with the quilt in your arms and revealing your plump buttocks when you turn over.

They entered the dormitory, making the eyes of these wounded cavalry come alive,

Seeing Suldak staring at the young maids, Nika explained with a guilty conscience:

"They are all aborigines from the forest tribe in the southern part of the Bailin plane. They believe in the children of the forest and are familiar with all the plants in the forest. They know which plants can be eaten, which plants can cure diseases, and which plants are poisonous, so I Ask Selena to send them here to take care of these wounded cavalry."

"Oh, that's not a bad idea, are they familiar with plants?" Suldak asked Nika.

Nika nodded and said with certainty: "Well, they are the people of the children of the forest. They have to learn how to identify plants and how to use plants to avoid dangers in the forest from an early age."

"Then what gods do the aborigines in the north of the Bailin plane believe in?" Suldak asked curiously.

Nika was slightly taken aback, then put one hand on his heart, and said, "We believe in the goddess of hunting, only she can bless the hunters to harvest every time they hunt..."

Suldak walked over and saw a young maid wearing a long linen skirt taking out a piece of ginger root from a barrel and crushing it on a stone slab. A yellowish slurry was applied to the edges of the wound, which was then rewrapped with a fresh bandage.

"What are these roots?" Suldak asked beside him.

The group of young maids were startled and hurriedly bowed to Suldak.

The maid closest to him handed a plant root to Suldak, and then explained seriously:

"Ah, Lord Baron, these are the rhizomes of blood vines, which have the effect of stopping bleeding and pain."

Suldak thought again, when he saw these maids for the first time, he felt that there was something wrong with them.

It turned out that these women's hair was dark green, and even their eyes were a little bit green. Their bodies were also very slender, and their arms were a bit long.

"Do you know some first aid techniques?" Suldak asked them.

Unexpectedly, those maids shook their heads in a daze, and then explained to Suldak: "We only know some plants, and we know where they like to grow..."

The young maid looked very shy when she spoke, keeping her head lowered in a reserved manner.

"Nica, I think the cavalry battalion can set up a field treatment team to help me deal with these wounded soldiers, so that I can spare time and come here once in a while to check it out."

Seeing the busy appearance of the maids, Suldak suddenly felt that it seemed unnecessary for these maids to return them to the merchant Malakom, and it would be good if they stayed.

But Nika, who was standing aside, was a little dumbfounded, and immediately became speechless: "Huh? I..."

Suldak reached out and patted Nika's thin shoulder, and whispered to her: "If there is anything you don't understand, just ask Selena."

"Understood, I will supervise them well." Nika muttered with a reddish face.


This time, Suldak led the cavalry battalion back to the barracks, and immediately received invitations from many nobles in Dodan Town. However, Suldak has been so busy recently that he almost lost his sleep time, so he ignored those invitations at all.

After the mercenary president brought Suldak's original words back to the mercenary union, some thoughtful mercenaries finally decided to join the cavalry battalion.

Some mercenaries ran to the barracks, and the news of joining the cavalry quickly spread in Dodan Town.

This small town is not big, and a small matter can become a topic of conversation among the townspeople.

Aung San heard that the barracks was recruiting cavalry and archers, so he also ran to Suldak, hoping to seek some benefits for the aborigines in Dodan Town.

Suldak immediately welcomed them.

The two were sitting in the study of Surdak's small building. Suerdak held a teacup and asked Aung San:

"Are you from the South?"

Aung San was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly realized.

Answered frankly: "My mother is a southern aborigine, and my father is a northern aborigine..."

"That's why you understand herbs and are proficient in hunting at the same time?" Suldak asked.

Aung San nodded, and said calmly: "Well, my parents died early, and they didn't give me too much at the beginning. In fact, there is no distinction between north and south now. Those are the old sayings."

"The previous statement?" Suldak asked strangely.

"A long time ago on the Bailin plane, the north and the south were in a state of hostility. Everyone used the river north of Wilkes City as the boundary. Some conflicts broke out every year. Later, when you people from the empire came over, they gradually resolved it. Contradictions, reached an agreement and agreed to the outside world..." Aung San introduced to Surdak.

"It's a pity that facing the elite army from Bena Province, even if they join forces, they won't be able to gain any advantage..." Aung San continued.

Before Aung San left, Surdak patted him on the shoulder and said to him, "Aung San, you must explain to the young man that once you join the cavalry battalion, you will have to serve with the cavalry battalion for four years before leaving... "

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