Lord Highlander

Chapter 838: 827. Visit


The glass window of the second magic caravan at the end of the convoy was pushed open, and the beautiful faces of Hathaway and Beatrice appeared in the window at the same time.

Suldak eagerly urged his horse to rush over.

War horses and magic caravans go hand in hand.

The convoy didn't even stop, the twenty cavalry escorts brought by Surdak were around the convoy.

At this time, the carriage door was opened by Hathaway from the inside, and Suldak jumped into the carriage from the horseback, hugged Hathaway fiercely in his arms, and kissed her soft lips, Hathaway sat back on the soft leather sofa with her face flushed, panting violently due to lack of oxygen. At this moment, she was like a delicate rose.

Just when Lily Cecil was about to introduce herself, Suldak hugged Beatrice again...

The round-faced Beatrice was even more passionate, almost pushing Suldak down on the soft leather sofa when they kissed.

After all these things subsided, Lily Cecil, sitting on the opposite seat, stretched out her hand to Suldak in a very ladylike manner, blinking her blue eyes, and said playfully to him: "Ahem, hello... I am Lily Cecil, a close friend of Hathaway and Beatrice."

Suldak felt that her gaze was very aggressive, looking back and forth at his arms, chest, lower abdomen and other places, there was still a hint of teasing in her eyes.

Especially when shaking hands, he gently scratched Suldak's palm with the nail of his little finger.

Suldak was still a little uncertain at first, but now he can only turn a blind eye to Lily's hint, as if he doesn't understand at all.

Then Suldak sat between Hathaway and Beatrice, and said to Lily very politely: "Miss Lily, I am Suldak, welcome to Dodan Town."

Hathaway and Beatrice sat casually on the sofa.

Because it was a long journey, there were blankets on the floor of the carriage, and the ladies in the carriage were shoeless, which made things easier.

The two rested their heads on Suldak's shoulders, Hathaway narrowed her eyes slightly and just smiled.

Beatrice, however, was like a crossbow shooter, constantly telling Suldak what she had seen and heard on the road, and sharing interesting things on the road with him as soon as possible.

In fact, there is only a portal between Wilkes City in Bailin Plane and Inner City in Bena Province. To enter Wilkes City from Bena City, you only need to go forward. One step, but getting from Wilkes City to Dordan required some real horseback riding or a magic wagon ride.

"Didn't you say that you will be free at the end of next month?" Suldak asked, stroking Beatrice's soft hair gently.

Beatrice rested her head on Suldak's shoulder, gently scratched Suldak's stubbled chin with one finger, and said:

"We received the hard armor leather from you. Almost everyone can't continue to enjoy the benefits in Bena City. Hathaway and I can't wait to see your life in the Bailin plane."

Suldak put his arms around Beatrice's soft shoulders and said:

"The environment here is not bad, but there has been a lot of beasts recently, and the surrounding area is not safe. If you two weeks in the morning, I'm afraid I won't have time to entertain you."

"It hasn't been long since the beast tide subsided. Generally speaking, we have taken the initiative on the battlefield for the time being. Victory... always comes with certain gains."

At this time, the convoy had already driven into Dodan Town slowly. Seeing the town residents on the street, they didn't have any worries on their faces. Many town residents even offered to give way when they saw the magic caravan. When passing by on both sides of the carriage, it also appeared to be orderly.

Suldak temporarily rented a small building for Hathaway and Beatrice. This is a two-story villa with an attic on the roof.

The yard is not that big, and it is less than a hundred meters away from the town hall.

Although the building is not brand new, the furniture inside is brand new.

The magic caravan stopped here, and Suldak accompanied Hathaway, Beatrice, and Lily to get out of the car. The maids hurriedly took down the boxes on the luggage rack at the back of the car, and only the two of them carried them. Salute, except for the luggage rack in this carriage, the whole car behind is there.

The other destination of those magic caravans is the military camp under the northern city wall.

Chester Great Swordsman's magic caravan did not stop, but went directly to the barracks. When the magic caravan passed in front of Suldak, Lord Chester in the car only waved slightly at Suldak. waved.

The furniture in the living room is very tasteful, and there are some famous paintings and game specimens hanging on the walls.

Hathaway, Beatrice, and Lily chose the room first, and then asked the maid to move the salute into the room.

The three of them took a short break, and Suerdak waited quietly in the living room downstairs until they finished washing and touching up their makeup, and then went to the restaurant in the town with Suerdak for dinner.

After dinner, the women rejected Suldak's proposal to go to bed early, and they couldn't wait to visit the barracks.

The barracks in the evening was of course not very convenient. A large number of cavalrymen wanted to bathe at the bathing wall, so Suldak had no choice but to take them up to the north wall of Dodan Town.

Walking up the stone steps, one can see that the entire city wall is filled with a thick smoky atmosphere, and even the cracks between the bricks and stones are stained brown with the dried blood of ghost-striped red ants.

There is a sour smell everywhere.

On the top of the city, this situation is even more serious.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the great swordsman Chester happened to be on the north city wall. He was holding on to the city wall with both hands, and was checking the mottled battle marks on the city wall.

He first looked at the huge crossbow arrows that could not be cleaned up on the mountain walls on both sides, and then at the four huge acid pits under the city wall. When he looked at Suldak, he was full of surprise .

Apparently, the Duodan Canyon in the afterglow of dusk was exceptionally quiet, and there were no living ghost-striped red ants in the Duodan Canyon, and Great Swordsman Chester was a little surprised.

He asked the guards of the city defense brigade and found out that Suerdak led the cavalry battalion and had completely driven out the ghost-striped red ants in the canyon.

"Your place is much better than I expected..." Great Swordsman Chester stood beside a bed crossbow and said quite appreciatively.

Standing in front of the wall, Suldak introduced to everyone: "We have just found a way to hunt the ghost-striped queen ants. After the queen is dealt with, those ghost-striped red ants are nothing to worry about. They are like a loose sand. It was completely cleaned out by us..."

"I also heard that you sent the cavalry from the cavalry battalion to hunt the red ants in the hills and mountains?" The great swordsman Chester looked at Suldak with piercing eyes.

Suldak nodded and said: "I want to extend the battlefield, such a good opportunity, of course we can't let those red ants wander freely in the hills and mountains, and the hard armor of these ghost pattern soldier ants is not bad... "

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