Lord Highlander

Chapter 839

On the north wall, the soldiers of the City Defense Brigade tried their best to stand up straight.

Tighten the lower abdomen and straighten the chest. One hand rests on the handle of the saber at the waist, and the other hand touches the edge of the armor's battle skirt.

There was a wind blowing in the canyon, and the red wool on the helmets on their heads fluttered with the wind.

The 360-meter-high north city wall has a slight curvature, and the outer wall is not vertical. The 40-meter-high city wall is equivalent to a six-story building. Looking from the top to the bottom of the city wall, it looks extraordinarily majestic. .

When Lily Cecil heard that Chester Great Swordsman talked about Suldak's cavalry battalion entering the hills and mountains to hunt ghost-striped red ants, she was a little surprised at first, and then looked at Suldak, her eyes changed. Brighter.

She didn't expect that Hathaway's fiancé, Baron Sidney, died in the Warsaw plane.

She still clearly remembered that the year before graduating from the Bena Advanced Swordsman Academy, Baron Sidney was just about to go to the Warsaw plane with the army. When passing through the city of Bena, he made a special trip to the Swordsman Academy to visit Hathaway.

At that time, Hathaway and Darcy were dating Cole Norton at the academy at the same time, and they were left aside for Baron Sidney.

At that time, I had just decided that I was planning to marry far away to Bai Lin after graduation.

Among the many planes controlled by the Duke of Newman in Bena Province, the Bailin plane can only be regarded as a small plane to be developed. If you marry the past, you may have to live an isolated life.

She really didn't expect that there is actually only one door between Wilkes City and Bena City on the Bailin plane.

And Wilkes City is also a very grand city.

At that time, she only felt that her whole life was like a farm hostess living in the countryside, facing the life of chickens, ducks, cattle and horses every day, so she felt a little indulgent before marriage.

In fact, that Baron Sidney was physically strong and ambitious, and he was a very upright and handsome young knight.

At least he is much more handsome than her husband now.

Lily Cecil saw two girlfriends in Wilkes City. Hearing Hathaway talk about the Bailin plane, she made a special trip to visit her fiancé who was on a garrison mission in the northern defense zone of the Bailin plane.

Thinking that he might still be able to maintain a dewy marriage with the Baron Sidney, he pestered the two girlfriends and walked with them.

It's just that Lily Cecil didn't expect Baron Sidney to die in battle on the Warsaw plane.

Hathaway also has a new fiancé, Baron Suldak.

He is obviously not as handsome as Baron Sidney, but he is stronger than Sidney, with the calmness and determination on his face, especially when he is wrapped in thick full-face armor. When he walks, the metal armor rubs against him The rustling sound and the male hormones exuding from her body made her feel a little limp involuntarily.

She moved her footsteps lightly, and leaned over quietly, wanting to get closer.

This kind of straight man who likes to rampage on the battlefield must give them enough hints, maybe they will understand.

And which cat doesn't like fish, and doesn't like to steal fish?

On the city wall, the great swordsman Chester was exchanging with Suldak the method of killing the ghost ant queen, and the young ladies around him were listening attentively.

Suldak said modestly: "I have an archer with a bit of elven blood under me. She not only has excellent archery skills, but is also good at manipulating the bed crossbow. She killed the ghost ant queen several times with the bed. They were killed by a crossbow. There were also two times when the ant queen was led to the foot of the mountain, causing the mountain to collapse and bury her directly."

Chester Great Swordsman praised twice and said:

"Dark, your luck is really good. I have met many half-elves with elven blood, and many of them are children of nobles. Although they do have outstanding talents, their personalities are as casual and free as elves. , these people are all from aristocratic families, their fathers are local noble lords, and their mothers are all beautiful elves with eternal youth. They like to talk about poetry and art with others, and hate wars. Willing to fall, even if they have very good talents, they are gradually buried in their usual lazy lives."

Suldak thought of Samira, the half-elf archer, and what she would look like if she fell.

In order that others would not care about her appearance, she has been wearing a hood on her head and a black veil on her face, supporting the asylum in Wojmara City by herself.

Now that she has been promoted to become a rank two powerhouse, the road ahead of her may be a sea of ​​stars...

Thinking of this, Suldak smiled slightly:

"A total of five ghost-striped red ants crawled into the Dodan Canyon, and only one queen escaped to the hills and mountains. Now my cavalry battalion continues to hunt ghost-striped red ants there. Just last week, the cavalry battalion also We were besieged by ghost-striped red ants in the hills and mountains, and lost some cavalry."

"If she hadn't shot and killed two giant ghost pattern soldier ants on the battlefield at that time, perhaps the casualties would have been even more severe."

Suldak sighed softly, and said, "Since it's a war, someone will always die on the battlefield..."

Hathaway stood beside Suldak, her eyes fell on the 'V' shaped mountain pass of Dodan Canyon, and she said with some enthusiasm: "Dark, I want to go for a walk in Dodan Canyon tomorrow..."

To be honest, Suldak hesitated.

The first time he met Hathaway was that this adventurous girl wanted to go to the battlefield of Moyunling to see the evil spirits, and now he didn't really want Hathaway to take risks.

After all, those ghost-patterned red ants belong to the category of monsters, and the queen is a high-level monster with rudimentary intelligence.

At this time, the round-faced Beatrice blinked her big watery eyes, and her azure blue eyes were as clear as lake water.

"Will it be troublesome?" Beatrice asked Suldak cautiously.

Suldak's heart melted in an instant, and he could no longer adhere to those battlefield rules. He put his arms around Hathaway's soft shoulders and said to Beatrice, "Of course not. I'll take you for a drive in the canyon tomorrow morning. "

"Yes!" said Beatrice excitedly.

He also gave Hathaway a light clap.

For Suldak's intimacy and connivance, the great swordsman Chester could only shake his head and smile bitterly, but it is related to the safety of Marquis Luther's only daughter, so he can't let it go, and he must go with him tomorrow. .

Now I am not in the mood to discuss hunting ghost-striped red ants. I just want to rest early and try to enter the Dodan Canyon with the most energetic state tomorrow.

"Take us to your barracks. The barracks here weren't that big when I came last time!" Great Swordsman Chester said to Suldak.

Suldak hurriedly led the way, and the group walked down the steps along the edge of the north city wall.

He introduced to Chester Great Swordsman as he walked:

"Based on the original base, the barracks and the archer battalion have been expanded. Now the barracks and the north city wall are almost connected."

The barracks is on the south side of the north city wall. When a group of people walk down the north wall, they can have a panoramic view of the barracks in front of them.

Walking through the pit that smelled sour and rancid, the great swordsman Chester let go of his hand covering his mouth and nose, and asked Suldak with interest: "I heard that you also made a merit exchange list in the barracks." ?”

Suldak replied frankly: "Yes, it is always necessary for the soldiers to know clearly what killing these ghost-striped red ants on the battlefield can bring them... I think apart from glory and faith, it is These achievements, which are related to their future lives, can also inspire their greatest combat effectiveness."

While speaking, the group passed through the Archer Battalion and came to the entrance of the cafeteria of the Cavalry Battalion. When they saw the merit exchange list on the bulletin board, the first one was written with the words "Elementary Power Magicweave Construct". Only then did Chester discover that Sur Dak is really generous to his opponents.

"You really are willing to do it!" Great Swordsman Chester stared at the reward list above and said with a smile.

The three women also covered their mouths one after another, and couldn't help but let out a suppressed exclamation.

These women are all from noble families and have lived in a favorable environment since they were young. It's just that their life is not so rich that they casually take out a set of magic patterns as gifts.

Of course, Hathaway has this ability.

Marquis Luther owns two regiments of constructed swordsmen, each with five hundred swordsmen, which means that he has at least one thousand sets of magic pattern constructs, which is why Marquis Luther became A representative of the main combat faction in the province of Bena.

"The third batch of merit exchange rewards is on the way." Suldak touched his nose and said with a smile.

Dinner was well prepared.

Suldak invited the chef from the best restaurant in Dodan Town to his home, and hosted a banquet for Chester Great Swordsman and his party.

After dinner, the great swordsman Chester left the small building early.

The excitement in Hathaway and Beatrice's hearts hadn't disappeared. They drank a little rum, but they still didn't feel sleepy.

After taking a shower, the three women sat in the living room downstairs in their pajamas and chatted.

Suldak was by Hathaway and Beatrice's side. Unfortunately, Mrs. Lily Cecil was a little ignorant and refused to go back to the guest room to sleep early. He could only sit on the single sofa very gentlemanly. Here, he casually chatted with the three women, talking about whatever came to his mind.

First, they talked about the beast tide in the Bailin plane, and when it came to those thrilling places, the women were amazed frequently.

Then it’s about talking about each other’s current situation and life. Hathaway and Beatrice almost eat and live together, and their life trajectories are exactly the same. Beatrice is responsible for the most important part of the narrative, and Hathaway is doing some Temporary supplement.

It seems that this kind of chat can quickly understand each other and get closer to each other.

Beatrice even asked the maid to bring out two bottles of golden cider halfway through, and the four drank them separately.

Unexpectedly, the three women didn't feel sleepy anymore, so they sat on the sofa in the living room, holding teacups and chatting all the time, and everyone began to talk about their previous lives.

The three women have a common topic. They used to study and live in the same college. Those days are always memorable.

The past of Suldak is a bit messy. Now he is the soul of the earthlings and has entered a different world, occupying the body of Jambach, carrying his memory fragments, and going to live another person's life.

Sometimes he doesn't even know who he looks like now.

He really had nothing to say, so he talked about the Warsaw plane and the battle of Moyun Ridge.

Lily Cecil stared at Suldak with wide eyes, her face turned red from alcohol, she never thought that Suldak was once the subordinate of Baron Sidney, and she also knew that Hathaway some of the past.

—mainly her relationship with Baron Sidney.

Originally, she wanted to use this as a bait to seduce Suldak, but now she had to think of other ways.

Speaking of the death of Baron Sidney in Moyunling, everyone in the room fell silent, and everyone could see that Hathaway was in a complicated mood.

Suldak reached out and held her soft little hand, soothing her somewhat messy mood.

Beatrice also yawned, indicating that she was sleepy, so the four of them finally broke off the chat.

Facts have proved that Suldak is not good at socializing in this way.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

At night, Suldak accompanied Hathaway and Beatrice to sleep by the bed, and then quietly walked out of their room.

The accompanying housekeeper of the Marquis Luther's mansion has been watching. Although everyone has confirmed their relationship, the glory of the Luther family cannot be lost.

In the early morning, Surdak prepared a simple breakfast early, and everyone ate together.

The women are all graduates of Bena Advanced Swordsman Academy, so they all have leather armor and sabers, and everyone can ride.

Suldak entered the Dodan Gorge with three ladies, followed by twenty cavalry at the end.

Chester Great Swordsman also accompanied the whole process.

After everyone entered the Dodan Canyon, they found that there were only two collapsed rock piles besides a piece of scorched earth, which confirmed what Suldak said before. Two ant queens died on the rocks. Down.

Now near the pile of rubble, people from the town are still digging for the ghost-striped red ants under the rubble.

There is really nothing to see in the Duodan Canyon. Everyone is riding a horse, and the canyon of more than ten kilometers will soon come to an end.

The north exit of the canyon is much more lively. I just saw the thunder rhino caravan transporting ghost-striped soldier ants to Duodan Town, and there are also some mercenary groups hunting ghost-striped red ants in the northern exit of the canyon.

Here it is very interesting.

When Hathaway and Beatrice saw this kind of monster for the first time, they naturally refused to leave easily.

In fact, Chester Great Swordsman also wanted to see Suldak's cavalry battalion hunting methods, so everyone discussed at the north exit and decided to enter the hills and mountains to join Andrew and the others.

Suldak just learned the exact location of the cavalry battalion from the Thunder Rhino caravan. He doesn't even know how many ghost-striped red ants he has killed, so he is naturally not afraid of these guys.

Besides, there is the great swordsman Chester by his side, which can keep everyone safe at worst.

So Suldak didn't hesitate too much. Seeing that they were really curious about the cavalry battalion hunting ghost-striped red ants, he led everyone into the hilly area.

Today there is no status, only one chapter

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