Lord Highlander

Chapter 849

"Batra, he is my nephew Likini, and he attended your family's dance last time. What's the difficulty for you to issue a tax-exempt approval slip?" Mrs. Luna asked the tax officer Batra.

"Writing an approval note is certainly not difficult for me, but I must be responsible to the Duodan Township Tax Bureau, and I must be worthy of Miss Hathaway's trust."

Batra tax officer refused righteously.

"Okay, let's wait and see!" The young man roared viciously again.

Suldak found that the Batra tax collector was actually quite strong, and his impression of him improved a lot in an instant.

On Madam Luna's side, he was a little disappointed, after all, he couldn't escape the fetters of family affection.

He was still hesitating whether to go in now to settle the matter, but before he entered Mrs. Luna's office, he saw a young man in black and gold inlaid aristocratic clothes rushing out of the room come out.

An attendant behind him hurriedly chased after him, and happened to meet Suldak in the corridor. The young man strode downstairs angrily, ignoring Suldak.

The attendant looked at Suldak vigilantly, and quickly passed by without saying anything.

Suldak found that this young man should be the owner of the magic caravan in the yard downstairs, and he should have turned the magic caravan around in the downtown area of ​​Long Street just now, causing the street to be congested for a long time.

Suldak originally wanted to promote Mrs. Luna to be the deputy mayor to handle the daily affairs of the town, but now he has some hesitation in his heart.

Just as he was about to step into the office, he heard a whispered conversation from the office: "Your nephew Likini seems to have disappeared, Luna."

"Hey, he has been spoiled by my brother since he was a child, and now he is learning to help the family, and he always takes advantage of opportunities, thinking that he is the smartest one, and it is natural for everyone to serve him." Mrs. Luna's voice carried With a hint of melancholy, he added:

"I hope he can improve a bit this time..."

There was the sound of a chair being moved in the room, and then Inspector Bartra said:

"This time you completely offended your nephew, aren't you afraid that he will hate you?"

Mrs. Luna laughed lightly:

"That's why I pushed this matter on you. Don't worry, their hands can't reach so far. This is the town of Dodan."

Bartra tax officer's laughter became a little rough, and he asked:

"Would you like me to act more fiercely and do it more thoroughly?"

Mrs. Luna quickly said: "He is stern and soft-spoken. Don't scare him. Don't worry. He is much less courageous than he shows. He will obediently pay taxes. You just need to get used to this kind of thing."

The Batra tax officer lowered his voice and asked:

"Okay... I heard that the guy from the barracks is going to take over as the mayor?"

Mrs. Luna agreed: "Well, the letter of appointment has been delivered, and I haven't seen him in the past few days. I heard that the army camp is clearing up ghost-striped red ants, and it is almost over the border of Nantu Town... ..."

The Batra tax officer then said: "Recently, a lot of caravans have come to the town. Most of the adventure groups and mercenary groups have entered the hills and mountains to hunt. This month's tax revenue will increase a lot."

Standing in the corridor, Suldak intentionally let his leather boots stomp on the floor 'DuangDuangDuang'.

As expected, the conversation in Mrs. Luna's office stopped.

Suldak let go of his pace and walked into Mrs. Luna's office, just in time to see Mrs. Luna and Bartra tax officer sitting at the desk, and Mrs. Luna's assistant came out from the inside holding a teacup.

Mrs. Luna combed her long hair meticulously, wearing a dignified long dress, and sat in front of the desk.

Seeing Suldak striding in from the outside, he quickly stood up and said:

"Commander Suldak..."

Batra tax officer also stood up with Mrs. Luna, and said with a smile:

"Maybe it's more appropriate for us to call the mayor in the future."

Mrs. Luna greeted her and asked Suldak:

"Mayor, I have had your office ready. Are you officially taking office today?"

Saying that, he took the initiative to go to the front.

The assistant was the first to take out a bunch of keys from the wall, followed Mrs. Luna into the corridor, and opened the door of the innermost room. The inside was indeed very clean.

Suldak went in, turned around the room, and said:

"Oh, that's right! But Madam Luna will still handle the daily affairs of the town in the future, and my main energy will still be on the garrison side. In addition, I will promote some new plans for Dodan Town..."

He walked to the white gray wall of the room, took out a parchment sketch map from his arms, and nailed the map to the wall with leather nails.

The lines on the map are a bit messy, and some streets are drawn crookedly, but the most commendable thing is to draw every building in the town on it. It took Nika a week to find some older children of the aborigines in the town , the latest version of the town map that was just drawn.

Suldak has already asked Lance to help draw a new one. Every magician is a master of drafting, and their most unique advantage is that they can fly into the air to have a bird's-eye view of the town on a magic horn.

Point to the sketch map of Dodan Town, and say to Bartra Tax Collector and Mrs. Luna:

"I am going to build a riverside wooden house by enclosing a piece of land along the river right here, so as to alleviate the serious shortage of residential areas in the town."

Seeing that Suldak spoke so solemnly, the Batra tax officer looked seriously at the map.

In addition to being ugly, this map actually has streets, houses, rivers, everything, even courtyards, trees, chicken coops, duck sheds, and all the messy things that can be drawn, so the lines are beautiful. would be so messy.

Batra tax collector's understanding of Dodan Town is much deeper than that of Suldak.

Seeing that the area Suerdak was referring to was the river on the south side of the town, he frowned and said:

"It's close to the aborigines gathering area. The law and order here is usually chaotic. There are also several leather workshops built here..."

Suldak also has some understanding of these situations, "The leather workshops along the river need to be relocated to the lower reaches of the town, the aborigines' gathering areas must also participate in the reconstruction and reconstruction, and the simple shacks built near the river must be demolished. Give them some relocation compensation."

Seeing that Bartra tax officer and Mrs. Luna didn't understand, they said:

"Oh, just demolish their houses and give them some money to let them move out. By the way, we will rebuild a residence for them in other parts of the town. The riverside here is regarded as a landscape belt along the river. We need to build more high-end buildings. A log cabin on stilts."

Tax Officer Bartra and Mrs. Luna looked at each other, eyes full of 'do I need to give money to let those aborigines leave? ’ Puzzling.

But since the mayor of Suldak said so, they should just follow suit.

Surdak stretched out his hand to outline a long oval on the riverside on the parchment map, and said, "This is the place. Since we have abundant timber resources here and it is so convenient to build wooden houses, we must make full use of the advantages of this river. Build a log cabin that can be sold or rented out, owned by the town..."

For Suldak's decision, the Batra tax officer was even more difficult to understand, thinking: the mayor of Suldak didn't open a lumber yard, so he didn't want any benefits?

In fact, this is only a preliminary plan for Suldak.

There used to be dirt roads in the Linhe area of ​​the small town. As long as it is slightly flattened and widened, some pebbles can be laid in advance.

It is not difficult to dismantle the shacks built by the aborigines along the river. The foundations of these houses have been leveled out. As long as the land is re-planned, the wood with grooves on both sides of the square of the lumber yard will be brought in to build a wooden house by the river. In fact, it is easier than building with earth and stones. much.

Many preliminary processes will be done directly in the lumber yard. Building a wooden house is actually more like putting together large blocks with wedges.

On the parchment town map of Surdak, there are actually some other buildings added.

For example, Selena wants to build a Dark Goddess Temple on the edge of the town next to the aboriginal living area...

Well, if this matter was brought up in normal times, Suldak would definitely delay it. It is not difficult to build a wooden church, but it involves some belief issues of the residents of the town.

Many imperial immigrants believe in the Statue of Liberty. Although the Statue of Liberty has abandoned everyone now, the habits of so many years are not so easy to change. When encountering certain things, everyone is still used to saying a catchphrase: Oh, the Statue of Liberty is here ....

It is difficult not to attract the attention of these imperial immigrants when the Dark Goddess Temple is built in the town of Dodan. Once they know that this is a Dark Goddess Temple, then a pagan hat will be put on.

Although the great priests and priests in the Temple of the Statue of Liberty have withdrawn one after another, there are still many people who are willing to be dogs to the Statue of Liberty.

Last night, Selena had an extremely subtle and perfect timing, so... Suldak could only bite the bullet and agree.

In order to avoid being verbally attacked and slandered by believers who believe in the Statue of Liberty, Suldak chose to build the Temple of Darkness on the edge of a square between the aboriginal gathering area and the imperial immigrant gathering area, and this temple has two-way doors. The east gate is open to the natives, and the west gate is open to imperial immigrants.

This temple will not be publicly called the Temple of the Dark Goddess. It will be publicly said that it is the Temple of the Two Goddesses, which enshrines the Goddess of the Night and the Goddess of Dawn.

The two temples are not connected.

The immigrants from the empire faced the Goddess of Dawn on one side, while the natives faced the Goddess of the Night on the other side, so that the two sides could be separated...

It's just that the budget for building such a double temple may be a bit high, and Suldak felt that it was necessary to meet the nobles in the town at this time.

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