Lord Highlander

Chapter 850

Unexpectedly, on the first day of taking office, Suerdak came up with a set of town construction plans.

Since a large number of foreign populations have recently poured into Dodan Town, Suerdak has habitually built houses on enclosures and bought real estate in the town, so that the town can develop at the fastest speed.

At present, there are not many official officials in the town hall of Dodan Town, except Mrs. Luna and the Batra tax collector. Therefore, Suldak only needs the nod of Mrs. Luna and the Batra tax collector to make this decision. , even if passed.

The specific executor of this matter is Mrs. Luna.

In addition, Suldak had to persuade the Batra tax officer to take out all the tax money that had just been pocketed and invest it in the renovation project of Dodan Town.

The town of Dodan does not belong to Suldak, and naturally Suldak does not need to pay for it out of his own pocket.

Even though the cavalry battalion harvested a large amount of hard armor and magic crystals from ghost pattern soldier ants every day, these wealth belonged to the cavalry and Suldak, so there was no need to confuse it with the wealth of the town.

Of course, Bartra still hesitated about building lakeside wooden houses. He felt that there was no need to spend so much time building these lakeside wooden houses on the edge of the dirty and chaotic aboriginal slums.

If it is built, it should be close to the wealthy area of ​​the town.

But since Suldak insisted, of course the Batra tax officer couldn't say anything.

Surdak didn't choose that side, of course, the land here is cheap and has a lot of room for appreciation.

Once the lakeside cabin becomes the most elegant residential area in Dodan Town, it can also bring some benefits to the surrounding area.

The plan to build a lakeside wooden house was soon finalized, and the land survey, demolition, and construction of a riverside wooden house model room will begin immediately, and the rough design plan is also available in Surdak.

"By the way, Mrs. Luna, I want to attend the dance held by the local nobles recently and make friends with some local nobles in Dodan Town. If it is convenient, please help me get two invitation letters..."

Suldak sat on a chair in the office and gave Madam Luna instructions.

"Okay, Lord Mayor!"

Mrs. Luna immediately entered the working state of the secretary.

She has been the secretary and lover of Mayor Marko for more than six years, and she is more comfortable with her own work.


Just the day before yesterday, Captain Adams finally got his wish in exchange for the set of elementary strength magic pattern structure with a merit value of 100,000.

The battle for the magic pattern construction has also come to an end.

Before coming to Dodan Town, Adams would never have imagined that he would gain such a big gain just by participating in a battle to defend the beast horde.

Not only did he get a strange magic pattern tattooed on his body, but he also obtained a set of magic patterns, which required at least two hundred magic crystals.

Such a large amount of wealth can be said to be the wealth of a lifetime for any remote nobleman in the Green Empire.

Although the process is very difficult and dangerous, but here... at least the risks and benefits are equal.

Adams and Gallatin were sitting in the crowded tavern. The two sat in the corner of the tavern. The square table was filled with ale and fruit wine. Several personal guards sat around them, making this place an independent world. Not even drunken drinkers dare to cause trouble here.

This time, Adams almost emptied all the merit points when he exchanged the primary power magic pattern structure from the cavalry battalion.

In fact, in this competition of accumulative merit points, Adams finally used a little tricks to securely win this set of primary power magic pattern structure.

When he entered the hills and mountains to hunt ghost-striped red ants in the last week, his cronies took the initiative to participate in the battle, and quickly withdrew at the last moment, hiding in other places on the battlefield, allowing Adams to share the merit points of the red ants alone, which made him fight fiercely. Stand out from the competition and win the championship in one fell swoop.

Now this magic pattern structure is worn on Adams...

Just seeing a string of names written on the merit exchange list, the soldiers in the cavalry battalion were not so impressed with this magic pattern structure.

Then everyone saw Captain Adams wearing the magic pattern structure, and the entire barracks was shocked.

None of the soldiers thought that Commander Suldak would actually fulfill his promise, and at this moment, I don't know how many cavalrymen secretly lamented that if they could work harder, they might still have a chance...

Gallatin picked up a glass of ale with residues of wheat grains and took a long gulp. It was difficult for him to agree with Suldak's taste.

For him, the golden cider with the sweetness of apples is more delicious.

He said to Adams: "It is estimated that this reinforcement mission is almost over. I heard that the transfer order for the return journey has been placed on the desk of Chester Great Swordsman..."

"Yeah, the situation in Dodan Town has stabilized. The merits you have accumulated this time... are you going to exchange for something?" Adams sat lazily on the main seat, carefully prying open the cat's claw fruit with a silver knife. hard shell.

But he didn't eat it because he didn't like the bitter taste of nuts.

He prefers to put this kind of nuts in the pastry, and uses the sweetness of the cream to cover up the bitterness of the nuts.

"I already have a magic weapon, and those merit points are barely enough to exchange for a single-product magic pattern structure, but I don't want to be penniless, so I probably will exchange it for magic spar, which is hard currency wherever I get it. Gallatin thought for a while before saying seriously.

Adams threw him a nut, and said, "Magic spar has been depreciating recently, even if it is exchanged for gold coins, it is more cost-effective than it."

Gallatin was slightly taken aback, and said to Adams in a low voice: "The exchange rate between magic spar and gold coins has dropped to 1:7. Do you think the value of magic spar will drop?"

"Of course, you can see that the war between the planes is breaking out in various planes, and a large number of magic spar is pouring into the market. It is estimated that the value of magic spar will be further depreciated in a short time." Adams said firmly.

"Then exchange for gold coins... To be honest, I really want to take these gold coins and leave the army and live the life I've always dreamed of."

Gallatin smiled at Adams.

"I've heard that many times..."

Adams dismissed it.

While they were chatting, businessmen continued to invite them to drink.

Businessmen wanted to befriend such Adams and Gallatin, but were blocked by a group of cronies.

The merchants wanted to buy some private goods of ghost-striped red ants from Adams, but Adams had no interest at all.

In addition, it is worth explaining that the magic crystal on the ghost pattern red ant is a monster magic crystal, not the black magic crystal on the evil ghost. This thing does not count merit points separately.


In this short period of one month, Lance and his friends quickly accumulated 30,000 merit points by making magic scrolls, making an aerial map of Dodan Town, and joining the cavalry battalion to fight on the front line. It was very smooth to get the devil's skin of the ghost pattern ant queen from Suldak.

I have traveled thousands of miles to Duodan Town, and now I finally got my wish...

Seeing that the situation in Dodan Town was stable, Lance prepared to return to Hailansa City.

However, the spectacle magician has a different plan. He wants to stay in Dodan Town to continue searching for those magic herbs. As a magic pharmacist, only here can he come into contact with those rare herbs...

The glasses magician decided to talk to Suldak about it himself.

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