Lord Highlander

Chapter 851

Most of the ghost-stripe queens with well-preserved heads, and the wrinkled scalps with the magic-stripes of life were all peeled off by Suldak alone.

The high-grade leather that can be peeled off is only the chest and abdomen. The main reason why Lance and his magician friends like these high-grade leather is that this soft leather has good magic conductivity that cannot be matched by magicweave cloth.

A well-crafted magic robe, first of all, has the ability to assist in gathering magic, and also has good magic resistance and magic resistance, so that the magic pattern can be embroidered or engraved on the magic robe according to the personalities of the magicians.

Generally speaking, the magic pattern on the magic robe is not a complete magic pattern, it is more like an auxiliary magic pattern in a fixed mode. After having this magic pattern, many magic skills of the same department can simplify casting, Relatively speaking, it means increasing the speed of casting spells and increasing attributes such as magic power and magic resistance.

Therefore, for magicians, custom-made magic robes are more popular than those exquisitely embroidered multi-attribute general magic robes.

The most common cloth in the magic market is magicweave cloth. If you want to buy rune cloth, you probably have to go to the auction house to find it. It is said that there is a better texture, lighter and tougher spider silk demon on the market recently. Weaving cloth, but this kind of high-grade cloth is still not seen in the magic market in Bena Province.

The ant queen's leather looks like a rag full of wrinkles, but after getting the sample, Lance was able to take his friends to the Bailin plane as soon as possible, which is enough to prove how popular this high-grade leather is by magicians. welcome.

According to Lance, apart from being ugly, this kind of leather has nothing to say.

Suldak walked into the residence of the young magicians. Lance and a few friends were laying out several sheets of high-grade leather on the table, carefully looking for every small flaw on the leather.

When cutting leather, it is necessary to avoid these damaged or scratched points, or use some magical means to repair them.

Several young magicians continued to sigh in admiration. This kind of highly efficient magic-guiding level 4 Warcraft leather is rare even at auctions, and it is difficult for them to hunt alone if they rely on their personal strength.

Now everyone has a picture in front of them, of course everyone is happy.

"This fourth-level monster leather is worth at least fifty magic crystals. Just give each of us one in a simple and rude way...Lance, your friend is really generous." The male magician said to Lance.

The sweet-looking female magician expressed disagreement: "We also worked hard for a month and exchanged it for 30,000 merits."

The male magician with eyes said straightforwardly: "If he is not Lance's friend, where do you think we are, we can earn fifty magic crystals a month?"

The sweet-looking female magician stopped talking immediately.

"Not necessarily. Lance and I used to spend a month drawing magic scrolls in the Hailansa Magic Union. The harvest of a month is enough to buy such a high-grade leather. It's just very rare. Not unique..." the male magician retorted to the glasses male magician.

Lance's fingers left the surface of the high-grade leather, raised his head to interrupt the dispute between the two, and said:

"By the way, when you return to Hailansa, what kind of magic pattern circle do you plan to engrave...?"

Colina also raised her head, tidied her hair by her ear before saying to Lance:

"Our focus on learning magic is different, and the required magic lines are naturally different. What I think of may not be suitable for you."

The sweet-looking female magician suddenly felt that she was at a disadvantage, and said to Lance in a gentle tone: "Lance, this time I really want Commander Suldak."

"Actually, we should thank Suldak..." Of course, Lance agreed with this very much. As soon as he said this, he saw Suldak walk into the small courtyard. Erdak said: "We just happened to be talking about you, and you actually popped up, tell me! What's the matter with us this time?"

He knew that Suldak had been very busy recently, and nothing would definitely come to him.

Suldak was planning to ask the magician Glenna about the details of the awakening ceremony. He was planning to take Signa and Nika to Wilkes City to participate in the magic awakening ceremony in a few days, so he ran directly to Lan s.

After getting along these days, Suldak has completely figured out the subtle relationship between these five magicians.

In fact, Colina and Lance have an ambiguous and unspoken relationship.

However, the sweet-looking female magician also admired Lance more.

She and Ge Lianna are good girlfriends who talk about everything, and at the same time have a subtle competitive relationship, and the friendship between the two has not reached the point where they can tolerate each other emotionally.

As for the sweet-looking female magician, there is a dog licking who follows him all the time. This young male magician has a good personal relationship with Lance.

But everyone didn't tell each other clearly.

These intricate relationships can only make Suldak sigh, the circle of magicians is really chaotic.

Only the male magician with glasses is a straight man who came here specially for the magic herb.

The three male magicians are also the best among young magicians in the Hailansa Magic Union.

Suldak quickly walked onto the terrace, greeted everyone, and then asked Colina:

"Magician Geliana, can you introduce the qualifications for the Magic Awakening Ceremony?"

Colina always maintained a cold intellectual beauty on her face. She said: "That's right. Usually, before participating in the magic awakening ceremony, all children need the most basic three-step test, understanding magic, adapting to magic, For the perception of magic, only after passing these three types of tests can you participate in the magic awakening ceremony, and... due to the lack of magic resources in the Grimm Empire, every child born in the Grimm Empire has to participate in the magic awakening once before the age of twelve Ritual opportunity."

Then she added: "Every child needs to be an official citizen of the Green Empire, which means that her family must have a proof of paying population tax..."

"Do you still need these?" Suldak didn't expect such trouble.

"Of course...but if you're in Hailansa, even if you don't have these, I can help you." Gelena said to Suldak.

"Okay, I can take care of the proof for paying the population tax." Suldak immediately thought of the Batra tax officer.

Suldak sat down beside Lance, put one hand on his shoulder, and asked him, "How do you feel about your life experience in the past month?"

"We all got this, and we got what we wanted!" Lance said while pointing to the high-grade leather on the table. "By the way, even if you don't come, I'm afraid I'll have to look for you. It's been almost two months since we left Hailansa City, and it will take nearly a month to return. Now that the ant infestation here is under control, I will I've been thinking about it for days, it's time for us to return to Hailansa."

"Are you all leaving?" Suldak asked casually.

"I decided to stay in Dodan for the time being..." The glasses magician immediately raised his hand to express his position, and said, "But I need your support in refining the magic potion..."

"Of course that's fine."

Suldak didn't expect that he would actually meet someone who was willing to stay...

gone today

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