Lord Highlander

Chapter 853: 842. Town Nobles

"Commander, I am the steward here!"

The steward who spoke looked very young, with long hair combed back into a greasy ponytail, a black leather apron tied around his body, and a soft measuring tape around his waist.

Suldak shook his head, continued to look into the dilapidated wooden house, and said to him: "I'm not looking for you, go and find your boss, I'll wait for him here."

The young steward was slightly taken aback, then turned to look at the dilapidated wooden house.

A young baron wearing aristocratic attire and a noble insignia on his chest walked out of the room. He said to Suldak with a straight face, "Eh... this is my property."

"Well, have you received Madam Luna's relocation notice?" Suldak asked directly.

The young steward said nervously: "Got it, but our leather workshop has been built here for many years..."

The young baron interrupted them disapprovingly, and said: "We are used to living here, and we have built waterways and other facilities here, so...we don't want to move away."

"It's unlikely..." Suldak shook his head and said, "I need you to move to the lower reaches of the town. This kind of leather workshop pollutes the river very seriously."

The young nobleman smiled, shook his head repeatedly and said, "But we are doing well here. We bought this land from the town at the beginning, and later built a leather workshop. The land here is mine, and I have no intention of selling it. You are the garrison commander, and you have no right to let me leave here."

"Do you think... I'm discussing this matter with you?" Suldak raised his head and asked the young baron coldly: "Maybe I can put it another way. We found traces of ghost-striped red ants here. Do not interfere with our military affairs."

"Wait... We weren't frightened from childhood." The young baron's attitude became a little tough, and he said to Suldak in a loud voice: "Our family has lived in Dodan for so many years, and no one has been able to move our industry..."

Suldak was silent for a moment before asking him: "I heard that Mrs. Luna provided you with a large piece of land by the river for free in the lower reaches of the Dodan River."

The young baron nodded and asked, "So what?"

Suldak nodded and said to the young baron: "Since you are in charge of the workshop here, I will now formally inform you that if you still want to use that piece of land, you will have to pay the land use fee to the town. In view of your influence on the defense of the garrison, that land will not be given to you for free."

"I didn't ask you to give me that piece of land..." The young baron said with a fake smile: "The land here belongs to me, I don't plan to leave, and I don't plan to ask for the land you replaced. "

"I know that you have some background and can make Baron Golding pay taxes honestly, but I haven't violated any imperial laws here. Even if I don't want to, what can you do to me?"

Suldak frowned and said, "I don't want to hear your ramblings. I just came here this time to issue a relocation notice. You are here to affect our construction of a riverside wooden house..."

The young baron asked without fear: "What if we don't want to move?"

"I'm afraid you don't count the matter..."

After saying this, Suldak turned and left the leather workshop.

The broken door behind him quickly closed from the inside, as if he didn't want to wait for a moment.

Unexpectedly, there was a young nobleman in the leather workshop. This time, Suldak's identity didn't help.

"Suspend all transactions in this cooked leather workshop."

Suldak gave orders to tax collector Bartra.

If the tax officer does not come to collect the tax, the cooked leather cannot be traded abroad. A large amount of leather has been backlogged. In just a few days, the merchants in the town know that the owner of the cooked leather workshop has offended Commander Suldak , Leather cannot be traded.

Many people in the town were also talking about this matter, and many people thought that Commander Suldak was a little bit suspected of abusing his power this time.


When the young noble came to the door, Suldak was holding Selina in a dress, just leaving the small building in the camp, and was about to board a magic caravan at the door.

Seeing the young noble come up angrily, he asked Erdak: "Commander Suldak, why do you prohibit the normal trading of leather goods in our workshop?"

Suldak just smiled at him, but said sharply: "What right do you have to stand here and talk to me?"

After speaking, he took Selina's hand and boarded the carriage, and the coachman drove the magic caravan away from the barracks.

The young noble stood in the barracks, his face livid with anger, his eyes cold, wishing he could kill Suldak on the spot.

But looking helplessly at the magic caravan that was gradually moving away, he left the barracks with a gloomy face.


Not long after, the magic caravan brought Suldak to a manor in the small town.

Suldak found more than a dozen magic caravans parked in the open space in front of the manor. He didn't know that there were so many nobles in Berlin Town.

A middle-aged nobleman stood at the gate of the manor. He had blond curly hair and a slightly gray beard. He was usually well maintained and looked gentle and mature, wearing gorgeous noble clothes.

The hostess standing beside her was also dignified and beautiful, and the two smiled and nodded to the guests frequently.

The guests walked into the yard with their female companions one after another.

This is the first time Suldak has participated in the noble ball in Dodan Town. This ball needs to be accompanied by a female companion, so he took Selena to participate.

Suldak's appearance was no stranger to many nobles.

When he was standing at the gate of the manor, someone had already recognized him and looked at him frequently.

Before, Surdak was only the commander of the barracks and had no right to make decisions about the town.

But now it is different, he has become the mayor of Dodan Town.

Many people stopped in their tracks when they saw Suldak appearing, and their eyes kept moving along with its footsteps. It wasn't until Suldak walked to the gate of the manor that everyone clearly understood that he was here to attend the ball.

The owner of the manor immediately greeted him enthusiastically, as if his biological brothers who had been separated for many years reunited again, and asked someone to lead the way.

The dance was held in the square by the pool, where many nobles gathered, and they looked at Surdak with astonishment...

No one expected that Suldak would come to attend such a dance.

The owner of the manor was very excited. He came back from the door early, chased after Suerdak, and introduced his manor very enthusiastically.

I only heard the owner of the manor say: "It's such an honor, I didn't expect you to take time out of your busy schedule to attend the dance..."

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