Lord Highlander

Chapter 854

Suldak lowered his head calmly, and glanced at the words on the bronzing invitation letter.

From the above information, it is known that the owner of the manor is called Marin Martino, and he is a noble baron.

Judging by his age, he should be middle-aged, but he is well maintained and has a good temperament. He is wearing a decent aristocratic dress, and no one can find any faults.

"It's my honor to be able to participate in your dance party tonight." Suldak looked very polite.

The nobles in the square had gathered towards this side one after another. Baron Martino stood in front of Suldak and began to familiarly introduce the names of these nobles to Suldak.

Suldak greeted them warmly, and Selena was always by his side.

Everyone in Dodan Town knows that this Ms. Selina is the lover of Commander Suldak. Usually, when she goes out, she just wears a monotonous long black dress. Beside Erdak, the milk-white skin made people feel a little dazzling, and that exquisite face became the focus of all the men's eyes.

The ladies and ladies at the ball had exquisite makeup, and there were many young and beautiful noble ladies, mature, sexy and charming ladies.

At this time, a group of nobles gathered around to greet Commander Suldak, and some people nodded to Selina.

The nobles saw that Suldak participated in the noble ball in Dodan Town, and their attitude was very modest. They made it clear that they wanted to make friends with the noble circle in the town. What should be done!

Occasionally go out for horseback riding, drink afternoon tea, and participate in some dance parties, so as to strengthen the relationship between each other.

Looking at the tall and burly garrison commander in front of them, some people still couldn't help but look at the saber at his waist. It was a weapon full of blood, and even a trace of blood could be smelled from it.

The nobles stood chatting together and found that Suldak spoke modestly, and he didn't have the airs of a viscount at all, nor was he cold and harsh as rumored...

When the Cavalry Battalion first came to Dodan Town, everyone thought that the war between Suldak and Mayor Marko was a protracted and tit-for-tat game. Deadly, how could the nobles get together to express their views easily.

No one expected that Mayor Marko would leave sadly, and he left so cleanly. Not to mention Commander Suldak's complete victory, Wilkes City didn't even bother to cater to Commander Suldak. Send a new mayor to Dodan.

Immediately afterwards, Commander Suldak had a little conflict with Baron Josh Golding. He thought that relying on Councilor Golding would dampen Commander Suldak's spirit and allow him to adapt to the town of Dodan.

Unexpectedly, Councilor Golding would admit that he was cowardly in Wilkes City. Baron Josh Golding of Dodan Township not only apologized afterwards, but also acted like a turtle, hiding in the trading house all day long. , rarely on the road.

Such a strong garrison commander is of course good for Dodan Town.

But for the nobles in Dodan Town, the biggest headache is that everyone doesn't know the attitude of Commander Suldak.

It is said that Commander Suldak was born as a civilian and was single-handedly promoted by Marquis Luther.

Therefore, he will be closer to civilians.

Having said that, he always judges issues from the standpoint of the aborigines, which is somewhat incomprehensible.

There is no special care for imperial immigrants, which is very different from the previous garrison commanders in Dodan Town...

After the beast horde came, the nobles invariably chose to stand by and watch. Apart from wanting to see his true strength, they also hoped that when he encountered trouble, he could ask them to help him. At least he would be able to owe the local nobles a favor.

But no one expected that the ghost-striped red ants were so vulnerable. Suldak not only defeated their massive offensive, but also drove them out of the Dodan Canyon.

The hard carapace of the soldier ants covered the grassland by the river outside the town. It was everywhere on the grassland. It looked like a piece of terracotta from a distance.

At this time, the nobles found that they had missed the best time to make friends with Commander Suldak, so Suldak came to Dodan Town for more than two months, but he didn't know the local nobles.

The taxation of the small town actually touched the interests of the nobles.

In the past in Dodan Town, nobles had tax-free privileges.

However, I heard that Commander Suldak was behind the Batra tax collector. In order to avoid being troubled by Commander Suldak, the nobles paid the same amount of taxes recently.

In this way, everyone passed through this beast tide period in peace.

No one expected that Commander Suldak would attend Baron Marin Martino's ball when the beast tide was about to subside.

Presumably, he should take this opportunity to get in touch with the nobles in Dodan Town.


In fact, when chatting with Commander Suldak, I found that the commander is not difficult to communicate with. Although his conversation is not very humorous, he is not exaggerated or violent.

He can hold a wine glass, stand by the dance floor and chat casually, and his personality is very easy-going.

Holding a glass of rum blended with honey and lemon juice, Suldak raised his glass and said to the nobles: "This is the season when the town of Dodan calms down the beast horde, I think this victory would not be possible without everyone's support. ...It is because of your support that Duodan Town has a broader future. Although you have tax-free privileges, you are willing to pay taxes in Duodan Town. This is the most commendable..."

While Suldak was talking with a glass of wine, the nobles noticed that the noble badge on the commander's chest was a viscount badge.

Moreover, he also expressed everyone's fear of him in such a selfless way, as if he was really contributing his own strength to the development of Duodan Town.

Of course, many noble ladies and noble ladies in the ball square did not understand the mystery of this, and thought that the nobles paid taxes, and they were really thinking about the future.

After Suldak finished speaking, there was applause all around, and the nobles present immediately felt that although the garrison commander had a stronger personality, he was still quite a good person.

In the eyes of the noble ladies and ladies, the commander of Suldak suddenly became taller, and the commander in front of him was obviously a viscount with many achievements in battle. Doing academic research at home is more attractive to ladies.

Although Selena held Suldak's arm almost the whole time, there were still many noble ladies looking towards this side, their eyes full of expectation.

Probably to encourage Suldak to go over and invite them to dance together.

The noble ladies are not as reserved as the noble ladies. They saw the opportunity and leaned over to ask Suldak about various things, making themselves look like ignorant girls.

After a few conversations, I learned that Suldak was born in Hailansa. The local nobles in Dodan Town had migrated from Bena Province one after another for decades. Lanza also had some understanding, and when talking about the customs there, the topic suddenly became vivid.

Someone in the crowd took the opportunity to taunt and taunt: "Oh, so you are a resident of the Tarapagan area, no wonder you look so brave, if you didn't see the noble badge on your chest, you would have thought you were from the Bailin plane What about the natives..."

Suldak raised his head, and the man quickly shut his mouth again.

So I asked him: "It seems that you are very familiar with Tarapagan, I don't even know you, can you introduce who you are and where is your hometown?"


The man's face turned green and white, and he quickly left the crowd with a embarrassed expression.

A group of women laughed and laughed from behind, and that person didn't dare to look back.

Suldak didn't want to ask about the identity of that person at first, but a lady next to her with a folding fan covering her red lips and smiling coquettishly interjected, "Master Commander, don't you take his family's The cooked leather workshop has been sealed off, so you don’t know him yet?”

"I saw a young man who claimed to be the owner of the workshop, but I haven't seen him," Suldak said.

The lady exuded a strong smell of perfume, took the opportunity to lean over, puffed out her chest, and said to Suldak: "The young man you saw must be Derek, that is his brother .”

Seeing that Suldak didn't intend to ask carefully, the noble lady rolled her eyes, raised her thin eyebrows, and asked Suldak:

"I heard that you want to build a riverside wooden house by the river?"

Suldak glanced at the nobles around him, and said directly:

"That's right, because of the northern city wall, the current Duodan Town has no room for northward development."

"In the future, when the town develops to the south, it will definitely cross the river to the south of the town. The land along the river will always be swallowed up by Dodan Town."

"The Dodan River is the only source of water for the town. I hope the river is clean and clear."

"The leather-cooking workshop and the printing and dyeing workshop pollute the river seriously. I don't think everyone wants to drink the water in their stomachs, which smells like leather, so these two workshops must be moved away from the riverside. go out."

"As of now, the printing and dyeing workshop of the tailor's shop has been moved away, and only this cooked leather workshop is left. I hope that before my patience disappears, it can disappear before my eyes..."

Suldak said: "I plan to build a high-end lakeside wooden house there, and the aborigines slum area will also enter the renovation stage soon, and the streets and houses must be standardized. You must want to know how the taxes paid are used in Where, this is what I want to tell you, in addition to the expenses required for the daily operation of the town hall, all tax money will be invested in the construction and daily maintenance of Dodan Town."

The nobles who participated in the ball all had some businesses in Dodan Town, and many of them were ranchers in the large grasslands south of the Thorn Mountains.

Of course, they are still quite concerned about the development of Dodan Town.

Suldak raised the wine glass in his hand and said to the nobles in the square:

"Let us drink this cup together for a better tomorrow in Dodan Town..."

Everyone raised their glasses of wine, and the atmosphere boiled to the extreme for a while.

Then Suldak said: "In order to make the town of Dodan more prosperous in the future, I plan to build a temple in the town dedicated to the goddess of the night and the goddess of dawn. On the square at the intersection with the wealthy district.”

The nobles in the town of Dodan are not familiar with these two goddesses. There is no temple of the Statue of Liberty in the town of Dodan, and now the priests of the Statue of Liberty have left. Now the town builds a temple dedicated to other goddesses in order to obtain new With God's blessing, the resistance is naturally not that great.

When the nobles heard what Suldak said, they immediately thought that he came to the ball to raise funds. Even though some people were curious, they still refrained from asking for specific details.

But the eyes of those ladies brightened. Dodan Town is a border town on the Bailin Plane, located in a remote northern valley. Daily life in this town is extremely monotonous. If a temple can be built, it may be able to pass the time. Less leisure time.

A lady couldn't help but asked Surdak, "Do you want us to raise some funds for the construction of the temple?"

Suldak shook his head resolutely and said: "Well, that's not the case. The funds for the construction of the temple have been collected. The aborigines here believe in the Evernight Goddess. Although their lives are relatively poor, they still take out some gold coins. Participated in the construction of the temple, I think the two goddesses will not mind too much, who spent money to build the temple..."

Hearing what Suldak said, the faces of the nobles present became a little strange, as if they had eaten a fly...

They thought that Suldak would be able to raise funds from them, but they didn't expect Suldak to say that there was enough money to build the temple.

Baron Martino stood beside Suldak and took the opportunity to ask Suldak:

"Commander, can we have a look at the construction plan of the temple?"

Suldak nodded briskly, and said, "Of course, I'll ask someone to fetch the plan..."

"If it's the map of Dodan Town, it can't be so troublesome. My house happens to have a sand table of Dodan Canyon, and the town of Dodan is also scaled down." Baron Martino stopped Suldak and said: "We can add the Temple of the Twin Goddesses to it..."

When the nobles heard what Baron Martineau said, they all shouted:

"That's a great idea!"

Suldak didn't refuse either, he glanced at Selina who had been acting as a vase by his side.

In fact, Selena had already placed a wooden temple model in front of Suldak last night.

It is said that this temple is very in line with the heart of Goddess Celine. She has communicated with the goddess about this matter. This temple has appeared in her dreams more than once. She often walks into this temple in her dreams, and even has feelings for it. How many steps are well known.

A group of people, led by Baron Martineau, walked into the building on the side of the manor.

When I walked inside, I found that there were several sand table models here, among which the sand tables of Wilkes City and Bena City were placed in the most conspicuous positions. Everyone exclaimed in unison for the superb carpentry skills of the sand table makers. , I didn't expect Baron Martino to be proficient in these.

When Martino walked in here, his whole face glowed with youth and brilliance.

He led everyone to a long and narrow sand table, which shaped a thorny mountain range, including the hills and mountains in the north and a part of the Invercargill forest.

The town of Dodan is only a small part of the sand table, but even so, the area of ​​the town is the size of a dining table, and all the buildings of the town are distributed at the entrance of the southern end of the Dodan Canyon.

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