Lord Highlander

Chapter 855: 844. Prom Fundraising 2

Unexpectedly, Baron Marin Martineau is actually a geographer and architect, who is good at making sand tables of various complex terrains, and has some research on many large buildings.

Standing in front of the sand table, Suldak carefully looked at this exquisitely crafted sand table, and found that at least the mountains around Dodan Town were accurate.

Moreover, the town of Dodan on the sand table is also very lifelike. The Baron Martino asked Suldak enthusiastically: "Master Commander, where is the location you chose to build the temple?"

Suldak quickly pointed out the location of the intersection square from the sand table.

It happened to be the junction of the poor area and the rich area, and this was considered the edge of the town.

Baron Martineau looked at the site selection, but did not make any statement. Instead, he walked to a wall and slowly opened the curtain beside the wall.

Close to the wall is a row of oak shelves, and on these shelves are placed various wooden buildings, he walked to a wooden shelf, pointed to the wooden buildings above, and said to Surdak: "I have seen Almost all of the classic temple styles are here, I wonder which one was chosen by Commander Suldak?"

Some nobles were amazed when they saw the large and small models on the wooden shelves.

Several friends of Baron Martino couldn't help teasing him: "Marin, are you showing off your little toy houses to everyone again?"

Baron Martino waved his hands a little speechlessly, with a disdainful expression on his face.

Several friends of Baron Martineau laughed and said:

"Hey, it's like this every time... How long will it take you to realize that the town of Dodan doesn't need to have such beautiful buildings."

Surdak walked over, these fist-sized wooden houses, the rubble of the doors and windows, and even the reliefs on the walls and the statues on the roof were all vividly carved.

He was about to speak when he heard a lady ask curiously:

"Count Martineau, why don't you build a house of this magnificent style yourself?"

Baron Martineau said with some embarrassment: "Um, didn't you realize that the manor I live in is also one of them?"

Several friends of Baron Martineau burst into laughter again, and said loudly: "That's right, it's the worst one."

"Actually, this is probably the so-called high-sightedness..."

Baron Martineau was not annoyed when he saw the sarcasm of these friends, and justified himself casually:

"I can't take care of everyone. After all, everyone's aesthetics are different. You like slender and well-proportioned, and he likes round and full. The specifics of beauty and ugliness actually depend on your own heart."

A group of nobles chatted casually by the wooden frame.

However, Suldak carefully selected exquisite wood carvings.

In fact, in terms of appearance alone, among these exquisite woodcarving models, there are almost five models that are similar to the outline of the temple described by Selena, but only half, because the temple that Suldak is going to build is the temple of the two goddesses.

This is not to say that the two goddesses should stand on the altar of a temple at the same time, but that the two temples are built back to back, and there are relatively independent gates.

Suldak took out two wooden models on the wooden stand, put them together, then walked back to the sand table, and placed them on the square at the crossroads.

The model was a little too big, and it barely fit into the open space of the sand table town square, and it was crowded all of a sudden.

Looking at it this way, you will feel that the space left must be very narrow, and even the magic caravan cannot pass by the roadside.

Suldak pointed to the model and introduced seriously: "The so-called Temple of the Two Goddesses is the Temple of the Dawn Goddess and the Temple of the Night Goddess. Although these two goddesses do not have many believers and the source of power they master is very limited, they are precisely Because they have fewer believers, when you pray to them, it is often easier to get a response."

He paused a little, and then said:

"Those aborigines want to build the gate of the Temple of Dawn on the side close to the poor area, and the gate of the Temple of the Evernight is built on the side close to the rich area. I think it doesn't matter which direction the gate of the temple faces. question……"

Hearing what Suldak said, the nobles were slightly taken aback, and some quick-witted nobles immediately realized that someone stood up and said loudly:

"Wait...Commander, I disagree with your point of view."

The nobles communicated with each other with their eyes, and then everyone set their eyes on Baron Martineau.

Baron Martineau coughed lightly before saying:

"The direction of the gate of the temple should indeed be carefully considered. From the perspective of the astrologer, the gate of the Temple of Dawn faces the slums of the aborigines. The west side is open, and I would say that the gates of the Temple of Night should face west."

He paused for a moment, his eyes fell on the sand table building, and said:

"From a practical point of view, if we go to the temple to worship, it is very convenient to go to the Temple of the Night every time, but if we want to go to the Temple of the Dawn, we have to go around the slums... This is not only troublesome! And the two doors The gate will also influence our thoughts...it will make our bodies more willing to accept the Evernight Temple."

At this time, the noble ladies also gathered around, chattering around Suldak:

"Commander, can't you turn the gate of Dawn Temple towards us?"

Suldak hesitated, and said with some embarrassment:

"After all, they have paid for the construction of the temple, and it seems that it is not too much to ask for it..."

Baron Martino immediately stood up and said, "I think this temple should be more refined and grander. I would also like to ask you to carefully consider the direction of the gate of the Temple of Dawn. For this, I am willing to donate one hundred gold."

His friends taunted him again: "You just donated gold coins worth five horses? Martino, you are too stingy. I am willing to donate two hundred gold to the temple."

"I want to donate too..."

Then someone else said.

Suldak proposed to build the Temple of the Twin Goddess in Dodan Town, and the nobles began to talk about it.

Unexpectedly, in the sand table showroom, these nobles actually gave generously. The only requirement is to build this temple of the double goddess more gorgeously. No matter how much it costs, the gate of the temple of dawn must face the rich area. main street...

Suldak said that he should think about it carefully, but in fact he has asked Selena to record the names of these nobles, and of course these benefactors must faithfully follow their instructions.

Unexpectedly, the nobles would generously contribute money when they heard about the construction of the temple...

In fact, Suldak also plans to build a junior war academy, mainly to learn basic combat skills such as basic swordsmanship.

I also want to set up a health center in Duodan Town, at least so that patients can have a place where they can treat their diseases.

The slums here are bound to be relocated to the opposite side of the river, and the land in this slums will be built with colleges and health centers...

Estimated to raise a lot of money...

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