Lord Highlander

Chapter 857: 846. The Smuggler

A crescent moon hangs over Dodan Canyon.

The snow-like moonlight fell on the entire canyon, illuminating the dilapidated and depressed canyon.

The exit of the south gate of Duodan Town is still full of traffic at the moment.

Trucks form a caravan, waiting in line for customs clearance.

The security team of Dodan Town is responsible for this task. These trucks need to hold tax returns before they can drive the carriage out of Dodan Town.

Four sheriffs in light leather armor with Roman swords hanging from their waists, each holding a lantern in his hand, inspected the wagons one by one.

With the establishment of a complete tax system in Duodan Town, this is one of the tasks they are usually responsible for. Although there are a little more things, the security team members in the town have no complaints, and they have to be on duty every day. The south exit of the town.

As for the reason, nothing less than a little bit of gray income.

They dare not accept bribes and let vehicles without tax bills pass, but some private behaviors can occasionally bring them a little money for drinks.

Some merchants like to play side-by-side. They declare the duty on the four-wheeled truck full of goods, and then go back to the freight yard to load as much as possible. This part of the goods will not pay taxes.

Businessmen have become familiar with this routine recently, and the security team is not so strict.

Moreover, many businessmen like to leave Dodan Town at night, and they all want to take advantage of the dim light at night to hide their guilty conscience.


A convoy parked quietly behind the grassy slope in the dark.

Not far away is the rolling Dodan River, the sound of the flowing river can almost be heard clearly, the coachman sat curled up on the seat with some guilty conscience, it was not too cold at night, but each of these coachmen Wrapped in a blanket.

Several attendants jumped out of the carriage quietly, and one of the leaders waved his hand, and they quickly walked around the grassy slope in the dark to the south bank of the Dodan River.

As long as you cross this river, you can enter the aboriginal slums in Dodan Township.

The strip of land on the north bank of the river has been leveled out, leaving only a dilapidated leather workshop standing there alone. The leather racks in the yard are almost full of cooked leather, and these leathers are stacked in piles in the yard. , like tall haystacks.

The leader quietly ran to the river, carefully looked to both sides, he was very familiar with this place.

A hundred meters away on the left and right sides, there was a companion who was letting out the wind. They gestured to the leader that everything was normal, and the leader waved to the other side of the river.

The door of the leather-cooking workshop was quickly pushed open, and several shop assistants brought out bundles of leather from inside. They quickly ran to the river, and threw a thin rope tied with a stone across the river.

The leader on the opposite side of the river held the rope in his hand and pulled it hard, feeling that there was no problem.

Immediately afterwards, someone from the opposite bank brought out an inflated sheepskin raft from the leather workshop, and expertly tied two ropes to both ends of the raft.

After they put the bundles of leather on the raft, the leader on the opposite side led the men to pull the rope and drag the sheepskin raft to the south bank.

The width of the Dodan River is only more than ten meters, and the sheepskin raft full of leather soon reached the other side of the river.

The leader hurriedly greeted the attendants, carried the leather to the back of the grass slope, and loaded it into a four-wheeled truck...

The leather raft was pulled back by the opposite bank again, and the leather raft continued to be transported. Everything was done silently, and everyone's movements were very skilled. Obviously, this was not the first time this kind of thing was done.

After going back and forth more than ten times in a row, seven four-wheeled carriages were filled with leather goods.

But when the leader was pulling the last leather goods for the raft, he suddenly heard a sharp whistle in the silent night, and the whole slum area suddenly boiled over it.

There was the sound of rumbling horseshoes in the distance, almost instantaneously from far to near.

The leader who received the goods almost staggered and fell into the river in fright, then threw away the rope in his hand without hesitation, and fled to the grassy slope with a few frightened attendants.

While running, he said: "Their horses can't cross the river, we can escape as long as we run quickly..."

Hearing what the leader said, the footsteps of the attendants immediately accelerated a little, and a group of people almost ran back to the convoy.

The coachmen raised their whips and let the four-wheeled wagon drive slowly. When those people ran to the side of the wagon, they quickly jumped onto the wagon with the speed of running.

But the sound of horseshoes behind them didn't stop because of this. At the same time as the coachman galloped to the distance, a group of cavalry rode Gubolai horses and stepped directly across the Dodan River.

The splashed water looks extraordinarily crystal clear and pure under the snowy moonlight.

The war horse was not covered with thick hard armor, and the magic pattern on one leg showed a dim glimmer in the night.

These war horses had already brought their speed to the extreme. They rushed across the Dodan River, which was more than ten meters wide, in a few steps.

The neighing of war horses was heard far away in the night, and then these cavalrymen in black armor were like shadows in the dark night, sweeping towards the truck...

In an instant, they caught up with the convoy.

All the cavalrymen held bright knight swords. They didn't dismount, but walked to the front of the convoy and raised their swords.

The truck in the front was unwilling to stop at all, and wanted to rush past the cavalry under the urging of the coachman.


The cavalry shouted almost simultaneously.

The cavalryman, who was watching the carriage approaching, slashed the knight's long sword in his hand, and the long sword, which became bright under the moonlight, accurately cut on the horse's head.

A spray of blood sprayed out and splashed the coachman's face.

The coachman only felt that the horse in front suddenly fell short and fell on the grass with a bang. The carriage full of goods continued to rush forward by inertia, and the iron-clad wheels crushed the fallen Gu Bolai. on the horse.

The wheels are on the horse.

The whole body was raised high and overturned on the grass.

The coachman was crushed under the carriage, with one leg pinned by the shaft.

Seeing such a scene, the carriage behind did not dare to rush forward again. Several carriage drivers pulled the reins knowingly, slowed down the speed of the carriage, and stopped in front of the cavalry with ashen faces.

The cavalry still did not dismount, and quietly surrounded the convoy.

A coachman secretly unhooked the reins of a Gu Bolai horse, quickly turned on the horse, and was about to ride on the horse's back while the cavalry were not paying attention. Rush out like an arrow from the string.

In a few seconds, the horse rushed more than ten meters.

And that group of cavalry didn't even think about chasing them, and didn't even take a second look.

Just after he rushed out for more than 30 meters, a sharp arrow flashing with lightning pierced through the darkness, caught up with the fleeing coachman in an instant with the sound of "crackling" arcs, and the arrow passed through the back of the coachman , The moment it came out, it sank into Gu Bolaima's back again.

Both the man and the horse fell on the grass at the same time, and the body rolled a few meters away before stopping, and the blood kept gushing out.

The coachman's body twitched for a long time before he gradually calmed down.

The leader of the convoy didn't expect that these cavalrymen would shoot anyone who dared to run without saying a word. He was so scared that his crotch became hot, and a stream of heat flowed out along the legs of his trousers.

At this moment, everyone in the team knew that the choice of life and death was only in their own mind.

Everyone squatted on the ground, trying to hide their trembling bodies...

It wasn't until the Bartra tax officer and the town security team rushed over from the grass that these coachmen and attendants crawled over as if seeing their relatives, hugging Bartra tax officer's thigh. cry.

Sadness, remorse, fear and countless emotions poured out.

And the Batra tax officer was also considered to have stolen the money, and took the leather smugglers back to Dodan Town.

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