Lord Highlander

Chapter 858: 847. Viscount Dalton

The Batra tax collector was lying on the big bed in his mistress's house when his followers reported to him about the accident in the Dalton family's leather workshop.

In the recent period, with the gradual improvement of the taxation system, Tax Officer Bartra has grown from a little-known tax officer in Dodan Town to a very popular figure in the eyes of countless businessmen. As long as he nods, he will take the initiative to invite him to eat and drink people, able to line the street from his office.

His mistress is a baron widow. Her husband accidentally fell to his death while riding a horse three years ago. After she inherited the inheritance, she raised her two sons in the town in a low-key manner.

At that time, the Batra tax officer gave the census officer of Dodan Town 20 gold coins, so no one in the town arranged for the remarriage of the noble widow. He will be invited to sit at home, and everyone will get what they need.

But recently, Bartra's tax collector's value in Dodan has skyrocketed, and the relationship between him and his mistress has also heated up again.

He was called out from his mistress' bedroom by his cronies, and climbed into the magic caravan while lifting his pants.


After receiving the report, the Bartra tax officer rushed to the scene.

When they arrived at the south gate of the town, the captain of the security team was already waiting at the gate. When he saw the Batra tax officer rushing over, he went to the Batra tax collector's side.

The two rushed to the scene of the incident outside the town with a group of subordinates.

When they arrived at the scene of the incident outside the town, they saw a convoy surrounded by a cavalry battalion, and everyone squatted on the ground trembling.

Not far away lay the bodies of a horse and a coachman.

As a native of Dodan Town, Batra tax officer recognized the group of people in front of him at a glance. They are a local caravan in Dodan Town, and usually have some business dealings with the Dalton family. Look at these carriages There are rolls of leather on it, so you don't need to ask anyone what happened, you can tell at a glance that they are evading taxes.

Seeing the caravan steward hugging his thigh, pleading with snot and tears.

The Batra tax officer was also in a dilemma for a while, and some didn't know what to do.

The captain of security beside him was also looking at tax officer Batra, trying to ask him what he should do.

"Bring these people and the carriage back to the town hall. If this one dies, notify his family to collect the body. If no one claims it, it will be sent to the public cemetery for burial." At this time, Bartra tax officer could only bite the bullet and say .

It will be easier for someone to stand up and speak out.

The security team immediately took over the task of escorting the smugglers and brought everyone back to the town hall.

The cavalry from the garrison camp then withdrew to the north bank of the Dodan River, where the leather workshop was also in chaos.

Batra's tax collector was busy all night before taking all these smugglers back to the town hall and recording them one by one.


There is no dungeon on the Town Hall side either, so the group of merchants and workers from the leather-boiler workshop were locked in rooms on the first floor of the Town Hall, and the carriages were parked in the garden yard.

One of the stewards of the cooked leather workshop also said to the Bartra tax officer: "We are all doing things for Viscount Dalton. Even if you catch us here now, it won't take long. How can you take us into town?" The government hall, how will we be sent back when the time comes."

"And my master, Viscount Dalton, you have no right to lock us up..."

"Before Viscount Dalton takes you out of the town hall, you'd better be quiet." Bartra tax officer stood at the door of the room, yelling at the workshop craftsmen who kept making loud noises in the room.

After working all night, he had dark circles under his eyes and was a little irritable.

Originally, this time of day was when he was sitting at the dining table drinking sweet tea, but now he could only be busy in the town hall on an empty stomach.

In any case, the mood is unlikely to be good.

Walking out of this corridor, Bartra tax officer asked the chief of security: "Have you sent someone to notify Viscount Dalton?"

"I've already sent people to Dalton Manor to keep an eye on it. I think they should have received the news about such a big event." The chief of security lowered his voice.

"Where's the mayor of Suldak?" the Batra tax officer asked again.

The security captain patted his forehead hard, and said with annoyed expression: "I almost forgot, I will send someone to deliver the news..."

The two of them walked out from the hall of the town hall while talking, and stood beside the flower pond full of four-wheeled trucks. They took out a cigarette from their pockets, and casually took a couple of puffs to refresh themselves.

Mrs. Luna came down from a magic caravan with her maid, and passed by the yard with her long skirt, only to find seven four-wheeled wagons parked in the yard, which were full of bundles of leather goods. Holding the plate, there are two crispy egg tarts exuding a creamy and sweet taste.

Mrs. Luna stopped and looked at these magic caravans.

Then I saw the Batra tax officer sitting next to the flower pond. He was chatting with the chief of security with a cigarette in his hand.

Mrs. Luna looked at the carriages and asked the captain of the security what happened last night.

The member saw that it was Mrs. Luna, the acting mayor, and told her what happened last night.

Mrs. Luna covered her mouth and nose with the back of her hand, blinked her eyes with smoky makeup, and walked upstairs without saying anything.

"Derek Dalton is not only reckless, but also really stupid." When she reached the second floor, she stopped and told the maid beside her: "By the way... If Viscount Dalton comes to the Town Hall, Remember to have someone notify me."

"Okay, madam." The maid quickly agreed.

Mrs. Luna walked into her office and did not start working immediately, but stood by the window and looked into the yard through the gap in the curtain.

Then her eyes climbed to the snow-capped peaks of the Thorns.

Thinking of the continuous war in Dodan since Mayor Suldak came to Dodan.

At the same time, some malignant tumors in the town have been eliminated one after another.


After the four members of the security team arrived at Dalton Manor last night, they did not break into the manor to arrest Baron Derek Dalton.

Except for the guards of the Dalton family guarding the gate, civilians broke into the nobles' houses without authorization. If they were accidentally injured by the guards of the manor, the nobles would not be responsible.

The security team failed to enter Dalton Manor, but squatted outside the front door and the back of the manor.

After waiting all night, they found out that Viscount Dalton mysteriously left the manor in a magic caravan early in the morning.

Members of the security team quickly returned to the town hall of Dodan to report the situation, only to find that Viscount Dalton's magic caravan had driven into the courtyard of the town hall.

The well-dressed Viscount Dalton walked slowly out of the magic caravan with a cane in his hand.

Without even looking at the four-wheeled truck in the yard, he walked straight into the town hall with a stern face.

Behind him was the young aristocrat Derek Dalton, who had had a dispute with Suldak in front of the leather-boiling workshop, and the ponytailed workshop manager, who was not wearing overalls today. It was a pair of clean and straight breeches and a vest, which looked very capable.

Viscount Dalton went straight to Suldak's office, knocked on the door, and walked in after getting a response.

The two young men behind him were waiting at the door and did not go in with him.

Viscount Dalton walked into the room, walked straight to Suldak's desk and sat down, holding a cane in one hand, staring at him with sharp and bright eyes like a falcon, and asked, "You are the mayor of Suldak? "

Suldak stopped the quill in his hand, looked up at Viscount Dalton, and replied, "That's right, it's me."

Viscount Dalton said very directly: "I am Viscount Higgin Dalton, I heard that you are sending the security team to investigate Derek?"

"The security team is investigating Baron Derek Dalton because they suspect that he has something to do with a smuggling case in the town." Surdak was not affected by his tone at all, and replied neither humble nor overbearing.

Viscount Dalton raised his golden eyebrows, raised his proud chin and said, "I brought Derek..."

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